• Member Since 20th Jun, 2015
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Notice Me Senpai

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Back Home At Last · 2:06am Jun 30th, 2015

So after a long and grueling flight, we made it to Toronto. I don't handle flying that well, so I was blowing chunks into the paper bag they gave me for the whole trip! That was the farthest thing from lady-like I have done in awhile. But regardless, I somehow managed to survive the whole ordeal. The time difference from here and Alaska is plus four hours, so my adoptive parents have gone to bed while me and my partner are cooking supper. I need something in my stomach after that plane ride…

Comments ( 133 )

Are you going to tell them tomorrow?

3193587 Yes. Dad's off work for tomorrow, so we should have lots of time then.

3193593 Good to hear. There shouldn't be any problems anyway - don't sweat it.

3193616 If you're nervous, just start planning out what you're going to say to start off the conversation and how you would reply to any questions they may ask you.

3193624 Okay, I'll get Naomi to practice with me too.

3193627 You've got this.

3193629 Thanks for the support, Jake.

3193642 I'll always be there.

3193660 Did you guys enjoy your trip?

3193666 It was memorizing! My favorite country to visit was Britain but Naomi thought Germany was her favorite.

3193678 Sounds cool. I would settle just for leaving the state - I've never done that.

3193693 I see, well its a big world out there, filled with many amazing sights and people. I hope you get to experience even a part of that one day. :pinkiesmile:

3193700 As soon as I can, I'm going to move. Probably to Austin, TX.

3193701 Texas is an interesting place. I've only been to Dallas, though. Why Texas may I ask?

3193708 Austin is warmer, a major population center, known for its nice people, and his home to my favorite company.

3193710 That sounds nice, good weather and good people are a great combination.

3193725 If I could move, I would go to Vancouver, British Colombia. I really like rain and beaches, not to mention several of my online friends are from there.

3193738 Seems legit. I've never really checked out what that area was like.

3193741 Vancouver is like most coastal cities, just with a really friendly atmosphere.

3193749 Seems nice.

Did you guys put any more thought into your ponysonas?

3193767 In between my gagging on the flight we were talking about it, but nothing substantial has come up. I think we're just too worried about our parents right now to have a real in-depth conversation about it, sorry.

3193772 I was just curious - no rush. That makes perfect sense and was expected.

Sorry for taking so long to reply - I was posting the summary of one of my stories on my first blog (meaning it's a reply on that post). Feel free to check it out.

3193791 Interesting, I will make sure to! :pinkiesmile:

3193795 Did you find it all right? I didn't know if I was specific enough.

3193898 The blog about an OC story, right?

3193914 Yes, I think it's called "A Simple Request."

3193919 So you wanted help with an OC story? Like what makes a good OC?

3193924 That blog is a bit dated, but yes. I was just asking for general opinion on what makes an OC good so I can improve my story concepts. I just put a story summary on there so I could see what people thought of it before I start the final draft.

3193926 So what's the story about?

3193931 Did you read the summary? That's Polaris' origin story. The overall story series follows 6 OCs on their adventures as the Fates (from Greek Mythology) set their stories awry. Polaris is one of those 6 OCs. The first story arc covers each character's origins, and then after that they have all manner of adventures. But throughout each story, they subtly and indirectly affect one another and they're affected by canon events. Each character's series of stories will have a theme, and each theme will be different, but all of them tie in to Destiny (both the idea and the Greek Goddess).

3193942 I couldn't find the summery, sorry. But it sounds like quite the undertaking. :pinkiegasp:

3193945 This is Polaris' origin story. Note that any of this might be changed and that the elaborations are for me while I write it.

Title: A Light in the Darkness

Description: A mare with an unusual gift finds herself looking to the stars as she navigates a sea of uncertainty and sorrow; is her destiny really written in the stars and is her gift actually a curse?

The Nebula
Setting and birth
The Dawn
Early age
The Star
Personality starts to shine through
The Void
Mother dies, depression
The Flare
Sonic Rainboom, gets into astronomy, meets Forgotten
The Eclipse
Fates mess with schedules so Solar leaves Forgotten in a field and he leaves her
The Comet
Destiny tells her about Forgotten and gives her hope
The Nova
She starts becoming bolder and more prideful, starts rejoining society
The Equilibrium
She tries to find balance in where she belongs in society, befriends others

Opening Theme:

Ending Theme:

Forgotten Hope's (Side OC) Theme:

To summarize the story, it is going to follow Polaris from her birth to when she meets the other OCs. When she is born, she inherits her mother's horn and her father's wings. This causes the townsfolk and her father to see her as a freak. Her mother is the only one that actually cares for her and often takes her out into the woods to star gaze and comfort her. After a few years, Solar still doesn't think much of all the negativity people give her - at least not until her mother passes away.

Without her mother to protect her from it, the others' anger and negativity hit her full force. One night she finds herself running away from home to the safety of the woods after an argument with her father. As she cries and basically has a meltdown, she finds herself sitting in the clearing she used to sit in with her mother. This is when the Sonic Rainboom occurs. The flash from it gets her attention and causes her to look to the sky, where the flash has brought out its full beauty. Reminded of the time she spent with her mother under the stars, she remembers her love of the stars. As she spends more and more time with the stars, she comes to see them as family and often finds herself comparing herself to the stars. This repeats for quite some time until she stumbles upon a stallion by the name of Forgotten Hope. He too, is an alicorn, and they often find that they are quite similar, except he has lost hope for pony-kind and has grown to hate them, while she still has hope that things will get better. They often argue about their different views, but still manage to grow close.

She starts to become more positive, more bold, and more herself (it even manages to rub off on him a little) until one day, in a fit of anger, Forgotten leaves her. Heartbroken, her fears and pains return to her. She starts to fall back into depression, and begins to relapse. This continues until she finds an odd and mysterious spool of thread in the clearing. As she examines it, it unravels to create a magical window that shows her Forgotten. By watching him, she finds out that he regretted his decision and might be planning on returning to her. The window then acts as a mirror, showing her tear-streaked face and the stars above her. Realizing that she has become the thing her ideals contradicted most, she starts to feel comfort once again. She quickly turns to glance behind her when she feels what felt like a hoof on her shoulder. As she does so, she ends up bumping the mirror into a new angle. As she examines the mirror to check for any damages, she sees the flash of a star in the new reflection, and it draws her gaze to that corner of the image. When she does look at that corner of the reflection, she sees a cloaked figure standing on a ledge some ways behind her. Startled, she snaps to the direction of this unexpected visitor to find they are no longer there. Upon turning once again, she finds the magical spool of thread has similarly disappeared. She spends the rest of the night wondering what is to come.

Filled with renewed vigor, the next day she doesn't go out of her way to avoid people like she usually does. She begins to act herself, no matter what others think or do about it. She continues with this improved lifestyle and eventually runs into the other OCs. With new friends and new confidence, her life improves dramatically. She struggles to find balance in where she fits in in her new life and the story closes with her flashing a concealed smile as she spots Forgotten watching from the forest.

3193953 That sounds really cool! So when do you think you will publish it?

3193962 I'm not sure. I'm still trying to plan out some stories that occur after this one so I know what order they come in. That probably won't take long though. I've also been trying to design her appearance so I can order the Cover Art. Then it's just a matter of not being lazy...

3193970 Well I'll be waiting for it! :pinkiesmile:

3193976 I'm looking forward to having fun with the villains. Do you think the name Biohazard works for an evil genius/mad doctor?

3193986 I think its a fine name.

3193988 He's a good way to bring in all sorts of things, like zombies, robots, viruses, mutants, etc.

There are 7 main protagonists and 7 (9 if you count the Fates as separate) main antagonists,but there's a ton of secondary OCs too. I think I'm up to 56 OCs now... :applejackconfused:

3193995 Wow, that's gotta take a lot to remember them all.

3193997 About 24 of those are filler OCs though.

3194000 Still a lot of characters! :pinkiegasp:

3194005 I have everything recorded on a Google Doc.

3194010 If I don't use Google Docs, then I forget to save and lose my progress. :facehoof:

Of the main 6 OCs, there's Polaris, Dungeon Crawler, Steelwing, Silverheart, Scarlet Rose, and Mind Fracture. I'd probably have to choose Fracture as my favorite - as an unrelated coincidence, he's the one most based off myself.

3194015 I see. I'm trying to get a story of my own done, but its not as grandiose as yours.

3194020 Curses! Big words, my only weakness...

Jk. I'm also going to make a regular story that's unrelated to my OCs every once in a while.

Can you guess what's special about Mind Fracture?

3194021 Something similar to mind breaking I'm guessing? Like insanity maybe?

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