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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes

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Auction/Funny story · 8:45pm Jul 3rd, 2015

Yes! Ponyville Bachelor Auction shall have a update soon! Hopefully it will have a lot of updates soon if plans between Jake and I go well! There is a lot going on with that story, so it has been a lot of work to make sure everything is great for our fans! That being said, this is why it takes so long. I work 60+ hours a week, and Jake does crazy amount of stuff for the Army... there is no free time.

In other news, I want to share a fun drinking story with all of you! This is a story about my time in Vegas last summer and drinking with one of my dad's business' associates. I want to start by saying I love my dad, I wish I could be more like him in almost every way, except his alcohol tolerance, because he has none. I am not sure how he doesn't have one since my German and Russian side comes from him, I guess you need that wee bit of Irish to be a perfect drinker. But that is a whole other story.

Well during my first day in Vegas I decided to explore the strip, and if any of you remember that story I lied my ass off the entire time! I kept telling casinos I was a writer for Marvel Comics to get a behind the scene looks at the casinos. I got to go to the pull of Caesar's Palace, Pent rooms of the Luxor, and the top rooms at MGM. During this time, I also got free drinks from the very beautiful waitresses there, so needless to say by the time I got back to the hotel my dad and I were staying at I was a bit tipsy. Going to my room, I got a bottle of water and was going to relax for awhile.

While relaxing, my dad comes in and goes "Good your back! Now we are going to dinner with my partners and I need you to be really good friends with my partner from Hawaii. You remember him right? We are going to his favorite Japanese restaurant and... are you drunk?"

My dad asked this because I started to get up and I stumbled a bit. I then proceeded to explain to him what I did that day, and all he did was stare at me till I was done. The look he had on his face was a mixture of humor and disappointment.

"First off, what you did was just brilliant! That is a Vegas story that you can't tell your mother. But I needed you to drink with him."

"Dad, I am good with drinking. I am sure it will be good."

"No, at this place he only drinks sake"

Now, I am sure that most of you know what sake is, if not you can look it up. At the time, all I could think about how cool that sounded to share a bottle of sake with a guy from Japan. So, with all my infinite wisdom, talked my dad into letting me go and drink with this guy. Thinking that we would share a bottle, some good food and everything would be done. Right?


This guy really loved to drink, and once my dad told him that I had never had sake before ordered the biggest bottle they had and shouted kampai with me, and soon I was having rice wine from a small cup. Now this can either be good or bad, depending on how you see drinking, but I kept up with this guy for most of the night. I am not sure how much we had, but knew it was more that two bottles of this wonderful substance. Before long, the two of us were laughing and drinking and telling each other funny stories. I even told him how I was a brony and was going to my first bronycon in a few weeks. He kept ordering new dishes for me to try, and like the drunken fool I was had them.

The next morning was terrible, and it wasn't because I was hungover, because I don't get hung over.

The combination of seafood and alcohol was a bad mix in my stomach. This did not help the fact that my dad later informed me I had shellfish as well witch I am allergic to. My next two days in Vegas revolved around me being in the hotel room wishing I was dead.

So that was my funny story! Look out for an Auction update hopefully Tuesday the 7th!

Comments ( 2 )

Ha, yes! That's awesome.

...Why do I suddenly want you to write a comedy with Mac doing similar things? :rainbowlaugh:

Sounds like you had a good time then, hope to see the update soon! :pinkiehappy:

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