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Spoiler Alert: Throne of Atlantis, Part Two · 1:07am Jul 7th, 2015

:pinkiesad2:: Yeah, I really wanted to like this scene when I saw it. It's pretty funny! But it's probably not the way you should introduce the most unappreciated superhero in the world, y'know?
:ajbemused:: Plus, the fact that he then gets inna bar fight ta save the lobster kinda oversimplifies his morals. Ah mean, c'mon, Aquaman understands the basic food chain! He eats fish himself!
We do, howe'er, find out that despite his superpowers, Arthur's got no idear why he's got 'em or where he comes from. He's just the son'a a divorced lighthouse owner who's got super-strength an' gills. We also find out that a scientist named Dr. Shin an' an Atlantean warrior woman named Mera are both separately keepin' an eye on 'im.
:twilightsheepish:: We then see Cyborg investigating the sub wreck. Like a lot of sci-fi creators, the artists gave him a breathing mask, but no form of protection for the human half of his cranium against the crushing pressures. He discovers that the wreck is missing its nuclear missiles before having to flee from Atlantean warriors. He calls the rest of the League, getting a response from the Flash, who's still a nice guy, and the Flash brings Green Lantern, who's still a flirty showboat, but not as heroic as usual.
:applejackunsure:: Shazam, aka Billy Batson, the kid who turns inta the World's Mightiest Mortal, also shows up. He's not unbearable, but he's certainly more'a a brat than usual. Ah don't get why DC seems ta think that kids only relate ta lazy smart alecks.

:duck:: We see Superman and Wonder Woman on a date, where Clark has given Diana normal clothes and glasses to disguise her, so they can have a normal date. It's a nitpick, but I'm not fond of this oversimplification. Clark Kent's secret identity requires a different posture, different mannerisms, a different voice, and many other slight changes to convince people that he's not Superman. It's certainly more complicated than they portray it here.
Also, Lois Lane shows up for no reason that's important to the plot. She also seems...oddly jealous. Now, if I understand correctly, Lois was married to Superman before 2011's, how do you say, retcon happened. So making it look like she still has feelings for Clark is probably not the way to endear us to this relationship.
:ajbemused:: An' then Cyborg and Shazam teleport right next ta the resteraunt in full costume ta pick up Supes and Wondah Woman. Brilliant job keeping their identities a secret, there.
:facehoof:: Now we've got everyone here...except Batman. So, because Batman doesn't answer his cell phone because he has no respect for others' time, Green Lantern goes to Gotham to fetch him. Where he tries to help Batman apprehend criminals, only for Batman to pettily insult him for capturing them and leaving them for the cops instead of interrogating them.
I....HATE this trope. First off, it is incredibly unrealistic for the World's Greatest Heroes, who are all perfectly competent, skilled, and intelligent in their own adventures, to be composed of a bunch of superpowered idiots and one unparalleled genius in group stories. It's also disrespectful to all the writers, artists, and fans of those other heroes. Second off, it is an abhorrent message for anyone watching that if you ARE the smart person in the room, you have the right to be rude to everyone and ignore any rule you don't agree with. Can you imagine if we, as the Elements of Harmony, were depicted like that?

:twilightsmile:: Fortunately, the next scene, showing the Justice League examining the sub, mostly depicts the League more fairly. While Batman leads the investigation, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Cyborg are all clearly insightful. They decide to investigate Atlantis, and Superman and Batman go to investigate the leading expert on Atlantis, Dr. Shin.
:applejackconfused:: In Atlantis, we find that Prince Orm, wit' the help'a his underling Black Manta, were responsible fer the attack on the sub. His ma, Queen Atlanna, feels that the move was reckless. But Orm blames the surface folk fer the death'a his pa, who died in a volcano that erupted cause'a the alien attack in the first movie.
...he DOES realize that a war wit' aliens woulda affected Atlantis no matter what, right? An' he does know that Manta's a surface man livin' with a breathin' mask, doesn't he?

Report nightcrawlerfan · 407 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

maybe the lack of helmet is because his skull is cybernetically strengthened?

3214313 I'd still expect his flesh and his one organic eye to be damaged. Plus, given how much Cyborg's armor has increased lately anyway, I'm holding on to the organic parts he's still got. Keeps him human, literally and figuratively.

:twilightsheepish:: We then see Cyborg investigating the sub wreck. Like a lot of sci-fi creators, the artists gave him a breathing mask, but no form of protection for the human half of his cranium against the crushing pressures.

I've always wondered why no one shoots at his face.

:facehoof:: Now we've got everyone here...except Batman. So, because Batman doesn't answer his cell phone because he has no respect for others' time, Green Lantern goes to Gotham to fetch him. Where he tries to help Batman apprehend criminals, only for Batman to pettily insult him for capturing them and leaving them for the cops instead of interrogating them.

At least Nathan Fillion's Green Lantern is more charming than the last one.

3243517 I dunno. Poor aim? Though that certainly wouldn't excuse Deathstroke.
And, as Twilight is more than aware, neither me nor the girls have seen Justice League: War yet, so I can't really comment on that version of Green Lantern. Other than to say that being less charming than Nathan Fillion isn't the worst criticism in the world.

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