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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Beyond the Borderlands: Mega Post and News! · 7:53pm Jul 7th, 2015

News featured in this post:
More Q&A Questions Answered
The Dusk Guard Saga fan-art contest
Crystal Mountain Pony Con Panel

Yep, there's a lot going on for these next few weeks! :rainbowderp: Rather than have my usual preamble, today I'm just jumping straight in, because there's a lot to cover! We've got Q&A questions to answer, a fan-art contest to announce, and an upcoming convention with panels to talk about! So let's get to it!

Beyond the Borderlands Q&A Session 2
Note: Questions are truncated for simplicity

Right! Our first question comes from AlouetteSK, who posed the following question:

I know that Humans are strictly banned, but are there any other species in Equestria that have the "I negate magic" trait? Are there any that have an anti-magic sub-culture? I mean we see the unicorn-supremacists, but just wondering if there are any other malevolent or bigoted factions out there as well?

In order then! Thus far, of the races I've worked with, no. And yes, you're right about humans being off limits. But there are no species that negate magic as a default. Given magic's prevalence in the world's makeup, that would be a bit like a species on Earth not being a carbon-based life form.

Now, as far as resistance goes, you'll find species that can resist or prove difficult to ensnare with magic, but they don't negate it—they're just resistant to outside magical influences (dragon-scale, minotaurs) and rather more difficult to deal with where magic is concerned.

As far as anti-magic sub-cultures, if The Order of the Red Horn can exist on the fringes of society, then there are doubtless other groups out there that have less than kind intentions regarding magic. At one point there was a small sub-plot in a chapter of Beyond regarding another group of ponies who lived on the outskirts of the Plainslands who didn't believe that Celestia or Luna existed because they had a deep dislike for the immortals as even a concept. This sub-plot was cut (so it's not canon now, just fyi) as it didn't work as well as another way of approaching the same conversation. But it's a big world, and doubtless there are other small groups out there that have less than wonderful intentions regarding magic, immortals, other species ... etc. The world Equestria is part of may be a pretty nice world most of the time, but it's vast, not entirely explored, and has a history that has left it with some scars. And what's to stop a small group of like-minded individuals from getting together (like Starlight Glimmer showed).

Thanks for reading!

Next up, we have Bugsydor, with two questions to ask!

Here's a question: We've already seen that you don't have to be a gryphon to be a gryphon blademaster. Are there any non-zebra zebra sages (or whatever Sabra is or is training to be)?

I'm not sure if you've gone over this already, but how do the markings on zebra flanks relate to pony cutie marks?

Non-zebra sages? That's a good question. I'd never actually thought about it, but I wouldn't see why not. The Zebra culture heavily values knowledge and thought, and I can't at all see one of the monastery's turning away a seeker of knowledge simply because they were not a zebra. Maybe during a time of war or some other dangerous event, but on a day to day basis? They're a fairly thoughtful culture, I can't see them turning anyone away.

So yes, then. I've not thought about whether or not there are any currently, but given their long relations with the Griffon Empire and other nations, combined with their endless search for knowledge, there are bound to have been non-zebra who have joined the monasteries and become Master Sage.

And yes, the marks on Zebra flanks are cutie marks, same as ponies. Their culture values them, but doesn't make as large a deal out of them (read MASSIVE parties) as Equestrian Culture does, though again, they still value them. It's more considered a sign of "Hey, you're good at this."

Thanks for reading!

Next up, Foxfax with a bundle of questions! Divided up for ease of reading.

As I assume there are just as many bigoted idiots in each of the races as there are in humanity in terms of ratios, are there any "Nobody here but us chickens" towns? Not like Griffonstone in canon where there are only griffons but they don't care if you're a pony, or the Bloody Tip where they'll at least hire and/or tolerate you if you're useful, I mean places where "you don't go if you're black/white" kinda deal.

No. And by that I mean no to the first part of your question that you based everything on, the "just as many bigoted individuals in terms of ratios" part. In the past (especially during the time when the pony races were divided) it was a different story, but for the most part the nations do pretty well, not in acceptance of other species and capabilities, but in acceptance of their own.

As far as "don't go there" the Bloody Tip definitely counts. You might not have noticed in the reading, but that place is only unicorns of the Order. The pirates are never mentioned as setting foot inside it. You want to die a horrible death, go there as a member of any species. They're not picky. Other places around the world though? Not so much. Most places are less about "what you look like" and nice little labels and are more about who you are and what you contribute.

I must admit, this question is pretty vague, and could be spun a number of ways, so I'll try to clarify: Inside the nations mentioned in the story, barring obvious exceptions like the Bloody Tip, you could safely walk around as any species save perhaps one that has openly been at war at the moment. So if you somehow appeared as a griffon in say ... Janeighca, or a Minotaur in the Plainslands, don't expect to be treated any differently in a negative fashion for the most part (you might have kids staring and going "whoa, cool" or the Janeighcan's might use it as an excuse to throw a party). There's always going to be jerks, or ponies like in Ponyville who just have no idea what to do, but they're not going to be openly hostile unless you're antagonistic.

Bottom line? They're doing much better than us in general at judging based on action rather than surface-labels that are so popular (especially in the US) these days, though like all nobody (or pony) is perfect.

Is Blademaster similar to Grandmaster in the Leroverse or Judo belt ratings IRL, where there is a major element of spreading your skill about by training others, or is entirely based on your individual skills as a fighter like in Muay Thai?

I'll admit, I have NO idea what the Leroverse is. If it's anime, I definitely have less than zero knowledge. But it's the second one. Blademaster is more explored in the first Dusk Guard Saga story (Rise, if you haven't read it), but in order to become a Blademaster, one must defeat three other Blademasters in single combat to prove their combat prowess. This can be in any situation, be that a private duel or a war, as long as it is one on one. A defeat is a defeat. Naturally, this makes it hard for newcomers to become a Blademaster, though it is always advised that one who wishes to do so pick their opponents carefully (generally, you want to face one who you'll have a chance of beating) to capitalize on your strengths. Currently there are something like two hundred or so living Blademasters.

Are there different terms for the two, can-teach-but-can't-fight-for-real (like Zoro's swordmaster in One Piece and the One True Yoda ;) ) vs can't-teach-but-is-an-awesome-a**kicker (Kenshiro, Fist of the North Star) or kick-your-ass-but-by-***-you'll-learn-from-it?

Depends on where you go. In the Griffon Empire, you can certainly find those who will teach you the basics of combat quite readily ... but that's not what you asked. No, there are no different terms. Anyone who can teach you to fight knows how to fight ... even if they're too old to fight that well anymore. Unless it's just book knowledge, in which case you won't get super great learning, but a knowledge of the fundamentals.

Are there similar "native" styles for minotaurs or other races?

Of course. Just like earth, there are dozens upon dozens of different styles and martial skills just inside each culture. Griffons have them, ponies have them, minotaurs have them, horses have them, zebras have them ... even some diamond dogs tribes have them (dedicated styles). Martial arts are simply a part of culture and history (on Earth as well, if you know your history).

Thanks for reading!

Next up we have AuDragon with a single, simple question:

In how many chapters, specifically, will we see the original team again?

Ah-HAH! You though I wouldn't notice that stealthy little "number of chapters" thing, didn't you? No such luck, sorry. I'm not telling you how big Beyond the Borderlands is. You'll just have to keep reading to find out how long a journey it's going to be. I've given enough clues!

Now then, we will see Steel and the rest of the team before this story ends. And ... that's all I'll say on that topic actually. Yes, you will see them.

As to the other question, scroll down! Thanks for enjoying the saga!

Last but not least, we have Derpmind, who had the following to ask:

So sometimes authors put together stories where the setting is, well, huge. Settings where there are tons of details and secrets and small stories right around the corner. It can be astonishing how much has been created by the author's imagination. My question is, do you ever have ideas that fit in with the setting, but that you wouldn't want to include in any of your stories? Maybe things that you don't even want to hint at?

Yes, I have, actually. Usually they're ideas that I discard after a time, as I find that they either don't fit as well as they could or are just plain too outlandish to continue with. For example, one idea I had (and discarded, never fear) for book five was literally a time-travel plot. Character comes from the future determined to change the past, armed with a "Paradox Gauntlet" that will allow him to survive minor changes to the timeline, but not big ones, and the DG has to help him stop a calamity before it occurs, even though the character will never know if he succeeded in preventing that future, nor will they, but only that he succeeded in creating a future where he as he was would never exist. There's a lot of reasons it never went past the mental brainstorm stage, but yes, this kind of thing happens all the time. Instead, book five is a much better story now that will have some major shake-ups for a few characters. You guys are going to feel your heads explode when I get there in, oh ... three-four years?

That was much shorter than I thought it would be. Uh... Is Alchemy a spy for Equestria?

No declarative answer yes or no. You'll just have to read and find out.

Thanks for reading! And thank you everyone for your questions!

The Dusk Guard Saga Fan Art Contest!

All right! It's finally here! A Dusk Guard Fan Art Contest! It's been a long time coming, but at last, we're having one!

Some of you might be wondering what took so long, and to be honest, I'd actually contemplated doing one before, but a number of others on a chat board I was on poo-pooed the idea, talking about how it was "self-aggrandizing" and would be looked down on by the community. They made what I thought at the time were valid points, and so I went back to writing. I later found out that after that exchange, one of the individuals who had most strongly spoken out against it had then gone on to do the exact thing they'd been so outspoken against me doing.

Sigh. Some people's kids, right? But by the time I learned this, I was busy with other things, and I really didn't think it was that big a deal. Still don't. Embarrassing to that individual maybe, but I had new heights to climb.

Then, a few weeks ago I was talking with someone on IRC who had just read Rise and really enjoyed it, and they wanted to know "Where is all the fan art?" They were sure a story like Rise and the rest of the saga had to have more fan art than it did. And I had to say no. But it got me thinking about that contest again. And you know what? We're doing it. Especially now, when there's so much MORE to draw!

The Contest
Right, so here it goes! Your challenge, should you chose to accept it, is to create and submit up to three pieces of art of characters, scene, or setting from The Dusk Guard Saga. These can be scenes from a story or scenes of the characters in general (in other words, you can do portraits, show the team training, Sky Bolt working in her workshop, Frost forming an arrow, etc; as long as it's Dusk Guard Saga related, you're good). Again, only three pieces at most (I have to establish an upper limit), so pick your artwork and your topic carefully. You've got a long window to submit in (see the next subject heading) so take your time and don't feel rushed.

The Window
You have until midnight of August 31st. That's right, almost two full months in which to create and submit up to three pieces of artwork. That's a lot of time! So never fear, if you want to draw some climatic scene from the current story but don't have one in mind yet, we'll have time to get there. You'll have time to make it look good and work at your own pace rather than being rushed.

The Winnings
Okay, here's how it's going to work. I am going to empty my steam rewards folder for this one, as well as give away a few copies of other things. There will be ten prizes in total, six games and four books. Each entrant to the contest will have their name put on a slip of paper and entered into a raffle. Each entry (up to three) will grant the creator another slip of paper (though that person can still only win one prize). Prizes will be redeemed via e-mail and PM. After the contest is over, the drawing will commence, until there are either no prizes left, or no eligible contestants!

The Restrictions
No NSFW content. There will be no exceptions. No clop. No sex. Keep it safe for all audiences, even if it is action-packed. Other than that, well, use your heads. I hold final say at if someone is trying to game things just to win prizes (if it looks at all like someone just heard about this and jumped in to get free stuff without any real effort ie submitting questionable entries just for stuff) I hold the ability to remove that person's entry or deny them entrance (I've had this problem before with freeloaders during giveaways).

The Submissions
Submissions will be featured here on this blog and can be submitted at the The Dusk Guard Fan Art Contest Submissions Thread in the TDG Group.

That everything? I think so! Post questions in the comments and I'll do my best to answer!

Crystal Mountain Pony Con Panel

One last announcement, guys (wow this post is HUGE). Some of you may have heard of Crystal Mountain Pony Con, which takes place in Salt Lake City, Utah on July 17th and 18th? Well, last year I was there and sat on two fanfiction panels, and this year is no different!

Oh wait, it is! Because this years fanfiction panel is going to be huge! Not only am I fanfic panel host, but I'll be running questions alongside a slew of well know authors, including (so far) Ponky and BronyWriter, as well as totallynotabrony and Pen Stroke via live stream!

So, there will be questions, probably with answers, and a whole lot of writers packed into one room, waiting for an audience! So if you can make it to Crystal Mountain Brony Con, know now that I'll be there, as well as a host of others (you can check their guest page for more information).

PHEW! And that's the news. Dang!

Comments ( 7 )

Was planning on thinking up and asking more questions, but 'murican flag day came up and I got distracted by all the explosions and pretty lights.

Art? *looks at 2 weeks+ unfinished drawing for a friend's RP * Uhhhh.... XD

There will be more Q and A sessions, right? I'll probably come up with more questions. Actually, when I wrote that question I didn't mean total chapters, I meant chapters till they reappear. Guess that's what I get for being vague. :twilightsheepish:

*is chewing on the fan art idea* I've had an idea for fan art for a little while. I just have to decide if I'm willing to make a small sacrifice or two to do it. Actually, now I have more ideas. Curses!

wow, that's a lot of books.

Can't wait for your panel at the con!

Will we ever have a Diamond dog main character in the saga?

In case no-one's told you, Viking, the Leroverse is the setting for the Xenophilia fic and its' spinoffs. Warning: very NSFW and HiE but the core fic is very well-written. There's some really nice world-building, too. A bit Gary-Stu-ish but good.

EDIT: You asking about is got me reading it again. *sigh* Ah, well. Another authors' comments got me reading the original Dusk Guard again so fair's fair, I suppose...

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