• Member Since 30th Jun, 2014
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Chicago Ted

"Friendship" is a magical-class noun.

More Blog Posts104

  • 11 weeks
    Every Page a Painting - Walls of Words

    Yup, hello, it's me, back on my typesetting binge again, with another "Every Page a Painting" to show you. And boy oh boy, do I have a real treat for you this time around: one of my favorite novels on this site, one that hasn't been typeset before. . . well, until now, of course.

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    2 comments · 85 views
  • 13 weeks
    Every Page a Painting - By Any Other Name

    First of March, it's clear to me
    There's something that's uncomforting. . .

    Here I am again, about a fortnight after the first "Every Page a Painting", locked and loaded with a second one, whether you wanted it or not. Enjoy.

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  • 15 weeks
    Every Page a Painting - Click, Clack, Neigh

    I know, I know, it's quite bold of me to publish this on Valentine's Day of all days, but here it is all the same.

    If you don't like the timing, just come back tomorrow. I'll wait.

    If you're still here and you don't care about when you'd get this, all I can say is buckle up.

    (Disclaimer: everything you see here is work in progress and subject to change.)

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  • 17 weeks
    The Art of Typesetting

    "Hey Ted, remember when you said you'd work on another blogpost right after your last one?"

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  • 21 weeks

    Ah yes, my hundredth blogpost on Fimfiction.

    I know I should try to find one single topic to spend it on, but I've got several going through my head and only one milestone to do it in, so. . . what the hell, I'll just talk about all of them.

    Buckle up; this is a certified Anthology Blogpost.™

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Concerning Some Recent Drama · 10:16pm Jul 9th, 2015

Alright then: (F2P, you payin' attention?)

I came across the story "The Blood Test" just yesterday, and I immediately noticed that the majority of comments were deleted-- most likely by Pinkam3naDian3Pi3 (Hereafter "OP," because of that ridiculous username). I asked about it, and one of OP's followers, Moon Struck, replied with (and I quote):

Maybe because a lot of them were hate comments? So why don't you go fuck yourself?

Followed by OP:

WHY IS EVERY FUCKING HUMAN ON THIS PLANET SUCH A FUCKING DOUCHE BAG? I GIVE UP WITH LIFE ALREADY GODDAMNIT. I'm just fucking done with everything, goodbye cruel world, I never wanted to live anyway.

That was just the spark of the drama. I regret that I have very little pictorial evidence of it, but since I set my account to email comment replies to me, I can quote whoever replied to me.

However, a fellow named BlueBastard had an image of this piece of completely valid criticism:

Then OP came out with an alt named Pinkam3naIsB3stPony (Hereafter "OP-Alt"), which OP used to white-knight for herself. OP-Alt said that s/he knew OP in real life, and that OP was very sensitive, and OP had previously attempted suicide. (Does this excuse the comment that BlueBastard screencapped?) (Nah.)

Other users, myself included, made this point clear, but then OP-Alt then wished upon us to burn in Hell. To which I replied:

Me? Going to Hell? That's fine by me. --I hear the heat's cheap down there.

It was around that time that I PMed an administrator about the potential alt abuse. When OP-Alt wished us death a second time, Eldorado got on the scene. I forget what he commented though, save for the part where he said for OP-Alt to "Consider this your only warning."

Several hours later, OP logged back on. What happened next is best described as the MOTHER OF ALL COMMENT HOLOCAUSTS. In the words of Bane, she was crashing the comments section with no survivors. Aye, ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't make this up even if I tried. It's enough to say that OP may be the next Eder the cool kid.
I believe I'm blocked from commenting further on the story, but it looks like it over, with Fallen Prime defusing the situation. Apparently, OP doesn't want to delete the story outright, because OP promised her friend that she would finish his/her story, since OP's friend apparently disowned the story. Fallen Prime reached a compromise-- republish via Google Docs. Whether she's done that or not I can't say, but I do know that it's likely that OP's friend will have the only link to the story, and the public will not be seeing it, despite our advice for the story.

Meanwhile, I spoke to Princess of Edits via PM. Her Editorial Highness informed me that she is writing a Rage Review on the story. Keep a sharp eye on their forums-- it probably won't be long.

Well, that's enough drama to write about. If you've got something to say about this, or heck, just about anything-- keep in mind I have strict adherence to the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Whatever you want to say, say it. On my honor it will never be deleted.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." --Voltaire

Good night, and good luck.

P.S: Several parts of this blog post are written in white text. Highlight to read it.

UPDATE: I found out just now that both OP and OP-Alt are now banned from Fimfiction. The duration of these bans, if they are at all permanent, I can't say.

UPDATE: The ban has proven temporary for OP, and presumably permanent for OP-Alt. OP has published a blog post apologizing to me and Shinzakura. (I forgive OP.)

Comments ( 12 )

A succinct record of the events, though I will be watching the OP carefully, as well as the sock.

I can't believe you're doing this to me, are you trying to ruin my life? You're just a big bully, you and all your friends.

You really have nothing better to do than harass people? You probably enjoy doing it too.


When you throw a tantrum and then delete the other persons side of the story, they tend to want to get their response seen. If you didn't delete the originals, everyone would have just shrugged it off and forgot about it. From what I've read, YOU acted like a bully. You said awful things to people.

Child, give up. You are nothing more than a hugbox-addicted, sockpuppeting, temper tantrum-prone toddler who can't take criticism and can't face anything approaching human decency. Go crawl back into your crib; this place is for grown-ups.

3223886 3223893
Okay, let me clear this up a bit:

It's okay for you to harass other users, but not for other users to harass you?

As 3223963 puts it, it's like listening to someone talk on the phone, but not with you on the receiver-- you only get one side of the conversation, which provides temptation to have heavy amounts of bias sneak in just because the observer doesn't get the other person as well.

3224169 is right. People are going to say what they will say. That's why I don't delete comments from my end-- that way, I can prove that the other person was being rude. If it's deleted, then there's only speculation as to its contents. Very likely speculation, to be sure, but speculation nonetheless.

If the ban isn't permanent, I would welcome you back, even help you with your story if you want.

I'm extending the olive branch; but it's up to you to take it.

My favorite part was when they just nuked the whole comments section - Eldorado's comment included.

You just don't delete mod posts where they outright tell you to not do that shit.

Actually, Eldorado told OP (presumably through OP-Alt) not to make such offending comments, and to communicate with users with the main account instead of an alt. He never mentioned anything about deleted comments, so I'm going to guess that he let this Purge slide.

Might you unblock me first?

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