• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 1st, 2022


More Blog Posts323

  • 286 weeks
    Well, I Finally Got Tails of Equestria

    Hey... again hopefully I’ll be around more this time but we’ll see.

    So, you all know I love me some Tabletop RPG, well last week a I got my little niece a set of dice to get her into the hobby and just today finally got Tails.

    I’m pretty excited, I’m sure it’ll be fun... I hope I don’t screw up GMing like I normally do but it’s a simple enough game.

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  • 303 weeks
    I’m More Than Annoyed

    Well, I’m more than annoyed.

    The new Shadowrun matrix book Kill Code has been announced and it had some input from the community.

    That’s good, the bad is one particular member.

    I’ve ranted before so you probably know where I’m going, Bamce, the stupidest, worst, mod ever, well now he’s officially in a book.

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  • 316 weeks
    Bright Again

    I already complained about this but seriously, screw the movie.

    The sequel is coming, and a lot of people have the same response, but I’m the one that gets targeted for saying it?

    Screw Bright, you are not Shadowrun, you will never be Shadowrun, and if I ran the Union I would time out or ban anyone who brings it up without giving them an actual connection to a good series.

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  • 323 weeks
    Freaking Bright, I am SICK of Bright

    So who here actually knows about Bright?

    Long story short it’s a generic buddy cop movie from Netflix starring William Smith.


    It’s a buddy cop movie, but it has a gimmick, they shove fantasy in because, “Now it’s something special!”

    Problem is they explain NOTHING!

    Now, why does this movie just piss me the hell off? Because Shadowrun.

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    4 comments · 365 views
  • 324 weeks
    Man, I’ve Been Gone Too Long...

    What is this like the fifth time I’m saying that?

    What can I say? I was looking at a few of my old FoE PnP characters, that drew me to the FoE Subreddit, and that linked me back here.

    Man, my last blog was forever ago and it was just complaining about Shadowrun groups...

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This Weeks Episode: Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep? · 8:09pm Jul 12th, 2015

I'm going to start this very bluntly, as bluntly as I've ever stated anything before.


I'm sorry but just why? What do they do for anyone except give us longer to wait? Keep in mind I'm a huge Gravity Falls fan so I know how stupid waiting can be.

You know how long it took for season 1 to end? Like two years because the episodes were so spread out.

Then we waited another year for the cliffhanger ending to season one to happen, then just four months ago that finally came to fruition, and now we're finally seeing the after-effects of it, then after this episode who knows how long before we get back?

Seriously, breaking up your episodes that mush is stupid, and ending it mid-season is stupid, just start in the fall, run through spring, and take a break in Summer that's how TV should be handled.

"But then you wouldn't have anything in Summer," yes you would, you would have everything you missed before, you would have a full season of shows to re-watch, you would have old series, you would have blockbuster movies and awesome games.

My point is, these long breaks are stupid and I'm genuinely annoyed whenever they happen with any show as I already presented with Gravity Falls (seriously just why?).

Anyway, I hope that's all out of the way, now to the episode.

I've heard two things that I'm just gonna say right off the bat are completely ridiculous, "Inception with ponies," and, "Like a season finale without the shoehorned in toy line."

The only similarity with Inception was dream walking, and that's been done before and this honestly reminds me much more of the orignal dream walking with Nightmare on Elm Street, I've never even seen any of them and even I can tell that they're more alike.

And the season finale, no not even close, season finale is an hour-long spectacle of awesome fighting, strong building, and overall awesome, this was a half-hour of fighting a monster.

I'm by no means saying it was bad, but this is one of the weaker episodes if you ask me, but I'll get to all that when I actually get to the episode, I'm sorry for taking so long, I needed to do that rant, and I wanted to get out of the way that the comparisons others have drawn make no sense in my mind.

Anyway, Luna turning into Nightmare Moon, the elements Rainbowing up to save her, Luna says her dream ended good and that couldn't happen, cue intro music.

Everyone having a pet grooming day at Rarity's, everyone's tired (well Pinkie says she's beat, but clearly she's Pinkie and being beat still means double normal energy), everyone had the same nightmare, Spike sends Luna a letter.

Luna bursts in and explains the situation, slumber party.

Luna dream walks in everyone's dream, and this is a really nice part of the episode, seeing the subconscious thoughts of everyone.

Rarity dreams of dancing dresses, they turn into monsters and attack her, Luna fights them Rarity says she'll help but Luna denies help saying she's caused to much harm already.

Pinkie dreams bouncing form one place to another, it's explained that when a thought pops into her head it just happens, she stops with cakes and they turn into monsters and attack, Luna defends and Pinkie ends up in Ponyville eating a giant icr cream cone with everyone.

Fluttershy's dream where she's being taken care of by Angel and says it feels good to be the pet for once (I know this fandom, I know exactly where they're gonna go with this line and you all know too), Angel turns into a monster, attacks, Luna defends, and into the next dream.

Applejack, giant apple, surprisingly doesn't attack just rots.

Rainbow Dash had probably the coolest event, she was fighting changelings and Luna feared she was to late but Rainbow explains that it's her favorite dream in fact, then everything turns to sunshine, rainbows, and singing flowers.

I freaking love this because Rainbow's normal dream of kicking-butt was interpreted as a nightmare but her nightmare would be a dream to most anyone else really just a great insight into her like I said (side note I recently found out that flute playing flowers are evil and known to keep grudges don't trust them (source the Amazing World of Gumball the Triangle)).

Twilight in a giant library, book attack plain and simple.

Luna returns since everyone woke up and apologizes again, then explains that as long as nobody dreamed of anyone it'll still be stuck in their dreams.

I really thought Pinkie's dream was just Pinkie being Pinkie, THAT my friends is called a Red Herring because that was a big deal.

It's gone now, it could be in any dream, so Twilight suggests a shared dream, Luna says she could but it'll take a lot of power, so boom everyone dreams the same dream.

Long story short, dream, strange, Big Mac is a unicorn.

Nightmare's begin, it's a dream so you can do whatever you want to fight back (again making me think more of Nightmare on Elm Street 3rd movie onwards when they fight back not Inception where it was planting an idea and going into dream, dreams, actually also reminds me of Gravity Falls when they first encountered Bill, moral of the story Gravity Falls kicks all a:yay:s).

Big Mac turns into a princess complete with magical girl transformation (I don't care what anyone says, that is a good anime genre).

Spike becomes that knight he's thought about himself being before and mounts a giant Derpy/Ditzy as his steed launching into battle.

Fluttershy turns into Flutterbat for a quick second and bites a house monster's toe.

Filthy Rich shoots money and goes all Ice Man for transportation, Scoot gives herself giant, giant wings and beats the mist back with them.

Rainbow becomes Zap.

Fluttershy rides in on the monster Angel, Twilight fixes Golden Oaks and launches books.

Things keep happening and eventually Luna reveals that she made the monster to force herself to have the same nightmare night after night as punishment for what she did as Nightmare Moon, because it was feeding off her guilt.

She accepted it and it was done.

Honestly, I won't say it's bad but like I said this episode is so freaking weak.

It was trying to be an epic adventure but there wasn't enough time (but it did fairly good), the way Luna was acting as a long wolf being all, "I gotta be the one to do this," annoyed me to no end, it always does, the ending where it was revealed that she caused all this was just freaking tacky if you ask me.

Honestly, I'd have preferred if it was a demon from Tartarus that she trapped away sacrificing her own dreams to protect others.

I know some of you may fight me on that but the whole, "I caused so much pain, I needed suffrage," just doesn't make sense if you ask me.

Writing that I remember the Mega Man Giga Mix because of course I do, anyway, Shadow Man as we all know is a ninja, he is bound by honer.

Long story short, in Giga Mix Wily's island is destroyed, Shadow Man managed to escape with Wily and they went to Light for help, when the white robot attacks again Shadow goes in to fight but Fire holds him back saying that Shadow mentioned he was injured before to which Shadow explains that he wasn't injured, Elec Man realizes that Shadow did it to himself, and Shadow explains,

It was not easy for me to come to you, our enemies, for help... my sense of honor demanded that I pay for my weakness in blood.

The white robot states that injuring himself was meaningless as evil knows no honor.

Long story short, awesome fight, Roll comes by and knocks Shadow down showing that he was to weak to even take her on and needed to get repairs done.

See, the difference is that Shadow Man is like I already said a ninja, I'm not saying that Luna doesn't care about honor but that was never brought up, she didn't give any accurate reason for needing to do this other then she deserved it which she really didn't.

She has done so much good since her return, she didn't need to make herself suffer, she didn't need to make the evil, and even when she did she shouldn't have pushed away help because it wasn't her fight alone.

It felt to me like freaking brooding, "I need to do this because I'm the only one," and that's why I hated the first half of Man of Steel (not the whole movie, just the first part) until he put on the suit Superman just refused his powers, I really didn't like that, I never like that, I don't like people wallowing in sadness (even though I'll admit I have more then once in the past), there's just no reason for it.

I won't go so far as to say this killed Luna for me, she's still the kick-butt tomboy princess archetype that's my favorite type of princess (Lissa from Awakening, Daisy from Mario, yeah those are my types of princesses) but really they laid her self-hate on hard, especially with everything she's done.

I mean, didn't she accept Nightmare back on Nightmare Night understanding that it can be fun to be scared? And she's helped all of the Crusaders understand things, Luna has been a good princess, she has no reason to hate herself.

I know this is a stupid long blog but there was a lot of things I had to get out there.

Again, I won't say it was a bad episode, I really did love the dreams especially when everyone went crazy and let loose but Luna hating herself for Nightmare Moon to the point that she made a freaking nightmare demon is just ridiculous if you ask me.

And I'm more then annoyed that we're basically done till fall now, why couldn't they have just started in fall, ended now, and had season six cued up?

Again, breaks between episodes are just annoying, bright side Tale of Two Stans tomorrow, and you know what's crazy? It's a half-hour WITH NO COMMERCIALS!

Gravity Falls, we have all missed you so much.

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