• Member Since 10th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen April 3rd


A hobby writer with a flair for the equine, and catering to his inner child when he can!

More Blog Posts45

  • 241 weeks
    Long overdue update.

    So MLP has reached its finale at last, meaning it’s high time I step up and let everyone who’s still curious to know what’s been going on and what the future will hopefully hold.

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    3 comments · 998 views
  • 267 weeks
    Seath's size problem.

    I figure it's time I stop being annoyingly silent on an issue many have asked about and confirm that yes, I'm listening:

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    13 comments · 692 views
  • 282 weeks
    Happy New Year everyone! How about some story progress?

    So, finally, it's here! One of the most trying years for many of us is at last concluded, and I wake today to a cold, clear and sunny first day of 2019. Really, really hope that's an omen of things finally changing for the better cause I daresay we all need it.

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    3 comments · 436 views
  • 299 weeks
    Few more teasers, just a few months late. XS

    I know I promised this back in July but, well, if you saw my blog from there, things have continued to be rough in real life. Thankfully it looks like that may at last be changing so I've found the vigor to get back to writing again.

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  • 302 weeks
    'Romancing the Recently Revealed Robot' isn't dead yet, it just needs some help...

    Wanted to post this after checking in here and noticing the above series has found its way into a few collections that have been labelled as variations on 'dead series'. I accept full blame for folk thinking that, but if it matters at this point, I'm not giving up on my Spike x Sweetie Bot scenario just yet. It's just fallen by the wayside as attention has naturally gravitated towards 'Scaleless'

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Dark Souls and Equestrian Girls? · 8:06pm Jul 14th, 2015

So recently, out of both morbid curiosity and just to see if there was anything I could use for a story aspect, I've started checking out the EG series. After a preliminary overview (i.e. a few snippets on youtube and reading the wiki articles) I was reminded of this little bit of Dark Souls fan art where someone apparently attempted to do the same thing:

Dark Souls School

What naturally caught my attention is despite the artist's attempt to modernize every one of the other major NPCs, they left Seath as his normal handsome draconic self, and from there the crossover gears in my head began to turn anew. What if Principal Celestia was approached by Gwyn for a sponsorship deal between Lordran Academy and Canterlot High School? As part of the deal Celestia sends Twilight as an exchange student to Lordran while Solaire is sent to Canterlot as both a goodwill gesture, and secretly a means for Gwyn to wash his hands of the student who broke into and somehow lost all of the school's archives of permanent records, not to mention constantly be a thorn in his side due to his rather rebellious attitude and his status as the problem child of his family.

Twilight initially finds Lordran Academy to be a very different environment from CHS, far more strict in its rules and merciless in its expectations from the students, and being one from a former rival establishment does not earn her any favor or friends. She, however, finds a kindred soul in Seath, who's got problems of his own with having his home life strained by his daughter, Priscilla, becoming a recluse due to being a chronic victim of bullying, and his wife, Gwynevere (and yes I did originally have a long since abandoned idea where Seath and Gwynevere marry instead of being forcibly separated) having to spend hours if not days at her desk filling in as the replacement principal. Over time Twilight does her best to help Seath mend his familial issues while he in turn helps her with her studies to become the shining academic that would be welcome at Lordran (though this ends up distancing her further from her friends back at CHS). In the mean time Sunset Shimmer is trying to take advantage of Twilight's absence at CHS to reassert her dominance over the other students while taking a liking to Solaire...which may in turn lead to even more drama further down the line.

Yes I will admit it's a very rough and probably crappy set up, and no I'm not planning to actually turn it into a series any time soon (at least not until I make more headway with my other works first) but I can't deny it's got a certain charm to it.

What do you all think?

Comments ( 12 )

it has dark soul in it. It can't be wrong.

That'd be a joy to read, for certain.

I agree it got potential. THere's plenty of tones and angles to go at it.. and there's no shortage of drama with all the DS characters we see go crazy in the game.

The pyromancer guy that obsess over a thing so much that he end up screwing over his grades.

THe mandatory depressed guy (first NPC we talk to in firelink) that is depressed due to the pressure of the school.

Big hat Logan and his assistant (the other guy we rescue) in charge of the science class. Big hat talk like the TF2 pyro because hat.

Sigmeiyer as an overachiever that burns himself out later on.. His daughter/GF tries to keep him from overdoing it. With violence if required.

Orsntein and smough as bodyguards? Smouch eat way too much junk food (he eat people he smash in the lore), Ornstein.. is okay with that? Friendly rivalry with the other "great knights" (the calm giant archer that carve stuff, the assassin girl, Artorias of the abyss)

Non-stop Discharge (oversized lava boss) as a passive-agressive loner.

Nito (death boss) is the janitor. He likes to stare.

Four kings are a clique of snobs.

Alvina (big talking cat) might be a music band of sort in school. She have a very diverse group and is very protective of them.

Primodial serpents are total gossips and love to spread "news" and rumors.

Wraith Knights are the local "gang" members in school (but harmless like the tunnel snakes) or the local music band (death metal).

Knights of Gwyn (silver and black) are the typical support personnel for the school. (cafetaria, admin jobs, security ect). They are unusually professional.

Kirk (knight of thorns) has a big crush on the sickly spider sister girl and tries to help her whenever.. but he is also a total bully with an image to uphold.

Daughters of chaos as various shades of "delinquents". All sisters from the same familly, all sort of behavior. Mostly not good.

maybe even have another school rival to Lordran? Drangleic most likely

would be interesting at any rate

It is very hard for me to stay calm right now. Forget the ponies. Make this fic on a gdoc or whatever, link it to us, and I will forever be in your debt.

Godammit NO! The authors has already made me play through the entire game to new game plus 7 with 14 different characters! I do not have the time to do this with dark souls 2!

I would love to read this. It honestly sounds absolutely brilliant. If you made this story i would read it, obsessively.

3238280 What about Havel the Rock would he be a Pe teacher or jock or something. Because he would have to be really strong to use his armour.

3239552 one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us, ONE OF US! ONE OF US!

*ahem* yes, quite...

3241763 *quietly joins in the chanting* :raritywink:

Do you have any idea how sad I was when I was able to get through the tomb of the Giants without a light source without dying that run! Do you know what it felt like to not die at all in Sen's! I'm just so tired right now. Also something I realized, your chosen undead was able to hold grant with two hands, meaning that she at least had 34 strength. So is she running a quality build or something because why was she using the tracers?


Do you have any idea how sad I was when I was able to get through the tomb of the Giants without a light source without dying that run! Do you know what it felt like to not die at all in Sen's! I'm just so tired right now.

Believe me you're preaching to the choir on that. I had plenty of moments where I had to ponder what I was accomplishing with my life by subjecting myself to the same torture over and over again, each time trying to up the challenge just to see if I could prove myself that little bit more. :twilightblush:

Also something I realized, your chosen undead was able to hold grant with two hands, meaning that she at least had 34 strength. So is she running a quality build or something because why was she using the tracers?

Because that part of her at least is based on my own character build which prioritized strength before anything else. DS, however, encourages one to not rely solely on one talent so when I got the tracers I decided to get proficient with them as well since I found lighter, faster weapons are a godsend against the humanity phantoms.

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