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Hey, guys, got a story you need reviewed? Well, feel free to send me a private message with the story you want reviewed and I will give you a review as soon as I can.

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Critique Review: Ghost Pony Rider · 4:18pm Jul 15th, 2015

Hello, everypony! I am the Critique.

I think we all remember the Ghost Pony Rider.

How could you forget?! It’s practically everywhere now! Ever since this character appeared in one of the Nostalgia Critic reviews, he/she has been seen in various fics that tried to ride the popularity.


So, as you can imagine for every good fic that writes about the Ghost Pony Rider, there are a few bad ones too. And we’re going to look at one today and pick it apart like…

Sir, do you not think this is a bad idea?

What are you talking about?

Will this not seem the least bit pretentious to draw attention to your story by beating up on another one?

How would that be any different from what I do on a daily basis?

I am simply saying that if you want to do this, that is fine. But when you get angry emails about how you are simply jealous that their story is successful and yours is not, do not come crying to me.

I’m not jealous or angry! I’m reviewing it because I want to review it!

So, you are not going to mention your own Ghost Rider story during the course of this review?

Awww, but I had a tons of in jokes and reference that nopony who hadn’t read the story wouldn’t get. They were going to be funny and would help with story trafficking.

Because that is not the least bit pretentious.

Shut up!

Just try to restrain yourself from making too many in jokes.

I make no promises.

Well, with that out of the way, let’s start the review of Ghost Pony Rider by MrVoorhees101

We start our story with Twilight trying to sleep, but having a hard time doing so. Oddly enough, it took longer for me to say that than it took the story. And seeing that the longest chapter in this story is only about 1400 words, I can promise you, this isn’t going to be a fun ride.

Now, I’m not saying there has to be a quota on the amount of words a story or chapter has to have, but this story consists of mostly 700 to 900 word long chapters. I don’t think depth is what we are going to get out of this.

Twilight goes downstairs to do some late night reading by…

She sighed, Twilight covered her eyes with a hoof and randomly placed it a book.

Picking randomly … a book. I guess this was translated by the same guys who sent us up the bomb.

The book she picks out is called Myths and Legends of Equestria.

Why do I hear Sam Elliot’s voice at this point? Was Sam Elliot in the original Ghost Rider?

Yeah, you guys saw that coming. Back to the review.

So, it turns out that the Ghost Rider was a pony that was feared by many. For… some reason… Yes, I know the reason, but those who know nothing about Ghost Rider or anything he does wouldn’t. Why was he feared? The story doesn’t tell us, so why should we believe it? It could be just a misspelling of Ghost Writer for all I know.

Also, remember this point because I’ll be getting back to it eventually. Believe me, knowing what’s ahead this makes no sense.

Unbeknownst to Twilight an Alpha Timberwolf is looking in through her window… Funny, I would think that breaking and entering wasn’t really a Timberwolf thing, but I guess its good that a Timberwolf came to attack our main characters because how then would I possibly know how to care about them?!

Hey, guys! Need the audience to feel sorry for your little character? You do?! Well, try the simple solution of Timberwolf bait! Since Timberwolves are completely evil creatures, the audience will instantly take a loving to your special little character if they get attacked by them! It doesn’t have to be for any reason! Just have them get attacked by Timberwolves! That will get people invested!

Meanwhile, a figure comes into Ponyville hoping to be accepted. Applejack sees it and runs after it when she notices that the figure is on fire... Where… this scene happens…

She ran to her home and got a pale of water. She saw the figure coming and threw the water in the air. What should have been a loud splash, instead was a cloud of steam. Applejack watched as the figure continued running without even knowing. She said with a loud sign.

"Thats it, no more night strolls!"

What? Was she Wille E. Coyote at this point? Why did she need a sign?

And… was this supposed to be funny? … Cause it… really wasn’t… Just kind of weird…

So, the Timberwolf… somehow… yeah, get used to me saying that word, it appears a lot in this review… gets into Twilight’s home and attacks her.

But some little dragon tries to save her, but gets slashed in the back by the creature’s claws and is now bleeding to death. Well, glad to see you’re still as useless as ever.

When suddenly a chain of fire burst into the room and ties up the wolf, burning it to cinders. With Twilight safe, she goes over to Spike’s side and … cleans him up with a towel? What are you doing?! Take him to a fucking hospital! I don’t think that a slash that causes him to bleed is going to just be okay with a fucking band-aid!

After patching Spike up, Twilight goes out to find her savior. A pony with a flaming skull wearing black leather.

He maoned a rasperly sentence that sounded like he was a ghost with no energy.

Oh, good, the Ghost Rider isn’t even invested in what is going on. That means I don’t have to.

"Where am I?" he asked. His jaw bone the only thing moving.

Well, if he talks, I’m hoping that’s all that’s moving. As opposed to something else that people accuse me of talking out of.

Twilight asked in scared position.

"Who are you?"

Ghost Rider: I asked you a question first, it’s rude to ask someone else a question before you answer yours, you know?!

The being leaned toward the wounded mare. He was must taller than Twilight, a foot taller at least. He used his chain, with great strengh, he lifted her up like she was nothing but a pencil. The being said in a friendly tone and his skull smiled.

"They call me Ghost Pony Rider."

Ghost Rider: Now, pucker up!

:twilightoops: But you have no lips! How are you even smiling?!

Ghost Rider: Listen, if the director of that Nicolas Cage movie didn’t care about me, why the fuck should anyone else?

:facehoof: Fine.. let’s suck face.

So, Ghost Rider carries her back to the library where he heals Spike with his powers.

"How did you..." Twilight asked but was cut off.

"Lets just say I'm not just slice and dice." Ghost Rider replied with a giggle.

Pfft… Did Ghost Rider just giggle?

I’m sorry, but does anyone honestly see Ghost Rider, this bad ass demon hunter laughing like a little school girl?

It kind of makes him less badass! I think that’s one of the seven deadly sins of writing superheroes. Along with making Superman a psychotic who kills more people than he actually saves.

"Soooo...how did you get your, uh, look."

Ghost Rider then stared at Twilight with his blank, souless eye sockets. Somehow, Twilight felt dread when she looked into those eye sockets. Ghost Rider then wrapped his chain around his hand. The chain then went up Ghost Rider's back and into his neck. The chain then cracked through his head where the hole was.

"I'll tell you."

Ghost Rider: My head is flammin’ and my story is tragic, cause I never knew Friendship was Magic.

… Wow, my jokes have only consisted of sarcasm and pop culture memes. I really need to get new material.

"Many years ago, I was an ordinarry pony just like you. I always would make the right choices I never made mistakes. I was a perfect soul.

Ah, so he is a perfect pony who was turned into a demon by means of the devil and now he has incredible superpowers with seemingly no drawbacks. … Very Mary Sueish the more I think about it.

Oh, and I’m not even kidding about the song. This character's backstory is literally that he never knew Friendship was Magic.

Okay… that might be fine with a backstory of a character that was created to acknowledge/make fun of our fandom, but for a character in a story… You gotta give him something more.

He tries to commit suicide and then gets murdered by a couple of bullies… Wow, the streets are a lot more ghetto than I remember.

Oh… yeah… that happened…

So, after being stabbed multiple times and losing a lot of blood, what does our Pre-Ghost Rider do? Just wander Equestria for years. Do… do you not know what a hospital is?! Because, I don’t think that being stabbed multiple times, nearly bleeding out is something you just walk off! Fuck, I would even accept the trope of “The love of his life finds him and nurses him back to health!” At least then, it would make fucking sense of how he survived! This is before he gets his superpowers too! As he swears revenge against the ponies who attacked him, he makes a deal with the devil to trade his soul for power.

Which is probably the least heroic thing to do! In the original comic, Ghost Rider traded his soul to save someone he loved! It was stupid because why the fuck would you trust the devil! But at least it was selfless and noble. Even if it did bite him in the ass!

This has none of that! This is just petty revenge! Sure, they might go out and look for other ponies to cut up, but the whole motivation for being Ghost Rider just lost its heroic quality about it! So, why are we supposed to root for a guy who is nothing but petty?!

Insert your own joke about me here…

Also, the argument that he’s a hero isn’t helped by the psychotic breakdowns he has.

Ghost Rider snickered and laughed.


Oh! My flaming dick is so hard right now! Oh…

Apparently, he had one of these psychotic breakdowns earlier in his career when people called him a monster and threatened to destroy him after he had murdered the guys who bullied him. So, what’s the most logical thing to do to these ponies who have literally done nothing?

… Um… story… Hello? Story? Are you there? Story? Hello? Story? Wake up, story! WAKE UP!

This is not heroic! This is fucking sick! I thought the point of being a superhero is that they save lives rather than take it! I didn’t make my Man of Steel joke lightly, this is actually how Ghost Rider in this story acts!

Fuck, the Ghost Rider that teamed up with the bad guys in My Little Avengers was closer to the original comics! How do you do that?! How do you possibly make it worse than that?!

And what about the fucking book that Twilight was reading?! Did the story just forget about that?! With a monster that can destroy an entire city without batting an eye, I think somepony somewhere would have written that part down!

Now it could have been the demon half of him and not the actual pony, but the story never establishes that! So, I’m left to believe that this pony is a psychotic who can snap at any moment! And this is supposed to be our hero! He acts nothing like one! The only thing he has done is save Twilight from a Timberwolf! That’s it!

And, what is Twilight’s reaction to all this?!

Is anyone even surprised at this point?

Twilight even invites the psychopath to live with her. A typical response to just hearing a monster killing a town full of people.

So miles and miles away, Queen Chrsalise is making plans to take over Equestria. … No, that’s not a typo… At least, on my part…

Queen Crysalise stars outside to the dark forest. It had been nearly a year since she was deafeted by Twilight and her friends at the wedding of Candance and Shining Armor. Eversince, she has been trying a plan to kill Twilight and her friends. Crysalise growled and spoke to herself.

Huh… I guess, Chrysalis decided to bail on this fic after taking a look at the script.

One of the changelings decides to inform Queen Crysalise that the Ghost Rider is not only real, but has been seen in Ponyville. Queen Crysalise comes up with a plan to attack Ponyville after ridding it of the Ghost Rider.

Meanwhile, Twilight makes a bed for Ghost Rider and it transitions to him dreaming… Rather suddenly… and he is met by Luna. Luna explains to him that she is here to give him a purpose. So she sets up a scenario in his mind to save a woman who is being mugged and tells him that this is a test.

… How the fuck is this a test?! You literally told him that this was a dream! So, his actions have no consequences if he fails?! And how the hell is he supposed to fail?! Anyone with half a brain could figure out, ‘Well, the princess of the night wants me to save this person, that’s what I’ll do. And then I’ll stab her in the back when she isn’t looking.”

Wouldn’t it be better to test him subtly rather than this bullshit?! Having Luna manipulate the dream to test him, rather than this?!

But it turns out that Ghost Rider failed the test because he’s a fucking psychopath by killing the thug and the innocent victim. Our hero…

As Ghost Rider wakes up, he finds a book that tells him all about the backstory to Ghost Rider 2. No, seriously, it's the backstory to Ghost Rider 2. That Ghost Rider is an angel who fell from heaven and was tricked by Disscord to losing its goodness. Well, it’s a good thing this is Disscord and not Discord, otherwise, I’d have to call bullshit on this.

So, Ghost Rider goes on a mission to find Disscord by any means necessary. Right after a quick bite to eat… Wait, what?

Ghost Rider hadn't eaten for a long time. He wanted some food.

Again… this… badass demon hunter thing… is complaining about being hungry… Starting to see my issue with this? The badass isn’t a badass, he’s just kind of there. I guess it’s to make him more relatable, which it doesn’t because, again, he’s a fucking psycho. But he doesn’t have much of a personality to begin with. He’s kind of bland. He’s not cool. He’s not entertaining. He’s boring! Something I should not be saying about a pony with a flaming skull for a face.

Scootaloo runs into the Ghost Rider and has what I would call a realistic reaction to it.

:scootangel: Ugh… Ghost Rider?... I wanted to see the Hulk.

This causes Rainbow Dash to get involved as she thinks that Ghost Rider is picking on her. Again, not focusing that he has a flaming skull for and rather treating him as the most boring character in existence with nothing interesting about him. Tell me you would do anything different.

But fortunately the shop owner that they happen to be standing right in front of notices them fighting and tells them to take it somewhere else. And … for some reason, Ghost Rider agrees to not killing them, even though we’ve seen nothing that would make us believe that he would ever do that.

Consistancy? What’s that?!

Ghost Rider heads back home where he is kind of a dick to Twilight.

"Hey Rider! Um...what are you doing?" Twilight looked at her friend.

Ghost Rider looked at her with an annoyed look.

"I'm playing chess! What'da think I'm doing?" Ghost Rider's smartass remark.

You know… The more I read about this character, the more I would rather be reading Soren the Alicorn for a more developed character, and he had more pointless powers than Ghost Rider did! Thanks for reminding me of a character I’m getting back to later this year! Coming September!

"Two ponys came in here today looking for you. One was this attitude one, the other was like a drama queen."

Yes, the two ponies that came… One of them being a drama queen. … Even though she didn’t say anything, do anything, or anything anything that would possibly lead to that conclusion. So, not only is Ghost Rider a psychotic murderer, he also judges people based on appearances and automatically goes for the stereotypes.

Just when our hero couldn’t be any more likable.

Twilight decides to introduce Ghost Rider to all her friends, but he thinks that’s a terrible idea. Well, they aren’t impressed with your flaming skull routine, which seems to be all you do, so yeah, I can’t argue with that.

The story doesn’t get much better when it tries to throw in an exciting race. A race that lasts all of two sentences. … I guess the story felt that it needed something to wake us up from sleeping due to the boring as shit character. Mission failed, I’m afraid.

Days past, Ghost Rider was starting to get bored staying inside Twilights house.

God, even the characters in your story are getting bored! My Ghost Rider is telling you to pick up the pace!


Sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to selflessly promote… A much better Ghost Rider fic.


Well, it is!

Not the point, sir!

Suck all the fun out of everything. Kind of like this story.

So, Ghost Rider heads out into the forest looking for the plot, when he comes upon a mare who is injured. Ghost Rider decides to help her and rushes her to a hospital. When he arrives… he somehow passes out… Okay… But it turns out that they were too late to save her. Even though Ghost Rider has demonstrated that he can heal bleeding injuries with his powers, but let’s face it, the author doesn’t care about this story, why should I?

"Why? Why kill an innocent pony?"

Well, you’d know all about the why, wouldn’t you?

The guards think that he’s the one who murdered the mare and decide to arrest him. Ghost Rider decides to attack the guards, maiming one of them as a result. Again, our hero…

Fortunately, he is stopped by the only likable character in this story, Princess Luna. Don’t expect that to last long though.

So, Luna locks up Ghost Rider and interrogates him to find out why he killed the mare. Ghost Rider explains he didn’t and Luna doesn’t believe him.

They argue back and forth and Luna is surprised when Ghost Rider knows that Luna has a sister named Celestia.

… Let me repeat that…

Luna… is shocked… when Ghost Rider… reveals… that he knows… she has a sister…

I don’t need to say anything. I think the stupidity of that line speaks for itself.

So, after Luna leaves, shocked that this Ghost Rider would know something that… everypony would already know, Disscord appears.

Yeah, apparently Disscord can fuse ponies with demons. … I guess “A Day As Dashie” was right. Disscord can do whatever the plot wants him to.

But Disscord apologizes for turning Ghost Rider into a demon and admits that he has reformed. He also shows that he has proof that Ghost Rider is innocent, but Disscord says he can’t show it to anyone. Why?

"I'm sorry! I need to show this after words! That is how the trails work!"

What are you talking about?! If you have evidence that will prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt that he’s innocent, show them now! I don’t think Celestia is going to care that it’s not taking place in a courtroom! I don’t know much about courtroom trials, and as we’ll see in a minute, neither does the author, but I think that if you have proof that the mare wasn’t killed by Ghost Rider, you can show this evidence without a trial.

Speaking of a trail, the story decides that it needs to put the Ghost Rider on trial for murder. Great, I needed something to lull me back to sleep.

So, the trial is underway, but it’s all pointless since we already know that Ghost Rider is innocent and the evidence that will show he is innocent, so there is really no point to this chapter except to draw this pointlessness out as long as possible.

Ghost Rider, just like the rest of us, doesn’t take this trial seriously as he insults the judge and gets away with it.

And then… right in the middle of a courtroom, a general of Equestria attacks Ghost Rider and Ghost Rider kills him … right in the middle of the courtroom. … Yeah, he’s not dangerous at all. Not even in the slightest.

After Ghost Rider throws his hissy fit, to which no one even bats an eye, Celestia doesn’t call a fucking recess, Disscord finally reveals the evidence that it was a Changeling that impersonated Ghost Rider and murdered the mare.

Oh good, a general of Equestria is dead because Disscord decided it would be a better idea to withhold evidence for a little bit. Is this story trying to make me not like it? Because the terrible spelling and grammar already do that! I don’t need unlikable characters to add to it!

Ghost Rider is pissed that everyone seems to be against him. Well, if you’d stop acting like a dick, killing ponies, yelling at ponies who are trying to help and laughing like a maniac maybe, fucking maybe ponies would be a little nicer to you!

Oh, and by the way, what about the fucking trial for him murdering an entire city of ponies, who didn’t do anything?! Are we just going to forget about that?!

So, Ghost Rider goes into the forest where he meets arguable the best character in the story, Female Ghost Rider. She has another name, but I’m calling her Ghost Rider and I’m now named the ‘Ghost Rider’ in this story Dumbfuck.

Oh yeah… Much better...

The next morning… I guess they had… Ghost Rider Sex… interesting… Ghost Rider explains that the only way for the demon to leave Dumbfuck and become an even more powerful Dumbfuck is to commit suicide. Because… I’m sure that’s how it works…

While they are fishing for some breakfast, which I think is supposed to add chemistry to this fire, Ghost Rider explains her backstory.

It turns out that she was working for a mayor who made slaves of her family. Not sure how that’s legal, but I’ll buy it. And when her family was pointlessly murdered by this mayor, she decided to sell her soul for revenge and ever since getting said revenge and learning how devastating it is to take a life in cold blood, even having an emotional breakdown as a result, has vowed to make sure that no one else suffers what she suffered through.

Ho… Ly… FUCK! Why could this character not be our main character?! She’s far more relatable! She’s far more interesting! She’s far more noble! And she’s far more intelligent and sane than the fucking Dumbfuck we got!

One chapter and I already like this Ghost Rider more than our current one! She should have her own story! The Cool Legends of Ghost Pony Rider.

Our next chapter sees Ponyville under attack by the Changeling Army. Which… I guess nopony saw coming… I mean… they clearly saw the evidence that a Changeling murdered a pony and framed Dumbfuck. Did they not think that Cryslaise might be up to something? Or did they think it was some kind of prank?

So, Crysalis arrives in town and demands to see Dumbfuck. … Which doesn’t make sense because… why would you frame him if you already knew where he wa-Oh fuck it. The story doesn’t care anymore than you do.

The chains retracked and wrapped around the hands of two supernatrual ponys who are about KICK SOME ASS!

So, yeah a fight scene happens.

With this writing it’s about what you expect it to be. Rushed, cliche, unentertaining, and horribly written.

And wouldn’t you know it, the early 2000’s superhero trope of female character being an asskicker, but in the end she has to be saved or dies horribly. FUCKING WOMEN IN REFRIGERATOR TROPE!

But fortunately, for the defenseless, stupid, helpless in everyway women, the big, strong, masculine, handsome, smart, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Here’s how it really ends! Stupid ass Dumbfuck dies by Crisalsis. Ghost Rider and Twilight Sparkle kicks some ass and leave evil Dumbfuck for dead. Chrysalis comes back and admits she’s in love with Cadance! They have a baby together! Everyone laughs about it!

The fucking end!

Fuck this fic!

Jesus Christ, do I even have to explain why this story sucks?

No, but I’m going to anyway.

The writing is awful! With a number of spelling errors, grammar mistakes and lack of descriptions of characters, places and emotions. Which makes it very difficult to relate to the characters, get a sense of the world around them, and make it incredibly boring.

The pacing in this story is abysmal. With it either being way too fast or way too slow! Sometimes both at the same time! With the lack of descriptions, scenes are over much faster than they should be. And yet at the same time, NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS UNTIL THE LAST FUCKING CHAPTER! Any interesting point doesn’t come until the last bit of story.

I wouldn’t mind this as much if there was any kind of character development in any of these scenes, but there is barely any, if any at all.

Dumbfuck is a fucking unrelatable psychopath who is pretty much an asshole to everyone he meets. There is a difference between badass and asshole! A huge fucking difference! He is rude, disrespectful and cares nothing for the safety and continued survival of his fellow ponies and yet he is supposed to be portrayed as our hero. Fuck that shit!

The main six and the Princess are barely characterized, with Dumbfuck hogging the spotlight and any interactions he has with the other characters are skimmed over.

Like I said, the only interesting character was Ghost Rider at the end. But even the story found a way to take this badass female Ghost Rider and turn her into a damsel in distress trope! I can’t help but feel that this story probably would have been a lot better if the story had focused on her.

She was a more relatable character. And while her personality wasn’t developed either, due to lack of screentime, she was a more interesting character. My only gripe with her was she shifted back and forth between being a trembling flower and a no-nonsense demon hunter as if the story couldn’t pick a personality.

However, the potential for this character was there. Or this could be because the Dumbfuck was so bad, that even a cliche, unfocused Ghost Rider was better than that!

Bottomline, get rid of Dumbfuck, focus on giving Ghost Rider a personality, have her fight something that could actually give her a challenge, have her interact with the other characters and GET A PROOFREADER!

Jesus Christ, I’d sell my soul for a good fan fic!

Perhaps, I can assist with that.

Who the fuck are you?

Hades, lord of the Underworld. Or the Devil if you’d like.

Oh… yeah… Didn’t I kill you once?

A… jaundiced account.

Sir… you mean you actually did fight the Devil?

Yes! I told you! My book was possessed by the Devil!

You had used that lie in the past to not review something! I had assumed that you had done so again!

Oh, sure! I lie ONE time and I’m branded as a liar for life!

Try 8,493 times since I have meet you! That is not counting all times I have not been in the same room!

You know you think you’re so smart with your ‘science’ and your ‘technology’ and your-

ENOUGH! You want my services! A soul for a good fan fic?

Wait, you can do that?

Would I be the Devil if I couldn’t?

Wow! This sounds almost too good to be true, though. What’s the catch?

... Wait, what?

What’s the catch?

Sir, you are not seriously considering this.

Would you shut up I’m trying to make a deal with the Devil? What’s the catch?

Um… Do you not understand what I’m trying to do? I’m trying to take your soul… Your eternal soul… for a fan fic. So, I guess the catch would be… you’d lose your soul to be tormented by me for all eternity.

Hm… You make a valid argument. You’ve got yourself-!

Sell your soul and you’ll end up like Mary Jane and Peter Parker in One More Day!


Apologies, Mr. Satan, but we will not be needing your services today.

Says the android who can’t remember where she came from.

Or simply chooses not to.

Fine, have it your way. But you can’t protect him forever. He has to pay for his sins one day.

We all do.


Comments ( 19 )

Critic Critic Critic.... you foolishly believe that your Ghost Rider story can go unchallenged..... well.... there is one other that I know of and it's pretty good. Stars Big Mac as the Ghost Rider and it's pretty damn impressive. Blackheart is menacing. His Mephisto, they never call him that but fuck it I'm doing it, is a slimy bastard who's armed with a double-edged contract.... also did I mention Sombra's in Blackheart's army.... and Luna and Celestia might be getting offed?

Congratulations Critique, you're still smarter than One More Day Peter 'Joe Quesadilla-ized' Parker... not exactly saying much, but it's certainly something. :raritywink: Though honestly trading your soul for a good fanfic would still probably have been a smarter trade than OMD's trade. :rainbowlaugh:

Mary Jane: "Peter, don't you care about our marriage of the last 20 years and all the growth you've made as a character?!"

Peter: "But MJ!!!! RETCON BUTTON!!!!!!!! HOW CAN I RESIST THE RETCON BUTTON!!!!!!! I wanna be a little boy forever, and get pancakes every morning from Aunt May, and go to school, and take photos of myself as Spidey, and pine for the day I finally get your affection."


Peter: "Yeah, but you know what they say? It's not about the destination, it's all about the journey."

Mary Jane: "That is literally the stupidest use of that line I've ever heard in my entire life."

Peter: "I'm glad you see it my way, honey."

Mary Jane: "Buck this noise, I hope I start dating Eddie Brock in this new reality."

That bit at the bottom of the review with the devil was better than the entire review itself.

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.

Sounds like you had a rough time Critique. Tell you what, I can give you a retcon button so that you never read this fic.

All it will cost is your dignity. Maybe your relationship with the computer.

3240260 I've heard of that one. It's good, really good.

3240713 Hmm... interesting proposition? ... What's the catch?

3241910 They say it's one of the best..... possibly even more than yours.

3241939 Of course, making a better story than me is not exactly difficult. :rainbowlaugh:

Read the review in my spare time, and now I have some time to comment

Will this not seem the least bit pretentious to draw attention to your story by beating up on another one?

Don't worry Computer; we've all done it at some point or another.

Now, I’m not saying there has to be a quota on the amount of words a story or chapter has to have, but this story consists of mostly 700 to 900 word long chapters. I don’t think depth is what we are going to get out of this.

They say brevity is the soul of wit, but then I must have forgotten that, since I only feel comfortable with releasing chapters that are around 4,000 words. It just feels... fuller.

She sighed, Twilight covered her eyes with a hoof and randomly placed it a book.

twiglit sparlek looked around the countrysides and said "its a good day to do what has tobe done by me to help my brother to defeat the enemys!":twilightsmile:
Seriously, though, would it hurt to run this by a proofreader? At least once?

So, it turns out that the Ghost Rider was a pony that was feared by many. For… some reason… Yes, I know the reason, but those who know nothing about Ghost Rider or anything he does wouldn’t. Why was he feared? The story doesn’t tell us, so why should we believe it? It could be just a misspelling of Ghost Writer for all I know.

That's kind of how I felt when I wrote Mare of Steel; I mean, we all know Superman, but it still needs to be at least somewhat approachable.

Hey, guys! Need the audience to feel sorry for your little character? You do?! Well, try the simple solution of Timberwolf bait! Since Timberwolves are completely evil creatures, the audience will instantly take a loving to your special little character if they get attacked by them! It doesn’t have to be for any reason! Just have them get attacked by Timberwolves! That will get people invested!

Eh, contrivances. Besides, I already have Blue lined up to save the CMC from a manticore (if I ever get around to writing that fic), because Manticore vs. Velociraptor is awesome.

Meanwhile, a figure comes into Ponyville hoping to be accepted.

His name was Stu. Marty Stu.

But some little dragon tries to save her, but gets slashed in the back by the creature’s claws and is now bleeding to death. Well, glad to see you’re still as useless as ever.

Hey now, being a dragon-shield is a very useful thing.

He maoned a rasperly sentence that sounded like he was a ghost with no energy.

God, the grammatical errors in this thing are killing me. WAS IT TOO HARD TO USE A SPELLCHECKER?!

"Who are you?"

"Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant and vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me 'V'".
... Wait, wrong comic.

Pfft… Did Ghost Rider just giggle?

I cannot say I know much about the character, but I do know that a dude with a freaking skull for a head WOULD NOT GIGGLE! He should sound like Christopher Lee standing in an echo chamber, not... this.

"Soooo...how did you get your, uh, look."

Ghost Rider then stared at Twilight with his blank, souless eye sockets. Somehow, Twilight felt dread when she looked into those eye sockets. Ghost Rider then wrapped his chain around his hand. The chain then went up Ghost Rider's back and into his neck. The chain then cracked through his head where the hole was.

"I'll tell you."

Also, that's the first thing you ask, instead of "OMG WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE?!?!?! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"?

This is not heroic! This is fucking sick! I thought the point of being a superhero is that they save lives rather than take it! I didn’t make my Man of Steel joke lightly, this is actually how Ghost Rider in this story acts!

I get it now. This isn't really Ghost Rider. It's Doomrider (Warhammer 40k character; imagine Ghost Rider, except he's evil, wears purple armor, and snorts enough cocaine to kill Australia). It would also explain why he asks more like a jerky slob than the Spirit of Vengeance.

Is anyone even surprised at this point?


… How the fuck is this a test?! You literally told him that this was a dream! So, his actions have no consequences if he fails?! And how the hell is he supposed to fail?! Anyone with half a brain could figure out, ‘Well, the princess of the night wants me to save this person, that’s what I’ll do. And then I’ll stab her in the back when she isn’t looking.”

I have a much better test for a story I'm writing. One half involves having to perform a full day's worth of old-school religious ceremonies (sacrifices, blessings, all that fun stuff), while the other half involves running across an island while a raptor hunts you down.
Wish we had more tests like that in fanfiction.

As Ghost Rider wakes up, he finds a book that tells him all about the backstory to Ghost Rider 2. No, seriously, it's the backstory to Ghost Rider 2.

You mean the crappy one with Nicholas Cage in it?... wait.*
*Having never seen the Ghost Rider movies, apologies to anyone that likes them

Ghost Rider hadn't eaten for a long time. He wanted some food.


"Hey Rider! Um...what are you doing?" Twilight looked at her friend.

Ghost Rider looked at her with an annoyed look.

"I'm playing chess! What'da think I'm doing?" Ghost Rider's smartass remark.


Thanks for reminding me of a character I’m getting back to later this year! Coming September!

As much as this fic is bugging me, I don't think I can take more Soren.

… Let me repeat that…

Luna… is shocked… when Ghost Rider… reveals… that he knows… she has a sister…

In the words of Yahtzee: "ABORT! Fwoosh!" (escapes on a jetpack)

So, Ghost Rider goes into the forest where he meets arguable the best character in the story, Female Ghost Rider. She has another name, but I’m calling her Ghost Rider and I’m now named the ‘Ghost Rider’ in this story Dumbfuck.

I've been calling him Gary, but that works too.

The next morning… I guess they had… Ghost Rider Sex… interesting… Ghost Rider explains that the only way for the demon to leave Dumbfuck and become an even more powerful Dumbfuck is to commit suicide. Because… I’m sure that’s how it works…

Who wrote this, Tara Gilesbie's younger brother?!

And wouldn’t you know it, the early 2000’s superhero trope of female character being an asskicker, but in the end she has to be saved or dies horribly. FUCKING WOMEN IN REFRIGERATOR TROPE!

That's probably why most of my protagonists are women...


Guessing this is your other "Bat Credit Card"? Makes sense.

And more plot and backstory, just where did computer come from? I look forward to more

Eh, contrivances. Besides, I already have Blue lined up to save the CMC from a manticore (if I ever get around to writing that fic), because Manticore vs. Velociraptor is awesome.

Wait... You want to write a story... where a Velociraptor... fights a Manticore? Protecting the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Like a badass?!

"Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant and vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me 'V'".

What is it you always say? The alliteration is strong with this one?

You mean the crappy one with Nicholas Cage in it?... wait.*

I've seen them both... Don't waste your life with them...:pinkiesick:

...One of the few standers I have for a story is that the chapters have to average at 1k. Unless it a one shot.
There's not a lot to say. The story was unbelievably dumb, The computer and Critique interacted. officially confirmed that the Computer's origins are plot relevant... not bad.

I think we all remember the Ghost Pony Rider.

Yes I do. And seeing that I do watch The Nostalgia Critic reviews, I saw it well before I knew stories was being made of it.


And I just started reading that.
I will get back to that later in other posts.

Awww, but I had a tons of in jokes and reference that nopony who hadn’t read the story wouldn’t get. They were going to be funny and would help with story trafficking.

Because that is not the least bit pretentious.

I would say, perhaps so, but I do it a little myself. OK, I do it a lot. :twilightblush:
And perhaps too much. :facehoof:

The book she picks out is called Myths and Legends of Equestria.

What do you know, I had Twilight going through a Myths and Legends book within my last story. What library would be complete without some sort of Myths and Legends book. I got at least one myself within my own personal library of books.

It could be just a misspelling of Ghost Writer for all I know.

I take full credit for the stories I have posted. None have edited them, or written any part of them for me. They are all my doing. :twistnerd:
Not that they are popular stories, or anything. :derpytongue2:
Moving on.

Hey, guys! Need the audience to feel sorry for your little character? You do?! Well, try the simple solution of Timberwolf bait! Since Timberwolves are completely evil creatures, the audience will instantly take a loving to your special little character if they get attacked by them! It doesn’t have to be for any reason! Just have them get attacked by Timberwolves! That will get people invested!

Got it! :raritywink: Used it. :pinkiehappy: In the end, I don't think it helped. :facehoof:

What? Was she Wille E. Coyote at this point? Why did she need a sign?

Have not tried using a sign like that yet, but it is giving me ideas. :pinkiecrazy:

And… was this supposed to be funny? … Cause it… really wasn’t… Just kind of weird…

OK. Point taken. Maybe I will not use it. Unless it was Pinkie I was having doing it. :pinkiehappy:
She is kind of a loony toon anyways.

Well, if he talks, I’m hoping that’s all that’s moving. As opposed to something else that people accuse me of talking out of.

Hello. I would like to ass you a question. Would you like some binaca, or perhaps a mint?

But you have no lips! How are you even smiling?!

Exactly the same question I was wondering.

So, Ghost Rider carries her back to the library where he heals Spike with his powers.

Yes, seeing that Twilight did such a fine job with that towel. Nice to see a stranger is willing to do more for Spike than Twilight, who thought it far more important to talk to some flaming pony rather than help the one who has served her and lived with her for all of his life. Not that such a servant was all that important to beguine with.

I’m sorry, but does anyone honestly see Ghost Rider, this bad ass demon hunter laughing like a little school girl?

No. And even with my somewhat vast imagination, I still don't wish to imagine that. Despite that I just did.
Doh! :facehoof: I just can't control my own thoughts.

Ghost Rider then wrapped his chain around his hand.

If Ghost Rider is a pony in this story, how did the chain go around his hand?

Many years ago, I was an ordinarry pony just like you.

So he is a pony just as described as being earlier in this story, so my previous question still stands.

He tries to commit suicide and then gets murdered by a couple of bullies…

Nice to know some helpful and friendly ponies were willing to help him with his suicidal efforts, after seeing what he was trying to do. I guess Friendship Is Magic. It made him the pony he is today. :twilightsmile:

Do… do you not know what a hospital is?!

I don't think hospitals exist in this story universe. Or Twilight just might have sent her bleeding helper "Spike" to one. Perhaps that is why she never bothered to do it. Oh' what would have been the fate of poor little spike if Ghost Rider had not shown up? :raritydespair:

In the original comic, Ghost Rider traded his soul to save someone he loved! It was stupid because why the fuck would you trust the devil! But at least it was selfless and noble. Even if it did bite him in the ass!

This has none of that! This is just petty revenge!

This is sounding a lot more like Spawn then Ghost Rider. Speaking of witch, I am now wondering if any has done a story of Spawn in Equestria? I might have to look that up. If there are none, I just might make one. I seem to have a knack for making bad stories, so this one might not be any different.
Besides, in my own way, I think Spawn is more bad ass then Ghost Rider anyway.

So, why are we supposed to root for a guy who is nothing but petty?!

Insert your own joke about me here…

Where do I begin. :pinkiecrazy: Just kidding. :derpytongue2:

This is not heroic! This is fucking sick! I thought the point of being a superhero is that they save lives rather than take it! I didn’t make my Man of Steel joke lightly, this is actually how Ghost Rider in this story acts!

I still say he seems a lot more like Spawn to me in this story. Perhaps if we were to replace Ghost Rider with Spawn, this story might make more sense. However, he was a perfect pony to start with. One who felt he needed to kill himself (some were more then happy with helping him with doing). Spawn however, he was a killer to start with, and he liked his life. So the guy in this story still might not be a good fit for being Spawn either.

The only thing he has done is save Twilight from a Timberwolf! That’s it!

Oh, he saved Spike too! Who Twilight was failing at saving, so Ghost Rider had to step in. let's not forget that one.

And then I’ll stab her in the back when she isn’t looking.”

Now that is how one takes a stab in the dark, on what one is suppose to be doing.
Hero time! :rainbowdetermined2: I will kill the dark princess who is so presumptuous as to test me with this nightmare of a woman being mugged. That will end this nightmare, literately. No more Luna, the pony of the night.

But it turns out that Ghost Rider failed the test because he’s a fucking psychopath by killing the thug and the innocent victim. Our hero…

Dam it! He was suppose to kill Luna. She was the one giving him this nightmare! But instead he kill the innocent victim?
Waite... Maybe he was just making fun of Luna by failing this test on purpose. Now that would have been interesting, though still not heroic.

Well, it’s a good thing this is Disscord and not Discord, otherwise, I’d have to call bullshit on this.

Well, seeing that Queen Chrsalise is in this story, why not have Disscord in it as well. Maybe we can have Rambo Dash in it as well. "Yo, Ghost Rider. I'm your worst nightmare. Let's see who draws first blood."

Ugh… Ghost Rider?... I wanted to see the Hulk.

Well, I know we get to see him, or aaa... her... or something of the Hulk within your Ghost Rider story.
Oh' shit! That's telling. :twilightoops:

But fortunately the shop owner that they happen to be standing right in front of notices them fighting and tells them to take it somewhere else. And … for some reason, Ghost Rider agrees to not killing them, even though we’ve seen nothing that would make us believe that he would ever do that.

Random shop owners are far more intimidating and commanding of power over others, than a demon pony with a flaming skull that can dam your very soul to hell. I am liking this story so far. :pinkiehappy: It's so random. :rainbowlaugh:

The story doesn’t get much better when it tries to throw in an exciting race.

That is not something I have added to any of my stories as of yet. Oh, wait, I did add a very short lived chase scene in one. I guess that is close enough to having a boring short race in it. Oh, well.

Sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to selflessly promote… A much better Ghost Rider fic.

"didn’t mean to selflessly promote…" Don't worry, all the cool kids are doing it. :rainbowlaugh:
"A much better Ghost Rider fic." Already reading it. :raritywink:

So, Ghost Rider heads out into the forest looking for the plot

I thought he had a nice plot to look at. :rainbowkiss: I know she is a book worm, but I bet she has nice curves. Who could get bored with that?
Never-mind what I said. :twilightblush:

he comes upon a mare who is injured. Ghost Rider decides to help her and rushes her to a hospital.

OK. So, this universe dose have hospitals in it.

When he arrives… he somehow passes out… Okay… But it turns out that they were too late to save her. Even though Ghost Rider has demonstrated that he can heal bleeding injuries with his powers, but let’s face it, the author doesn’t care about this story, why should I?

Very good question. Wish I had a good answer for that.

The guards think that he’s the one who murdered the mare and decide to arrest him.

Yes, a pony would bring a still alive but injured pony to the hospital to be saved if they can, because his intentions was to kill her all along.

Fortunately, he is stopped by the only likable character in this story, Princess Luna.

I said before, he should have killed her when she was first giving him nightmares.

Luna… is shocked… when Ghost Rider… reveals… that he knows… she has a sister…

I don’t need to say anything. I think the stupidity of that line speaks for itself.

It dose. It indeed dose. :rainbowderp:

Yeah, apparently Disscord can fuse ponies with demons. …

And Rambo Dash is awesome with explosive tipped arrows.
You know I almost had him show up to hunt the monster rabbit in my last story. That would have been killer! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh good, a general of Equestria is dead because Disscord decided it would be a better idea to withhold evidence for a little bit. Is this story trying to make me not like it? Because the terrible spelling and grammar already do that! I don’t need unlikable characters to add to it!

You once asked "Consistancy? What’s that?!" I think you found it.
The story is consistent with not making much sense, or being put together well.

So, Ghost Rider goes into the forest where he meets arguable the best character in the story, Female Ghost Rider.

The next morning… I guess they had… Ghost Rider Sex…

I think he should have met up with Spawn. Then the two could have had some demonic gay sex while both trying to prove who's dick is bigger! :rainbowwild:
Or even try to prove who's chains are longer while trying to chain each other up for some fun S&M. :rainbowlaugh:
OK, I will stop now.

she decided to sell her soul for revenge and ever since getting said revenge and learning how devastating it is to take a life in cold blood, even having an emotional breakdown as a result, has vowed to make sure that no one else suffers what she suffered through.

Did they not have this in Spawn where he runs into an older Hell Spawn who tries to turn him from the dark side. Oh, yes, they did something like that in the Ghost Rider movie as well. Never-mind.

The chains retracked and wrapped around the hands of two supernatrual ponys who are about KICK SOME ASS!

Again, where are their hands!? :rainbowhuh:

There is a difference between badass and asshole!

Spawn dose both quite well.

Bottomline, get rid of Dumbfuck, focus on giving Ghost Rider a personality, have her fight something that could actually give her a challenge, have her interact with the other characters

Like Spawn. The two could have a duel of chains, then as the fighting reaches to a climax, they both relies that they where both not only hell born, but made for each other. They also have fiery hot sex with each other after. Then turn their attention to all the evil in the world, and prove they have no equal, so long as they fight side, by side.

Wow! This sounds almost too good to be true, though. What’s the catch?

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Besides you did say within your review of this story-

As he swears revenge against the ponies who attacked him, he makes a deal with the devil to trade his soul for power.

Which is probably the least heroic thing to do! In the original comic, Ghost Rider traded his soul to save someone he loved! It was stupid because why the fuck would you trust the devil! But at least it was selfless and noble. Even if it did bite him in the ass!

Do you not think that you trusting the devil yourself will not bite you in the ass? I would listen to whatever Computer might suggest regarding this situation. Sometimes you just can't deny good logic.

Apologies, Mr. Satan, but we will not be needing your services today.

That's a nice Computer. :rainbowkiss:


Eh, contrivances. Besides, I already have Blue lined up to save the CMC from a manticore (if I ever get around to writing that fic), because Manticore vs. Velociraptor is awesome.

I am still in line, waiting to see that. When it is out.

You have my attention as well.
Even though I am currently reading the one by spideremblembrony. I could have a look at that one after.
So, what is this one you speak of?

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