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Spoiler Alert: Age of Ultron, Part Five · 12:33am Jul 23rd, 2015

:twilightangry2:: Five-year-olds are expected to learn from their mistakes, but Tony doesn't. He does the exact same thing he did when he created Ultron, continuing in his arrogance, his deception, his self-righteousness, and his complete disregard for others' opinions and desires, risking the lives of everyone on the planet in the process.
And Bruce goes along with it!! The only man alive whose guilt issues can rival Peter Parker's decides to endanger the world's safety for at least the third time in his life, showing none of the backbone that he had in the first film!
And worst of all, this move isn't shown to be WRONG!! Instead, their creation was prophesied by the gods, and is worthy enough to wield their weapons!! Apparently the theme of the movie isn't that it's wrong to play god. No, it's that you CAN play god, as long as you can get away with it!
And let's talk about how this movie treats the Vision. When you make a movie version of a character, you're expected to streamline things and make it easier for the audience. Well, this film did that. Then replaced everything it replaced with BRAND NEW confusing elements!! This version of the Vision is a combination of synthetic flesh introduced in this film and an indestructible metal introduced in Captain America and tying into the Black Panther. His mind is an AI designed by Iron Man and based off of a supporting character from Agent Carter. And he is brought to life by the stone from Loki's scepter from the Avengers, which is actually the Mind Gem, one of the Infinity Gems, a running plot element leading up to Avengers 3, in combination with the Asgardian lightning of Thor. Oh, and he somehow flies. And shoots lasers. And briefly goes through solid objects, even though the Vibranium should be too dense to allow that. And he doesn't really do anything interesting with that power, either.
Also, this origin is nowhere near as compelling as the original. The Vision of the comics worked with Ultron until he defected to the Avengers, giving him guilt and a sense of detachment that he'd wrestle with for years. This version has no conflicting interests and is a truly heroic, even saintly, figure from his first moment on screen. As much as I like JARVIS, he's not the Vision. We don't get another fine addition to the long line of villains reformed by the Avengers, we get a Robot Messiah.

:twilightangry2:: And, as if all of THAT wasn't enough, this plot point even disrupts the rest of the universe!! Thanos, Loki's boss in the Avengers, had an Infinity Gem all this time. And he got a second one at the very beginning of the Avengers. The Infinity Gems attract each other. Thanos could have used the two gems in his possession to track down the remaining four, gaining the power to take over the universe as he's always wanted. Instead, he sent the two Gems on a mission to conquer some unimportant backwater planet, and now he has to begin his mission from scratch. So, now we know for a fact that the universe's Big Bad, the one everything up to Avengers 3 is building up to, is an idiot.
I just, I, I, I, GAAAAAH!!!

:applejackconfused:: Wow, THAT hasn't happened inna while! Alright, girls, let's get the poor mare inna corner an' let 'er rest it off.
:twilightoops:: Two by two, hands of blue. Two by two, hands of blue. Two by....
:raritydespair:: The Avengers induce that Ultron is using the Hydra compound from the beginning of the film, and begin to evacuate the surrounding city. Bruce rescues Natasha, and FINALLY begins to show investment in this "relationship." But Natasha, realizing that running away from a battle to save the world might not be terribly noble, decides that, instead of simply explaining that common sense realization to Bruce, she should push him down a well in order to turn him into the Hulk.
How exactly did a man who's been married 26 years think that THIS was a good romantic relationship?!
:ajsleepy:: While the other Avengers evacuate the city, Stark goes ta confront Ultron an' distract him long 'nuff fer the city ta be evacuated. Ultron, howe'er, recognizin' what's goin' on, attacks the city while it's still half fulla civilians, releasin' a drone army an' raisin' the city up on rocket boosters. He plans ta raise the city inta the atmosphere an' drop it on the planet, creatin' a cloud'a dust that'll block out the sun an' kill out all life.
Ah'm beginnin' ta think that Stark's motto's that The Road ta Tartarus is Paved Wit' Good Intentions.

Report nightcrawlerfan · 389 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Well then again.... Thanos IS called the "Mad Titan" and actively wants to date DEATH HERSELF!! I can forgive a lot of lapses in logic when it comes to him.

3265486 Yeah, but he's supposed to be a competent madman. Otherwise, where's the threat? This mistake seems really obvious, especially for the one being most interested in the Infinity Gauntlet. Heck, I'd argue even his defeatist tendencies don't explain this mistake.

3265690 True...... Also for Vision........ Here's how to make it go. PART of Ultron's influence wakes him up, but since Jarvis is in there too, it merges and he thinks Ultron is right...... Until he sees the Avengers fighting to save all those people, seeing them be so selfless and fight so hard for others, and decides Ultron is wrong. He goes and turns on him, viewing Ultron's ideas on humanity as incredibly flawed and seeing how flawed he is now and by the end of the movie OFFICIALLY joins the Avengers. No Tony activating him at all.

Also Bruce's line of

"I feel like I'm in a time loop!"

Okay.... IF YOU FEEL LIKE THAT THEN WHY DID YOU HELP HIM?!?!? If you had SUCH a bad feeling then WHY did you HELP HIM AGAIN!??! You made ONE Frankenstein Monster, you YOURSELF are technically a Frankenstein Monster, WHY TAKE THE CHANCE ON A THIRD?! Was that REALLY the time to test the "3rd time's the charm" idea Bruce?!!?

3265936 There, exactly! That way, if we really need it, we can keep JARVIS as the Vision, but get that extra bit of character complexity and make Tony look like less of a :applecry:hole.
And Bruce is totally mishandled in this film. Neither his relationship with Tony or Natasha makes any sense, especially in context with his character development in the last film.

:raritydespair:: The Avengers induce that Ultron is using the Hydra compound from the beginning of the film, and begin to evacuate the surrounding city. Bruce rescues Natasha, and FINALLY begins to show investment in this "relationship." But Natasha, realizing that running away from a battle to save the world might not be terribly noble, decides that, instead of simply explaining that common sense realization to Bruce, she should push him down a well in order to turn him into the Hulk.
and Black Widow is Marvels Batman, down to the way she interacts with her peers.

3268045 And really? It's an example of WHY we need a solo Hulk movie because he's ONLY getting character development in the Avengers and he's having to SPLIT IT with like a MILLION other characters!!!

3268356 I actually think it is induce. Deduce means to make a specific conclusion based off a general principle. Induce means to draw a general conclusion from specific evidence. They figured out where she was based off of radio signals. I could be wrong, but I think that counts as induction.
Also, I've always preferred seeing other heroes punch Batman to the other way around. He may be a great hero, but he can be one heck of a jerk.

3268713 Agreed. With the Leader.

3269952 Leader, Zzzax, and Absorbing Man. Why those two? Zzzax poses a pretty good threat and? I like him as a Hulk villain. Absorbing Man because long-time Hulk rival AND sets up Titania for a potential She-Hulk project AND to redeem the Absorbing Man VS Hulk concept RUINED by Aang Lee's Hulk!

I thought induce meant drawing something out, like a poispn from a wound. Your more than likely right.
I keep trying to find this one Wonder Woman comic where she beats the tar out pf Batman.

3270123 I could run with that. It'd also allow Absorbing Man to escape Agents of SHIELD.

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