• Member Since 30th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2020

Bucking Nonsense

A Little Nonsense Now And Then Is Relished By The Wisest Men.

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    I Came Back To Post One Little Thing, Then I'll Leave Again

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Sometimes, you guys, I swear... · 9:00pm Jul 23rd, 2015

You know, most of the time, you guys are fairly chill, and at least give me a chapter before you start a civil war in the comments, or start with the torches and pitchforks, but some days, you start stuff as soon as the chapter hits the site. I had counted on you guys giving me the start of the next chapter, at least, so things like the consequences of Ambrose's actions could be put in perspective, but it seems you guys aren't going to be chill this time. So, here is what is going to happen...

I had the start of the next chapter in progress, and had actually intended to tag it to the end of the current chapter, but decided to go with a laugh, and the bit with Grogar. The chapter was a long time in the coming, and I didn't want you guys to wait any longer. Besides, like I said, you guys are normally pretty laid back and like to see where I'm going with the things I do. So, later today or tomorrow, depending upon how quickly I can finish things, I will retract the chapter I posted, and resubmit it with the ending I had originally planned. As to what that ending entails?

During the movie The Wolf Of Wall Street, the main character has a point in time where he has to stop a friend from talking on a tapped phone, but is rendered unable to speak clearly due to an overdose of medication. He has to drive home, and thinks he did a good job of it, until several minutes after his arrival, the cops arrive, and he gets a good look at the car he was driving, or at least what's left of it.

You don't drive while drunk, and you certainly shouldn't try to godmode while drunk, either.

Comments ( 28 )

Really, folks are up in arms? I don't really look to the comments, and doing what you did here. Eh, I don't get why folks would be uppity? You have a villainous hero, they cheat, they don't play fair, they break things, they fix them how they want. I hope you don't rush and take the time you need to keep up such stellar quality.

well... I just didn't want the anthros, everything else is perfectly fine.....
I'm curious about the other ending though

Comment posted by Scarletmenace deleted Jul 23rd, 2015

Personally I was fine with the new chapter. Sure, gave ya some heck about the "Tirek" story's original ending, but that was because it felt rushed and slapdash. Since the current chapter was not the final chapter of this hilarious tale about Ambrose/Sombra , I knew things were going to get hilariously strange the next chapter and questions would be answered.

So in short, people are gonna complain since it is the Internet and thus take it with a grain of salt. Though another lesson to take from this is: if you have a vision in mind for a particular chapter but feel the need to put it out in a rush to appease folks by not making them wait... take your time; I and others would prefer a more interesting chapter that is cohesive over a faster release schedule because you set yourself up to some timetable.

i actually don't mind the anthros as long as there is actual consequences to it, so as long as his subjects just don't shrug and then proclaim him amazing all the while instantly adapting to walking on two legs I would be happy.

Well, now I'm sad I didn't comment, even if my comment would have amounted to little more than stating that if people didn't like the chapter, it was their own personal problem.

By all means, they don't have to like what you share with us. But they made the decision to read it, so while they have the right to not like it, they do not have the right to be dickholes.

Go ahead and reinstate the original ending, and then when people complain about not liking the new, grimdark direction the story's taken, you tell them, "Too bad."

They had their chance.

Also, like this recent post from coldsilverd:

For those complaining about him suddenly getting godlike powers...
How many times has he said that 'Ambrose' is heavily inspired by manga and anime? What happens in a lot of those? Oh, they get godlike powers (temporarily) to deal with problems. No one complains when it happens in Dragon Ball Z, which is anime, so why not here? Its a trope that he exploits for laughs, because this is a comedy.
I can see all sorts of hilarious potential with everypony suddenly having a shift in anatomy. You shouldn't abandon the story without seeing what he plans to do first. Downvote it after its finished, because knowing Bucking Nonsense, we have no idea where it could possibly go.

This, just f'ing THIS!!! Sums shit up quite nicely!


Having read the chapter, personally idrk about the stuff that transpired. I read the story for your special brand of wacky and that was pretty friggan wacky. So personally I enjoyed it. So rewrite it if you feel you must, but I thought it was pretty ok. That said, with that hint you dropped about the aftermath of the drunken reality rewrite has me on the edge of my seat for the wacky that is certainly about to hit Ambrose like a freight train. So do what you must, but either way I shall lust for the continuation of this tale.

I read the whole chapter with a big smile on my face until the anthro kicked in... if a story starts anthro i have no problem, but the sudden shift kinda threw me off IDK its your story man do with what you please

Judging by that last paragraph, I have a idea about what that new ending will be.

Well I'm not even that far in it so don't rush at all! I mean that due to the quality of rushed work over work that you take your time on, there is a noticeable difference.:moustache:

Personally, I always wait 2 chapters before voicing anything or quitting a story due to problems. This is because all issues I may have had are almost always resolved within that timespan. But then, others may not be so broad-minded as to wait.

(And fyi, my only problem is that I don't particularly like Anthro, but I wouldn't quit reading this epic story just for that anyway)

i loved the new chapter really but if you feel a change is nesscersary then it is your story perhaps you can rename the chapter you posted as a non canonical chapter so we could still be able to read it and you might find use for it later?

The anthro threw me for a loop, but I remember reading part of another story where Twilight pulled a guy into Equestria, and everypony became anthro until he could, to put it bluntly, pump it out of them.

Like 326359 , I don't mindAnthro, unless the characer's just say 'fuck it' and move on

There, you see all that up there, Nony?

Regardless of story comments and personal preferences, you have the full support of the League of Extraordinarily Intelligent and Attractive Gentlefolks.

It sucks that you're going to change the ending. It sucks even more that all those guys so much as hear the word "Anthro," and they go bat s*** crazy. Soooooo much potential lost just because they are impatient and don't like the way the story is going. Either way, I know you'll deliver us an awesome story!

I firmly vote for keeping the anthro (given that most of the criticism is along the lines of "ewwww, anthro ponies", there isn't enough legitimate criticism to justify changing it). It fits with the general insanity that happens when one gets drunk and has god-mode powers. The reaction to the transformation would be very entertaining.

I believe in Harvey Dent Bucking Nonsense.


Really, folks are up in arms?

Well they wouldn't be up in arms if Bucking Nonsense hadn't taken their forelegs away!

I honestly don't care how the author writes his story. I fucking love it either way. I suggest keeping it as it is. I honestly didn't mind the normal pony scenario, nor do I mind the sudden change to anthropomorphism. The people whining about it can politely fuck off, pardon my language, because it's his story. He can do what he wants with it. I mean, the dudes name is 'Bucking Nonsense!' Of course there's gonna be some random shit! If the majority have read his stories, they'd know what kinda shit this dude comes up with. And you know what I gotta say about that?!

3264268 Ba-ZING! Bravo good sir for one that, you have certainly handed me a great opportunity here to palm off these great words of humor onto you. I'm in quite the good spirits here, and will give you a very well earned thumbs up for fingering the real crux of the issue.

Bronies, I am really disappointed, but guess I really shouldn't have expected everyone to just wait for the next chapter.

Edit: See what you did guys? He added a bit of the next chapter. BOOM! Plot.

So now, we have everyone reacting in disgust at this situtation and then we have peple bombarding them for not liking the change of pace.

Jesus christ Fimfic, this is NOT how you celebrate my third year of being on Fimfiction.
Turn the mature filter on and act like you mean it, because if this is the way we react to this small confliction, then I see why people despise our fandom.

In other words, Bucking, I respect your decision for this story either way. I enjoy your horse words very much so, and even if you keep it anthro, i'll feel a little uncomfortable but i'll keep reading because let's be honest, your work is great.

You know what? I'm so butthurt disappointed right now i'm going to sign my name.


i dont mind what you did, i find it really amusing, ignore the haters and keep going, after all haters gonna hate

NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't change the ending!! it was too epic, please!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!

Say what you will about the hate, that ending was wierd. Like "the sky is now pink" wierd. So I think I can understand when ppl get upset. You've changed a basic rule of the world you established. You should expect some anger as a given.

Regardless of the potential hilarity, the anthro thing was bullshit and out of nowhere... however, I will continue reading regardless, because out of any authors on this site, you are one of the most likely to not royally fuck up a story with a decision like that, not matter how much I despise anthros.

Eh, being chill is for chumps.

Anyway, I'd rather you'd have just edited the chapter, 'cause now my comments are gone. From now on, no one will ever see my post on how to properly achieve the Ballmer Peak. :fluttercry:

You can repost it! You have my permission to do so. I'm cool like that.

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