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  • TThe Dragon's Riddle
    Long, long ago, when the Age of Dragons ended in fire and ruin, the greatest of the dragons challenged the races of Equestria to prove themselves worthy to rule the next age.
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Honest Fictions: The Dragon's Riddle · 7:33pm Jul 27th, 2015

There's a group on FIMFiction by the name of Honest Fictions — posting summaries that lovingly take the piss out of fanfics, in the same way that Honest Trailers offers sharp and satirical takes on movies.

They just posted one for my mythological minific The Dragon's Riddle, and I'm not gonna lie, it got me smiling. Here's a sample of Professor Tacitus' snark:

Witness the epic and world-shattering civil war between dragons in what can only be described as the MOST. AWESOME. THING. EVER.

> Then, one day, the dragons fell to squabbling, and the fires of war scoured the land. The skies darkened with smoke, and great claws split mountains. Finally, the battlecries fell silent, and the shattered remnants of the dragons slunk into the dark places

Or just read three sentences that give almost no detail about what could have be an amazing story in and of itself. But hey, at least the grammar was good. Take that Grammar Nazis!

Even if that's not your bag, it's worth reading just for the answer to the riddle (which I'm not going to spoil). Give it a click.

Comments ( 9 )

It sounds more like they're the kinds of morons that enforce mediocre writing.

I think my favorite honest trailer is probably the one for Pacific Rim (a movie whose name I forgot, but which I quickly found by googling for "Movie with giant robots" - thanks Google!).


That one's pretty good, but the Game of Thrones one is my favorite. XD

I hope you liked it. Honestly, your story is one of my absolute favorites on this site, so I had one hell of a time trying to poke fun at it:rainbowlaugh:
But yeah, don't take anything I said too seriously. Your story is amazing:twilightsmile:


... if they're related to Sean Bean

I can't not read it in that guy's awesome voice.

That's a stupid criticism. It's complaining that you didn't write a different story, with MORE KOOLER STUFF.

The way I see it, it's worthless as criticism, but it's fine for piss-taking. The satire might not be everyone's bag, but hey, if 3274150 enjoyed my story enough that he has to find silly excuses to shred it, better that than to rip apart its flaws. :rainbowwild:

(I remember Honest Trailers sometimes doing this too. The Guardians of the Galaxy one, for example, tore into the thing over a few stupid nitpicks, then the narrator said, "Aw, who are we kidding. This is a great movie.")

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