More Blog Posts582

  • 439 weeks

    Oh man I've been buuuuuuuuuuuusy. Like, so much so. Just moved town and had to get everything situated in a new house. Plus, I've finally adopted a kiddo, so I got that going for me, which is great. More difficult than I ever thought it would, but the wife and I managed to get everything down pat (for now at least).

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    28 comments · 3,589 views
  • 447 weeks
    Update And Junk

    Hey, it's that time of year again. With the colder weather and changing leaves. Or more along the lines of Florida terms, absolutely no difference whatsoever! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!


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    18 comments · 1,515 views
  • 452 weeks
    I Believe A Proper Explanation Is In Order


    Oh yeah, right. My bad.

    Well, uh, people... yeah, it's been rough. On me at least. You guys on the other hand could still be having a rad time. Or something. I'm not trying to put you down here. Just trying to be... real? I guess.

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    51 comments · 1,305 views
  • 453 weeks
    Dear God

    I forgot to mention it was my birthday like two days ago. Damn, I've been busier than I thought.

    Oh, also, writing a novel. Because I'm a neeeeeeerd.

    32 comments · 1,526 views
  • 458 weeks
    Whelp I Guess I Should Mention My Vacation Thingy

    Lemme tells ya, trying to find a decent internet reception in Miami sucks balls. But on the bright side they have incredibly fruity drinks over here, which is rad.

    Also holy fuck so much shit in my feed message. Haven't checked Skype in a long time. So many things. So little time.


    Eh. So how are you guys doing?

    14 comments · 1,431 views

AMA Answers (Oh God So Many) · 1:45am Aug 2nd, 2015

Whelp might as well as get this out of the way before I get sober.

How are you so spongy?

Dr. Clean mostly, with a touch of Pinesol.

What's your favorite band and type of music?

Uhhhhh.... Does D12 count as a band? Eh, they have a song called that, it should be good enough. As for favorite type of music, it'll be split between hardcore rap, 1950's jazz/blues, and of course, deathcore.

what was the last thing you absorbed through your pores?


May I acquire your services? My toilet is in need of some maintenance. :trollestia:

I charge $11.50 per hour, I hope it's worth it.

What candy do you think would feel the best being shoved up your butt?

Twix because of that crunch.

Do you want some chocolate?

I literally just shoved a Twix bar right up my ass... so yeah, sure.

Only during mating season when I'm in heat. With myself. Oooooh yeah, bby.

So how is the situation after that wreck a while back? Back to ~100%?

Other than muscle strains in my back that will only worsen with old age, I'm pretty good. Plus I got hella kewl scars.

What inspired the name Rainbowbob?

I saw a picture with Spongebob with a rainbow above his head and the rest is history.
Yeah, that's about it. I literally chose my name from a random picture I discovered.

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again?

Nah I'm pretty awesome.

If I fill your holes, will you die?

Depends on what it is and whether I'm sexually aroused or not.

So, just have much Spongebob porn have you fapped to?

How much pony porn have you fapped to? Multiply that by 10 and you're already halfway there... halfway there... halfway there...

What's the square root of potato salad?


What is the square root of zero?

Diet coleslaw.

How many hookers have you snorted and how much cocaine have you fucked?

Enough to get me banned from the entire city of Las Vegas as well as Denver.

okay, lets have a walk through of an average day for you.

>wake up
>brush teeth
>kiss wife
>ask for a quicky
>she has a "headache"
>eat frosted flakes instead
>go to work
>fuck this
>lunch time
>browse skype
>fuck this more
>go on fimfic
>jesus christ why
>go home
>blowjob city
>mfw I'm going it for myself by contorting my spine enough to suck myself off
>Ron Paul 2012
>the n-word
>Bush did 9/11
>jet fuel can't melt steel beams

If dared to do something, would you do it?
Assuming you aren't a lil' bitch a pansy, I dare you to follow me, bob.

Bitch that ain't a question.

What does the Fox say?

I don't speak fox, motherfucker. Goddamn, wasting your only question on that? NEEEEEEEERD!

Have you ever seen a dolphin's penis, and if not, do you want a picture of one?

Yes and yes.

Kinkiest sex you've had with your wife? Kinkiest sex you've had with someone who isn't your wife
Does your wife have an account on here?

We roleplayed as Pinkie and the Brain. You guess which is which.
I once wore a collar and leash and had to lick peanut butter off of a Swedish lesbian in college.
Christ no.

What's your opinion of Moondancer, and the new MoonLight ship?

Moondancer is a nerd so my opinion is of course that she is a nerdy nerdling neeeeeeeeerd! Also the USS MoonLight is a mighty vessel and shall surely break through the Japanese fleet.

Glowlight Derple: Great unicorn or greatest unicorn?

She is merely a unicorn. Trixie already has the title of Great, and Greatest of course goes to Rarity because fuck, man, she's fucking Rarity.

If I'm so horsefamus, why did my last five fics get no attention?

Did you try turning it off and on again? Perhaps try writing HiE, Displaced, or a fandom classic, masturbating with razorblades.

You're horny, and I'm drunk once again. Sounds like a good combination.
Why won't you love me, senpai? :raritydespair:

Who are you again?

In all of FimFic, who's the blackest, reddest, coolest, most badass and most edgy Alicorn?

Do you ever feel naughty after writing "those" types of stories?
Not as a hate towards them, just curious.

I once masturbated into an oven mitt and then ate a meatball sub. You guess.

Will you marry me, Bob? We can have beautiful, beautiful hoers babies.

I don't care that you're married. The offer still stands. And this only has a little bit to do with the alcohol I've consumed tonight.

You're not beautiful enough for me, so no, not sorry.
I am the shallowest of all saltwater sponges.

Where do babies come from?


What do you think of expired water?

I just throw it at the urchins scuttling on the streets.

Is there anything you've written and thought was shitty even then, but published anyways?

For fimfic, probably the top winner is Dear Princess Celestia: I Hate You. For original fiction, it'd have to be my one story where aliens believed cars were the true rulers of Earth. It was... incredibly stupid. But fun. Funnily stupid.

Hmm... How would you feel if I told you I was going back and writing stuff for my R63 SombraPie AU?

I'd tell you daaaaaaaaaaaamn gurl I am super excited!

When will you continue your crossover stories like Just Joking?

When I find the will to look at my old writing without vomiting. Also, if I can find an editor willing to go over that...shitpile.

To machine gun or not to machine gun?


Biggest pet peeve on this site?

I mean, apart from bronies...

Probably those "featured on XX/XX/XXXX date!" things in story descriptions. I get why people do them, more power to them, it's just a really big turn off to me. On the other hand it's a really good indication to a bad story, so it ain't all bad.

>0 responses
OP is a faggot

You are the bundle of sticks, not I!

Comments ( 13 )

That explains everything :derpytongue2:

Eat your heart out, Clarissa!

That tag. God, that tag.

#RainbowBob wasn't horny enough for this

this needs to be a thing throughout FimFic

How can we be sure you weren't sober while answering these? :trixieshiftright:

I laughed. Until I wasn't sure if you were serious. Also, if your name's rainbowbob, you should be only part sponge, right? Right.

Only during mating season when I'm in heat. With myself. Oooooh yeah, bby.

You fucked up the youtube copypasta.

What inspired the name Rainbowbob?

I saw a picture with Spongebob with a rainbow above his head and the rest is history.
Yeah, that's about it. I literally chose my name from a random picture I discovered.

Somehow I knew the username origin would be disappointing.

>mfw I'm going it for myself by contorting my spine enough to suck myself off

Hang on didn't you just go through a car crush months ago? I'm pretty sure even if it 'healed up', there's gotta be some sort of phantom pain.

What do you think of expired water?

I just throw it at the urchins scuttling on the streets.

Good fucking answer. Hose dem hoes!

Biggest pet peeve on this site?
I mean, apart from bronies...

Probably those "featured on XX/XX/XXXX date!" things in story descriptions. I get why people do them, more power to them, it's just a really big turn off to me. On the other hand it's a really good indication to a bad story, so it ain't all bad.

If I fill your holes, will you die?

It would be extremely painful

She is merely a unicorn. Trixie already has the title of Great, and Greatest of course goes to Rarity because fuck, man, she's fucking Rarity.

She's fucking Rarity? Bullshit, because I'm fucking Rarity! :raritywink:

Probably those "featured on XX/XX/XXXX date!" things in story descriptions. I get why people do them, more power to them, it's just a really big turn off to me. On the other hand it's a really good indication to a bad story, so it ain't all bad.

You know, that brings up a good point I was thinking about the other day- the first and only time I've hit the featured box, I was at first, delighted, but then everyone started SCRUTINIZING what I'd wrote and arguing in the comments about their favourite ships and acting like I'd claimed I wrote a fantastic piece of literature and thus must be yelled at for doing so, when all I thought I wrote was a funny story about snot.

I hid inside my duvet fort for the rest of the day like the fearful worm i was.

I now dread the featured box with a fiery terror. The people who seem pleased about it can HAVE it.


I now dread the featured box with a fiery terror. The people who seem pleased about it can HAVE it.

Update slot is pretty relaxing.


Hell yes. It's where all the stoner kids hang out.

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