• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen February 16th

Rarity Belle

A Dutch gentleman of leisure, living for pleasure, since mirth is my measure. Writing stories that are (mostly) unique and psychological of nature and visiting conventions whenever I can.

More Blog Posts35

  • 405 weeks
    Expanding my horizon

    The time is now finally there. Finally there to do something what I've been saying to do for a long time. If you remember a previous blog of mine, I said that I was kinda done with MLP fanfics. Hence why I expanded my horizon of writing gibberish. The first story to see that light of day, is the story that I wrote to

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  • 409 weeks
    Galacon 2016 aftermath

    So here I sit in my 23rd year,
    How I wish I was at a con right now,
    It's been five days since we drove away,
    and I just made home yesterday,
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  • 415 weeks
    Done with MLP:FiM fanfics?

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  • 432 weeks
    Hearth's Warming Con 2016

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    11 comments · 632 views

Galacon 2015! · 4:16pm Aug 5th, 2015

With the days crawling by again, it is sad to say that I’m back home again. The past few days had been a blast for me and about 1.200 other bronies. Ludwigsburg in Germany has seen us again, and boy did they knew we were there once more. Galacon 2015 had been a blast and something on which I look back with a massive smile. Just as I did with the 2013 edition, I will make another, massive list and stories of things that happened while I was there. A thing which I forgot to do during the 2014 edition... Can’t really blame me for it though. Right? R-Right? A-Anywho, let’s begin on the day where it all started. Friday morning, on the 31rst of July, the day of travel.

My alarm began to ring at 5:45 in the morning and by 6:15 I was already on my way to the bus. When I arrived at the station, I could still take a train earlier to the next stop. Which I gladly did of course. So at around 7:30 I arrived at Utrecht central station. From there I would travel all the way down to Karlsruhe in Germany. A trip of about 4,5 hours in total. Though the only problem happened to be that I had arrived just about an hour before the ICE train would leave. Long story short, after a long and boring train trip, we (me and my roommate) finally arrived at Ludwigsburg in Germany. Because my girlfriend couldn’t come because of reasons, I offered my room to one of the other Duchties who gladly took it. After we checked in to our hotel and dropped our stuff, we just went strolling around the town for a bit.

First we went to the venue because I wanted to see the room I would hold my panel in. When I arrived and counted the amount of chairs rather quick, I discovered that it still had place for about 100 people. All of the sudden I became rather terrified of my panel. It would either have been crowded or it would have been empty. I was hoping the latter, but feared the first. Though after having seen the room and talked to a couple of guys, I picked up my con badge and was ready to just wander through the town. Ludwigsburg is and always will be this lovely little city where it seems time stood still at certain places. I am glad that they managed to get the venue again for this year.

Though as with everything, hunger is a thing that comes when the time calls for it. We went to get some food and made the last couple of checks before we were being asked if we would go to the pre-meet. After a long time and walk back to the venue, meeting with another Dutch guy and walk back through Ludwigsburg, we finally found it and had a couple of drinks. We didn’t made it too late though, because the next day would have been the first day of con. The real and mane event of the weekend.

Saturday morning I woke up and hoisted myself in my cosplay. I looked both pretty slick and rather cartoony with the hat that I was wearing. The excuse I gave? If I’m going to cosplay a cartoon horse, I might as well have something cartoony in my cosplay. Which turned out to be rather interesting combination. I wasn’t even ten minutes at the venue before the first picture was already taken in a sneaky manner. Through the entire day did people come up to me and asked if they could take a picture. Either me alone, with other cosplayers or with themselves. Of course I didn’t mind it, that’s the fun of cosplay!

The venue opened at around 9:30 and when I walked around, I saw a lot of things by the vendors. A lot of things that I also wanted. But the same thing happens pretty much every single year, it’s too expensive. Yes, it is wonderful to get a giant Rarity plush, but it isn’t worth 330 euro’s in my eyes. That, and if I bought it, my entire budget would have been blown to bits in one single purchase. No, I think I’ll keep it to the smaller (and cheaper) ones for the moment. But I did buy some posters the first day though. Afterwards, it was up to the opening ceremony and, what can I say? It’s the same as pretty much every other one. The guests get introduced, the con is being opened and that’s basically it. Although both Michelle Creber and BlackGryh0n did preform a song for us all. It was nice, but not in my taste so I was like, ‘meh, it’s good, but not for me.’

Thanks due to rather unfortunate planning from the Galacon staff, they placed my panel pretty much in the middle of the day. Which meant that there wasn’t a whole lot I could have gone to. Yes, I wanted to go to the Legends of Equestria panel, but couldn’t from myself. Looking back at it, I could have gone but just leave a couple minutes earlier. Stupid me is stupid sometimes. Anywho, I kept on wandering around and about, met up with a couple more Dutch guys I know and talked with other people. But it wasn’t that long afterwards that my own panel started. The fear was reaching in my heart and my legs were trembling. It could have been caused by both overheating and dehydration though. I wasn’t nearly drinking enough and the suit that I wore was rather warm, not to say anything about the hat.

So the time was there, it had come for me to shine. I set everything up the way it was supposed to be and took off both the jacket and the hat during it. I wasn’t going to sit there in my full cosplay of course. I am not that crazy, although people do tend to say otherwise. The panel itself has been recorded and I expect it to be online soon enough. When it comes online, I will edit this blog post with it and also make a new one, linking towards it. But in short, despite me having prepared a script and trying to keep on track with it, it was how I really am, all over the place. Even though I was nervous, I even though I was terrified, I think the moment where I really shone with it was during the little Q&A part of it. Because it’s unscripted and I have to come up with things on the spot. In the end, I was glad it was over, but I was also glad that I was given the opportunity to do it. So a massive thanks for the organization for that one! Will I be back as panelist next year? No clue. I hope so, but I can understand if they don’t want me.

Because I also had to take everything down again and people asked me questions after the panel as well, time was running a little bit short on my end. Resulting in me also missing the panel that came after mine. Not a thing I felt too terribly bad about though. I would just wander off again, meeting and talking to both new and old people. Though the next thing I would visit was the cosplay contest. Just watching people in fancy dresses and costumes doing their things. I do admit, I saw two very good Rarity’s walking about and they looked just lovely. Bit of a problem when you’re a male though, if you go tight in a dress (especially with my body-build), you will get a one way ticket to the insane asylum. Not that I can complain too much about my suit though. I like it, people liked it, more I can’t say. Though to be going back on topic here, the cosplay contest was an amazing little thing. They did save the best for last. I’m not going to spoil it here, watch it online when you can. You will not regret it.

After that, there was the small auction. Yes, there were some other things that I wanted to do but I didn’t had the time nor did I feel like I would go there. So during the auction, there were a couple of times that I wanted to bid on. Most of them just to ramp up the price of course (as I love toying around like that), but then came the printed version of Past Sins. I had to have it. The opening bid was €135 and it went all the way up to €200. I think I dropped out somewhere at the 180 mark, because there still would be Sunday. In the end, I didn’t got anything from the auction, but had a blast watching people burn their money.

With the small auction over, me and one other guy went to get some food and change up for the actual main event: the gala itself. We went to eat a little sandwich and then back to the hotel before going back to the venue again. I do admit, in my three years of Galacon, was this the very first time I actually went to the gala evening. It was everything I expected it to be though. Strangely enough, I was allowed in my full cosplay, even with the hat on. But after about 15 minutes, one of my friends had to go back to his hotel due to medical issues. He offered to go alone, but I (and a couple others) insisted that he would be escorted. In the end, the job of escorting him came down to me because of not having any real interest in the gala itself. So I dropped him at the hotel and came back, stood inside for about 30 minutes and then ran back out because it was hot. Terribly hot inside. I talked to some more friends and people before finally deciding to end it for Saturday. We still had Sunday, after all.

Saturday could be seen as a bit of a disappointing for me, mostly due to the lack of things I couldn’t go to at all. Not that I can really complain about it though, I did have my own panel after all. In essence and looking calmly back at it, Saturday was still a success in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that I walked around in my cosplay for about 14 hours straight. And I found it strange I was both overheated and dehydrated? It was a lot of fun to walk around, but when the shoes came off, the pain came setting in.

Sunday morning, I woke up and hoisted myself again in my cosplay, that time without the jacket. I caught word that would be around 30 degrees Celsius that day and I really didn’t wanted to overheat. So packed, suited up and ready to go, we went back to the venue. It opened at the normal time and I wandered around again. Saturday we had formed a little group consisting out of a Twilight, King Sombra and Trickster cosplayer(s ?). Lovely bunch of people indeed. I spend most of Sunday with the Trickster though. No idea way, but he was fun to hang around with. My plan for Sunday was pretty simple: VA panel, signing session, see what works out, charity auction and then close everything. It was a success for a change in my doing.

Arriving at the VA panel, most of the special guests had come up with something. Something that wasn’t allowed to be filmed at all, by nobody. What they did, or what was organized actually, was that an ‘episode’ would be played out for all of us through just the voices. It was a blast to listen to and just hearing how spot on everything was for the show was amazing. Just that alone, made everything I lost on Saturday worth it in double. After that came the Q&A of course, which was just as crazy as ever. I have a tendency to call this one the best panel of this year though, for me personally. Might be having something to do with the fact I’m such a massive Rarity fan and since Tabitha was there...

When the panel was over, I stood in line for the signing session. I made a promise to myself at the previous Galacon, one I wanted and had to fulfill. Last year I bought a German version of the NMR comic arc, that one got sealed up and set up on display because of the glow-in-the-dark moon it carries. That comic, I wanted to have signed by Tabitha no matter what. And that, was exactly the thing that happened. I fulfilled my promise, even though it took me a year. The only other autograph I got was from Michelle, I wasn’t really too interested at the others, though I did have a little conversation with Gabe. It was nice! It was also nice to hug both Michelle and Tabitha in my cosplay. Though right after the signing session, I met up with Trickster again and all of the sudden, one of the other two (female) Rarity’s comes to us, asking for a picture. My with my big (and sometimes idiotic) mouth, asked to her how she wanted the picture: just me, just him, me and him, or the three of us together? In the end she settled down for us both and her.

Then we returned to just wandering around and about. It was also the moment where I let Trickster go again, we went out separates way again for the next series of panels. Can’t blame him though, it’s not like he was shackled to me though. At least, not intentional, don’t know what spell he spoke over us though. I remember another Trixie casting a spell over me, after me accusing her of having turned my mane green... To this day, I still don’t know what she did, but she looked horrified at the result. Suppose the effects can’t be seen by me. Not to get off topic again here, the next panel I eventually went to was the Thiessen’s panel, lovely bunch of people though. And they are the persons I personally like more, they are the ones hidden in the background, pulling the strings for everyone else. It’s as I say, those in the spotlight get all the attention, and backlash. But what can I say? Another amazing panel by two pretty amazing people behind the show. Now I feel bad for not getting their autographs... Can’t have everything though.

When the Thiessen’s panel was over, the big auction was about to hit. That thing was just madness itself. Old traditions came back, money was being burned, messages being delivered. It was an all-out lunatic house. Wonderful items came and I bid on so many of them, but I never, ever got one. Well, if you only have about 300 to spend before trouble hits, and basically everything is going for far over that, you can see the issue arising. But, I did have a second chance at Past Sins. Another print would be sold, it started at 80. My hand stayed in the air until the number 300 got hit. In the end, I was outbid by just 10 euro’s. Do I feel bad? Not really. Yes, I wanted it. But on the other end, you can read the online version any day of the week. Give and take, I presume.

With everything said and done, just over €13.500,- was given to charity as a result to the auction. Something that I had never expected to see happening. I think, this year was the very first year we managed to break the 10k wall. I may be wrong about that though. Every item that was being sold, went higher than 200 from what I remember. It seriously is a lot of money and I recommend you see the livestream feed of it, because it’s worth every single minute. It was long, but so, so worth it.

Which brings us to the closing ceremony which was right after it. A lot of clapping and thanking involved that. What can I say about this? It’s like the opening, but we’re going back home again. There really wasn’t anything that stood out, outside of the wonderful words. Though the words of Michelle will always stay with me. She said she had been to so many conventions were people just look at her with a sour face, but here, at Galacon, she could be herself and nobody would look up strange. We’re kind, crazy, spontaneous and overall, lovable. It doesn’t matter what they do or did, we will clap, we will cheer, we will laugh. And boy how much we did that. We laughed, we partied, we enjoyed. Even though the theme was villains, Galacon proved that even villains have some kindness left in their heart. Even if it is just to throw a bloody good party before the hounds got released to kick us out of the venue...

With the gala over, the time had come to share a last supper, if you like. An aftermeet was organized as well. So me and a couple other Dutchies would go have dinner together, go to our hotels and change everything, pack everything for Monday and then hit the pub. It’s an aftermeet, what can I say about that? Played some games, met new people, had some drinks, but then the clock hit 10:30 in the evening. The terrace had to cleared (as part of the rules) and everyone had to go inside. Problem was, inside it as hot. So I made the decision to just go back to the hotel and prepare the last little things for Monday. I was mostly packed, but some things still had to be done. I bid most of the people goodbye and would have been on my way again.

Monday morning, I woke up broken and wondered what had happened the past three days, but then I remembered everything. I packed up my last things before checking out of the hotel and went to the lobby of the hotel where the other Dutchies were. 9 of them had rented a van in which they would travel, so me and my roommate decided to wave them out for the moment. Once the group photo was taken and they had departed, it was my time to go to Stuttgard. I said my goodbye’s to my roommate and went on the train. From there... it would have taken me until 19:00 before I would be home again. 8 hours’ worth of train travel I went through. It felt good to be home, but also sad to know that one of the most anticipated conventions of the year had been over again. Well, at least 2016 has been confirmed, meaning the con will enter its fifth year of existence. I’ll be there. But not as Elusive though. No, the king of fear, shall pay a visit during the gala-party of Europe.

With it being a convention and such, there is always stuff to be bought, now isn’t there? But what exactly did I buy? Not that much, I even managed to surprise myself by the lack of stuff that I bought. Though be amazed, as I only bought a handful of stuff this year.

First of all, because I bought the plus ticket, I had the rights on a t-shirt: meaning this is my third obligatory t-shirt from Galacon! I am not complaining, at, all. This one is so far, my favorite Galacon shirt.

Of course, we also have the obligatory posters! The two big NMR’s are already hanging on my walls, the one from Rarity will come later. I need to place a hook for it in the wall, same goes for the smaller one of NMR. Can you guess which pony I like the most?

Secondly, we have more glasses and mugs! At meet 15 of the Dutch bronies, I bought two tea-mugs for a cheap price, engraved with both Rarity and Rainbow, last year’s Galacon I bought a Rarity glass, why not continue with the tradition? Also the most expensive thing I bought this year.

Last but not least, we have the paperwork. My badge, the conguide, the autograph of Michelle, but also the promise I made to myself. I can’t thank Tabitha enough for that!

In case anyone is wondering: Michelle wrote: 'Buy some apples, Rarity!' while Tabitha wrote: 'To Rarity Belle <3 Tabitha St. Germain'

But that’s all I bought and received this year. And with that, Galacon 2015 is both finished and over. It was amazing, it was priceless, just like the other two before. I don’t think that there’s much left for me to say, other than that I will keep on writing fictions, I will keep on going to cons and that I will keep on working. Galacon 2015 was a blast, but now we’re setting our sights on the next one: Hearth’s Warming Con 2016!

Comments ( 6 )

3297394 I may indeed have forgotten one or two little things, but those should only be minor things. Surprisingly enough, I did remember everything that happened. Which is also a first for me. The con itself was indeed one amazing thing to go through. I had my fair share of fun and loot yes (although you can never have too much loot). I was doubting about that beach Rarity though. Not whether or not I would get it, but if I should go for the one I have (which I A3, I believe) or go one size bigger (making it A2), but settled down for the one I have now. And did you now? May I ask: is it still hanging there? I will spam the link to the panel everywhere once it finally goes online. You won't believe some of the things that happened during my panel if I told you. Patience though, I expect it to be online in 3 weeks.

3299127 At least the desire for it is there, which is a good thing. But, you at least have it as something. Yes, it may only be as your phone wallpaper, but it's better than nothing, no? And that, is exactly the reason why nobody is allowed in my room. It's my sacred little piece of peace and harmony, nobody should mess with that.

kewl, you were at Galacon? No way?!!???!

3307185 Yes I were! Didn't see you though... Only saw Fancy Pants wandering about. Reminded me of you though. Shame you couldn't make it.

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