• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

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  • 87 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 114 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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  • 115 weeks

    Been dealing with a lot of stress and heartache the past couple of weeks.

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  • 118 weeks
    Who Wants to See Babies?

    I'm just poppin' in to talk about our livestock.

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  • 127 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

    Huh, back in July I said I oughta talk more around here. It's now the day after Christmas and I have not, in fact, talked more around here.

    So, I'll give you the rundown on what I've been up to since then. Warning, it gets a little long in talking about last summer's vacation and about a new fixation I have.

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OC Pages are Finished! · 1:39pm Aug 6th, 2015

Also, I have a bit of a cold, and I hate it. Bleck!

Anyway, I've been spending the last few weeks working on these things, from drawing them on paper while my computer was being fixed, to inking and coloring them when I finally got my compy back, and writing down short descriptions of each character. Their roles in stories depend, but these guys are counted if they have a significant moment in the story they're in (whether I've written it or it's still in my head).

Mind you, this is only the pony OCs, so sorry to those who wanted to see what my Diamond Dog OCs look like, or who wanted to see the other dream gremlins besides Mara. But, you know, I could only handle so many characters to draw...

Anyway, just so you know, I'll be having generation tags to avoid confusion over the ages (since characters from different generations are shown as different ages--Kernel's shown as a three-year-old, but Bell Pepper--who is about nine years younger than him--is shown as a ten-year-old). I mainly drew them as the age I felt most comfortable drawing them as. Anyway:

*Grandparents' Generation
**Parents, Aunts, and Uncles' Generation
***About the same generation as Mane Six and CMC
**** Foals

Let's begin!

**Acorn Compound: Cheese and Tomato Sandwich's crazy uncle and husband of Cocoa Butter. He's a chemist that has a lot of energy, and he's always coming up with new things to try. He and his wife work at a university, where they have too much fun scaring college students.

***Alfalfa: Member of the Flower-Wood family, 5th foal of eight, and his special talent is gardening. He's pretty shy, but very possessive of his plants. He'll throw a tantrum if you step on one of them, and he has a hatred of rabbits and chickens.

***Amber Waves: Member of the Flower-Wood family, 6th foal of eight, and earns a cutie mark for storytelling. She's talkative and energetic, with a sharp wit and a good deal of mischief within her. Sometimes she butts heads with Alfalfa, but she's more often than not willing to protect his garden from unwanted visitors.

***Ash Tree: Member of the Flower-Wood family, 3rd foal of eight. He's a moody artist, always yearning for inspiration of some kind. Of course, when his older brother Bananas tries to give him inspiration, he only gets annoyed, and the two clash. Still, there are times where he's lightened up and showed his sense of humor.

****Balloon Buddy: Son of Party Favor and Sugar Belle, with a taste for adventure and yearning to fly (though he's a unicorn). Buddy has injured himself more than once to achieve his dream of flight. He eventually runs a hot air balloon service, as his cutie mark shows.

***Bananas: Member of the Flower-Wood family, 2nd oldest of eight. He's a chipper party pony with a penchant for teasing everyone, though if somepony goes too far in some injustice, Bananas will put his hoof down and tell off that pony in a drill sergeant voice that both he and his older sister Flora got from their father. Still, he's usually very nice, and performs as a clown at birthday parties in his neighborhood.

*Beans: Cheese and Tomato Sandwich's paternal grandfather. A piano player with a street-smart and sassy attitude, though he has a softer attitude toward his wife, Panini. He has even sworn to protect her for as long as he lived--unfortunately, Panini was killed in an accident, and he succumbed to a broken heart just weeks later.

****Bell Pepper: Eldest daughter of Tomato Sandwich (and currently unrevealed mother). A fierce but honorable filly who despite their differences is close with her father. While a bit of a bully at first, she was later nudged into the role of protector, alongside her best friend and eventual beat partner, Saltworth. She grows up to be a police officer.

****Berry Blast: Third son of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie. Has a whole lot of energy and likes using his magic a little too much--to the point where Pinkie had begged Twilight to teach him self-restraint. He grows up to specialize in fireworks and light shows.

**Bighoof: Wild horse that lives in the woods. Answers only to Sedimentary Rock, who is the only pony to have wrestled him to submission. He's very grumpy and antisocial, and tends to attack innocent ponies hiking in the woods. Seddie has to stop him.

**Blazing Silver: Father of Cirrus and Nimbus. Former Wonderbolt, resigned to raise his twins. Now trains foals at Flight Camp. Is typically a very proud stallion, though he's got a bit of a temper. While he was initially disappointed at the twins' talents in theater (he expected them to be Wonderbolts and he and Raincloud were), he eventually learned to suck it up, and has gotten himself to be proud of what great actors and singers they are.

**Blossom: Aunt of Applejack, resides in town of Nickerlite. Tends to be a bit of a gossip.

***Bluejinx: Best friend of Tomato Sandwich, a loyal, honest, and inquisitive journalist who serves an an anchor for his friends, especially Tomato, who he's known since foalhood. Between dealing with the ups and downs of Tomato's moods, working for the school newspaper, helping his mother and grandma, and feeling the sting of the absence of his father, Bluejinx is a lot tougher than he looks.

****Bubblegum: Daughter of Party Favor and Sugar Belle. Curious little filly that also tends to be a bit pretentious and tattles whenever her brother, Balloon Buddy, does something dangerous. She does have a major sweettooth, but her sense of humor is lacking, much to her father's frustration. Still, she does want to learn about the world around her, and she doesn't want Buddy to get hurt. She grows up to study science and magic theory.

****Butterscotch: Daughter of Lemon Drop and Sugar Glider. A grumpy three-year-old.

***Carpet Burn: Former friend of Tomato Sandwich. Sarcastic jerk that learned this behavior from his equally sarcastic parents, usually snarking at whatever stupid thing some other foal is doing. Also, since crying is for sissies, turned his back when Tomato needed emotional support after Cheese ran away. He currently works in carpeting, still as sarcastic as ever.

****Cheesecake Chase: Second daughter and youngest foal of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie. A pegasus filly who's pretty much like her "Aunt" Rainbow Dash, and has learned to fly from the mare. Likes to show off whenever her parents throw a party.

***Cirrus: Friend of Tomato Sandwich and twin sister of Nimbus. Mischievous and proud pegasus with a huge teasing streak and a talent in theater. Has a powerful voice and a pair of wings that she'll use to enhance her performances.

**Cocoa Butter: Cheese and Tomato Sandwich's aunt, older sister of Hay Burger, and wife of Acorn Compound. Chemist with a strong and sassy attitude and vivacity for life. Deals with weirdness that hails from friends and family, and loves every minute of it.

***Comedy Gold: Silver Shill's younger sister. Fiery and passionate party pony who tends to be too reckless for her own good, much to her family's chagrin. Chipper half the time, and fiesty the other half.

***Cortland: Cousin of Applejack that lives in Nickerlite. Tends to be a jerk. Has a strong drive to overcome obstacles and get what he wants, for better or for worse. Sometimes he'd play dirty, even when the rest of his family disagrees with his actions.

***Creme Brulee: Former crush of Tomato Sandwich. A snobbish rich pony who disliked going to school with poorer foals, especially Tomato, who she felt threatened by when he earned his cutie mark. Has taken advantage of his crush on her to humiliate him, ultimately leading Tommy to hate her. She doesn't care.

*Cucumber Melon: Maternal grandmother of Cheese and Tomato Sandwich. A former Canterlot noble who gave up her inheritance to her younger brother so that she could marry Pizza Pockets (I) and live with him in the Manehattan area. A sweet mare with a soothing voice and love for her family. She always made sure that everything smells nice in her home. Deceased.

****Fair Game: More than likely AU, depending on the season 5 finale. Son of Double Diamond and Starlight Glimmer, raised on Starlight's philosophies (after she was driven out of Our Town) and takes them one step further, donning a magical artifact to remove horns and wings from unicorns and pegasi respectively. Is emotionless and speaks in a chilling monotone, claiming he won't be happy until everypony's equal.

***Flora Peace: Friend of Tomato Sandwich, and oldest of eight foals in the Flower-Wood family. Is typically very sweet and kind and soothing, as per her talent of helping other ponies relax. However, getting her angry would result in drill sergeant nasty and/or martial arts master. Despite her hippie look, she's actually quite conservative and prudent.

*Flower Power: Maternal grandmother of Flora Peace. Has a cocky and fiery attitude and an active lifestyle, while making sure that all six of her daughters--even when they're all grown up and have foals of their own--play nice and don't let anyone push them around. As an old mare, she's still up and running, no matter what. She does miss her deceased husband, Blue Raspberry, terribly.

****Fudge Fondue: First daughter of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie, and twin sister of Pizza Pockets (II). Though she's not afraid to get up and perform in front of a crowd, in actually interacting with others, she tends to be shy. She's a gifted musician, and finds solace in playing a good tune on any instrument (though her favorite is the tuba).

**Haralson: Uncle of Applejack, lives in Nickerlite. While usually a pretty cheerful pony, he does get tired of the mischief that his foals get into at times. A bag under his eye is common, even when he's trying to keep a smile on his face.

**Hay Burger: Father of Cheese and Tomato Sandwich. Is more or less an emotionally distant stallion with a history of being a shy pushover. The most he speaks is usually in some form of sarcasm, but most of the time he just seems like a zombie to his sons.

**Honeydew: Aunt of Cheese and Tomato Sandwich, twin sister of Mozzarella. Timid in the city, but lively in the country, this mare has held a love of nature ever since she set foot in it. Has often disagreed with her sister over it, and while most see her as the guiltless party due to being a bit of a crybaby and nice to everyone, she has messed with Mozzarella's things and bugged her. She left her home in adulthood and hasn't returned, nor has she contacted her family.

**Honeysuckle: Mother of the eight Flower-Wood siblings. She's generally very patient and loving, especially when raising that many foals and running an inn at the same time. Still, she manages to get them to help around, whether by gentle persuasion or punishing them for an act of naughtiness.

***Ice Cream: Cousin of the Sandwich brothers and daughter of Acorn Compound and Cocoa Butter. A simple dairy farmer just making friends with endless cows and enjoying cold temperatures, even when everyone else doesn't.

***Idared: Cousin of Applejack, twin sister of Stayman, lives in Nickerlite. A somewhat shy and imaginative romantic, being a filly that dreams of love and the perfect stallion. She grows up to be a schoolteacher.

**Jasmine Flower: Mother of Creme Brulee and wife of Rich Custard. Being a fair mistress coming from a lower class, she does tend to treat others rather kindly. Though she disagrees with her sister often, she still loves to visit the valley she grew up in. She does spoil her daughter, though.

**Jasper Horseshoe: Father of Bluejinx and husband of Violet Verses. Started out as a member of the gang of notorious outlaw Roanie, but was eventually caught and had to work on a rock farm in Nickerlite for punishment. He eventually straightened out, married, and had a son. Still, he had a yearning for adventure, so he'd climb mountains often. Unfortunately, he was killed when he fell off a cliff.
(Has a personality similar to Flynn Rider from Tangled)

***Jumbo Thumbo: Former friend of Tomato Sandwich, and currently a wrestler. He has never appreciated being made fun of for his weight or his name, and has taken steps to make sure none of the other foals ever bullied him. He ended up not very compassionate when Tomato was upset over his brother running away, only prioritizing the "fun" outside over the feelings of the latter.

***Kazam: Older brother of Silk Shimmer and Party Favor. An arrogant and talented master of magic, he has strived to improve his talents, often to dangerous levels. Has a history of teasing his younger siblings, and performing magical experiments. May just be a little bit insane.

***Kernel Grin: Youngest of the Flower-Wood family. A very cheerful and active toddler who loves to laugh. Whether it be from being tickled or his big siblings being silly, he'll laugh and giggle as often as he can. As an adult, he'll follow in Dad's footsteps and join the military.

***Lemon Drop: Husband of Sugar Glider and father of Butterscotch. Even though he's round, he's still a jolly and good-natured fellow. Running a candy shop with his wife is his main joy in life, since he loves seeing foals with smiles on their faces. The only downside is that he can't get his daughter to eat her vegetables.

*Lemon Lime: Great Uncle of the Sandwich Bros, and younger brother of Cucumber Melon. In contrast to his sister's sweet demeanor, he is quite... sour. Even as an old stallion, he's quite cranky. Still, he's more or less one of the less snobbish nobles of Canterlot. He does joke that he and Pizza Pockets (I) had traded sisters--he married Macaroni, much to the horror of the other nobles. He loves it when they're horrified.

*Macaroni: Great Aunt of the Sandwich Bros, and twin sister of Pizza Pockets (I). She's just as chipper and quirky as her brother, and has made friends with Lemon Lime to try to get him to be less sour--they ended up married and in the awkward situation of the other nobles objecting. Things have smoothed out in their old age, but they still get snide comments from time to time.

**March Redwood: Father of the eight Flower-Wood foals, and husband of Honeysuckle. He's a fairly good-natured stallion, with a bit of a wry sense of humor and great affection for his wife. However, he does have a temper, and when he's set off, he'd have you cowering under his booming voice. He works in the military, so there's no doubt that he uses that voice quite a bit.

**Merry Maykin: Mother of Kazam, Silk Shimmer, and Party Favor. She's a gentle and supportive soul at home, while an utter show off on the stage, due to her being a magician. She tries to stay unbiased about her own foals, though she had to be harder on Kazam since he's a bit of a jerk.

****Orchard Soil: Possibly AU, because alicorn. He was created out of the funny idea of Applejack having an alicorn kid (still trying to come up with a reason why he is). His personality is that of him being a curious and fun-loving colt, but frustrated over the whole alicorn thing he has going on with him.

**Mozzarella: Mother of Cheese and Tomato Sandwich, wife of Hay Burger, and twin sister of Honeydew. Being a mare of high standards, all she wants is a perfect family with successful children. However, she sticks to too narrow a vision of what 'perfect' means, and finds herself struggling with a husband and two sons that don't want to align to it, to the point that she has to nag them. It resulted in a... less than perfect family.

***Mustard Squirt Bottle: Former friend of Tomato Sandwich, and currently a carrot dog vendor. Being influenced by a sleazy older brother made him have warped ideas of what it means to be cool--essentially believing that you had to be an obnoxious jerk to be cool. Thus, he never understood why Tomato admired his older brother Cheese so much, given that the latter was a shy nerd worth picking on. They butted heads often, and still do after their friendship ended.

*Navy Stardust: Bluejinx's grandmother. Was a sailor in her youth, but has since retired. She helped her daughter Violet after the latter was widowed and moved away from the small town she lived in. Her tales still fascinate Bluejinx, who's compiling them in order to publish in a book.

***Nimbus: Friend of Tomato Sandwich, and twin brother of Cirrus. A goofy and enthusiastic lover of comedy, with a talent in theater to match his sister's. He's always been a little odd in his approach to a task, but it gets the job done. He's also fond of what can be found on the ground, plant or animal, and he always wants to learn more about it. However, he's quite protective of his sister, and if anypony messes with her, he's going to put his muscles to good use... if Cirrus didn't get the offender first.

*Old Mare Lavender: Neighbor of the Sandwiches, and Tomato's babysitter. She likes cats. 'Nuff said.

***Olive: Fourth foal of the Flower-Wood family. This filly has always been one for danger, and her flaming olive cutie mark shows it. Granted, she's also a very aggressive member of the family, always trying to challenge her eldest sister Flora for the top of the pecking order. She always loses. She also doesn't like it when Bananas goes into protective mode or when her parents don't allow her to do something. Such is the struggle of the teenager.

*Panini: Paternal grandmother of the Sandwich Bros. Though she had been a clueless country bumpkin when she first moved to Manehattan, she has proved herself adaptable. Of course, making a friend in the smart alecky Beans helped a bunch, and she has never thanked him enough, even after they had fallen in love, married, and had foals. Adventurous as she was, she loved to teach little foals in school, and has kept on teaching until her death in an accident (which happened soon after her grandson Tomato was born).

***Peanut Butter: Cousin of the Sandwich Bros, son of Acorn Compound and Cocoa Butter. Unlike his parents, Peanut took more of a liking to sports. He was a bit of a jerk as a foal--picking on his sister, as well as his cousins for being dorks whenever his family visited theirs--but upon adulthood, he realized he was stupid and apologized to Ice Cream, and later to Cheese (hasn't apologized to Tomato yet). He's a pretty chill dude, though he hates the fact that he ended up pretty short.

***Pearly Whites: Silver Shill's second eldest sister. As a dainty and persnickety neat freak, she always liked to see things shine. Especially teeth, where she'd keep her own as shiny and white as possible, and nag her siblings about dental hygiene. She naturally leaned toward dentistry, and has strived to inform foals about the importance of keeping your teeth nice and clean. She does not get along with her younger sister, Comedy Gold.

**Peppermint Stride: Husband and second-in-command of Roanie. He came from a family of dentists, and is forever angry that he was denied the chance to go to dental school. Thus, he now knocks teeth out instead of fixing them.

*Pizza Pockets (I): Maternal grandfather of the Sandwich Bros. A chipper and quirky stallion, he's been running a pizza place ever since he hit adulthood. He made sure to make his pizzeria a warm and inviting place for everypony, including a little unicorn mare that caught his eye. He got to marry that mare, and he loved every moment he got to spend with her. Later in life, he taught his grandson Cheese how to play the accordion. He was smiling until the end, when he and his wife passed away together.

****Pizza Pockets (II): Eldest son of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie, twin brother of Fudge Fondue. Named after his great grandfather (and later turns out to have the same special talent of cooking), he bears the more smart alecky aspects of his other great grandfather, Beans. However, as sassy and mischievous he is, he's also very protective of his sister, and later his other siblings (though he likes to tease Rocky Road). His hair also tends to straighten whenever he's in a bad mood.

***Platinum Pen: Eldest sister of Silver Shill. As a mare who has always been the calm and serious type, she was gifted with a smooth and persuasive voice, a mouth that formed coherent sentences, and a quick mind to come up with those sentences. Being well-versed and intelligent, she became a lawyer, and she's not one to be pushed around easily. However, as cold as she seems, she loves her family very deeply, and is, in fact, married with a foal of her own. Also, if she smiles at you, you've earned it.

**Purple Prose: Aunt of Bluejinx, sister of Violet Verses. A humble and patient newspaper editor that lives in the small town of Nickerlite. She personally does not like judging others, and often lets actions speak for themselves. She's often very supportive in Bluejinx's endeavors, though she'll draw a line if she knows it's dangerous.

**Quasar Rune: Father of Kazam, Silk Shimmer, and Party Favor. A teacher in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, he always finds promise in those with high magical ability. He's especially proud of how powerful his son Kazam is--though he does get a little worried about his sanity at times. He gives a nod now and then to his talented daughter as well, but in the case of his youngest son... let's just say Party's alternate way of using magic (I headcanon PF as having a disabled horn) doesn't impress him.

****Rocky Road: Second son and middle child of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie. With a heavy resemblance to his grandfather Igneous Rock, an interest in rocks, and a more subdued and grumpy personality compared to his siblings, Rocky is no doubt destined to follow in his maternal grandparents' footsteps. Even though he shows little interest in parties, he'll still attend and chuckle at a few things. He'd do so more often if big brother Pizza didn't tease him.

**Raincloud: Mother of Cirrus and Nimbus. She and her husband Blazing Silver were former Wonderbolts, but they resigned when Raincloud ended up pregnant, and they decided that it'd be best for the foal if its parents weren't on tour all the time. They were surprised to have twins. She, like Blaze, expected them to be Wonderbolt material, only to be disappointed to find their talents were in theater. She had to suck it up when both twins were drifting away from them, with Cirrus falling with some bad friends, and Nimbus taking trips to the ground.

**Rich Custard: Father of Creme Brulee and husband of Jasmine Flower. He's quite the laid-back and pleasant fellow, always wanting the best for his daughter and for her to learn the value of hard work. However, he is a little gullible, seeing as Creme is pretty sneaky and manages to get servants she dislikes fired (including a certain math tutor that was crushing on her...). However, Custard did eventually find out, and punished her by sending her to her aunt's place to work.

**Riffraff: A big thug that bullies smaller ponies, mostly because he's a big coward. Face him against a stronger pony (*coughPieFamilycough*), and he'll flee with his tail between his legs. He's a wannabe in regards to other outlaws.

**Roanie: One of the toughest and meanest outlaws in Equestria. Bringing in a failed dentist school applicant (Peppermint Stride; her husband), a young colt trying to find himself (Jasper Horseshoe), and several others into her fold, she has harassed and murdered many innocent ponies, mostly those she sees as privileged. She has a huge problem with rules and authority (probably stemming from strict parents).

**Scribbles: A member of Riffraff's gang that specializes in calligraphy. Has often forged letters and documents in order to frame another pony for a crime or any other malicious action. First did it with a colt who stole his girlfriend.

****Saltworth: Bell Pepper's best friend, and eventual beat partner. He's always been the cheerful and friendly kind of fella, no matter what the obstacle he deals with, and he's willing to share a cookie with a lonely pony. He's known for being a sweetheart with a sweet tooth. His magic has been used for shackling spells, namely to restrain bullies (and on occasion, a furious Bell Pepper). As a police stallion, he'll be the "good cop" to Bell's "bad cop."

**Sedimentary Rock: Aunt of Pinkie Pie, and younger sister of Igneous Rock. In youth, she had been curious, adventurous, and a little too reckless in romantic endeavors--she ended up humiliated by a stallion she liked, and in turn ran away from the town, not contacting her family for 30 years. She traveled across Equestria before settling in the woods between Ponyville and Nickerlite. She spends her days providing shelter for lost hikers and protecting others from Bighoof. She's quirky, motherly, and a very gracious host.

***Silk Shimmer: Sister of Kazam and Party Favor. She's always been the type to lend a helping hoof whenever somepony needs it. Whether it's support for a difficult time, or procuring money to help start a business, she'll manage to do so. She's very sweet and charming, though her frustration knows no bounds when she realizes she's been used. She's quite talented in magic, even if she isn't as powerful as her older brother Kazam.

***Stayman: Cousin of Applejack that lives in Nickerlite; twin brother of Idared. Very adventurous and curious, he'd take any chance to explore and find something new, whether it's discovering how rock farming works or finding a dead body in the orchard. That adventurous attitude eventually leads him to be a bigger rodeo star than his brother Cortland, and he gets to travel all Equestria.

***Sugar Glider: Mother of Butterscotch and wife of Lemon Drop. She holds a sweet demeanor but a fiery temper, and she's not afraid to unleash her wrath on anypony picking on a friend of hers. She has a tendency to not think things through, which has gotten her into trouble a couple of times. Still, she prefers the simple joy of running the candy shop with her husband, and raising their little daughter.

***Tomato Sandwich: Younger brother of Cheese Sandwich. A stallion who tries so hard to be serious and suppresses his fun side so that he could earn love and respect. Due to a history of making lousy friends, alienating and feuding with his brother, and screwing up a lot, he suffers from self-esteem issues and tries to be his mother's definition of perfect, even if it kills him. Despite his grumpy and sarcastic demeanor, he's a fundamentally nice guy, willing to help another meet a goal or tutor them in math if need be. And even though he claims to be the "normal" Sandwich brother... well, his eccentricities tend to shine through, whether he realizes this or not.

**Violet Verses: Mother of Bluejinx, widow of Jasper Horseshoe, sister of Purple Prose. She's typically a meek and humble mare who'd rather stay inside and write poetry than anything else. However, she ended up falling for a reformed criminal, and they soon married and had a son. However, dealing with a miscarriage, Jasper's death, and botched condolences made her move in with her mother, Navy Stardust. There, she raised Bluejinx as well as she could, making sure to nudge him away from bad influences and grow into a kind stallion.

*Wayer Rune: Ancestor of Quasar Rune, Kazam, Silk Shimmer, and Party Favor. Was a general in Celestia's Royal Army. During a war with the Minotaurs, Wayer went into the realm of dark magic to fuse himself with a wolf, making himself the first werewolf (misspelling of "Wayerwolf" in that world). He created a spell to spread the curse, whether by bite or enchanting pools, so that his half-wolf army would defeat the Minotaurs. However, everyone afflicted with the curse was driven insane, killing or cursing innocents until Celestia put a stop to it. Wayer--having gone insane himself and showing no regret--has since been detained in Tartarus for his crimes.

***Willow: Seventh foal of the Flower-Wood family. Has a heavy interest in princesses and beauty, and is not very comfortable speaking. She'll stare at strangers until they make eye contact with her, and she tends to keep to herself. She'll eventually grow up to become a model.

**Windswept Goldenmane: He's the guy that humiliated Sedimentary Rock. He's a douche that Igneous Rock still wants to punch after all these years and wipe that smug smile off his face.

***Winter Mist: Cousin of Coco Pommel and neighbor of Silver Shill. A sarcastic filly who doesn't really like to put up with those complaining about the cold--she loves winter, don't you know? Though, she is quite fond of hot chocolate.

I swear, whenever I try to limit myself to one OC, it always explodes into a million...

Report Sketcha-Holic · 1,187 views · #ocs #pictures
Comments ( 29 )

I deeply like this post, and will certainly use it as source material for the Concordance I keep updating on the Tommyverse. You've put a lot of visual and character information together in one convenient place here.

You are really good at character creation.

I swear, whenever I try to limit myself to one OC, it always explodes into a million...

Same here.

As I'm sure you've noticed, it's because people are connected. Everyone in the real world has or had a family, almost certainly friends, probably a lover or spouse and possibly children. The lone character so popular in some adventure fiction (because he's easy to invent) would in reality be a very sad and lonely person; it's notable that in any adventure fiction series, he usually acquires friends and loved ones, if he lacked them or was deprived of them in backstory.

To a large extent, I think your Tommyverse was inspired by the desire to give Cheese Sandwich a detailed background -- you imagined Tommy, and everything grew from there -- they had parents, and other kin, and friends, and those people had parents and other kin and friends as well, and so on and so on.

In the end, we're all connected, and anyone who has become truly isolated in life is to be pitied. Even Bighoof has Seddie.

I don't know why, but every time I see Bell Pepper, she looks so very huggable. She'd probably hate it, but she's just so adorable.

Fair Play... :rainbowderp: Yeah, I look at that guy and my first thought is "terminate on sight." Some things simply should not be. Nice work with establishing an air of menace with a single picture.

Mozzarella's cutie mark is literally a whip. That is too perfect.

Orchard Soil sounds like a lot of fun, actually. The idea of Applejack, the least overtly magical member of the Mane Six, creating some kind of genetic underflow error and producing a natural alicorn is hilarious on numerous levels. I hope you can make that work.

I hear "shackling spells" with Saltworth, and my mind immediately goes to hieromancy. This is not a bad thing.

In any case, I'm very impressed by your stable of OCs. A wide catalog of lineages, personalities, and designs. Thank you for sharing them with us.

I've had the "AJ has an alicorn baby" idea for a while. In fact, I came up with it around the same time as the ideas for The Rock Farmer's Daughters, the CheesePie twins, and Tomato Sandwich. I'm just stumped on the how the alicorn thing happened, who the father is, and most importantly, what direction to take the freakin' story. Still, I like Orchard, and I really want to use him in a fic. I do have an outline for what his powers mainly are about (control of the earth and plant life), and the fact that being a kid means that he inevitably has problems controlling them. Also, imagine the big deal the other foals make about him, being an alicorn in their midst (and a male one at that).

On another note, it's a good thing Saltworth's a good guy. Those shackling spells could easily be used for a devious purpose... :twilightoops:

3299948 I just mainly wanted to explore A) what would make Cheese decide to run away and B) what effect that decision had on his parents and any siblings he could have had.

Be thankful I didn't go with my first idea for Tomato... *shudder* Arrogant pop star that had never gotten along with Cheese? Ugh, I feel embarrassed just thinking about the story that could have been, with the stupid love triangle, and a forced "redemption" at the end. The personality overhaul into grumpy business student that had been close to Cheese as a small colt before the drama happened was for the best.

Also, Amber Waves was originally Cheese and Tomato's sister, and had the name of Butterball. I decided to keep the dynamic of two opposite siblings and tossed her aside... until later when I was coming up with Flora's siblings and decided to bring her back and rename her. Heh, I'm thinking of referencing that previous idea when the Sandwiches meet Flora's family and Amber takes a liking to them.

(Also, Bananas was created before Flora--mainly as a weirdo who ended up being a blind date for an unwilling Applejack (because... "apples and bananas"). Making him Flora's brother was better for him too.)

But yeah, the more I write, the more ideas I make, and they usually spawn from questions I keep on asking. Like "Why did Silver Shill work for the Flim Flam Bros?" or "Why the heck doesn't Party Favor use unicorn magic?" Answering those questions helped me fill in roles that I had planned for my stories. I've had the idea of the Sandwiches having their music battle with the Flim Flam Bros before I came up with Comedy Gold, and Tomato having a run-in with a crazy magician and being turned into a vampire long before the Season 5 premiere, and definitely before I had a concrete idea for Kazam.

Yeah, world building and connecting characters is fun. :twilightsmile:

This is going to be a partial response rather than the essay you really deserve, because I'm squeezing this into my limited time before leaving for work.

Acorn Compound: Acorn follows a Mad Scientist archetype; I'm guessing he's a prankster like my own Sweetie Finemare (who is herself derived from Richard Feynman, one of the most brilliant slightly-mad scientists in real history). I am thinking that he and Cocoa Butter are very much Kindred Spirits, especially since they work in the same scientific field. Both he and Cocoa have serious story potential, especially given that they live in a world of seriously Weird Science. Either of them would probably drive any normal spouse crazy, so it's a good thing they found one another.

In real New York there are a number of universities with good chemistry departments. Columbia -- the one which graduated science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, whose robot and Multivac stories are my inspiration for the Paradise Entity -- being one of them. I haven't yet Ponified that name, though for all I know they might just name it after either Celestia (similar flow, but with religious implications in that world), Princess Platinum (led the Unicorns to present-day Equestrian lands) or Clover (Platinum's adviser, and an intellectual).

Alfalfa is a classic Earth Pony type, perhaps the most obviously so of his family.

I wonder if Amber Waves draws a lot or her personality from you as a child? I see that you're pairing her with Stayman, and both of them are ... I wonder what would be the Equestrian equivalent of "handfuls?" "Hoof-fulls" would be a direct equivalent anatomically, but perhaps not functionally because a Pony wouldn't carry anything very far in her hooves, she'd put it in a bag and carry it on her back.

3302192 Nah, I was actually the quiet kid who preferred to draw over anything else. Granted, I was considered a weirdo for some odd habits of mine, and I did run and pace around whenever my imagination went wild, but I mostly behaved as a kid (though I managed to be pretty sassy towards my teacher as a first grader). Amber's more based on Vanellope von Schweetz from Wreck-It Ralph.


You sound as if you were a really fun and interesting child, and as if your imagination was overflowing. I really think you might do well writing multigenerational historicals, especially if you like history, because you create very rich and believable families.

The relationship between Ash Tree and Bananas seems made for straight stallion / funny stallion comedy. And ranting. :rainbowlaugh:

Sugar Belle marrying Party Favor seems quite plausible. They've been through a lot together which few other Ponies would understand, and Party Favor seemed particularly protective toward her.

In my Equestria (even before the Shadow Wars) balloons were a more practical means of air transport than on our Earth because Pegasi can control the winds. It's not uncommon for an Earth Pony or Unicorn to team up with a Pegasus to operate a cargo or passenger balloon as a cheap alternative to a true airship, with one doing maintenance and operating the buoyance/ballast system, and the other helping to propel the balloon and providing rescue if necessary should something go badly wrong. Pegasi are also often found on true airship crews for the same reasons.

Oh, and later on? Ballooning becomes really important for the colonization of Venus and the gas giants.

Bell Pepper seems like a character made for a police adventure story. :pinkiehappy:

Berry Blast - It occurs to me that his talent might lead him to either friendship or rivalry with Trixie, who is also skilled with pyrotechnics. By the time he was old enough to be noticeable (about 35 years from where the show is now, which is to say around YOH 1540 by my chronology) Trixie would herself be successful (in my fanon she's already a Alicorn Princess, world-famous showmare and war hero by this point) so I doubt she'd feel threatened by him, and it's quite possible she'd mentor him. If he paid attention. In your fanon Trixie's success might not be quite so dramatic, but she'd still be a highly-experienced showmare by this point, and probably a lot emotionally-mellower than in "Boast Busters."

(One of my Trixie's good character traits is that, having been well-mentored herself, she sometimes mentors up-and-coming performers, and does a fairly good job of it, following Wise Dreamer and Piercing Gaze's examples. She eventually does just this, for instance, with Snips, Snails/Glittershell, and Sweetie Belle. In consequence, obnoxious as she can be, she ultimately finds herself with some very loyal former disciples, now friends, who help her recover from Piercing Gaze's death (1551) after she is rescued from her resultant madness by Twilight Sparkle in 1554).

Working some more on my very long Concordance. Some questions:

Is Apple Blossom the wife of Haralson and mother of Cortlandt, Idared and Stayman Apple, or is her relationship to them different? I'm guessing she's a sibling of one of Applejack's parents (in my genealogy, of Melanie Rose Apple rather than Tangelo Orange), and I'd insert her on the family tree as such; if she married him Haralson would probably be some sort of cousin of hers (my Apples frequently marry cousins, generally of second, third or more distant degree, because their reunions great and small are obviously fertile ground from which romance may spring).

When do you think Butterscotch was born, in relationship to the canon events of the MLP-verse? I'm thinking after the Day of Discord but before the attack of Chrysaliis, so I'm tentatively pegging her birth in YOH 1502 by my chronology. If you're thinking differently, I can change it -- it's no problem for me.

Your OC creation is awesome. :twilightsmile:

3386691 Yep, Blossom is Haralson's wife.

Butterscotch's birth takes place somewhere during the later half of Season 4. The Rock Farmer's Daughters has Bluejinx read a letter from his cousin that mentions the events of Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3 (which may be a bit different, considering AU with a different Element of Laughter).


Thanks for the information on Apple Blossom. I don't know if you know this, because I have neither scanners nor drawing software at present, but I have a lot of Pony genealogies, including ones of every member of the Mane Six save for Rainbow Dash. My family tree of the Apples is especially large and elaborate. I tend to plug other people's fanon into these when they don't directly contradict my own. Your fanon is especially fertile in this regard.

Gotcha. So I'll push Butterscotch's listed date of birth up to YOH 1504 by my chronology.


Your fanon is especially fertile in this regard.

Heh. I didn't actually mean that as a double entendre. It just came out that way!

Creme Brulee: Your picture of her very much conveys that you've decided the adult Creme Brulee is still a nasty snob. I have no problem with this. Not everypony has to turn out nice. You may already know this, but the style in which she's wearing lipstick is called a "cupid's bow," and it's often associated with rather nasty and shallow versions of the "flapper" stereotype from the 1920's. Well chosen!

To take the most obvious canonical Nasty Girl, my version of Diamond Tiara does not exactly turn out nice, but she becomes less nasty as she matures -- she becomes a hard-driving, hard-nosed businessmare who manages Barnyard Bargains, Inc. extremely well, becoming a major supplier of the war effort and, after the war helps spark and profits from the immense growth of Equestria. Ironically, she and Apple Bloom eventually enjoy a highly-productive business relationship, after Apple Bloom becomes the mayor of Tranquility City on the Moon.

It occurs to me that while Cucumber Melon gave up her inheritance to marry Pizza Pockets, she probably kept her personal property (some cash, jewels etc.), as a young noble mare would have almost certainly owned some things in her own right even before inheriting. These would have been of trivial value compared to her expectations (which probably included landed property and one or more houses) but not inconsiderable by most ponies' standards. We also don't know how completely she was disinherited (major real property was probably entailed on condition of a suitable match but some of her relatives might have still sympathized with her and left minor bequests for her).

The point of this being that Cucumber Melon may have helped Pizza Pockets finance the pizzeria. Which is not to say that his motives were mercenary; it's obvious from your descriptions of them and flashbacks to them that this was a true love-match, and on both sides.

Fair Game: He strikes me as a potentially very terrifying villain, the more so because he seems even stranger than Starlight Glimmer. I wonder if the Sameness is his Cutie Mark -- in other words, the one he manifested when he discovered his special talent, which was to spread the Sameness? I'm guessing that he is highly skilled at a wide number of things, including both athletics and scholarly lore, and uses them to seek out magical artifacts to help him spread the Sameness.

In the Shadow Wars Story Verse, Starlight Glimmer is the way she is in part because she merged with a Shadow Vice of Envy: Equality Through Sameness, which is what gives her the power to go toe-to-toe with Twilight Sparkle in The Cutie Map. I suspect that the effect of being born of a Vice-ridden mother might be Tainting in the womb, and possibly some sort of deep symbioting merging with the Shadow Vice. In my world, Fair Game could thus in some ways a spiritual hybrid of a Pony and a Vice, which makes him even more frightening.

Any version of Fair Game would probably have a dramatic tension between his nature as a remorseless fanatic (and possibly incarnate demon) pursuing Equalization of all Ponykind; and whatever normal Pony traits he still possessed. For instance, I could see him having an aesthetic appreciation of beauty, a desire for friendship and even love -- but all twisted by his driving purpose and rigid ideology. This would make him a rather tragic villain, the more so since he would have been twisted by his mother's choices before and baleful influence after he was born.

I wonder what he thinks of his mother once he's grown? And what he'd think of his father -- especially if he married Night Glider.

Given his age I could see him pursuing his quest for the power he needed to attain his wider goals in the last years of the Shadow Wars, and then after the Shadow Wars emerging as a new and distinct threat to the peaceful and Harmonious order that Luna and Twilight seek to construct after the fighting is over.

I agree with you though that he may be an alternate history character -- also, we have no idea right now what Starlight Glimmer's fate will be, so we don't know how big a part Starlight Glimmer can play in his upbringing. She might wind up dead, banished, imprisoned, in hiding or reformed after the Season Five Finale. If Starlight Glimmer has learned Starswirl the Bearded's temporal magic, though, she might have ways to bide her time and to hide her son beyond those of most Ponies.

A particular nasty possibility is that Fair Play might be raised in ignorance of who his mother was and what she believed, only to discover it at some point and dedicate himself to fulfilling his mother's dreams. This might be the case even if Starlight Glimmer had reformed!


... and while most see her as the guiltless party due to being a bit of a crybaby and nice to everyone, she has messed with Mozzarella's things and bugged her. She left her home in adulthood and hasn't returned, nor has she contacted her family.

Between this excerpt and the rather grumpy picture of her, methinks that you are perhaps foreshadowing that she may not be as wonderfully-sweet as her name implies. I also wonder what happened to her. Lifelong shunning of all one's kin is a rather extreme reaction to not getting along with one's sister, and unlike the analogous situation with Sedimentary Rock, you've never mentioned any precipitating incident such that her pride would be engaged in making her keep away. This being Equestria, she probably wasn't murdered by criminals; this being Equestria, something far stranger might have happened to her.

Fair Game: (additonal point) With the direction Season Five took, he may be from an alternate world (and might have come to this one using his mother's temporal magic). He might be from one where Twilight never came to Our Town (maybe Starlight Glimmer had a scryshield that could defeat the perceptions even of the Tree of Harmony, though I think the Tree is directly linked to the timestream). I wonder what happened to the alternate Starlight Glimmer, then?

3598958 Yeah, with Starlight's obvious reformation coming, I figured that Fair Game would be from an alternate universe. I was thinking that it'd be one where Starlight didn't quite get the information needed to do that crazy time travel stuff she did, and thus her revenge is something different, and unfortunately takes longer to implement.


If we go by the IDW Reflections arc, one of the temporal magics Star-Swirl developed is explicitly capable of reaching parallel worlds. If we go by the assumption I'm using in Post-Traumatic, a major starting point for Starlight Glimmer's advanced magics was Star-Swirl's own, which is where she learned how to cast the time travel spell. An alternate Starlight Glimmer might have realized the dangers and limitations of traveling into the past with the intent of effecting changes and instead focused on the relatively safer field of cross-time travel.

There are any number of ways in which she might have conceived Fair Game with Double Diamond, including the possibility that in some alternate worlds she was either never deposed from her rulership of Our Town, and in others she might have trusted Double Diamond just a little bit more and let him know that she still had her Cutie Mark while convincing him that it was necessary for the common good. Starlight Glimmer wouldn't even be lying about this -- it's what she really believed.

Had Starlight Glimmer revealed this to Double Diamond on her terms, possibly sweetening it by letting him know just how special he was to her which was why she was revealing it, Double Diamond might have accepted her rationale. In that case, he might have fled into exile with Starlight Glimmer as her devoted lover / henchpony. At least part of his anger toward her in the main worldline was that she'd lied to him, which would cut even more painfully if he loved her.

Ice Cream Sandwich: I would like to know her. This would be bad for me, though, I'm lactose-intolerant. Why, oh why must ice-creamy goodness be only semi-digestible by me?!! :raritydespair:

It's also interesting that somepony so normal should have come from Acorn Compound and Cocoa Butter. Sometimes life works that way. Though she probably inherited a variation of their talent with chemistry (dairy farming and ice cream making are both industrial-chemical activities on the processing end).

(*sigh*) But I love :heart: (!!!) Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches.

Where does she live? I suspect somewhere in the North of Equestria, maybe in an analogue of Wisconsin (land of dairy farming in our world) ...

Kernel Grin: In the context of the Shadow Wars Story Verse, Kernel Grin will probably become a military officer -- given his personality, probably a charismatic figure beloved by his followers. He's just old enough that he might lead forces in the last years of the Shadow Wars, though at that point the ground fighting would be mostly done. After the wars, his likeability and popularity with the troops under his command would make him valuable to a peacetime military. I can see him rising, ultimately to the rank right below brigadier general.

Lemon Lime: Enlightenment comes to me. The larger noble family from which Lemon Lime and Cucumber Melon both derive is probably a clan called the Fruits, in the same manner as I postulate the larger noble family from which Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer derive is a clan called the Lights. Lemon Hearts, who was a school friend of Twilight Sparkle and Moon Dancer, is probably a current representatie of the same clan.

The Fruits probably came to prominence as agricultural landlords (and they might have had an old habit, resumed by Lemon and Cucumber, of marrying into Earth Pony families) who were purveyors of, well, fruits to the Court at Canterlot, or possibly even its predecessor at Foreverfree. Some real noble families came from what would have been considered by snobs similarly ignoble origins -- and of course became snobbish aplenty once they had put their humbler origins far enough in the past.

I like the notion of the two brother-and-sister pairs marrying one another. This is unusual enough to be colorful, while hardly implausible -- many such marriages must have happened in real life when brothers escorted sisters to dances and festivals and two such pairs met and hit it off. I'm sure I've encountered it more than once in fiction -- you probably remember it as I'm pretty sure it was a famous 19th-century author.

I also like the fact that, while Macaroni may have improved Lemon Lime's attitude, she didn't turn him into a total sweetie. Sometimes, a little improvement is all that one can make -- and often enough (it seems to have been enough for Lemon Lime and Macaroni, anyway).

March Redwood: Do you see him as an officer or a senior NCO? He seems rather the senior NCO type, like a Sergeant Major -- at his age, with his intelligence and courage, the chances are that he'd be pretty senior by now. And the Equestrian peacetime military -- especially before Luna comes All The Way Back -- strikes me as the sort of place where some regiments are run by titled amateurs, and the NCO's do all the real work, sort of like a less-brutal version of the 18th-century British military. Indeed, even in the modern US military, competent officers know that the NCO's do the routine work of running the unit, and a competent officer works with the NCO to provide overall direction rather than trying to interfere with the detailed management too much.

Huh, he does seem like a senior NCO, doesn't he? I did always imagine him being of a high rank.

Old Mare Lavender: The only part of this name that is definitely a given name-element is "Lavender," though "Mare" is sometimes a Pony name (as in "Mayor Mare Ivory Scroll," the mayor of Ponyville; or my own "Mare Memory," the librarian of Dream Castle and mentor of Wind Whistler over 6000 years before the show). The name "Lavender" sounds as if she might be kin to Bluejinx -- was that your intention?

Peppermint Stride: Sounds as if he's had an interesting life story, though an ultimately brutal and depressing one in many ways. The one redeeming thing in his life is probably his love for Roanie -- of course, she's probably also the one who pulled him into full-time banditry. It reminds me a little of the marriage between my Aventurine Miter and Harmonia Pie a few centuries earlier -- which is ironic, because the Cupcake Bakers mostly preyed on bandits.

3660213 Nah, Bluejinx and Lavender aren't related.

Saltworth: An interesting dynamic I see between him and Bell Pepper is that they are probably very mutually-protective. He would see himself as protecting Bell from getting into trouble due to her own fiery temper, and she as protecting Salt from getting into trouble due to his kind heart. Salt is probably one of the big influences keeping Bell from descending into brutality, and (unfortunately) if their life turned into a hard-boiled action cop movie, he'd be the one killed or injured just to demonstrate that having someone do that was Bell's Berserk Button. Or, alternately, the other way around -- something really bad happening to Bell might be the only thing that could really anger Saltworth.

In the happy-ending version of either story, the bad thing would be temporary and in the climax they'd team up and beat up the bad guys side-by-side. The happier version is really more in tune with the tone of the MLP universe, anyway. Indeed, in the MLP verse, seeing this might cause even the Big Bad to recognize the value of Friendship.

Wayer Rune: He's an interestingly-mysterious and potentially-complex character. He must, once, have been someone trustworthy, whom Celestia in fact greatly trusted. I would imagine that he served as her General at a time after Luna's banishment, when Celestia was desperately trying to hold the Realm together without her High Lady of War, and needed help from other strong Ponies. He must have had serious flaws, though, ones which he originally kept under control but which got out of control as he meddled with Dark Magic. His descent into evil and madness must have been truly tragic.

Windswept Goldenmane: Is it bad that I want to punch him, too? Or have you just made me really like Sedimentary Rock?

Semi-connected, I've always wanted to do a story where Rainbow Dash has to save Nosey (Fluttershy's seducer in the SWSV) from someone really evil. Possibly Chrysalis. I just need a good excuse. I think the conversation would be hilarious.

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