• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Some dork on the internet that likes ponies and flower symbolism way too much.

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Adventures in Rough Drafts or: How to Write in Texas and Not Melt · 2:36am Aug 15th, 2015

Chapter six of The Silver Standard is almost done! Just one more scene. And a half.
Right now, it looks like this.

It's actually one of the neatest pages in the draft.

You’re looking at page four because I was going to post tiny update blogs of the rough draft’s progression and the wacky places I end up writing (this one was in a Target) but it didn’t happen since A) pretty sure nobody cares and anyway it's probably better suited for Instagram probably idk I don’t really use Instagram, but it's full of people's dinners?and B) I forgot.

For the record, those other places included but were not limited to

- a mall
- a day spa/hotel lobby I they should have kicked me out of but didn’t
- the bus
- various libraries (three I think?)
- a much fancier hotel that made me feel suddenly poor and I really should have been kicked me out of but also wasn’t
- a waterpark*
- a convention center despite not attending that convention
- a Pizza Hut

You're also looking at the main reason why I update monthly and not bi-weekly. The whole thing is pretty much written twice, since that essentially forces me to make the final draft better and allows the rough draft to suck as much as it wants to. A notebook--especially a cheep two dollar Office Depot notebook--isn't nearly as intimidating as a blinking cursor. That and I can cross stuff out or write in margins or make notes as much as I please.

Also if it sucks too hard, I can just rip out the pages, stomp on them, and throw them in the river like a sack of kittens. Quite cathartic, despite the littering fines.

I expect to finish the rough draft by Tuesday, and the typed/final draft to start by Thursday.
Upload day should be around the first week of September, but my schedule gets a little funky soon, and I'm gonna have to carve out a new writing habit, so we'll see.

* Would not recommend. Page 16 is kind of soggy.

Comments ( 3 )
Author Interviewer

I wondered what you were talking about on my blog. XD

I sometimes write scenes in my notebook too, but it's usually messier...

Hey I write like this too!
Only mine is far far far sloppier...
I also doodle in margins.

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