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    My Good Friend Needs Help

    Hey, gang, I'll keep it brief.

    My good friend Majin Syeekoh needs your help. He set up a GoFundMe, and if you could all help him out a bit, I'd be forever grateful.

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Lyra and Bon-Bon · 4:18am Aug 16th, 2015

So, I just watched this week's Friendship Games short (and by 'just watched', I actually mean 'watched and wrote entire blog without saving it several effing hours ago'). Now, normally, whenever I screw the pooch on a blog like I did earlier today, I decide that it's not all that important to me if I actually put out the post. This is different, because I wanted to talk really quick about Lyra and Bon-Bon.

They're getting pushed really hard, aren't they? And I don't mean just as characters, or even as friends, but they seem to be skating the line between "BFF" and "SO". It's odd, because they're the only characters to be depicted as being as close as they are. Hell, not even the Mane Six are as same-page as Lyra and Bonnie. This leads me to believe that, at some point in the relatively-near future of the series, we will receive some manner of canonical confirmation that Lyra and Bon-Bon are more than just friends.

"But chillbook!" I hear you exclaim. "This is a kid's show, in the age of Soccer Moms, Tumblrinas, and SJWs! Do you really think they could get away with any sort of romance, let alone between a same-sex couple?" Well, frankly, yeah. They've already gotten away with a bit of Romance in the form of everyone's favorite blue-haired guitarist, and this wouldn't be much different. As for same-sex couples, I don't doubt that MLP could get away with it. You know why? Because the "Big Three" channels of children's programming have already beaten them to it.

This section contains minor spoilers for The Legend of Korra, significantly larger spoilers for Steven Universe, and significantly smaller spoilers for Good Luck Charlie. Viewer discretion is advised.

Three shows on three networks for three different audiences: Nickelodeon's Legend of Korra (made for the 12-15 year old demographic), Cartoon Network's Steven Universe (made for the 8-14 year old demographic), and Disney Channel's Good Luck Charlie (made for a demographic that I can't really discern, though I expect it to be between ages 13 and 16) Now, these age-ranges are entirely guesses on my part, so correct me if I'm wrong. These three shows are different in many, many, many ways, but they all have one thing in common.

They each feature at least one episode starring a lesbian couple. Good Luck Charlie's is probably the most well-known, what with the whole brouhaha over that now infamous episode where Charlie gets a classmate with two moms. Now, as far as I'm aware, Disney was the first of "The Big Three" to show a same-sex relationship to kids. Good on you, Disney! But, perhaps this is a poor example. GLC isn't a cartoon, after all. In fact, it's not actually all that good, so I can understand the risk being relatively low. I mean, does anyone actually watch Good Luck Charlie?

What about Legend of Korra? The pseudo-anime is undoubtedly a financial success, so a lot of people are picking up on its messages. This one really took me off guard, because the lesbian in this series is not only a main character, but the main character. Near the end of the series (the last episode, I believe), Korra shacks up with Asami, who is her ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. It must really sting to be in that position, but I digress. these are established characters that have been built on for four seasons! Bot strong, independent young women who started as friends, but become more than that. What's interesting about this instance is how organic it was. Just looking at the timeline of their relationship on paper, you can see how they've come together and fallen for each other. In other words, it's not your typical cartoon/anime romance just for the hell of it. It's built up over time.

Still not convincing you? What if I told you that Steven U. has a lesbian couple sitting right under your nose? At some point in the series, after Fusions become a known concept, it is revealed that Garnet is actually a Fusion of two Gems; Ruby and Sapphire. Two women in a romantic relationship, when they're apart. Mind you, this show is for a younger audience than you really see on Cartoon network these days. It's not as raunchy as Regular Show, and it's not quite as almost-violent as Adventure Time. This is a show that you can stumble across any kid watching any episode and not flinch too hard at.

"But chillbook!" I hear you say again. "That's all fine and dandy for those other channels, but this is The Hub we're talking about! Do you really think they'd do something like that?" Firstly, I really appreciate the fact that you called it The Hub, because Discovery Family is a disgusting name. Good on you! Secondly, yes, I do think they'd do something like that. Cause they already started.

Enter: SheZow. SheZow is a bizarre show that I, admittedly, never gave a fair shot. The basic gist of it is that there's a magic thing (a ring, I believe) the turns whoever wears it into a superhero. Trouble is, the ring was made for a girl, so the suit and powers are all made for girls. The main protagonist is a boy, and he finds the SheZow ring, which basically turns him into a cross-dressing, crime-fighting, justice-dispensing trap with heterochromia (I don't know why heterochromia sticks out so much for me, but it does).

"But chillbook!" I hear you declare for the third time. My, you're wordy today. "That's not quite the same, is it? Are those even comparable? Can an accidental cross-dresser really be equally compared to a same-sex couple?" And, I am aware, they are very different, but I think it's worth noting that that type of risk isn't totally out of the question. Questioning gender-roles and identity? That's a step in the right direction, don't you think? Now, it all comes down to the writers and directors of the show. Considering they're the ones dropping these super heavy hints in the first place (the Lyra/Bonnie short was called "All's Fair in Love and Friendship Games", for chrissakes), I think it is not only plausible, but likely. Considering the legalization of gay marriage in America recently, I figure this is as good a time as any.

I am willing to bet that at some point soon, Lyra and Bon-Bon will be shown as more than just friends in some official media. I think it's most likely to be in a comic, but I don't think having them be a couple in Friendship Games or Season 6 is entirely out of the question. Alternatively, they could be a thing in The Movie, although I'm not sure how canon that'll be. If it's anything like anime, then it'll be so not-canon, it's laughable.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Am I onto something or off my rocker? More importantly, do you think a lesbian couple could.would impact the show or the fandom? I mean, most people ship most characters within their same sex anyway, so I doubt it would impact us much. But what about the show? The children who will be exposed to homosexuality for the first time? How do you think parents would react? Be sure to let me know.

I'll see you later, I got stories to work on and pasta to slurp.

Comments ( 5 )

Personally, I would like to think that the writers have that planned for the future, though I think it's more likely that at this point they enjoy messing with the fandom.

I just watched it an am now in a very high level of confus. What the hell was even happening! A dance off turned strength contest turned eat context and then to bird costume fight began. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=i+is+confus&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=FAF9CEAE8FF8DBF4F23E7A299BD335A1A2663FCE&selectedIndex=0

3322897 Oh, I probably should've mentioned in the post that the actual short makes no f*cking sense! If the actual movie is half as asinine as that short, I will be a very happy camper

In regards to the more serious part of your post. I really hope they at least mention their closeness as being more than friends. If the 100th episode told me anything it would be that the writers of the show acknowledge the fandom. Also, you make quite a point by mentioning the word "Love."
They very well could b trolling us but I think it is at least going to be mention in THIRD MOVIE. HOW THE HELL HAVE THESE WRITERS BEEN ABLE TO WRITE THREE MOVIES! Seriously. Yet still only make a 13 episode long season. I wonder if they devoted all of their time the to movie. Whelp that's my rant for the night.

3322924 Technically speaking, Season 3 is the only 13-episode season, because 5 isn't over yet. I'm assuming you mean 5, because people seem to want to forget about 3, and I can't much blame them

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