• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012
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Digital Media Disk

More Blog Posts6

  • 322 weeks
    I Think I Still Have a Pulse

    To anyone who reads this, I just thought I'd let you all know that I'm still out here. Yes, the next chapter to Oligemia is overdue by about... 3 years, but who's counting. I'll follow this up with a more detailed post sometime later (hopefully sooner), but I feel anyone interested in my story has the right to some kind of response at this point as to what happened to me.

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  • 443 weeks
    Forget Finals. I've Got Fiction!

    I should be working on my finals right now, but procrastination's more fun. Here's a completely random blog post thrown out into the void for anyone who happens to pass by.

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  • 450 weeks
    The Legendary 300

    Wow. Over 300 views on a story that hasn't been updated in months. Bronies must really like Bloodborne fics. I'm really surprised my one and only dingy little fanfic has gotten so much attention. I just thought I'd drop this quick blog post to say thank you to anyone who's enjoying what I've put up so far, and for checking out my page. I also just wanted to let you know that the best is yet to

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  • 452 weeks

    Tonight I was perusing FiMFiction before bed (instead of doing my homework), and I came across something that made me stop and think for a moment; something that made the night just seem a little bit longer, and a shade darker. It’s been a while since my last blog post, so I figured I’d just share some of my thoughts with anyone else out there who might want to drop in and listen.

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  • 459 weeks
    The Peculiar Life and Perilous Commitments of Mr. Disk

    First things first.

    Hello random person(s) who has stumbled onto my page! It has been quite a while, and I've been putting this blog post off for far too long, so here goes. (I couldn't keep it short, so here are some section headers for your convenience.)

    Bloodbore: Oligemia

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The Peculiar Life and Perilous Commitments of Mr. Disk · 9:37pm Aug 18th, 2015

First things first.

Hello random person(s) who has stumbled onto my page! It has been quite a while, and I've been putting this blog post off for far too long, so here goes. (I couldn't keep it short, so here are some section headers for your convenience.)

Bloodbore: Oligemia
To start, let me talk about my one and only story at the moment, Bloodborne: Oligemia. Like I said in my last post, I'm not one to just throw a story up on FiM Fiction, then let it die. I wrote the first chapter of that story in one evening because I was angry with myself over another story I was trying to edit. I figured I'd throw something up based on a new video game I enjoyed that no one else had written about at that point, grab some likes, favorites and a few followers, and update it erratically with sub-par writing whenever I felt like it, but as the first two chapters of Oligemia began to coalesce (I say two, but the second one actually got split into chapters 2 and 3 because it was so long), I felt that I had something that was actually worth investing myself into. Then, after that, people began to read and enjoy my awful blurb of a fic.

In the end, I've thought about it for a while, and have decided that Oligemia's getting the full story, high quality treatment. I want to turn it into something that I can be proud of, and that fans of the game Bloodborne and of dark pony fiction can really enjoy. That means I'll be going back over the first three chapters to pull some pretty serious edits and revisions, and then I'll be sending those revised chapters to a friend who has graciously offered to be my editor (and only then will I free him from his basement prison). Once I've done that I will remove the disclaimer on the description of the story that says it's an unedited literary minefield.

After that, I'm going to draft a plot line for the entire story, and attempt to outline each chapter before I write it. I'll also do some more research into the lore of Bloodborne using the Wiki. I haven't beaten the game myself (I don't actually have my own PS4), but I have played a good eight to ten hours of it. In spite of that, I still barely understand anything about Yharnam, but I need to know more if I want to successfully transplant it to the pony world.

For both the editing and the outlining, I'm going to be using Scrivener, a writing program I bought almost a year ago, but still haven't familiarized myself with that much. I need a tool like this to help consolidate, research and story notes as I'm writing. Currently I'm just working out of a Word document I jot ideas down in, and that hasn't been very efficient so far.

So all in all, when can you expect to see chapter four? The answer is that I'm not sure. For me to make this a good story I need to buckle down and really plan it out before I move ahead. I do, however, have about 75% of the next chapter planned in my head, and as soon as I figure out how to end it properly, I'll work to get it out there as fast as I possibly can. Once chapter four does show up though, expect the subsequent chapters to follow at a much faster rate, because hopefully by then I'll have completed the story and come up with a process for getting it all written out, edited and put up on the site in a timely manner.

Other Stories
In the mean time, I've got a couple other things you might enjoy. One is that short story I mentioned I was writing that made me so mad I wrote Oligemia. It was supposed to be my debut story on FiM Fiction. I actually wrote that story almost an entire year ago, but have been struggling ever since to edit and polish it up to a level of quality I can be proud of. Now I'm going to tackle it again. I'll completely rewrite the thing if I have to, but I'm going finish it and get it out of my way and out of my head. For anyone who likes Sci-Fi and/or crossovers, you're gonna enjoy this. Better yet, it looks to be the first story based on the franchise it crosses over with. If I get more inspiration after I write it, I might turn it into a series of short stories, but that's beyond even the foreseeable future for now.

I've got another short story I might write soon (or not). I figure I'll try my hand at the tragedy genre and see if I can make anything out of an idea I recently had that fits it pretty well.

Also, I have another idea for a more light-hearted fic that replace Oligemia as my leisurely update story. It'll make for something I can rotate over to whenever I need a break from whatever my main project is at the moment. I think I might go ahead and start it in a few days, just to get it off the ground and have something out there to build on in the future.

Other Projects
Beyond all that, I want to get back into the zone of simply writing more habitually. That being the case, you can expect more blog posts from me in the future, but not just on what stories I'm working on and such. I've got a lot to say buzzing around in my head about all sorts of things (video games, MLP, books, MLP, armchair philosophy, MLP, etc.) , so I'll see if I can bleed a little bit of that out into a quick blog post every so often rather than having a mega-dump post like this one.

I've also got two more things I'm trying to get off the ground (one pony related and one not) which might be very interesting or not, but I can't say any more at the moment because I'm not sure if they'll work out or not right now. Sorry for the tease, but I just wanted to let you know I have even more stuff I'm dealing with right now that I want to get finished for your personal enjoyment.

Personal Life
So outside of all this wonderful work I've given myself, my life has been fairly busy. Do you really care to know about it? Probably not? Do you really care why it took me so long to make this blog post? Probably not, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Recently, I've had a lot on my plate to give me ample excuses to procrastinate writing that has kept me from writing over the past few months. I finished the final quarter at a two-year Christian preaching school in Austin, Texas that made college seem like Weenie Hut Jr. with its uber-demanding workload, and then my whole family (who also attended the school) moved back to our permanent house in Houston, and spent a couple weeks unpacking everything. Now I've got to prepare for college to start next week and to continue working on my degree in Creative Writing, so yay for that. If I'm not exhausted by the end of my 2 hour bus commute (each way) every day, I'll try to get on over to the library and get some writing done. Oh, and my parents want me to find a job somewhere.

Closing Remarks
All in all, I hope you've enjoyed my work so far, I plan to give you more of it at a higher quality in the future, but please be patient as I'm trying to juggle this stuff with life. It would be nice if I could just sit here every day and do nothing but write cool stories for a living, and who knows. Someday I just might.

Comments ( 2 )

if you ever need help you know i'll be there. You can just send me a message and i'll do my best to get back to you with a response. Also don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions on bloodbornes world.

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