• Member Since 17th Mar, 2015
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"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"

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"We're here to get your boyfriend back from the dead, so buck up and give me some attitude!" · 12:23am Sep 2nd, 2015

Wherein my next story is hijacked by a madmanpony with a blue box MASSIVE EYEBROWS.

Last year's season of Doctor Who went up on Netflix a couple weeks ago. I don't torrent, and I generally don't manage to watch shows when they first come out, so this is exciting for me!

Capaldi is quite a change from the last three likable Doctors. I'm not particularly keen on his EYEBROWS and crankiness, but I'll admit there's something captivating about watching him chew up the scenery. He has an inner darkness that echoes Tennant's, and a sheer force of will that's impossible to ignore.

He's also invading my next story! :pinkiegasp: Not Capaldi specifically, but a certain brown Earth Pony who was plausibly established in canon by episode #100. I might call it "The Last Temptation of Star Swirl the Bearded", and I might start looking for people to take a look at it soon!

Report CoffeeMinion · 375 views · #doctor who
Comments ( 8 )

You know, Dr. Who is weirdly enough a show that I am completely indifferent on. It's one of those shows that if a friend of mine is watching or wants to show me something on I can sit there watch it and not feel put out by it. Then again I don't really seek it out either. I did like Peter Capaldi as Malcom Tucker in In the Loop or The Thick of It. I also liked him in The Lair of the White Worm.

Somehow, I have the feeling that your story will catch my attention more than Capaldi as The Doctor though.

Oh Noes! Spoilers! :pinkiegasp:

3363581 Apart from the show's concept itself, I think the specific Doctor might make a difference in terms of helping you get into it or not. #10 is the only one I found immediately appealing; #9 and #11 took a while to grow on me. As indicated, I don't necessarily like #12, but he's interesting enough to keep me watching.

3363932 I believe you mean:



I'm so far behind on my Dr Who. I'm waiting for Bun Bun to catch up so I can watch day of the Dr and get into the new Dr's episodes.

Well, I've seen episodes from the last three Doctors. I think one of the issues I've had with the episodes I've seen (again not disliking the show) but they seemed to go something like:

The Doctor and whoever is with him arrive some place.
The Doctor tells his travel buddies not to wander off... they do.
The buddies get in trouble or find trouble.
The Doctor has to think.
The Doctor gets giddy and solves the problem.
They leave.

The two episodes that almost got me into the show were the ones with the gas masks and the people going "Are you my mommy? Mommy where are you?" That was kind of cool and creepy. Then it's deduced what's going on and I got kind of bummed at the pacing and just, honestly how quick and easy it was for them to solve the problem.

Again I don't hate the show. I can see why people like it. Maybe I've not run into those episodes though where it really hits home. Still I look forward to your story.


The draw (for me) is quite specific.

First, The Doctor faces incredible enemies. These enemies will tear you to pieces, absorb you, DeLeTe you, mind control you, explode your planet, melt your flesh, EXTERMINATE, etc.

The Doctor defeats these threats without fighting, without using weapons (except that one time, but exceptions make the rule, goodbye, hand.) In all of the sci-fi I have watched over the decades here, I think The Doctor is the only protagonist I've ever witnessed that does this. Even some of the more contrived solutions beat the classic sci-fi goto of "shoot it with lasers till it explodes" solution to everything.

Oh I'm ranting again. :pinkiecrazy:

3364729 Sometimes it's like that. :rainbowlaugh: But some episodes (e.g., the one where they introduce the Weeping Angels) really take it up a notch. Season 4 had a pretty high signal-to-noise ratio, featuring Doctor #10 going through a downward spiral that laid bare the darkness beneath his giddy exterior.

3365192 It's always entertaining to watch him fast-talk his way out of world-shattering situations. But maybe that's why I have mixed feelings about Capaldi; he comes off as ultra-serious most of the time, which makes it kinda awkward when he isn't.


Oooh, David Tenant fandom rejoice :rainbowkiss:

He's My fav after Tom Baker. I like the episode where Tenant unleashes his wrath on that alien family. Like..... biblically. :twilightoops:

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