• Member Since 30th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 30th, 2023

Crystal Moose

Brony(eeds) a coffee... http://ko-fi.com/crystalmoose

More Blog Posts176

  • 58 weeks
    Good bye my friend

    Many of you likely already know, but my former editor and damned good friend Josh, lost his fight against cancer.

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    3 comments · 181 views
  • 99 weeks
    Life is a party.

    So, umm, hi all.

    Long time no really speak. Just going to say O am back here as anonymous, I am going to try and find joy in my life again.

    I have tagged Fragile Wings as a story, because it is kind of relevant to my life right now.

    Not entirely, but enough to have made me remember this story I wrote some 9 years ago, I think.

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    8 comments · 338 views
  • 118 weeks
    Holy shit a random moose posts a thing...

    Probably going to be the only thing for like... ever again. Unless I get around to doing a few more of my own stories. This one just tickled me.

    5 comments · 183 views
  • 298 weeks
    Working on another fic at the same time...

    Inspired by Shakespearicles Starlight Fixes Anything, I am working on an anthology style fic of my own:

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    2 comments · 433 views
  • 299 weeks
    As I am writing chapter 2...

    I am starting to wonder if I should bump the maturity rating up to mature.

    If it isn't mature, I am probably pushing the boundaries of it.

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    3 comments · 473 views

I've been listening to too much HP Lovecraft lately · 3:35am Sep 3rd, 2015

Fungi from Yuggoth, to be specific.

So I thought I'd try my hand at it. Bear in mind, I am terrible at poetry, so cosmic horror won't be the only frightful thing.

Click past the page break, if you dare.

Forgotten and alone
I wander this barren land
I sought wisdom from chaos’ throne
Cursed by his wicked hand

This mockery of home
My exile I cannot withstand
Will forever I roam
This place so bleak and bland

‘Twas my folly to seek his words
His wisdom came at too terrible a cost
Separated from my family and my herds
All hope to me is lost.

“Seek you wisdom from the absurd?”
Staring down at me with arms crossed
“You wish to understand Chaos?” he spurred
“Very well, away with you. Prost!”

He was the last soul
I’ve seen for so many an age
No stallion, mare or foal
This place my solitary cage

Such an obscene toll
The cost of seeking his sage
How long will I stay whole
Before I succumb to dotage

I can not truthfully tell
For time here is strange
How long I have endured this hell
For naught around me does change

A victim of his awful spell
A casualty to his derange
An escape from this infernal cell
Seems forever out of range

But hark!
An unknown crack of thunder
The sky, it sparkles, sparks
Some kind of cosmic blunder

What luck,
As the sky is torn asunder
An angel’s beauty struck
A sight of joy… and wonder

The fiend with rage like mask
Fighting in some heavenly spat
The angel looks down at me and asks…

Señor Huevos, you will never be forgotten. Audio reading of it to come sometime (i.e. if I can be bothered, and if I can find half of my recording gear)

Comments ( 4 )

Time to go play some more Elderitch Horror

You started it.

"Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me
As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles,
Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts
With my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!

Bleem miserable venchit! Bleem forever mestinglish asunder frapt.
Gashee morphousite, thou expungiest quoopisk!
Fripping lyshus wimbgunts, awhilst moongrovenly kormzibs.
Gerond withoutitude form into formless bloit, why not then? Moose."

:rainbowlaugh: Señor Huevos as a Lovecraftian protagonist? I'd never thought of that; I'd just assumed he was a native of the Puppet Dimension. Still, I may have to run with this. I do love me some eldritch shenanigans.

It was something my wife and I were joking about while moving houses. Poor, poor Huevos.

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