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Never Forget · 2:17pm Sep 11th, 2015

Comments ( 17 )
Comment posted by Rainbow87dash deleted Sep 11th, 2015

14 years...

I have memories of hearing this song a lot after that day

Comment posted by Rainbow87dash deleted Sep 11th, 2015

3384372 Living in the past and remembering the people who died in a senseless act of violence are two very different things. We know that other countries have been through worse tragedies; in fact, more often than I care to think about, our nation has been at fault. The fact is, we remember 9/11 because a good number of the people who died that day were trying to help others. They gave their lives doing the right thing, and forgetting that would be an insult to the sacrifice they made.

In conclusion,

3384355 9/11 why are we remembering Syrian President Bashar al-Assad birthday?

To quote something that I saw on one of the videos dedicated to 9/11:

We will not forget,
and we do NOT forgive!

These are my sentiments exactly.

3384412 That is part of the anonymous chant.

I remember. Safe and sound, 300 miles from ground zero, it is still the most vivid 24 hour memory of my life. This is a holy day.

3384416 Really. I think that the video that I saw it one was Dirks Bentley's Have You Forgotten?, which is one of my favorite patriotic songs from that time, right behind Toby Keith's Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American).

Both videos (and a good many more similar ones) are to be found on YouTube.

3384417 As do I.

Myself, I was in my home in West Plains, Missouri, half the country away from Ground Zero, playing on my computer, when the news came on our TV. We were all frozen watching all that, and at the time, my late mom said that the only thing that had made her cry harder than she did that day was the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.

3384433 True I am simply saying I remember that being in those stupid anonymous posts.

3384434 Oh, okay.

I guess that I misunderstood what you were trying to say there.


They say that all the world is 6 digress of separation from anyone. September 11th was so huge that's reduced to 3 (or in some cases 2, or even 1). My wife's aunt works in the State Department - from her window in Foggy Bottom she could see the smoke from the Pentagon, but she herself was fine, as were anyone she knew.

I remember the frantic role calls we did on line; and how relieved we were as people we knew from DC and NYC and New Jersey chimed in and said they were fine. One member of a group of on line role players wasn't answering. We commented about this, trying to reassure ourselves. He's fine, he's from California. Then it sank in - all of the planes were headed for California. Eventually, he announced that he was Ok. But he had a cousin who was on one of the planes.

It's important to remember that this is a global phenomenon. Citizens of more than 90 countries died on this day, including innocents from the Middle East with no connection to the terrorists.

Comment posted by The Shade deleted Sep 11th, 2015
Comment posted by Night Music deleted Sep 11th, 2015
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