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I wrote a thing · 6:36pm Sep 27th, 2015

Maybe I should explain it.

"This Is Not An Adventure Clyde Adventure" is ... um.

While it should work just fine as a standalone crackfic — about Twilight Sparkle's struggle with Spike's attempt to shift blame for his poor romantic judgments onto the protagonist of his creepy fanfic — it is best interpreted in the context of Adventure Clyde.

(Edit: I should probably give some basics for folks who don't want to follow the link. What is "Adventure Clyde"? Well, Adventure Clyde is the blue-and-white Alicorn of Adventure, who has "A HAT" for a Cutie Mark. He loves Twilight Sparkle so much that he doesn't even violate the restraining order keeping him 500 feet from her at all times. He struggles against Inaction Dave, his evil nemesis who doesn't really do anything. His acquaintance Plot Twist Pete sells pinatas in Town Square. ... But that's all explained in my story, except for the pinata salesman part, which I made up just now.)

I'm tempted to say that Adventure Clyde is like the "Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff" of pony fandom, but that's wrong in some respects that are just as important as the right parts. Both do have a deliberate lo-fi MS Paint aesthetic and a sort of chaotic anti-humor thing going on. But SBAHJ is also deliberately, provocatively ironic, multiplicatively so, in much the same way that you can throw a bunch of the square roots of -1 together and end right back up with the i you started with. It was designed to be fundamentally unenjoyable; it was a joke Andrew Hussie played on his audience, and the joke ended up being on him too. Adventure Clyde, in contrast, seems to have a fundamental earnestness about its self-satire. It's participatory crackfic: "Inaction Dave" and "Plot Twist Pete" were both originally contributed by readers and immediately rolled up into canon.

Adventure Clyde is also ours. By which I mean, it totally belongs to Protopony350 (who you might recognize as the creator of Swooty Bell Adventures), but Proto is right here in our fanfic niche, and Clyde literally started out as a fanfic review series. And note what I said about participatory? If you like the aesthetic, the accumulated canon is so thin that there's virtually no barrier to entry. Hop on in and interact!

... So of course what I did with this series was to overanalyze it within an inch of its life. :derpytongue2:

But there's a second part to that.

This is actually the third fanfic that has been written about Adventure Clyde, but the first two failed moderation for being "not pony enough". I kind of took that as a personal challenge. And I needed something to get my mind off of the Pony Island contest for a few hours, so I cut my muse's chains and let her out for a bit.

Yes, this was written in less than three hours.

Rumors that mind-altering substances were involved are a filthy and scurrilous lie.

Also, one of Bad Horse's blog posts is now the subject of an academic citation or nine.

That is all.

This Is Not An Adventure Clyde Adventure: A Story About Twilight Sparkle

Spike writes disturbing stories about an alicorn stalker. Twilight Sparkle's cheeks occasionally burst into flames.

Comments ( 25 )

How many of these can be written in a week?

... let's find out.

I'm not saying that this should get upvoted into the Featurebox and start the latest insane Fimfic writing fad.

But that would certainly help your endeavour.

Also, one of Bad Horse's blog posts is now the subject of an academic citation or nine.

Which one?

Though, you know, in the future, clearly this is going to become increasingly normal as the Internet Hive Mind takes over academia.

Um, I still have no idea what this is... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Oh man you guys just keep promoting me oh man what.

Read my story and find out! :raritywink:

Well, Adventure Clyde is the Alicorn of Adventure. He loves Twilight Sparkle so much that he doesn't even violate her restraining order. Inaction Dave is his evil nemesis who doesn't really do anything. Plot Twist Pete sells pinatas in Town Square.

But that's all explained in the story. Except for the pinata salesman part, which I made up just now.


Well, Adventure Clyde is the Alicorn of Adventure.

It is unlike you to spread misinformation, SIR.

Tsk. You're being fed a LIE by the mainstream media. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE! AND PONEEPLE!

Clyde is quite clearly the PRINCESS of Jazz Hands, as that question was being asked in the context of his royal duties. But he is the ALICORN of Adventuring.

Similarly, Twilight Sparkle wields the Element of Magic, but is she the Princess of Magic? NO! She's the Princess of FRIENDSHIP! Explain THAT, science!

I'm answering "yes" to all of the things going on here.

You're forgetting one thing.


I win.

That is the 4th hidden character
Candy-Corn Snooka

So THIS is what you are doing instead of finishing Hard Reset 2. :derpytongue2:
Well, guess I had best go and read the silly thing, hadn't I?:raritywink:

For three hours in between my four straight days of contest prep and judging, yes! :derpytongue2:

Author Interviewer

His acquaintance Plot Twist Pete sells pinatas in Town Square. ... But that's all explained in my story, except for the pinata salesman part, which I made up just now.



But would it mattered if chess did reals?

3425027 Friendship equals Magic times Celestia squared F=MC^2


Similarly, Twilight Sparkle wields the Element of Magic, but is she the Princess of Magic? NO! She's the Princess of FRIENDSHIP! Explain THAT, science!

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Ergo, Friendship == Magic.

Don't you drag your fancy science into this!



And with that fateful equation, the filly Tweinstein dragged Equestria hoofing and screaming into the Atomic Age.

The intangible force binding together ponies and the solid thaumic building blocks of their flesh were in reality just two sides of the same coin.

Friendship was magic.

Magic was friendship.

Two decades later, as Nightmare Moon's second Great War wracked the continent and the moon hung still in the midday sky …

A team of six metaphysicists, huddled in a small bunker outside Alamadiscordo, bombarded an isotope of Harmony with elemental Generosity. The stone scintillated.

They had not so much as spoken to each other, yet the room suddenly felt more welcoming. Incrementally more intimate. Indeed, when they raced to their instruments, the readouts had measured a sudden Spike.

The sleeping dragon had stirred.

"We have become Death," Appleheimer whispered, "Destroyer of worlds."


You get points for "Tweinstein" and "Appleheimer", but then you lose them again for not responding to my post with the obvious Applejack quote.

The obvious AJ quote?


"I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along"?

"If Pinkie's-a-twichin', you better listen"?

"Good gravy, girl! What's wrong with you"?

…Is it so obvious that I'm looking right past it? D:


"Don't ya use yer fancy mathematics ta muddy the issue!"
-Applejack, Applebuck Season

So close, Horiz....yet so far.

I may just have to read this to get the horrible idea out of my head. :twilightoops:
Thankfully, there are plenty of awesome and excellent ideas also waiting to get out of my head... um... wait. :facehoof:

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