• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 13th, 2016

Australian Chaos

  • TMagic in the Stars
    When a young pegasus with a gift for astronomy attempts to make a career out of his ability, he attracts the attention of several ponies, including the Princess of the Night herself...
    Australian Chaos · 181k words  ·  340  13 · 5.2k views

More Blog Posts5

  • 453 weeks
    Possible Return, News, and Questions...

    To anyone who is still out there and watching this channel after so much inactivity, unannounced disappearing acts and broken promises...well, hello, for starters. And secondly, I am sorry for giving everyone the run-around so much.

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    5 comments · 734 views
  • 525 weeks
    I'm still alive, folks!

    Heya to anyone who has the patience to still be watching and following me after all this time!

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    4 comments · 546 views
  • 571 weeks
    General Writing Shenanigans and a Question...

    Heya to all my followers once again!

    As promised, here's the update I said would be coming in the last chapter of Shadows. Speaking of that, my writing muse is struggling of late. Chapter 2 has yet to be even started, but I'm hoping to pull myself together in the next few days and make a start. Don't expect any miracles, though...and do not expect Chapter 2 until next weekend, if not later.

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    1 comments · 384 views
  • 573 weeks
    "Shadows in the Past" Tease and Help Request

    Heya once again, folks!

    Shadows in the Past is coming along slowly, but it is there. While writing itself has been slow, I have been planning the overall plotline out, and have a rough idea of what I'm doing...enough to give this little preview of what can be expected:

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    10 comments · 460 views
  • 574 weeks
    Magic Sequel Announcement

    Heya folks!

    Figured it's about time I started using this thing, since plenty of readers have shown a large interest in "Magic in the Stars", specifically in the possibility of a sequel. Well, some good new, I have a sequel planned out, and as of yesterday have started writing!

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    5 comments · 392 views

Possible Return, News, and Questions... · 7:20am Sep 30th, 2015

To anyone who is still out there and watching this channel after so much inactivity, unannounced disappearing acts and broken promises...well, hello, for starters. And secondly, I am sorry for giving everyone the run-around so much.

Due to my past history, this blog entry will not be promising anything in regards to new story content or anything like that. I wish I could be more definitive, but my muse does have a hideous habit of abandoning me, so please bear with me.

With all the disclaimers and such out of the way, I'll get to the reason I have dragged myself out of obscurity...I am currently, tentatively working on an MLP project that I hope any fans of my previous work will appreciate. I will not explain what this fic is about...both to keep it as a surprise, and do keep you from getting your hopes up in case my muse fails me again. In this vein, I also have a question. Currently, I have posted most of my work here (provided it's MLP related) and on FanFiction.Net (MLP and every other fan work). During the course of writing Magic in the Stars I was told on several occasions that I should submit my work to Equestria Daily's fan fiction repository.

So my question is this: Should I? What are your thoughts on my work, specifically Magic in the Stars, but this also applies to my other half-finished works, and my new project as well, being sent to Equestria Daily? Is it worth my time, or should I keep my focus on the sites I currently submit to?

Once again, thank you for reading this, especially if you've stuck around through my long and inexplicable absences, which I am so sorry for. Hopefully this time my return can be more triumphant!

Comments ( 5 )

You're back! You're back! Oh my gosh!

I'd agree with Magic in the Stars going forward to Equestria Daily. I wouldn't advise sending forward Shadows in the Past unless you plan to continue it which as I just checked you're not so probably should avoid this one.

Starlight, I don't have an opinion on this one.

Moment Mori was cancelled so I never read it so I can't comment, but I'd rather say no.

I can't comment on your new work as again I've never read it.

Hope your muse doesn't abandon you.

Welcome back! :twilightsmile: I'd say 'Magic in the Stars' certainly has a shot of being accepted by the folks over at EQD. It's a well written story with an interesting premise strong characters,, and a great climactic battle. So, yeah, I say go ahead. If it does go through, great. If not, you're still a damn good writer.

Do what you will. You haven't been forgotten though.

Magic in the Stars was the first MLP fanfic I ever read

EQD is...notorious for being extremely nitpicky about stories
I'd say submit it and if they refuse it, don't take it personally

I do hope to see more from you~
Good luck!

Glad to see the update! I think its worth a shot! :eeyup:

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