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“You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.” George Bernard Shaw

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    Story in the Works

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Crusaders of the Lost Mark · 9:06pm Oct 10th, 2015

Just a few things before I dive in:

This episode is probably controversial and thus my opinion of this episode will be too. But as I've said (and I still haven't found a reason to change my opinion) the writers really pulled out the stops and put together some of the best episodes for this entire show in season five part two. So, it might be obvious where I lean on this episode.

This will probably be the last episode review I do since no one really seems to read these or care.

Major spoilers below.

Can you have it all in one episode? Crusaders get their Marks, Diamond and Silver redemption, and awesome songs?

Yes but it's not a good (if not one of the best) episode for that reason.

Are Silver and Diamond really redeemed? Sure Silver got a little mad at her friend... and rightfully so. Head canon confirmed there: Diamond bossed her around, and Silver was just a tag-along friend. And as those types of dynamics usually go, the one being dumped on finally stands up for them selves.

Now this is where the show takes a very interesting turn. You'd think the Crusaders would be happy Silver finally told her off and maybe even look to be friends with her. Nope! They are more concerned with Diamond's feelings.

And now to the one thing that annoyed me about this episode. Diamond's freakin mother. I get that this is stemming from the pushy snooty mother, but damn, did they have to make her so two dimensional? Aside from her annoying personality, or lack there of, the Crusaders learn she is pushing Diamond to be something she's not: pushy, arrogant, and a whole list of other things you might find in any rich person in a John Hughes film. In fact this episode felt like a John Hughes film... change the setting to a high school in Chicago and there you have it.

Anyway, there are two songs in this episode that are just fantastic. Diamond's song. (Mulan ripoff?) Holy crap she has a beautiful singing voice, and this song's emotion charge really hit deep. This is perhaps where the biggest John Hughes vibe comes from; in this song. Despite the facade of having things figured out, Diamond is just as lost as the Crusaders (or anyone at that age) in where she fits in. This song adds so much depth that her character desperately needed.

The second song was when the Crusaders where chasing her down, trying to stop Diamond from making a mistake. It's just a really catchy song, and it reminds me of a movie... I just can't think of which one. Was this a reference to something?

And then Diamond tells her snobby mother off, realizing friends were more important than image, in a John Hughes style way—see Pretty in Pink for more details. The Crusaders learn that helping others is sometimes more important and more rewarding than any of their ill-though-out plans. And they get their Cutie Marks!

This is where most are upset, I feel. Because it goes against your head canon? Sorry, but this was bound to happen anyway, and that's the point of fanfiction, you can take the story literally anywhere. So stop complaining and see this as an awesome turing point for the show. This whole episode turned the story 180 degrees.

Silver and Diamond still have a lot to learn. Just because they're not antagonizing the Crusaders anymore doesn't mean their bratty personalities are gone. I'm sure there will episodes showing them how to be good friends. This episode was to mainly show that Diamond has a heart.

The Crusaders are done searching for their Cutie Marks, but that doesn't mean their journey is complete. They now have to learn to understand and use their talents. So yes, they are still on a crusade. They even say so in the last song.

Why get their Marks here? At some point a character must undergo some change or have learned something—yet another episode where the CMC do something ridiculous and learn nothing gets old.

Are Diamond and Silver no longer villains? I'm not sure they ever were. At least I never saw them as such. They were just your typical playground bullies. This show had the good grace to give them some character development and redeeming qualities to make them feel real. I'm curios what will happen to them next.

For a fast-paced episode that was pretty much one big musical number, this was dayum good. It covered a lot ground, added depth, and most importantly, it added heart.

And that's why this is a fantastic episode, because it dealt with growing up, finding your place, and it encourages you to never stop learning about yourself and being yourself, not what someone (or society) wants you to be. True to the show's premise.

Diamond refers to herself as being a diamond. Kind of an interesting symbol of her character, don't you think?

And there you have it. Perhaps one of my all time favorites.

Comments ( 9 )

AGH! Oh my god the cutie marks are freaking perfect! The moment they said it I had to chuckle because they wouldn't get their marks for that, would they? But holy Button's magic hat this was amazing. Sure I have to be nice and not hate DT anymore, but.... grah! Hoof bump magic!

Oh yeah there was one little comment by Applejack too... you know, at the end, when she say's that their parents would be proud if they were still around, not going to be proud when they hear,(to paraphrase) I'm so proud that they managed to bring more attention to their status as orphans.

Super strong filly is awesome, the music was great, the lesson was wonderful, DT's mom was a douche, the cutie marks are perfect, Apple parents headcanon confirmed, Presidential Pipsqueak, Apple Bloom's initial kindness toward DT was fantastic, and Sweetie was super cute... Scoots was nice too... I loved this episode. Hands down it is the best CMC episode ever.(admittedy I do not view the Cutie Mark Chronicles as a strictly CMC episode)

I have to agree with one last wonderful sentiment, "Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever." Yay.

3459321 I never hated DT, I just thought she was misunderstood most times. Turns out she was.

Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever indeed.

Super strong filly is awesome

I guess I'm one of the only ones who hasn't questioned it. "There's a filly with super strength. And another with huge horse-like teeth. ...sure. Why not?" We should get her a fannon name so we can write fanfics about her.

The chase song sort of reminds me of "Savages" from Pocahontas. But I am still wondering where I have that sort of song before also.

3459388 It had that feel about it. I'm glad I'm not the only one trying to figure out if that song and chase sequence is a reference to something.

3459365 Neither did I, I just got mad at her for being needlessly cruel to Scootaloo over the flying thing. Still I love the developement of her mom being the truly nasty pony.

I wish we could see her cutie mark better... Saddle Roid, Lolly Lifter...Oh! Candy Crush!

3462804 Candy Crush is the perfect name for her—with no ties to that annoying game.

3463150 Who cares about the game when the filly is so wonderful?

3464855 Exactly. She could be a superhero, and only Diamond knows her true identity.

3465017 Fed-Ex be damned, I will ship them to the ends of Equestria! But then who would be their villains? Maybe a scorned Spoony, a power mad Pip, Halitosis the Horse Toothed... Fluttershy?

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