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My Interpertation · 3:45pm Oct 12th, 2015

My interpretation of the CMC's new Cutie Marks:

While all three have the same BASE mark, each has a unique symbol relating to them. Applebloom and Apple, Scootaloo a lightning bolt, and Sweetie Belle a song note.

I believe this shows while all three have VERY SIMILAR base talents, ultimately it's not the SAME talent, merely like Flim and Flam they have talents that work best when combined.

IE, Applebloom's apple let's say represents the importance of her family to her, or her ability to help out around the farm. So this means out of the three, she'd be the best CMC capable of handling ponies with special talents relating to farming or family. Or, also, PROBLEMS that are family based regarding Cutie Marks. While Sweetie Belle had family based PROBLEMS, it holds much more value for Applebloom, and Sweetie's family problems were in a few occasions influenced BY Applebloom helping her (Sisterhooves Social). And Applebloom's family based problems (with Applejack's overprotectiveness, Granny Smith in Family Appreciation Day, and Big Mac in Brotherhooves Social) are normally about one family member having a misunderstanding of another and she's had to deal with more varied family problems than Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle's obviously works when it comes to music, so it's logical she'd be the best CMC when it comes to helping others with MUSIC related Cutie Marks find their talent or realize its true meaning. Given Sweetie Belle is also generally the one with the most knowledge (Sweetie Belle the dictionary anyone) it's possible she's also got more insight into that. More broadly, it could represent entertainment special talents in general. Or also, PROBLEMS that are based on entertainment or social difficulties, something Sweetie has shown some degree with experience in, wanting to get into playwriting, dress making, and being more likely to go into those things given her history, and being the one who wanted to focus on popularity in Twilight Time. While yes, she deals with family problems like Applebloom, Applebloom helped her with the first one and it was RARITY who resolved it, not Sweetie Belle, and Sweetie's second sister conflict was more about feeling upstaged by Rarity in a social situation, in contrast to Applebloom who's family issues are generally disagreements of some sort among her family or being there emotionally for a sibling. She felt she was upstaged by her sister, which while a family issue is more of a social 'how others view me and I view myself' sort of problem, it was because her sister overshadowed her in something she put great pride in. So I feel Sweetie is more experienced in this area.

Scootaloo's is a lightning bolt, which obviously given the connection between her normal activities and Rainbow Dash's lightning bolt, symbolizes speed and most likely athletics. Therefore, this would mean her specialty is helping ponies with speed or athletic related Cutie Marks. Or more broadly physical ones, or PROBLEMS relating to physical stuff. Which FITS HER, as she has trouble flying and thus HERSELF has had to deal with that adversity, which none of the other Crusaders have had to deal with.

This is reflected in their general talents as well: Applebloom is good at helping out on the farm the times we see her working like a well oiled machine with her siblings (her building abilities are also logically helpful here), Sweetie Belle has shown an interest and talent in various entertainment with music being her best and primary, and Scootaloo in her speed and athletics.

Now, I know someones going to say 'well they helped ponies WITHOUT that problem'.

Yes, yes they did. But Trouble Shoe's problem was both an athletic one (finding a way to use his talents the RIGHT way), an emotional one, and that his Cutie Mark represented a form of entertainment. His Cutie Mark was more complex and required ALL the CMC to fix.

Diamond Tiara's problems were emotional, yes, but ALSO was heavily influenced by a FAMILY problem, and who was the first one to say they needed to help her? Applebloom, who as shown above would likely have a connection to family related issues regarding Cutie Marks due to the Apple in her cutie Mark, which symbolizes family to the Apple clan. While Sweetie Belle was the one to offer the empathy at the club house. Scootaloo was still able to support, even if this isn't her MAIN area of expertise.

Cutie Mark problems seem to be more COMPLEX, so the CMC having individual specialties makes sense, as it means together they're much better at helping others than one pony could alone.

If one, as it seems, has the social knowledge, one the emotional, and one the mental, they've covered a lot of bases.

They're a team, and their cutie Marks REFLECT that.

So in other words, I believe that the CMC have the same BASIC talent, but different individual ASPECTS of it.

And yes, the CMC don't REALIZE this yet, but it's SHOWN that getting a Cutie Mark doesn't mean you know ALL there is about it. Meaning they probably still have some things to figure out, and may not fully until they're older.

So that's my analysis of it.

Comments ( 8 )


This is intriguing.

Cutie Marks that symbolize and overlying and underlying talent. Either way, if the Crusaders calling in life is sorting out problems with Cutie Marks, then I have a feeling they are going to be a big factor in dealing with Starlight Glimmer and the unlocking the this Cutie Mark Magic power that the toyline is hinting at.

3464482 Glad it is so.

3464494 That is a good point, they're kind of 'Anti-Starlight' now when you think about it.

3464537 Personally I don't have that issue honestly. I don't feel they clash that much at all, I think the CMC are made to compliment each other in appearance, so their colors look good on each other. That's my opinion. And I feel the inner parts don't blend as much when you actually look at them close enough, it's more at a distence I feel there's a blend, but a number of Cutie Marks are like that.

What I love is that they look like a faction emblem.

Something else that you might want to note (I didn't notice this, my friend did). Each cutiemark has something else too. Sweetiebelle's has a star. Applebloom's has a heart, Scootzaboo's has a pegasus wing. Soo...yeah :twilightsmile: vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/0/0a/Crusaders%27_cutie_marks_side-by-side_shot_S5E18.png/revision/latest?cb=20151012093517

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