• Member Since 25th Mar, 2015
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The Hat Man

Specialties include comedy, robots, and precision strikes to your feelings. Hobbies include hat and watch collecting. May contain alcohol.

More Blog Posts383

  • 2 weeks
    How Many Times Does Trixie Actually Say "I"?

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  • 2 weeks
    Reference/Inspiration List for "Where Black Seas Lap the Shores of Dead Stars"

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  • 2 weeks
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  • 10 weeks
    Hat Man Reviews: "Haze" by Bandy!

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"Them's Fightin' Herds" featuring... Turing Test?! · 5:20am Oct 16th, 2015

That's right... it may just happen!

Okay, I realize not all of you may know what I'm referring to. Well, allow me to explain. Short version: Turing Test is (hopefully) going to be in a video game.

Longer version: I'm a video game player and my favorite type of games are fighting games. Street Fighter, DOA, Marvel vs Capcom, and my most recent love, Skullgirls (my artist Colby and I play against each other casually). Well, a while back, a group of MLP fans came up with an MLP fan-based fighting game called "Fighting is Magic."

Buuut then Hasbro put the kibosh on it. Undaunted, the team decided to try and take the idea of a 4-legged cute fighting game and not only received support from LabZero, the guys who made Skullgirls (who gave them their fighting game engine), but also from Lauren Faust herself! Faust designed all their characters and created the lore for the new game while the team started putting the system together.

The end result is a new game that is currently being crowdfunded called "Them's Fightin' Herds." Intro featuring Ms. Faust below:

You may be interested as it is, and if so, go chip in. If you just want the game and nothing else, that's just $15 (USD), more if you'd like some extra loot.

But if you're a fan of my work, then I've got some extra coolness: I've contributed enough to where they will put my OC in the game if it gets funded. Which means, and I reiterate, Turing Test (or Gadget) will be put in the game as a background character.

They are getting close to making their goal, but they only have 6 days left. If you're interested, please contribute to what looks to be a lot of fun. I'll even be glad to challenge you nice folks to a few rounds once the game comes out, at which time you can personally kick my ass for spelling errors or not doing enough technological research. :twilightblush:

So go forward, my friends! Let's get this game funded and Turing Test can begin her analysis of different combat forms!

"Thank you for your contribution. Appreciative beep."

Edit: In case you needed a little more convincing, here's some simple gameplay which also shows off their "dynamic music system," which means that the music changes depending on which characters are fighting and who's kicking the most flank. I happen to think that's pretty awesome.

Comments ( 11 )

So you're saying you dropped in at least $1,100?
That's a lot of spare change.
I'm just one of the masses who only put in $15.


God damn it Hat.

Already contributed a cool $40. It's getting close to the end, but it still quite possible considering how strong the last wave of donations can be. Fingers crossed boys, these developers deserve a happy ending.

3473918 Actually, someone must have upgraded their perk, because one of the 1k perks opened up. It was the very last one open. I honestly wasn't planning on plunking down that much for it, but then I realized I'd probably just waste the money on hats or liquor like I always do and figured I'd spend it on something awesome. :rainbowkiss:


3473975 Awesome. Looks like they just might make it! 5 days left and they're at 84%. C'mon, c'mon...

I'm sure the fact that both Gadget and Test would be interesting playable's helped too.

3477226 Oh no, they'd be in the background, not playable. And just one. But I do get to design a custom in-game lobby sprite too, so hopefully I can use one as a lobby sprite and the other as a background character.

Still, you're right. I am pretty stoked about the idea. :rainbowkiss:

Mission Complete lads!
See you chumps in about 2 years when the game drops XD

3473918 3473936 3473975 3477226 3480437

Also, did you know that the guy who did that also played Cranky Doodle Donkey on MLP? True story!

question: does Them's fightin' herds contain mlp characters? and if not, is fighting is magic still available?

3493582 Answer: No, TFH doesn't contain any MLP characters. The main cast members are spiritual successors to the Mane 6, however. And with Lauren Faust heading up the character design, the feel of things and the story should give you a bit of the same vibe.

As for Fighting is Magic, it was never officially released. However, some folks have made a working, if not so great, version of it online, which you can find and play if you wish. It's based on some beta versions of it, but it's not exactly complete. Honestly, the main attraction for me on it was the music. Here's a link to a playlist with the character themes. Enjoy!

Jesus, Hat. Here comes the money...

Glad to see it was funded, though. I loved Fighting is Magic (I still have a copy on my hard drive years later) and I'm glad that the developers didn't lose sight of their vision. I just hope they follow through in a year or so.

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