More Blog Posts162

  • 150 weeks

    Please get vaccinated. That is all.

    -Derek (aka DoD)

    I might have something to share at the end of the month. Maybe.

    19 comments · 1,155 views
  • 165 weeks
    So I finally published a new story

    It's my first attempt at a romance story. And the cover art was done by the amazing Jaestring!

    Read More

    4 comments · 898 views
  • 216 weeks
    Looking For Editing Help

    Sorry for the bother,

    I was looking for some editing help on my stories, including the next chapter of Asylum, and I was also looking for some feedback on the stories in general to help me nail down some pernicious issues I've been facing.

    Please PM me if you're willing and able to help. And let me offer my thanks ahead of time, because I do appreciate it all!

    Derek (aka DoD)

    14 comments · 1,442 views
  • 243 weeks
    I have a gift for you - the lost Asylumverse planning guide (from 2013!)

    So, years ago I actually started writing out a guide of random but mostly useless information about Asylum and Broadhoof after I received permission from folks to write fan-fiction based on my fan-fiction. It was a humbling but invigorating experience. So in my exuberance, I decided that I should craft something that would help provide the reader a more coherent world for their shared narrative.

    Read More

    6 comments · 2,342 views
  • 249 weeks

    Okay, I let the Discord Server invite expire. It should be working now at this link. It shouldn't expire this time.


    -Derek (aka DoD)

    PS: Just over 1000 words into the next Asylum chapter. Had to kinda restart it again to make any progress.

    7 comments · 704 views

WIN A FREE GAME! Oh, and October 17 Writing Update · 12:46am Oct 18th, 2015

I have a free copy of The Walking Dead to give away on Steam. I'm happy to hand it out as a raffle to anyone who wants in and would like to enjoy one of my favorite games of 2012.

How do you win?

Easy! Just respond to this blog post letting me know you want in! Tell your neighbors! Tell your friends! In one week (next Saturday) I will post the winner and give out your prize!

Kind words about your favorite story of mine will certainly be appreciated, and the most flattering and sycophantic answer will win but will have no influence on the final choice. This will be an equal opportunity raffle for everyone!

How do you get the prize?

It has to be through Steam. If you don't have a Steam account, I can't give you anything.

Why are you giving this away now?

Two reasons.

One: I have a free game, and I'd rather someone enjoy it than leave it in my inventory for all eternity.

Two: there is big news coming about a future update... :ajsmug:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Writing update:

Chapter 7 of Untitled Fluttershy Story.
Current word count: 5027.
Total since last update: 2317.
Total for the month: 5027.

Comments ( 22 )

Heh, I already own the game, so I'll tell everyone about this.

Is it a shooter (preferrably 1ps)

this sounds cool!

Sure, tickle me interested

This is a good idea. Count me in!

Sure, I'll join in too. Steam is my username, and my favorite story of yours is Asylum. Yeah it's mainstream but when people make fun of me for reading fanfiction I send them to your story. They change their mind about how bad fanfiction is pretty quickly :twilightsheepish:

I would love to have this!

You want our ID's now, or just the winner's when they get it?


Just the winners. That way I'm not tempted to sell them all for spam money.


I posted a video for the trailer.

Best thing is to look up a Let's Play and watch the first few minutes.

3478423 yeah... doesn't look like my style of game. Survival Instinct DOES look to be my style of game, though. I need to look more into that one

i have read "A Lovingly Crafted Lunch" , "Help" and "Asylum" and while "A Lovingly Crafted Lunch" was funny and "Help" was nice, best thus far is "Asylum" waiting for next chapter is a torment fortunately i find my mental suffering pleasant also count me in that giveaway.

I'm in :pinkiehappy:

Good luck to all that have entered :twilightsmile:

Please Sir, May I Have it?

I'm a huge fan of both the walking dead series and your stories are amazing as well.

Especially the story where you mad-, Oh wait, that hasn't happened yet...
Please forgot these last two sentences. Thank You!

I am in like a sweaty tourist on a hot day.


I have to say, I really like your name. I'm picturing the best kind of crack pairing ever - Applejack and SnappleĀ©.

3482487 Made from the best stuff in Equestria.

a blog update from the ponified without consent writer ( i only remember it from its awesome cover) that doesn't mention said story in blog post? what sorcery is this?

no, just kidding, I loved TWD, but i already gots it

i might check out this asylum story all the commentors are talking about...



PM me your Steam account info and I'll send you the game as soon as possible!

As for everyone else who got involved, thanks so much for playing! If I end up with another free game, I'll be sure to run another raffle.

3493820 Holy, this is the first time I've won anything :rainbowlaugh: I will send you a link of my steam profile in a bit :pinkiesmile:

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