• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2013
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Dark Scribe of the 38th Company, Iron Warriors Legion, come to bring the glory of Chaos to the realm of Pony.

More Blog Posts59

  • 5 weeks
    Cult Ponies

    I'm pretty sure people would rather have story updates instead of art updates, but it turns out most artists draw faster than I write.
    Also, uh, due to my last image hosting site failing, I don't actually know what art I've posted before so here we go!

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  • 30 weeks
    Character Roster (Updated)

    I'm re-posting the roster with fixed links and a few updates.

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  • 31 weeks

    The automata that started it all...
    The Tykan-Pattern Probe Automata

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  • 33 weeks
    Iron Cavalry

    Ever since the advent of the Strider-class equine battlesuit the commanders in the 38th Company have been thinking up new tactical approaches to using their new assets. The obvious approach is to use them like the Sentinels they were modeled after: for scouting and light fire support. But the Chaos pirates already possessed Sentinels and had not gotten a new field unit in quite some time, so they

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  • 42 weeks
    Praying to the Dark

    "You wanted to know more about us, grayskin?
    Do you want to know why humans turn to Chaos?
    Sometimes we convert at gunpoint. Sometimes we trade our souls for petty comforts or advantages. Sometimes we need to think that there's some kind of greater intelligence and will standing behind this cruel, merciless universe, and wish to align ourselves with it."
    Gaela smiled.

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Story Split · 6:56pm Nov 10th, 2015

Hey y'all!
I've got a preference question regarding the story Entrenchment, which is progressing slowly but steadily ahead.
Spoiler warning for below, if some of you guys haven't read Chapter 2 yet.

Given that Twilight takes off from the planet and has a separate and significant adventure away from all the juicy shenanigans on the other side of the galaxy, obviously we now have two different plot lines occurring simultaneously and too far away from each other to really affect each other. I've never really done this before. At first I thought I might literally just intersperse bits of her own happenings with everything going on at the home front, but the more I thought about it the more awkward and unnecessary that sounded.
So what I'm wondering now is if I should have TWILIGHT IN SPAAAAAACE chapters occasionally break the sequence of changeling rebel chapters within Entrenchment, or if I should just completely sunder the two plot lines into two separate stories. The only reason I hesitate to do this is that I think it's weird that this hypothetical separate story begins and will end in Entrenchment, rather than really being contained its own. But really I don't see any downside.
What do y'all think?

Update: Well, after gathering responses, it seems like there's a small majority in favor of keeping the story together.
Honestly, when I'd asked, I expected people to want the stories split or not care at all, so the fact that anybody opposed it at all surprised me. If even half of the people responding think it wouldn't be better off that way, then that's a pretty solid argument against change.
Sorry, Tzeentch.

Comments ( 23 )

By all means, split it. It's nice to be able to work on something else when you find yourself beating your head against a brick wall in one place.

I think that sounds pretty reasonable. That's what a lot of other authors do in similar situations.

I will have my written vengeance....

In the form of a split in the story!

split sounds gud

I don't think you should create a separate story, just have Twilight only chapters will work fine.

I think it would be best to keep the story in one, I would love to see how each others corespondents between Twilight Sparkle and her friends and see how they describe all the hell they are each going trough and try to help and support each other trough their massages and see how serial their situation and disconnected they are from each other.

They won't really be doing that, though. The only method of communication they have available is Spike sending letters through Celestia, and, well, that isn't actually going to happen, for the most part.

Well... before I'm going to share my opinion i need to ask you few questions first. :D
1) How long Twilight's journey and events on Centaur III are supposed to be?
2) Do you have enough material to make it into another full story?
3) Do you really want to make third ongoing story?

1) Dunno.
2) Dunno.
3) Well, the net amount of writing that needs to be done - in theory - remains the same whether the plot threads are split or not, so on this matter I have to confess that I am uncertain.

Hmm ok... :D
Then it's clear. If you think that, separating or not will not make any change to the amount of content you are going to put into these 2 plot lines and Twilight plot line would be equal to the Centaur's, then I think you should separate it. If you are not going to merge them together later during the story, then IMHO it's not really good to have 2 main plot lines in one story....

Don't split. I think you can manage it.

Split, but give us twilight soon, if you can. We would like to know how she fares in the eye.

What ever you decide to go with is fine.

I'd personally prefer it if you didn't split the story, and instead inserted Twilight chapters in between. Since she's going to end up back on Centaur III anyway, why confuse things?

Personally, I think it would be best to keep the two stories together. Not only for the reasons you've mentioned, but because it means that when you update one, you don't feel like you're neglecting the other. Also, it means that you can reintegrate the two story-lines at will, which I think could be convenient if you ever decide to have some Deus ex Machina or, in this case, "Crepusculum Scintillat, et Ferrum Bellatorum ex Spatio" if you feel like it. Of course I wouldn't presume to know you plans for the story, but, assuming you haven't already planned out where you want it to go, it seems nice to leave yourself the option. Plus I just sort of like the idea of the Solon coming back and just being flummoxed at how quickly everything went to hell in a hand-basket in a sort of "You had ONE job Kessler! ONE JOB!" since I find Solon yelling at people to be extremely amusing. Anyway, that's my two bits, I think your writing is great and I will keep reading regardless of what you decide since I'm dead certain it's going to be good, I'm really excited by the notion of Twilight in Space, especially since it could end up looking like...
And that would be awesome...

a pretty solid argument against change

Whoever organized these readers to vote against splitting the story must be some kind of tactical genius!

(Still think they should be split, but who am I to override Vox Populi?)


Yeah! Screw Tzeentch! No, wait, that's Slaanesh.

What did you just say?

Will our duel loosing master of technology be at a disadvantage in the eye without his fear aura that Celestia removed? Will his peers duel or even attack him if he appears weaker? Is he spending the trip repairing his void shield generator and other toys / tools to face off challengers to his position?

The answer to most of those questions is no.
Solon doesn't have many competitors for his position, since most people think his position is demeaning.
And there aren't many things in the Eye of Terror that think much of a fear aura.

If he is loosing his favor with the dark powers... Also, those with ambition under his command might see a promotion opertunity.

Most of the Iron Warriors assigned to the 38th are the "losers" of the Legion's troops and don't have any ambition of note, or at least have had it ground out of them.
Besides, there's a very formidable obstacle to replacing Warsmith Solon.
His name is commonly misspelled to be "Silver".

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