• Member Since 17th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2023


"The purpose of the first draft is not to get it right but to get it written." -John Dufresne. Please send corrections via PMs. The Blade of Quill & Blade

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    Q&B Final Update

    Happy New Year 2022 everypony.

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    Trials of a Royal Guard Physical Print

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    It has been quite some time since anyone has heard from Crystal and me. I wanted to briefly interrupt the silence let those fans left know that they will soon be able to complete their 'Royal Guard Trilogy' physical collection.

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    Secrets Hardcovers Wave 2 Update

    Hi all!

    We have the hard covers here at the house. Due to some unexpected work travel I haven't had the chance to get to them. Crystal and I are going to clear some time out tonight to get them signed and packaged. I hope to actually have them out the door tomorrow or Monday.

    Thank you for your patience!

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    Cleaning out the game room: Free/PWYW Items

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    Secrets Hardcover Update

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    I am pleased to say that books are being signed and sent out. These encompass the first order specifically. Some are already in hoof while others are being worked on. A large bulk of them will go out tomorrow.

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A Very Special Ask Us · 9:18pm Nov 18th, 2015

Soul lord asked:

Just read the answer to Horus question last week is that it thought you was creative

A while back a user propositioned me about paying to change my story. Yes folks, I'm not kidding. I was offered money to change my story. Evidently breaking up Silent Knight and Iridescence was so horrible that it was worth money to fix. Obviously I refused.

Further, this user went on to tell me how they'd downvoted every one of my stories because of this (which I don't care about). They then went on to say they downvoted all of Crystal's work too (which, to my understanding, violates this site's ToS). I reported this but ultimately nothing happened.

We moved the "ask us" off site and then I started to get Asks regarding this pairing from "multiple users." Now today I got another special one. I thought a little public shaming might finally end this harassment. We'll see! Enjoy!

Anzel answers

Report Anzel · 699 views · #Ask Us #Quill and Blade
Comments ( 32 )



I get being invested in characters, but really? Really?? And to down-vote Crystal's stuff too, that's just mean. Obviously they haven't been reading very closely...or maybe exclusively Rossby. I don't even think he's that mean...

Well I'm glad you know what he was asking. Because I took one look at that and my only thought was that that's not even a sentence. That was just sad.

For all you potential trolls out there, proper grammar is essential. You're never going to make people feel bad about themselves when you can't even put together a simple sentence.

Let's all give a nice slow clap for this asshole...

For context, this was Soul lord Horus's question and Anzel's answer.

I am curious if this happened on or around September 9th. Every single one of my stories got a single downvote that day. :rainbowlaugh:


After actually clicking the link I see this was recent and unrelated. That's what I get for not following the Ask Us to another site.


Just to clarify, not all the people from the UK are such massive asshats. -_-

3551361 This particular user has been in a state of malcontent for quite a while so it's very possible. They reached out to Anzel about the cost of bringing Silent and Iridescence back together on August 21... so not too far off from your date.

okay, maybe you noticed, but I thought I was really upset about that breakup.
That just takes the cake, offering money? over obsessive much?
jeez, people get so lost in fiction....

Wow, that's shockingly immature behavior. If he doesn't like the SK/CW pairing, fair enough. And though downvoting every Q&B-verse story in (petty) retaliation is a dick move, that's his choice too. But he needs to just get a damn clue already and accept that his OTP isn't going to happen.

Besides, Silent and Crystal offer a much more satisfying story.

It's fine to be upset over things in a story but what's happened here is just... how can I put this. Dangerous maybe? You didn't get what you want, life isn't perfect. I advise you to move on, the level of investment in the relationship, a fictional one, looks to be unhealthy. You have attempted bribery and are now resorting to emotionally harmful methods to try and get your way. Thankfully Anzel and Crystal have an active comment section full of supportive readers. But if this happened to a less established or confident author, the effects could be much more devastating. Not only could it result in them leaving the site, it could destroy their self-confidence.

Now say they had given into you. This would result in the restructuring of not one but several long running stories. Three of which are active and have regular updates and between them have an average of 809.666 people tracking them (Secrets, Wishes, Velveteen Mask). You think this vast restructuring would have gone without complaint by anyone? I'm fairly certain that at least a small number would have voiced their dissent and a large number of readers would have just evaporated. This would likely have been a massive blow to Anzel and Crystal confidence and would have affected their capacity to write. Now, pull your act together and get on with it. Think before you act, more than one person reads these stories.

That's almost laughable. I mean, Silent and Iridescence haven't been together since around the halfway point of Memoirs. That's an awful long time to wish for something that's never going to happen in any of the Q&B stories. This guy isn't worth your time Anzel and Crystal.

I honestly think that the appearance of more... idiosyncratic individuals is a sign of gaining in popularity. You tend to gather those kind of people at a point...

However, these people do become rather annoying and especially when they throw demands, or decide to be unreasonable, like in this situation. But, don't you worry, Anzel. Just get rid of the nuisance.

[edit] I do want to clarify that the user in question does not go by either Soul lord or Horus on this site, otherwise we would have censored the name.

3551404 This. So much this.

For what it's worth, y'all, Anzel and I are more tired of it than anything else. And slightly amused, I won't lie. Did they really think this would A) change anything and B) not be totally obviously them? That we couldn't put two and two together? Forget the IP address thing... It's painfully obvious.

I don't care if someone dislikes any of my characters. I know for a fact that pretty much all of my characters have people on both sides of the fence. I'm not fooling myself into thinking all of my 18 downvotes are petty—I know some are because some folks legitimately don't like Crystal or my story. And that's totally okay.

I also don't mind if folks dislike the various ships. Some folks prefer Crystal and Velvet over Crystal and Silent. Some folks would prefer a threesome! And, heck, I'm sure they're not the only person that would have preferred Silent and Iridescence stay together. But there's a difference between a preference and an unhealthy obsession.

Things have gone on long enough with this person. Hopefully, considering they've been rather obsessive about voicing their opinions to us (outside of the Ask Us), they'll see this blog post and take the strongly worded hint.

And, if by some chance this actually isn't them, that does not change the fact that the person we believe it is initiated the whole bribe thing and admitted to a sweeping downvote of all of our stories. Which, honestly, I would take a downvote on all of my stories if it ended there. Unfortunately it hasn't.

So, way back when, when I asked if it would be possible, should all the Patrons pool their donations, to get a SilentXCrystalXVelvet love triangle going instead of a personalized story about our own OC, and I was told that "everything had a cost"...

Answers were being fudged?

Well, I never! *scoff* Misleading fans into thinking we could buy you off for anything our dark little hearts desired! (Literarily-speaking, of course)

Disclaimer: This work of satire (is that the right word?) does not reflect the thoughts and opinions of the poster.

Wait, what...?

Hmm...Shachza (how do I even pronounce that?) brings up an interesting idea
Being paid money to write one-off shipping stories by request! Ideas like this makes sense to me because I'm poor...


>some folks would prefer a threesome

Temptation to bring up chat records intensifies...

They never lied about that. But it's like eating at one of those restaurants that doesn't have prices on the menu, if you have to ask how much it costs, you can't afford it.

Also, I think in this case calling it sarcasm would be more appropriate, since it's only a single user instead of the site population (or some other significantly large group) as a whole.

Huh.... does this mean Anzel can find out where I live through this comment? :pinkiegasp:

On another note, I salute you for refusing to compromise your story to suit the tastes of a very vocal minority of your non-patreon fans (would it be ironic if I gave you a bonus for this?). :rainbowhuh:

3551558 Let the bidding war commence! I've personally thrown preposterous amounts of money at these two writers (Crystal will confirm, I'm sure) to reward them for doing what they're doing, and what's-their-face wants to pay them to undo it? FINE! I do believe my pockets run deeper, even if you're using British pounds sterling to my American dollar.
Bring It On! :flutterrage:

[Edit] Actually, it'll be pretty hard to tell if they don't have a patreon... oh that's an idea; have a patreon to pay you guys to write in a character to endlessly flirt with guards of rank E7 or higher..... :pinkiecrazy:

[Re:Edit] I am a wallet warrior, apparently.

3551226 Yeah, it is not exactly the move of a polite person. We pretty much ignored it initially but the asks are starting to get annoying.


For all you potential trolls out there, proper grammar is essential. You're never going to make people feel bad about themselves when you can't even put together a simple sentence.

:rainbowlaugh: True words!

3551295 Yes, yes indeed. Who are you! Who are you changeling avatar person!!!

3551361 As Crystal mentioned, this is highly possible. He went fairly "scorched earth" with his downvotes.

3551372 Aww, we wouldn't blame you by relation. You're a good person!

3551390 Being upset is one thing! It was meant to sort of polarize people. That is totally fine. This, as you said, was extreme!

3551400 Exactly! Things changes! Authors have ideas. We don't write for one person. And I agree, SK/Irid had issues from the start. CW/SK is a much more long lasting and mature pairing.

3551404 Outstanding analysis. That is pretty much what I told him. That I wouldn't give up my integrity for money. Plus the logistics would have been insane. I couldn't just change that. It would have been an entirely different story.

3551424 This is the shortest comment I've ever seen from you! I'm kind of sad >_< (I tease, I tease)

3551451 I know! He also told me that because of this one thing he can't read any of the stories. Forget the fact that it is like... 5% of the story. It just RUINS EVERYTHING. And Crystal's stories too...

3551513 I suppose you're correct there. I guess I don't always see us as "popular." I see us as fun authors that have fun and dedicated fans. Like all of you in this blog post. It makes me smile when I see a notification from one of you.

3551613 Personally, Crystal x Velvet is my OTP. I think their relationship was MUCH better than SK/CW. When Crystal was writing it I was like... you have to put them together.

3551910 Anzel: Shipping artist for hire! Want SK to be with Iridescence? One shot, 10,000 words, $400. Velvet x Crystal? Same!

3552471 I think it would have to be a totally new story I suppose.

3552687 LOL ^_^ Thank you for the support. We should hold an auction! Ship to the highest bidder!

3553142 I am the almighty Smugling! Here to make you all tremble at the power of my smugness!



So Crystal's 'Prince Charming' could have been a Princess Charming! (Or a Princess Trolling. One or the other...)

Wait... :pinkiegasp: :rainbowderp:

That would have meant Silent would have been free to hook up with Luna, just like nature intended! 'Cause bat ponies (or their descendants) and Luna go together like Celestia and Sunny Days! :pinkiecrazy: :derpytongue2:

3553142 I know you only said the phrase "scorched earth" once but that is also an old-school game that i absolutely loved growing up

Wow, just looking through these comments I can't help but feel how crazy supportive we all are! we're awesome!
I think if you or Crystal posted about pretty much anything, we'd support you

Anzel: oh no, guys! our local supermarket totally raised the price of milk by 20 cents a gallon! this is so stupid!
Us Fans: Totally! would you like us to send them angry letters? egg the fronts doors? we got your back! :rainbowdetermined2:

Not exactly related, but not entirely unrelated either. I hear the sound of angst in the air as all the little trolls come out from their holes lured by the nearness of the holiday season. Yours was the first, but three other authors (that I know of) all have blogs up about trolls or reader backlash posted after you did.

Secure your pens and batten down your keyboards, it's the start of the holiday grumps.

I read Memoirs before Wishes, so I didn't actually know about how big a role Crystal would play until after Iridescence and Silent broke up. Although I think the breakup was the probably better, all she was needed for was helping Silent with getting ready for later life, which she did quite well. Honestly if people are still mad about it, like what, 9 months on, they really need to let it go...

Good work btw


Misleading fans into thinking we could buy you off for anything our dark little hearts desired!

dark little hearts


... ...
... ... ...
:pinkiegasp: I have a heart?

Yeah, I know I'm a day late and a dollar short to this party. Though, Anzel did say custom non-cannon one shot of Crystal x Velvet would only cost $400... Maybe I won't be a dollar short after all. :trollestia:

3551226 Rossby would never--!! You, sir--!! Ugh--!!

3555432 I think you mean ma'am. :raritywink:

Comment posted by Faolan deleted Nov 21st, 2015



In seriousness though, wow. This guy is unbelievable. A huge thanks to both you and Crystal for the stories you put out, and the dedication you put into them. I agree with pretty much everything said by your fans, and that this is also basically a sign of popularity. Hmmm. Perhaps take it as a weird compliment? Or just ban him forever, that works too.

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