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068 Frenemies Talk: The Mane Attraction feat. HapHazred and SweetAI Belle · 9:33pm Nov 24th, 2015

068 Frenemies Talk: The Mane Attraction feat. HapHazred and SweetAI Belle

The penultimate (and super beefy) review is upon us! Join us, HapHazred, and SweetAI Belle as we discuss good music, bad managers, people we'd like to hear lending their voices in the show, and of course that one background pony dealing in apple business. No, of course I don't consider Applejack to be a background pony, but it's nice nonetheless to look back to the times people of the fandom considered her to be one!

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No you can't read past this S05EP24 spoiler alert
(We've got reviews like nobody)

Have a spectacle! Disclaimer: may cause blindness, deafness, concussion, exhaustion, and being trampled by fangirls!

Prane: Poor Sapphire Shores! She used to be called “The Pony of Pop” back in A Dog and Pony Show. She was clearly the star of the stage during For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. Mentioned several times throughout the series, with a couple of cameos in episodes taking place in Canterlot and Manehattan, she clearly had ‘that effect on ponies,’ and was the source of inspiration for all the young artists aspiring to one day make it big.

In this latest episode, she got reduced to being the second biggest pony pop star. Ouch! That’s gotta hurt!

Since I believe we’ll be discussing the most important part of the episode—the songs—later on, allow me to start by pointing out one thing that made me cringe. After the lovely scene with Coloratura and the school kids, Applejack approaches to let her know that the manager is being, well, a rather unpleasant fellow. The two of them disagree, there’s a scene break, and then AJ approaches her old friend again with the same set of accusations plus a plan to expose Svengallop. Coloratura agrees despite she was clearly taking her manager’s side like five minutes ago. Was that conflict introduced only to build some tension before the commercial break? Because I think it’s reasonable to expect more from a really great writer who brought us a good few amazing episodes this season. I was pretty content when I saw AJ tackling the issue head-on instead of wondering how much of her childhood friend is left in the Countess for a super long time, but that one exchange between the two felt really off.

What’s your judgment on the case? Oh, and feel free to share your general thoughts about the episode!

Gulheru: I believe we have discussed the topic of “cardboarding” the story quite aptly in previous blogs. Unfortunately it seems it is a bit too hard for writers to avoid making portions of the plot shallow just so the rest might be emphasized. I think the true goal is to make the entire story gripping and the most important parts truly highlighted, but that’s just me. Perhaps they believe their way of doing things leave a better contrast, but I remain unconvinced.

But I shall not focus on repeating what has been said, that would be redundant. I have really enjoyed this episode. I am a sucker for catchy songs and riveting melodies. And a plot with one of the characters being a famous star with a truly marvelous voice does grasp my attention by default. Although, if I am to be completely honest, stars like “Countess Coloratura” force an allergic reaction from my body. All that utterly unnecessary and malformed pizzazz cannot contest true art! Although the “Razzle Dazzle” Spectacle was interesting… until one tried to find any deeper meaning in the lyrics, that is.

Thank goodness that Coloratura turned out to be somepony I can even admire, rather than a spoiled “starlet”. A strong voice, a kind heart… Yes, definitely a good addition to the character roster. More like that, please. In general, an enjoyable episode with a magnificent song. A definite “yes” from me.

SweetAI Belle: Of course I’ll be discussing the songs later on!

I think there was supposed to be more than five minutes between those scenes, since it looked like they’d been peeling apples for a while. I’d have to assume that gave Coloratura time to think about it a bit. It’s also possible that this wasn’t really the first time she’d noticed anything was off with her manager, and she’d been trying to ignore it, because she liked the fame and lifestyle it was giving her.

I also wonder if maybe there was another scene or two between the two scenes in the original script that got cut for time. There’s a pretty limited amount of time in an episode to begin with, and adding a few songs makes it even more limited, though a good song can also save a lot of time, too.

Another minor thing that caught my attention was that I really shouldn’t have been quite as into Countess Coloratura as I was in the episode. Remember in “For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls” that I didn’t really care for Sapphire Shores, and preferred show tunes?

HapHazred: I felt the manager was really the low point of the episode. I think I’d have preferred the episode to be just about Rara, really. Svengallop was quite an obvious antagonist with a rather shallow conflict. I think it would have made more sense to have the whole thing be more of a misunderstanding, I suppose, but then again, that ground has already been covered by Sassy Saddles.

Then again, I also think the story was more about helping Rara find what she really wanted, not seeing through a deceptive manager. All in all, I don’t mind the quick resolution of that particular plot point, and I did at least get a kick out of it. It wouldn’t have been my first choice, but I think the main point of the story was delivered, and I still enjoyed it.

And that, my little ponies, is how Applejack invented mud baths! She's getting a cut from the Ponyville spa to this day.

HapHazred: Time to talk about Applejack (and Rara, I guess…)! She is, after all, the reason I picked joining in this review over others, what with her being my second favourite and all. This time, she doesn’t learn anything herself, but instead dishes out a lesson or two in record time.

Episodes like this are why I sometimes say that Applejack would be my favourite pony if she didn’t happen to share a show with Rainbow Dash. She’s confident, clever, kind, and direct. I think that every second she was on scene she was in top shape, either helping out at the charity, or realizing there was a problem, or taking measures to fix it.

Perhaps a bit too good.

I wouldn’t have minded one or two moments where she doubts herself, just a bit. Where she wonders if perhaps Rara would be better off doing what she was doing in the first place. The episode might have benefited from a bit of back and forth between Applejack and the situation, but then again, they also had to fit in a villain and a whole lot of musical numbers.

Still, I kind of feel that the show was stolen quite a bit by Rara. Unlike Applejack, she didn’t really know what was going on. One minute, she recognizes her old friend, the next, she acts haughty. She’s trapped between being a glorious showpony and being herself. Whilst Applejack really shone in terms of how wise and effective she was at solving problems, Rara was the more interesting of the two this time around. At least for little old me.

But enough about my thoughts. What did you guys think about this episode’s protagonists?

Prane: ‘This time’ she doesn’t learn anything? But last time she’s been trotting with a cider mug on her head not having learned anything, either! Sorry, I just want to relive the greatness of that scene. Like I mentioned earlier, I really enjoyed the efficiency at which Applejack handled the situation. For once we had a situation in which a character identified a problem and strode to solve it straightaway without stopping to wonder if they’re not being the problem themselves or going all sappy. I see your point that a moment of self-doubt would be an interesting touch, but I feel that this time her arc worked out great because there was no such moment.

As for Coloratura—hmm, I don’t seem to enjoy the shortened version, do I?—I liked how her costumes were tied to the discoveries about herself she’s made, or had voiced out thanks to AJ, because it’s not like she has ever arrived to Ponyville with a typical diva mindset. Though I’m not sure about the veil. It bore good symbolism, but it didn’t match the rest of the first set of clothes in my opinion, and something like big crystal glasses would work better, I think? Anyway, what I liked most about her character was the short moment when she remembered AJ upon meeting her for the first time. It was obvious she’s not a cliché pop star underneath that costume, and throughout the episode she’s been throwing away that disguise in favor of the simple dress and coiffure that made her look like another Pie sister. And yes, I guess I’m already trying to forget about that one time she quarreled with AJ.

Oh, and I failed to mention it anywhere else: wasn’t the unicorns lighting up the tips of their horns the best thing during that last performance? After the voice and feels, of course. I so wanted to take out a lighter and sway with the ponies… ah, the memories. Nowadays kids are flashing with their fancy iPhones they got from their parents, that’s what they do!

Gulheru: Wow, Prane channeled his inner grandpa, what a sight.

Alright, back on topic. I am a mediocre fan of Applejack, although I enjoy her personality. She is, as it was said, direct and kind, retaining a lot of this genuine excitement and spirit. In this episode, I think, she was still portrayed reasonably, not unlike in “Hearthbreakers”, for example. I mean, she planted the pole on a fault line, can you believe her? What an oversight! this time, however, Applejack, I think, did what she does best. She saw the problem, she got to the point and she got it solved. Talk about efficiency! We can expect it from a sturdy orchard worker.

And Coloratura… Well, she is a character I enjoyed, if I am to be honest. Sure, she had a moment of “I am a star” behavior, but I think that her meet-up with the children was the moment that I derived the most pleasure and information alike from. She has a kind, open heart and really cares about charity. I support such thinking. And her voice? Oh, don’t get me started. A voice like this is a character trait in its own right.

I mean, hero or villain, if your voice has the might and power behind it, you can achieve the impossible!

SweetAI Belle: The episode coulda done with more fleshing out, but I think Amy Keating Rogers did a pretty good job this time, with maybe a few hiccups.

As far as Rara goes, it’s pretty clear that there was a pretty big divide between her stage persona and who she really was. It feels like there’s a story there, because you have to wonder how she actually got to the current point.

I kinda hafta think that part of her liked the stage persona, and who she was pretending to be, or it wouldn’t have gone on so long, and if she’s the biggest pop star out there, this has been going on for a while.

There must have been warning signs, but she seems to have missed them, or decided to ignore them. you kinda have to wonder how she’s gonna proceed from here. Most of her songs were written for her stage persona, and I’d have to think she likes at least some of them.

Maybe she’ll kinda alternate. Do one song as “Countess Coloratura” and another just as “Rara”. After all, her fans like the over the top glitz and glam and cheese, and her real self is a lot different. There’ll be fans of her new music eventually, but rebuilding her image is really going to take a while.

I'm sure the treatment was intentional, but compare the simplicity of the lightning, background, and used assets against that first picture.

SweetAI Belle: Okay, I actually really enjoyed this episode, but it’s not really that surprising, ‘cause I like musicals, as long as the plot still holds together. This one, the plot was a little simple, but that wasn’t really a bad thing, and it had some great musical numbers and a good moral.

The camp scenes were really cute, and most of the music was pretty good. I’m just going to go over the music in this episode:

First, we had “Equestria, The Land I Love” capping both ends of the episode. It was a nice, touching down to earth song, and I noticed that the lyrics are only credited to Amy Keating Rogers on that one. It did exactly what it was supposed to do and showed off the pony she used to be, and still is.

Then we had the amusing manly stallions carrying her in scene, and we see that she’s turned into an entirely superficial pop star diva with absolutely no substance, thanks to the dastardly Svengallop!

And the next song comes on, “Spectacle”, showing how much she’s changed. Fittingly, it’s all about glitz and glamor and spectacle and how much better then everypony else she is, with lots of lasers and lights and glitter and smoke and voice effects. The line “I’m not just any pony” was a good tie-in to the next song, too.

The stage show and choreography struck me as a pretty good, funny parody of modern pop culture, too! I was actually laughing a lot through all the cheesy moves they were doing on stage. Though “The time is now, it’s about to blow”? Isn’t that kinda Rainbow Rocks-ish?

Svengallop’s exposed for what he is and leaves, and then she has to perform by herself. And this part was really great, ‘cause she decides to perform from her heart and just be herself, without all the glamour. The song was a lot better, too.

This one was the one previously teased, “I’m Just A Pony” “The Magic Inside”, and it’s really heartfelt, though she is still kinda doing some fancy stuff with her voice. Does anypony know the name for elaborate vocal work like this? (It’s called coloratura.)

With lines like “I thought I was weak, but I am strong”, I really like this one. You can even see how much I liked it in the audience! It was a nice touch that her cutie mark glows on this song and “Equestria, The Land I Love”, but not “Spectacle”. Her heart wasn’t in it, so neither was her talent! Having removed the veil was a good metaphor here, too.

Then I go on stage with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, and we sing “Equestria, The Land I Love” together! I bet you weren’t expecting us to sing! It was a really good way to bring things back to the beginning, and I thought it worked well as a closing.

So, what does everypony else think about the music in this episode, and how it ties in with the story?

HapHazred: I was really afraid when I signed up for this episode, actually. I was worried I’d have to sit through an episode with very pop-y music (similar to razzle-dazzle and the brief moment of Sapphire Shore’s music) which I wouldn’t be able to get into. Turns out I actually enjoyed two thirds of the songs (and I feel I wasn’t supposed to enjoy Razzle Dazzle that much).

I liked the guitar AJ played, and it reminded me a bit of music I’d be liable to actually listen to on my own time. I also have to admit that Rara has a whopping singing voice. Best I can do is belt out ‘Drunk Scotsman’. I really enjoyed ‘I am Just a Pony’ (I went out of my way to avoid listening to it before watching the episode). I think I got more of a kick out of the music than I did anything else, really. I don’t think that’s all too surprising: I’ve enjoyed the music in the show, more than I’d have expected around a year ago.

From a story point of view, though, they’d probably have benefitted from being a bit shorter. I try to view musical episodes from a different perspective to regular ones, because while songs do get the point across, they also take much longer to say things that could simply be shown by animating an expression or throwing a particularly meaningful line. And perhaps my gripes with Svengallop could have benefited from that extra time? Who knows. I sure don’t. But I do wonder.

The entertainment value more than made up for it though. Speaking of entertainment, was I the only one to notice a cheeky Octavia silhouette in the background of ‘I am Just a Pony’? Or is my imagination playing tricks on me again?

Prane:Who else than Octavia! Myself, for a moment I thought that Fancy Pants was the conductor, but that would be just silly.

When the camp song struck, my first immediate thought was: “That’s not a pony singing.” Maybe it was because of the leap in quality from the usual VA singers (not that they’re bad!), maybe they used some better equipment to record Lena Hall’s voice at what my untrained ear found to be a crystal clear quality, or maybe because I’m already used to the usual voices that have been delivering songs since forever, but I went through a little shock at first. Something akin to a feeling that the ponies don’t sing that well! But then I got shivers and I didn’t care whether it was a human being or a pony singing, and I just listened to the words as they flowed.

My favorite thing about “The Spectacle” was that unicorn with his autotuning beam spell. An easy way out for the people working on the show when something unusual has to be presented, or a proof that Equestria really is a magical land filled with the crazy use of magic in places in which we’d seen technology instead?

Speaking of easy ways out, the fact of Coloratura’s cutie mark shining bothers me. Was that a narrative shorthand to show that she enjoys some performances (those true, heartfelt ones) more than others (Co-Co-Countess Face Co-Countess Face / Muh-mum-mum-mah), or do we have to wait for and/or develop some theory about when and why they do so? As if the CMC triad cutie mark wasn’t tricky enough! Heh, maybe I should call Starlight Glimmer to fix all that.

Gulheru: Songs of this episode were definitely on point. Even though I have my reservations when it comes to the big “Spectacle”, I enjoyed the effort put in the performance. Even without Coloratura’s heart being in the song, she delivered. Marks a performer in their own right, the ability to create art even from potboilers. And while looking like the Sirens’ long lost, estranged sister…

Considering the recent look of the feature box, I seem not to be alone in this kind of thinking…

Right, back on track! “Equestria, the Land I Love” I found enjoyable, but that’s all. The lyrics spoke to me on a different level than I would prefer them to. Hard to explain this one, I think. They were too… naïve? Or maybe it’s just me being the usual, don’t judge me. It was a good song, just not in my style, I think. Although having it sung by the Crusaders? I’d like to think it was a splendid idea!

Now, I’ve actually waited before listening to “I’m Just a Pony”, not wishing to see the unfinished product. And, oh my, it was worth the fasting! Lena Hall does a fantastic job in this one. Strong vocal, showing her incredible prowess. A true masterpiece, in my opinion, with moving lyrics. After all, are we not all just ponies/humans? Weak, but strong? Making mistakes? Oh, yes, this is definitely a track that I would encourage people to listen many times to. Just so they would... feel better about themselves.

Me being encouraging? By the Darkness, I became afflicted with this tune!

Just a quick note about the glowing cutie mark, since it was mentioned. I am enjoying the idea that, if a pony is achieving something that is the pinnacle of their talent, it can have a manifestation in their cutie mark. Coloratura’s mark is one thing, but do you remember Diamond Tiara’s song from “Crusaders of the Lost Mark”? That happened there too. Perhaps we should look into this phenomenon indeed. A specialist in cutie marks is needed badly. And I think I know just the pony. Let me call them up for the next week, alright?

Svengallop is a dick to Pinkie. *ding*

Gulheru: Alright, time for villains!

Not. Access to the Rogues’ Gallery is restricted based on the level of wit, wisdom, cunning or the ability to corrupt others. And Svengallop is simply a haughty exploiter (I’m also kind of mad that they used the reference to Svengali so… misfortunately… He’s a far more enjoyable character than this… this brat in the episode).

I wish to ask about something else. During the development of the series we have had the possibility to encounter some incredible talents and celebrities making an appearance. From John de Lancie who gave us the incomparable Discord, Scott McNeil, mighty is he, “Weird Al” Yankovic, now Lena Hall. If that is not a sign of popularity of the show, I don’t know what is. We should hope for more incredible guests in the future, so… here’s my question.

Who would you love to see appearing on the show? Have you ever wanted your favorite actor or performer to get a part of an episode? Who would they appear as?

Give me your best shots.

SweetAI Belle: You know, Svengallop was a rotten pony who didn’t have any remorse, and I didn’t like him. And that’s okay, because you’re supposed to. That’s his whole purpose, and I’m actually kinda happy he never said he’s sorry or showed any remorse. There are ponies like that out there, and you should encounter them sometimes on the show.

He was pretty one note, tho’. Not only are his demands outrageous, there isn’t even any practical reason for them. (Though they were references to other Amy Keating Rogers episodes.) I have to think his real motivation in this episode was that he didn’t want to have Countess Coloratura play at the charity event, and was trying to make them outrageous enough to be rejected.

He’d probably done that before, really. I could see him trying to get her to stop attending the events by just repeatedly saying that they weren’t able to to meet her requirements. He clearly disliked them.

I would have liked him to be more interesting, though. I’m curious why Countess Coloratura hadn’t unveiled him before this, and if he doesn’t always act like this, it’d make more sense. Of course, by now, he’s probably starting a new boy band back in Manehattan. Maybe those backing dancers can sing, too.

Characters I’d like to see in the show? Well, I’ve seen Tim Curry talked about before, and he’d be fun. What about Bill Cypher, from Gravity Falls? It’d be neat if Patrick Stewart came in as an actor, though that’d probably not be as a villain. Or maybe Levar Burton in a Rainbow Dash / Twilight Sparkle episode?

Actually, it’s silly, but it’d be fun to have a filly voiced by the voice actor who plays Grenda in Gravity Falls, too.

Maybe I’ve watched too much Gravity Falls recently…

HapHazred: I think I touched upon this earlier, but Svengallop is definitely the low point of the episode for me. I’d have preferred him to be more like a Sassy Saddles, perhaps, or at least someone with a bit of class… or who could at least give up more of a fight. The conflict he brought was far too quick to be resolved, and was a lot of build-up for very little. I actually have very little to say about him, to be honest. He was given a lot of time in the episode (about a third?) and he wasn’t really worth it.

I don’t think I’d have minded as much if he wasn’t given so much attention during that first third, and instead just sort of swanned around in the background a bit. At the very least, I wouldn’t have minded him talking less. Something about his voice irritates me.

As for actors…

I desperately want Steve Blum in the show somewhere, but that’s less because I think he’d fit the show and simply because I need more Steve Blum in my life. Although I could definitely see him as a dragon. Not those hooligans from Dragon Quest, but a proper, sly, one might even say charming dragon.

Now that would be a villain. A dragon voiced by Steve Blum. Picture it. Feel it.

Prane: Regarding Svengallop, since I didn’t quite catch his name at first, I had to make one up to carry on with my episode notes. It didn’t take much to settle for a generic Mr. Dick. A fitting label for his character, don’t you think? He was nothing more than a bad manager. Not as in: bad at managing, but a bad person doing the work of a manager. But that’s good, because we’ve already have one character this season that was both good at managing at good at heart: Sassy Saddles. I wonder what she’s been up to lately?

I agree with the Steve Blum suggestion! Who else would I want to hear in the show? Vin Diesel as a minotaur, maybe Iron Will’s father called, say, oh I don’t know, Iron Giant, a minotaur leader of some sort. I wonder if that would ever work out? Imagine Twilight and Co. coming to their place (‘It’s been a long time since I smelled beautiful.’) and rambling about how friendship is important. And then, ‘I don’t have friends. I got family.’ Bam! Cheesy as hell, but still enjoyable. Such an episode would be a great chance to expand the universe beyond Equestria—the land I love—tackle the family matters, teach us more about the minotaur kind… hey, I think it’s another of those ideas Hasbro should buy from me! Brilliant!

Your panelists for today (drop by their profiles/stories/blogs and say hello!):
- HapHazred
- SweetAI Belle
- Gulheru
- and yours truly.

I don't have anything of substance to say here this time. For the past several blogs I've hinting at what I'm doing with Of Lilies and Chestnuts, but the mystery has been unveiled recently. I can honestly say that rewriting it helped me a great deal in finding out who these characters are, and why is it worth writing about them.

Until next time!


Comments ( 1 )

Or maybe Levar Burton in a Rainbow Dash / Twilight Sparkle episode?

All of my yes.

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