• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 17th, 2019


I am an freelance artist and writer. I love MLP:FIM and enjoy reading some of the stories other Bronies write.

More Blog Posts157

  • 411 weeks
    Heading To Trotcon

    I'll be in the Trotcon Vendors Alley in booth 30 if anyone wants to pop by and chat. While I'm not much of a writer anymore, I still like to help and talk about fiction.

    Have a good weekend, y'all!

    1 comments · 419 views
  • 426 weeks
    Redesigning the World

    I'm having quite fun redesigning the world of MLP.

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    1 comments · 445 views
  • 432 weeks
    Only a Few School Assignments. Yes... Just a Few

    Hello. I'm not dead.

    Okay, gotta go write a 10 page paper on a play I watched up in Cleveland about three weeks ago.

    The guidelines are unclear, they were given out on Monday, and they include articles I read in mid January and is about the play I saw early February. I'm still supposed to remember everything clearly to write 10 pages of clear content on said items...

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    0 comments · 391 views
  • 433 weeks
    Curse you iJab

    I had forgotten about this place until iJab decided to comment on my DA, now I'm back and I have so many stories to catch up on/start reading/re-read. Gah!!!

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    1 comments · 381 views
  • 443 weeks
    Hello! I'm Drunk

    Hello friends!

    I am currently very drunk. so I decided it would be a Perfect Time! to post a blog entry.


    Mostly because I'd think it would be hilarious right now at how much panic I'll suffer when I sober up and realize exactly what I write here.

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    3 comments · 414 views

Hello! I'm Drunk · 8:15am Dec 5th, 2015

Hello friends!

I am currently very drunk. so I decided it would be a Perfect Time! to post a blog entry.


Mostly because I'd think it would be hilarious right now at how much panic I'll suffer when I sober up and realize exactly what I write here.

Now, just for y'all to understand how drunk I am right now, I'll explain how much I've drunk so far. I've had at least one bottle of vodka and a fifth of a flask of wine. Aka, I'm drunk enough that my vision is beginning to blur and I really should have quit a long time ago.

Why am I drunk? Because I'm freaking stressed beyond belief right now. Not only am I trying to take care of finals right now and studying for them, but I'm also working as tech in a dance performance at the college I go to. Tomorrow is the next performance, but I'm not too worried about it. Tonight was a spectacular success. No faults at all. For the first time this week we actually had no problems with the sound equipment. That is what I am, btw. I'm the sound operator. I make sure all the music plays properly and the projector works as expected.

I've also had a fantastic time playing Undertale. Great game, Highly recommended.

I actually forgot what I wanted to write here now. hahaha. So I'm just going to ramble here now. Number 1: Why don't I update my stories anymore. Answer; I've lost interest in most of the MLP fandom. Let me explain. When MLP first began it was fantastic to watch Twilight fumble her way through learning to make friends and keep them. Heck, I struggle with that myself. But now since she seems to have perfected her friendship goals to the point of being a princess of it, I really can't get into it anymore.

I mean sure, I still love the ponies. They are all adorable and fun to know. But the episodes no longer hold my interest like they used to. In fact, most of the reason I'm still in the fandom is because I have so many internet friends in it. Most of the skype chats I'm in talk about it. I'm with friends who run a MLP club at my college. Heck, I've earned decent money doing commissions of it. But to watch them for fun and not for work has not happened in well over a year and a half.

So why do I still care about this site and the fandom? I think because I hope to someday relate to them. I've met a lot of friends and acquaintances through he fandom, and I really hope to get to know more of y'all better. But for the most part it is just literally a hope, and one that I doubt will come true. The show has passed its interest in me. Heck, I've yet to watch season 5. And I really don't have any interest in doing so right now.

That is one reason why it is hard for me to write any of my fics or do any of the tumblr ask blogs I've started. The characters in canon have solved their problems to the point that the show only holds interest when something off the wall is thrown at them. Why should I be interested in characters who've already figured out their life when I'm still struggling to find my own purpose. I mean, I know what I want to do, but actually getting there will take years of luck and work for me to succeed. These characters are already there and I can no longer relate to them because of that.

It was watching Twilight meet and become very good friends with the other main six. She found a kind of group I've always wished to have: a group of close friends who were near her and she could visit at any time. A group of friends who she could open up to and talk to about the problems she had. A rock which she could stabilize her life with and build up


P.S. entry was edited to keep only the most important parts. Thanks for reading.

Report M_D_Quill · 414 views ·
Comments ( 3 )
Author Interviewer

I think the reason for your lack of interest makes a lot of sense, actually. :B It's k, dun worry.

Also, I hope that when you're sober, you appreciate "friends and adequateness" for the hilarious autocorrect fail it is.

3594338 there was a lot less typos then I thought there would be. Heh

But I guess I finally put to words why I've lost interest in the show. It only took getting wasted. Haha

Author Interviewer

It's good to be able to realize and accept something like that. And there's nothing wrong with being uninterested in the show, yet still wanting to participate in the community. :)

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