• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 28th, 2016


I am a Pegasister, I write fanfiction, and that's all you need to know about me. Also: I know that sounds jerkish, but I am not a jerk.

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  • 436 weeks
    I have become more.

    It has also come to my attention why my story has been suffering lately.

    Assassins are a joke to Sky Stormer. She's too powerful. There's as much drama in those battles as my OC crushing an ant, not that she would. Therefore, she needs to fight something else. Something her power cannot overcome. Something deeper.

    Something the MLP-FIM cartoon inspired in me.

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  • 440 weeks
    I thought for a while.

    I need to become more.

    4 comments · 364 views
  • 444 weeks
    I saw Mad Max Fury Road. It sucked. Thanks, american feminazis.

    The Mad Max film was awful.

    A friend of mine rented Mad Max Fury Road, and I saw it with her.

    I have seen the original three, where Mad Max is a badass.

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    4 comments · 863 views

I saw Mad Max Fury Road. It sucked. Thanks, american feminazis. · 5:51pm Dec 6th, 2015

The Mad Max film was awful.

A friend of mine rented Mad Max Fury Road, and I saw it with her.

I have seen the original three, where Mad Max is a badass.

And in this? He is a joke, and the real badass of the film is the laughably-sueish Imperator Furiousa, straight out of an idiotic feminazi fantasy. Metal arm, short hair, and all the things a dude would usually have, including the "Save the girls" role? Check. Actual character traits? She has none. There's a court-mandated angsty 'Sad thing happens to woman to make her cry, telling women everywhere even badass women cry' scene, but it just comes off as laughable.

Speaking of laughable, how about ELDERLY WOMEN HANDLING MOST OF THE ASSKICKING IN THE FILM'S FINAL ACT? And the fact that every man in this film is a moron, a monster, or a violent brain-dead animal on par with the Raiders from Fallout? The scenes with exploding cars and tornadoes were exceedingly cool, but this entire thing felt like a man superior to Micheal Bay found himself with a gun to his head one day when the feminazis came out of helicopters and swung through the windows... and got stuck. When the fire department came to push them out, and were then sued and ruined and accused of promoting an unhealthy lifestyle and stare-rape for being male and doing their job well while being fit, the feminazis pulled guns out of their rolls of fat and put them to the director's head. They demanded their fantasy override what should have been a beautiful high point of the Mad Max franchise, an ancient part of American pop culture enhanced by the amazing graphics of this century. And because the director lacks balls, he complied with their demands, turning Mad Max into a grunting moron who can barely string a sentence together, so the main focus of the story can be on Mary Sue.

And the villain... the ugly, generic villain... his worst crime in this film is not keeping slaves, or acting as a bandit boss straight out of Borderlands, or even what he does with the water... it's the fact that he has women slaves. That is it. According to the writers, that is his worst crime. 'Women are not property!' they yell. And later, 'Then who killed the world?' is yelled at an innocent, though stupid, male soldier. You can hear the feminazis in the audience shout out "MMMMEEEEN!", while throwing popcorn and going Fifty Shades on a cucumber while the saner humans cry internally, knowing they can't do anything because the feminazi party has a chokehold on everything these days.

There's a show called Steven Universe. Fusion is constantly used as a metaphor for doing the thing adults do when they're bored. The villains known as the Homeworld Gems commit horrible experiments on fusion and gem shards, creating hideous monsters made of dead soliders fully sentient and aware of their painful, horrible, hideous existence and unable to control their new bodies. Desecration of fallen soldiers, Nappa/Vegeta stuff, necro-***, and many more sins. They are also the reason Peridot (The Plankton ripoff) is so messed-up. WHEN THE VILLAIN OF A CHILDREN'S CARTOON IS WORSE THAN THE VILLAIN OF A MOVIE WITH A HIGHER AGE RATING, YOU KNOW YOU HAVE FAILED. The villain of a supposed-to-be-beautiful finale of a series called Mad Max... is inferior to the villain of a children's cartoon named Steven Universe. Let that sink in. Thanks, feminazis.

Do you see this? This is why people cringed IRL when I said I was a feminist. And this is part of why I am no longer a feminist. The other part is that they're the reason we're not getting DOA. I happen to like playing as attractive badass women in videogames, I happen to like fighting games, and my main in Street Fighter is the beautiful Cammy, who can kick ass without needing a teammate like a muzzled, handcuffed Ryu with nerfed stats and support abilities.

Comments ( 4 )

3597562 Seriously? Look, don't get me wrong, the effects were AMAZING. But look at that picture. The new girl is glaring at the camera, and Mad Max is muzzled, weakened, and reduced in badassitude. His eyes are on the road, doing an important part, but he isn't the star here. Even though the film is called Mad Max: Fury Road, not Imperator Furiosa The Badass Feminist, also starring special guest Mad Max.

It felt more like some feminist's fanfiction of a real badass movie I wish I'd seen, rather than the fanfiction that was converted into a movie.

Also, don't give me the "Most people liked it" thing. Most people like You Know Who, but she's still a terrible person.

3597582 That's your opinion

3597589 You Know Who is objectively scum.

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