• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014
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More Blog Posts286

  • 41 weeks
    My Good Friend Needs Help

    Hey, gang, I'll keep it brief.

    My good friend Majin Syeekoh needs your help. He set up a GoFundMe, and if you could all help him out a bit, I'd be forever grateful.

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  • 43 weeks
    NSFW IGO Poll

    I Get Off is in the works, and in addition to the new chapter update, I would also like to write some straight up lewd shorts. I'm curious as to where would be more appropriate to post those shorts, right here on chillbook1 or on my NSFW alt. So I threw up a poll

    If there's no particular consensus, they'll probably end up on LewdChapter.

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  • 43 weeks
    It's Back, And It's Finished

    There was supposed to be more to this, but the guy who set that up... I'm not him anymore. So I wanted to give this story some proper closure even if it meant skipping a bit to the end. Sorry if it's a little sloppy, but I needed to do this.

    Man, it feels good to see this thing marked as complete

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  • 43 weeks



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  • 70 weeks
    Pulse Check

    Anyone still here?

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Is it wrong...? · 2:20am Dec 9th, 2015

Is it wrong that I get genuinely offended when I see someone defect to another fandom? Not to say that you're not allowed to enjoy other things, but whenever I see a member of this, or any, community, just see something "better" and completely jump ship, I get angry.

Is it wrong that I find myself legitimately mad when someone gets bored of producing fan content, especially when these people have a large, loyal fanbase? Not even so much that they quit, but they quit cold turkey, give some BS excuse, and get mad when we get mad that our favorite author/artist/musician is gone.

Is it wrong that I am more loyal to this cartoon show about pastel color horses than I will likely be to anyone in real life? I have my friends and my family, sure, but I feel as though I have a deeper bond with fictional characters than I'll ever have with most real people I interact with (after all, it's hard to be betrayed by a kid's cartoon).

Is it wrong that I know for a fact that I will cry real, large tears, for several minutes, when this show ends? I'll feel like I lost friends, or even family. I don't know how I'll be able to cope, or if I'll be able to cope at all.

Is it wrong that, and this is no exaggeration, I would rather die than stop writing fanfics for MLP, even though hardly anyone reads/enjoys them? I've never been happier than I am when I look at my doc and put a story together. If and when I am no longer able to do that, I'll have lost a good chunk of what makes me... Well, me.

Sorry for the kinda dark tone here, I just wanted to get that off my chest. These questions are pretty much rhetorical, but if you'd like to share your perspective, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll just go wait impatiently for LCS to be approved. Or, y'know, denied. Again.

Comments ( 14 )

Totally right on cue! :rainbowwild: I seriously just put out a blog post announcing that I was now writing for a different fanbase. If you'd like an honest opinion, I think it's perfectly acceptable. People tend to treat fandoms as communities, families, countries, or even religious sects, but it's really just a group of people who happen to like the same series. I suppose it's a matter of how rich the relationships are in your non-online life if you'll be disappointed or not, but in general, I would say it's a rather trivial thing to worry about.

3603977 Trust me, ma'am, this was no mere coincidence. I skimmed your blog and felt a now all-too familiar lurch in my gut that came from what feels like a member of a clan or team leaving for what I irrationally interpret as selfish reasons. Of course, I'm not mad at you or anyone who "jumps ship", as it were, but I can't shake the feeling that it's my fault. I know it's absurd to think that, seeing as you hardly know me, but a small, yet powerful, part of my mind convinces me that I just ruined the show for you. And, as for my non-online life, it's actually a case of lack thereof. In real life, I'm nowhere near as open or chatty. I like to think of myself as at least a little smooth and charming, or at least well-spoken, on a keyboard. In real life, I am anything but.

Trivial? Without doubt. I tend to get hung up on small stuff. Matter of fact, I just got into a huge argument with a close friend over some stupid fanfic nonsense that I really had no right to argue with him over. Don't take this post any sort of way, it was just me clearing my head before I did something stupid like talk to my friends about it in person.

Anyway, good luck with your new fandom.

Unless the show gets *really* bad I figure I'll ride it all the way through. There's no saying Fimfic might not even outlive the show.
Totally jumping fandoms seems a bit much. I like stuff aside from ponies, but I don't think anyone would have to leave to scratch those itches. Things can take a back seat, but nothing keeps anyone from coming back.

On that note, if you've not seen it or checked it out. I suggest a show called RWBY. It's good times, the music is *fantastic* and the animation gets better every season. It's a show with all female leads and no one is mooning over boys. I love it. And they kick serious (totally unrealistic) ass.

I'm head over heals for the show, but I'm not going anywhere from Ponies either.

*reads first paragraph of comment*
Oh, so this guy gets me, I guess
*reads name RWBY*

Dude, I am the BIGGEST RWBY fan you will likely ever meet. Like, hot damn, I love that show. Like, top five of all time, I love that show. You're trying to convince Rick James to do a line, here. I'm waaay ahead of you.

Thanks for the comment, it made me feel a bit better.

3604002 I completely understand. I commend you for your self-awareness, though, it is refreshing to see someone who can articulate their own insecurities rather than angrily blaming others. I used to have full-on mental breakdowns if I walked into a messy room, and while it seemed trivial to everyone else ( deep down inside, I knew it was), to me I was experiencing severe panic. I believe these things can be overcome. But either way, sorry for causing you any distress! I hope you'll perk right up soon.

3604018 I'll try. I'll probably fail, but I'll try.

Morally wrong? Probably. Objectively incorrect? Nah! :trollestia:

I also get offended for someone to jump ship entirely... it's fine if they're branching out and all but if they straight up leave the fandom then it's like a subtle invalidation of my tastes.

I can't say much for other people who stop producing content, but I've done it and it's not usually for no good reason. That said, I'd be incredibly hypocritical to agree wholeheartedly. I will admit to being disappointed, but at the end of the day I'd rather read a story that a writer wrote with their own sense of pride than one slapped together by someone who stopped caring (or whatever their reason is). Life hits hard patches and it's not like there's much good in warning 'hey next chapter is last chapter I'm writing'.

I'm sure you'll find somepony to devote yourself to more deeply than this fandom, but they're gonna have to be damned special. I'll absolutely cry when the show's over.

Writing is in who you are, why would anyone want to lose a part of themselves?

3604023 It isn't really my style to cause psychological damage and run, Chilly. I don't know what to say that would magically make everything better, but bear in mind that there are several people who are still on FIMfiction and MLP isn't ending anytime soon. In fact, it'll probably stick around so long that the next generation will be sick of their parents gabbing about it. Again, reaaaally sorry. I had no idea anyone would be this upset. :twilightblush:

3604040 Don't feel bad, it's really not your fault. I'll probably be fine in a day or so.

Nobody has ever called me "Chilly" before. I think I like it.

*cough cough* Sisters! Friends! Weis. "HEY!"

3604032 See, this is why I need to post these blogs, because you people say things that make me go "Duh, you moron, of course". I hate when people write something they don't put their heart into. That's something I should've caught. Just another example of how absurd and nonsensical my brain is.

3604054 Weiss gets shafted so hard, and that's why she's been locked in a constant struggle for favorite Team RWBY member, along with... the other three. I can't pick a favorite, I like them all so much! Currently, it's Yang, but Weiss will probably take it by the end of Vol. 3

I could never pick a favorite on RWBY or JNPR. That's like trying to pick a favorite finger. I just wish they could be longer. It's strange days when 22 minutes of pony is longer than anything... *sad sigh* Weis's move on the latest episode totally caught me off guard.

Keeping this somewhat pony related, I've found all of one RWBY / Pony cross. I haven't gotten around to reading it yet and I think it's in the middle of a major re-write. Have you found any you'd care to suggest?

3604063 Nah, this is where I go "You're young, blah blah blah life experience... rabble rabble time stuff :facehoof: "
Besides, you were caught up in emotions and those things where I'm dead inside :yay:

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