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Possible Future Negotiation Sequels · 3:54pm Dec 10th, 2015

So a lot of people have wanted to see follow up stories for Negotiations. I admit, it is very possible I will come back to this sometime in the future, but for now I'm focused on updating what few stories i can before I start working (Expect a few updates soon) on my new job. That being said, I have given it some thought and I have come up with a few possible ones:

-One where Fluttershy and Twilight meet up after the war and talk

-One that deals with Applejack and Rainbow Dash in their little resistance

-Twilight learning the real reason why they invaded Earth from Princess Celestia before her execution

-Spike 200 years after the war and a teacher to students in college

-The aftermath of the nuclear fallout on the Crystal Empire

-The Battle of Jerusalem which was mentioned in Negotiations

-More about Doyle, the one Twilight talked to in the fic

If you can think of any other ideas, feel free to do so. And feel free to make your own stories that center around Negotiation's world. I'll get to maybe some of these in the upcoming year.

Comments ( 21 )

The spike one sounds interesting.

Three others come to my mind.

One is showing Fluttershy, Lyra, Discord and others initial defections from Equestria and how they integrated with humanity and how humanity integrated with them. (You may bring that up in Twilight and Fluttershy's meeting but it would be interesting to actually see it rather than just have Fluttershy tell us).

Another might be the rest of the world Equestria was on realizing they were doomed following the departure of the Princesses.

Finally similar to Spikes 200 years in the future except this time maybe 50 or 60 years at most with veterans of the war from both side reminiscing at various battlefields, some with veterans who refuse to forgive the other side and its only a pony or human unit as the case may be, and others where veterans come together in a more friendly manner at their battle site. Much like our own veterans and those of the Japanese and Germans in World War II. (This one was inspired by all the Pearl Harbor stuff I've been reading and viewing in the last few days).

I like the Applejack Rainbow one! Maybe make it Red Dawn ish, at the end AJ is carrying Dash like Swayze is carrying Sheen.

Have them come to terms

I like all of them!
I've actually been thinking about this fic and I was thinking about a fic set a few years after-war and the way life becomes for humans and ponies in regular life situations like work, school, etc. and the trials and tribulations that the humans and ponies who have yo deal with each other on a regular basis when they have phobias and fears and nightmares and maybe even PTSD from the war.

The fall of Ponyville might be interesting. Maybe even the surviving girls at some point returning there to remember the fallen.

All the yes!
Do as many as you want!

All of them.

How's about one where Twilight joins the U.N. as the pony representative of Equestria (not as a sovereign, rather as an advisor and representative of the pony population). Maybe recount her first day coming to the chamber.

Actually, it was something you mentioned in passing that I think would be an awesome angle to see... have a few of the remaining religious leaders (especially Christian denominations) confront Celestia to let her know they know she is Lucifer aka Satan aka The Devil.

Think about it. The Bible describes Lucifer as "The Prince of Lies"... promising happiness and love eternal, all at the cost of your humanity (soul) while renouncing God for a false one to worship (Celestia). Also, Lucifer means "Morning Star", and what is the "sun" but a "star that brings the morning"? Heck, given her wings, she could even be viewed as a fallen angel, one in the sense that there is no redemption, only damnation she represents and brings.

Got to thinking about this due to the story "Bibical Monsters" by BadHorse and the mentioning of a tall, pale unicorn who will be the end of humanity.

I'm not taking it in that direction, but that would be interesting.

3608382 Eh, figured as much, but whatever you write I will look forward to!

3608087 Oh, and I've also thought about Luna, too, like what if they hadn't found her body, and Luna had gone into a coma for years while a small group of ponies cared for her, and she wakes up later to find out she lost the war, everyone else thinks she's dead, her sister is dead, Twilight herself gave her up to be aentenced to death, yada yada, and she has to deal with this while the group of ponies (probably another generation?) try to stage a coup and get her back into power to subdue the humans. (Geez, what a sentence...)

All of the above! :rainbowkiss: But if I had to pick favorites it would be the first 3:

- Fluttershy & Twilight talking

- Dash & AJ Keeping up their resistance, possibly it being undone by some means or another

- Twilight & Celestia talking before her execution

Looking forward to the continuation of this story :twilightsmile:

What if Twilight finds Rainbow and Applejack and tells them what Celestia's real plan was and how everyone back on Equestria is dead. I think this would be interesting to see and might even lead to Rainbow and Applejack becoming friends with Twi again.

(Stupid auto correct)

1. Maybe when shining died (I NEVER LIKED HIM, SO USLES) in new york.

2. One about a human family or two being moved to the zones where humans a ponys live together and try to make up, and vice versa.

3. flutershy and her helpers first talking to the humans to help them.

4. When the ponys just arived, and when cestia declared that they convert or die.

5. A human under going the ponyfication tranformation (sweet rymes) and the spell casters talking about it.

6. A human soldier and a pony soldier, both dieing from there wounds, lie on the ground surrounded by dead human and ponys talking till they both die. (inspired by a WWI story)

7. One where celestia and the eliment first start watching the humans, talking about what there doing and how they react to it.

8. An eye witness acount for the nuking of the Crystal Empire, or twilight watching it. (super sad)

Just to name a few, ples make one!

A battle of Jerusalem would be glorious. The Palestinians and the Israelis united against the ponies who would do harm to their people and destroy their holy land.

Please let this be a thing!

Aftermath of nuclear strike and Celestia's reasons.


I will post my idea again here: humanity expeditionary force making it's way through tidally-locked Equis, trying to find survivors of other races, only to discover that they let the Changelings cocoon them and put in stasis.

I think a little more about Fluttershy's family would be interesting.

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