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Serious Question about the End of THE NIGHT IS PASSING · 6:54am Dec 13th, 2015

How would you like it delivered?

When it is done, the last "Chapter" is being divided up very differently from what I intended because I'm realizing that my original plan on how to handle some of the logistics (read: POV) was stupid. This is not such a great loss: I get to name more things and I LOVE naming things. However, this means I'm going to have several smallish chapters.

Would you like me to release them in pairs? Twilight/Luna chapters, one and one, a pair as they follow forward into darkness or whatever. The Luna chapters aren't 100% Luna but are very Luna centric. The last chapter will be neither, but will be paired with... something else.

I can either release them in pairs like that as I finish and overlook them, which would mean I could start releasing them by Monday at the very latest... or I could do it ALL AT ONCE when I'm done. This second option means you get it all in one fell swoop, but it also means a longer waiting period. However, you may have to wait for the last final words regardless....

Because I'll be leaving for Australia/New Zealand on Christmas Eve.

I'm gonna swim and hike in SheepLand. Very exciting. Much walk.

So if I don't finish before that, you'll be waiting until like January 5-7ish more like.

Please let me know what you think! I could also release the Twilight/Luna duet in its entirety and then release the final chapter and its paired thing as well?

Report Cynewulf · 357 views · Story: The Night is Passing ·
Comments ( 10 )

Well...I can see the merits of both.

The question in my mind is how long these chapters/releases are. If they're your typical bricks (the number-one draw to this fic for me; I read like a piranha swarm eats) then you really kinda benefit either way. The average reader isnt going to rip through the slow-release to feel a gap between the said releases, and so they may not feel to badly about a large, final release.

Of course, in my opinion, I'd do a large lump release, save for the final chapter (and epilogue, if there is one), to be released after a reasonable amount of time for everyone to get caught up. That way, nobody spoils it in the comments.

For example, I mostakenly read a comment at the top thag mentioned a certain character's, uh..."getting stoned", if you get my drift. Ruined the shock of it for me.

3615097 I'm very curious about what story you were reading. A morbid part of me wants to read about stoned pones.

Most of them very light. Luna II and Twilight I are written in full. Luna II is a little over 1K and Twilight I is 2991 words. Twilight II and Luna I will no doubt be bigger, but not bricks. The last chapter WILL be a brick, even with these bits shaved off, but it will be a far less taxing and managable brick.

I'd rather have a smaller update sooner than a massive one later.

All I want is an alicorn snuggle pile. Celly, lu lu, cady, and twily, all in one bed, exhausted for given story reasons, aND simply enjoying being close to one another once more. ^^ now is that too much to ask for?

Probably, but I like muffins, so there.

I'd rather you released the smaller updates sooner. Huge updates all at once are kind of daunting.


I say release the chapters in pairs and have the smaller updates. It gives us more content sooner and allows time for us to really digest the new chapters.

Smaller paired chapters sooner, especially if they're related by theme and content. Easier to digest in chunks than a 15K or 20k chapter when reading time is at a premium.

3615437 the tribe has spoken

3615192 I need this in my life

I personally prefer a release all at once schedule.

I read a lot, and tend to get everything mixed up in my head. Cannot recall which plot points happened in which story.

Especially easy to do with pony fics. All have the same characters practically.

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