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Bad Horse

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How to Poop · 2:19pm Dec 20th, 2015

I don't know if this product works, but the ad is... among the higher class of toilet humor. Advisory: Contains graphic depiction of a unicorn pooping, repeatedly.

Mmm. Ice cream.

I definitely want his hairdo. The Hollywood-medieval goatee-and-beard is so ethically bistable. Anyone wearing one is either a noble hero or a contemptible blackguard. Which is he? Look at his eyes. You can't tell.

Being a complete nerd, I clicked on the link to http://harmonbrothers.com. They created a company to sell the Orabrush, a tongue brush, and an amusing YouTube video to market it.

The Orabrush was successful enough that you can still buy them, and the video went so viral that the Harmon brothers also created an advertising agency that specializes in making funny videos about products for embarrassing bodily functions.

Follow your dream, ponies.

Report Bad Horse · 688 views · #poop #video #humor #unicorns
Comments ( 24 )

I once watched an infomercial for eXtenze from about 2 AM to 7 AM. In the end, I felt enlightened, not because I wanted to buy eXtenze, but because I realized that I should have gone to bed 5 hours ago.

These commercials, thankfully, are considerably more entertaining.

I saw this commercial a while back when it was first going viral; now it is actually appearing on YouTube videos, I guess because all the people linking to it for the novelty value has worn off a bit.

Still, nothing better than getting people to WANT to watch your ads.

I have to imagine they've made a bundle off of it. But man, when they tell their descendants that their fortune was made from a video of a unicorn pooping, they're never going to hear the end of it.

Either that, or by that point, bronies will have so heavily corrupted culture that people will be confused why every product WASN'T advertised with a unicorn mascot.

Author Interviewer

Hadn't seen that second one, but both of these sound like worthwhile products. :B

When that ad first came up for me (not through viral linkage, but just as a random YouTube draw) I was seriously questioning if I was hallucinating it or not.

Well, squatting IS better for your than sitting. If that stool thingie mimics the squatting motion well enough...? Maybe?

I wish i could delete selected blog posts from my feed!

3632051 Fair enough. I'll put a page_break before the video.

3631458 3631332 3631179 What's this?


A chart showing the relationship between age, and when you find out about something on YouTube. :trixieshiftleft:

Speaking of surreal YouTube ad experiences, I heard this song come up in the background of an ad on YouTube this morning.

At least it is better than the random ads in Spanish I sometimes get for no apparent reason.

Don't go waving that in my face! I'm older than, like, everybody! (Except maybe you. I don't keep that close a track unless I'm trying to beat myself up about my relative life stability / accomplishments by this point benchmarks.)

Don't lie to us! You're a Spaniard! Admit it!

Ha, made of sterner stuff, I see. Cardinal Fang! Bring out... the rich Corinthian leather!

This is not my fetish, but I know some people. :trixieshiftleft:

I have never clicked off an ad so fast whenever this one popped up. For some reason it kept popping up in my videos and replacing the links for a week before it finally disappeared. It kind of reminds me of the poo pourri commercial. That was a good ad.

oh this video looks familiar... now I remember where I've seen it.

after a few seconds of this playing as a forced ad --> "BOOORING! :ajsleepy: adblock turn on"
seeing this recommended in a blog just now --> "I must watch ALL of this funny video and share it with the world :rainbowderp:"

I saw this as an ad while trying to watch GameGrumps, and at first I was like

Then I was like

But as I kept watching, its hypnotic power worked in me, and by the end I was like

I heard that standing gave you the best poop. I suppose some investigation is in order.

Bad Horse I protest, this blog counters progress. If you buy this you are hindering our evolution. I want my kids to be able to sit and have healthy poops, thank you.


I heard that standing gave you the best poop.

Did you hear that from a pony?

Bad Horse I protest, this blog counters progress. If you buy this you are hindering our evolution. I want my kids to be able to sit and have healthy poops, thank you.

Are we evolving toward the standing poop, or not pooping at all?

I would only be hindering our evolution if I murdered people who pooped sitting down. More than I murdered people who pooped squatting. (Proportionally to their populations.)


Did you hear that from a pony?

Because he asked me to respect his life choices...yes.

Are we evolving toward the standing poop, or not pooping at all?

The sitting poop, I hope. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm rather fond of pooping.

By indirectly encouraging squat pooping, you're increasing the number of people who will pass on their poop squatting genes, instead of their poop sitting genes. This is serious business.


"When has it even been in the Bible that you have to have a bowel movement? It's not written anywhere."

"It's not written in the Bible, but some things is written, like, in mother nature. All of the animals shit. Cows shit, llamas shit."

"Do they like it? Do they want it? If they had a voice would they, would they rather not?"

-Southland Tales, on the metaphysics of bowel movements

Truly, a movie for our times.


By indirectly encouraging squat pooping, you're increasing the number of people who will pass on their poop squatting genes, instead of their poop sitting genes. This is serious business.

That's not how evolution works...

Pfft, of course it is. The poop squatters just don't want you to know, so that you stay an unwitting propagator of their underhanded genetic manipulation of human kind. Know the conspiracy, man.

I have the organic version of this product. I've used it for years.

I call it "my cat".


3669525 Are you sure this is a thing you want to win?

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