• Member Since 8th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen January 15th

Sharp Spark

Nothing says I miss you quite like war poetry carved in your door with a stanley knife.

More Blog Posts33

  • 176 weeks
    Actually, on the subject of stories in other places...

    So I mentioned before that much of my writing recently had shifted to positive stories with transgender themes. (Perhaps there's something about 2020 and 2021 that really gets me to lean into writing cute fluff, because the world isn't providing a lot of that right now) I'm on a private writing discord with some folks who write similar things, and this past December we did a Secret Santa

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    5 comments · 382 views
  • 186 weeks
    Stories of a Different Nature

    Hi everyone! I'm not totally sure how many of my followers here are actually active, given that I've been out of the ponyfic game for... well, for years at this point.

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  • 252 weeks
    Leftover Books!

    Bronycon was tremendously, tremendously fun - and I think I already am suffering from a bit of post-con ennui. I wish I could pack up and head back and do it all over again next weekend. There are too many folks to name, and I'm paranoid about leaving anyone out, but... Basically, it was wonderful to get to see so many friends, whether I have known them for years or got to meet them for the first

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    9 comments · 658 views
  • 253 weeks

    So, I'm at this thing. Already escaped from a room and everything.

    If you see me, say hi! But I have no idea what I'm doing most of the con, except one thing: Friday morning I'll be at the bookstore booth in the marketplace. So stop by then if you want a copy of my book and want me to sign it too! (All three of you who want it or whatever, heh)

    3 comments · 315 views
  • 260 weeks
    Book Announcement + BronyCon 2019

    Hello everyone!

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    3 comments · 521 views

So Long, and Thanks for All the Ponies · 8:14pm Jan 8th, 2016

I suppose it's not particularly unexpected, but I'd like to more officially announce that I'm retiring from ponies. It's been a long time since I've had the opportunity or inclination to write ponyfic, and I don't particularly expect either of those things to change in the future. My enthusiasm has waned for the show, and this isn't a sudden or new change. For quite some time, the only thing really keeping me going was this site, and the supportive culture here.

And along those lines, I would like to thank so very, very many of you who have helped me along the way... The writers who have delighted and inspired me with their work, the editors who have helped hone my skills into something I'm proud of, and the readers--each and every one of you who have read any story of mine and left a thumbs up, or a comment, or even a criticism. You mean a tremendous amount to me, and to each and every other author on the site, even if I'm naturally somewhat reserved and uncomfortable in expressing that on a regular basis. I also must make special mention of the Writeoff group, as I found my experiences there to be invaluable and tremendously enjoyable. I recommend any aspiring author to try and connect to that great community.

There's some bittersweetness to finally closing up shop, but I don't think this is truly a sad thing. My time here has given me a new-found appreciation for writing, and I hope to be able to explore that more in the future, perhaps in more original settings. There are lots of people here I'd like to stay in touch with, many of whom I already have shared contact information with through Skype. If you're someone I know and would also like to exchange information, feel free to send me a PM on the site. I still get notifications from those directly to my email.

As somewhat of a going away present, I've combed through my googledocs and compiled my remaining unpublished and unfinished work to be released in Spark Notes. There's likely some good reasons why it never made it onto this site until now, but I figured there's still material of interest. If for some peculiar reason someone wishes to continue any of my unfinished work, send me a PM and we can discuss it in more detail.

So once again, thank you. I never imagined I could write some of the stories I have, and I'm intensely proud of my better work. I've enjoyed other stories that have truly amazed me and still stand head and shoulders above the majority of published work I've read. I've made friends here that are near and dear to my heart and who I regularly rely upon. I don't write this post to be dramatic or to seek goodbyes... I just want you--any of you who care enough to take the time to read these words--to know that you are important and wonderful to me, and that I cannot truly express the depth of my appreciation.

Ponies have been very, very good to me, and for the rest of you still exploring this fascinating universe, I wish you the best of luck and the happiest of trails.

Comments ( 37 )

Aww... :pinkiesad2:

Still, glad to hear it's something as positive as a simple change in tastes handled maturely.

Hopefully the community here's been good enough you'll consider dropping back in now and then anyway, or even coming back once that fabled general fiction change goes live. :raritywink:

Thank you for what you've written here, and I wish you luck in your further writings!

Best of luck on your new journey. :pinkiesmile:

I sincerely hope you'll leave your works up here for others to enjoy into the future. You've written some incredible horsewords, and I daresay the world is better for it. :heart:

Farwell, it's always a bit sad to see people leave, but on the other hand it's nice to hear that zou walk away serene and carrying positive memories. Thanks for the stories, it was a pleasure to read them:twilightsmile:

Thank you for taking the time to write. I've enjoyed many of your stories and will probably continue to do so as I reread them again in the future.

Best of luck wherever life takes you.

Seems like the fanbase has been diminishing. It came in like a storm, now it's going out in a hush. Can't believe it only took five years.

Thank you for all the stories. That represents a tremendous amount of work you've given to all of us, and we really appreciate it.

And, as I usually say in this situation, remember that being involved here isn't a binary. Don't ever feel weird about stopping by and letting us know what's up, reading some stories, even writing a story if the inspiration strikes. Just because you don't want to be "an MLP fan" doesn't mean you can't keep in touch or contribute when and if it's fun for you.

But, for now, best of luck. You're an amazing writer, and if you want to I know you'll go far with that.

Thanks for all you've given us. And thanks for this blog. It's sad to see you leave but good to know it's not due to anything bad happening.

So long and thanks for all the fics! Sad to see another awesome writer go, but you can't do it forever.

Good luck!

I regret not getting to know you when I had the chance.

Goodbye, and may the winds carry you safely to your destination.

Or something. I suck at goodbyes. :derpytongue2:

Wanderer D

Damn. It's a shame to lose you on the writer's front here, but I really wish you the best of luck! I doubt that you need a reminder, but never stop writing! You did amazing work here, even if I didn't drop comments on your stories as I should've, so naturally as long as you don't lose the practice I can only imagine the things you'll write in the future!

Take care, and thank you for all the stories!

Best of luck in your endeavors. Thank you for all the amazing stories you've written while you were here!

:pinkiesad2: I'll miss you. I've enjoyed reading your stories here and in the writeoffs. (And on that note, we have started doing general non-pony writeoffs lately, in case you hadn't heard. So if you want to drop by for some pony-free writing, we certainly won't turn you away.)
Good luck on all of your future endeavors!

Sorry to hear you're leaving, Sharps, but I'm glad to know you enjoyed your time here. You're a great writer and I hope you're able to continue impressing people with your stories in the future.

I'm with CiG, Bookplayer, Wanderer D, et. al. - don't stop writing. You're a great writer, and I'd love to see more from you in the future on whatever front that may be.

So long. I hope you check in from time to time!

Keep in touch, mate.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Author Interviewer

awh :C

good luck!

Good luck and best wishes in all your future writing.

Ah. Dammit you're awesome! Anyways best wishes, and good luck.

As someone who also recently retired from writing fanfiction (and for similar reasons), I can only echo what everyone else said. Keep writing, and thanks for the content you shared with us :twilightsmile:

Sorry to see you go. You were one of the good ones. *vaguely racist without being racist*

I'll miss ya, Sharpy.

it sure was fun with you around

Sorry to hear you're taking your leave. I'm among the others that thoroughly enjoyed your work, and I wish you the best.

Sorry to see you go! Good luck out there, and I hope you find the impetus to keep writing; you're really good at it!

Even though I never got to know you like I have with many others here, I'm still getting a little emotional from this blog and all the comments.

I hope life treats you well! :heart:

Shit. I'm sad to hear that, Sharp, but as long as you are content, then so will I try to be. At least I have you on Skype.

I had a blast working with you on Do Changelings Dream. May I ask what your plans are for a post pony life?

It was good crossing paths with you. Thank you for some awesome stories.

I feel obligated to mention that right now there's a Writeoff going on for original fiction, i.e. non-pony stuff -- Roger expanded it out. That might be a great way to keep a toe in the water of the community if you still want to write but can't work up any enthusiasm for the show.

You had a good run.
Goodbye. :pinkiesad2:

I've enjoyed your work here. Be careful out there in - *shudders* - real life. :fluttercry:


Nah, I'm just kiddin', you'll do great! All the best! :raritywink:

Thanks for all the stories! Good luck in life

I was kinda late to the party anyway, but I wish you the best in all your future endeavors regardless.

I only knew you briefly in the Writeoff thread, but your stories always made me smile. Good luck with your futures endeavors and thanks for sharing your wisdom. Don't stop writing, and good luck!

Ummm... Thank you for not writing any new stories?:derpyderp2: I added most all of your stories to my 'Read it Later' bookshelf many moons ago, and have never seemed to find any of them at the top of the list. Now I can add them to my 'Read it Now' bookshelf and since its some what shorter then the RiL list, I might get caught up on everything you ever wrote! :twilightsmile:

So long and thanks for all the fishponies!

Aww, now I feel worse for not finishing my "Review all of Sharp Spark's fics" project.

Best of luck forward, and if you would be so kind, maybe drop a blog around here if you ever get to writing somewhere else?

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