• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
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PseudoBob Delightus

How hard can writing novels be, anyway?

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So, I posted a new story... · 12:26am Jan 14th, 2016

The story I posted is linked below. It's called Cuddling with Twilight. What can I tell you about this story?

Well, first of all, as I'm writing this it is still being submitted. I'm a bit nervous about new stories ever since I had a bit of a breakdown some years ago, shortly before I canceled my only other published story, Entropy. I think, though, that this one turned out better. Hopefully you guys like it.

Second, this is based on a concept I saw maybe two years ago. I don't know who started it (or if it was started by one person) but a few ancestral texts I can point to are I'm gonna cuddle you. And you're gonna enjoy it! by Shin Guyviroth, and Cuddles by Jay-The-Brony. In my opinion neither of these were very good, but they were good enough that I stole their concepts and wrote two thousand words about it.

So now for the whole “me writing” thing. I have dozens of ideas floating around in my head all the time, most of which I have written at least partially into a computer somewhere. Most of this is in the form of what I call "headnotes", which are like normal notes but much less useful.

Many of you may sympathize when I say that it's very hard for me to actually sit down and write anything coherent. I feel, however, that some of my ideas are worth sharing, so recently I've been trying to put more of my thoughts into words (blog posts are part of that), and to clean up some of the ideas currently in development. If you're anticipating anything out of me soon, then you're out of luck, and also probably expecting too much of me. I do, however, have 5 stories that I really think are worth developing, and if I work at it then maybe some of them will get to the final stage.

And, I promise, they'll all be better than whatever Cuddling with Twilight is.

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