• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


A hopeless Luna fanatic, and a nerd of all (or at least most) things video game-related. Favorite games include Pokémon, Super Smash Bros, BlazBlue, Metroid Prime, Donkey Kong Country, and more.

More Blog Posts67

  • 241 weeks
    We Will Meet Again

    Well... that's that then.

    So it is.

    ...So... what do you think?


    Were we... were we any good?


    Not exactly.


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    3 comments · 717 views
  • 250 weeks
    Presents, Futures, and Apologies

    I'm sorry that I've been quiet and unresponsive for so long. I've been dealing with complicated things in my life for a long time now, and quite honestly I still do. Said things have grown into a needlessly complex mess that have kept me from reaching out to inform the people still waiting for me, and worse yet, left the story of Friendship is Aura incomplete without even cancelling it.

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    7 comments · 736 views
  • 374 weeks
    What's been a long time coming

    Hey everyone!
    Hey everyone!
    Hey everyone!

    Oh wow, what an echo. *sigh* I don't know, guys, is there even a point to this? No one's gonna end up reading what I write here.

    Now hold up jus' a gosh darn second, sugar. You ain't backin' out on this one. It's better for everypony-

    EveryBODY, darling.

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    32 comments · 1,333 views
  • 425 weeks
    Man, Japan is brutal.

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    2 comments · 784 views
  • 435 weeks
    Apparently the Pokémon games approved of me getting to work on Friendship is Aura again...

    ...Because Pokémon X just gave me a shiny Gible. This is the third shiny I've caught in just the Gen VI games, and this one is a pseudo-legendary of all things, what the hay is even going on?

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    5 comments · 687 views

A formless meeting... · 8:23pm Jan 19th, 2016

Well well well... Long time no see, old friend.

But, heheh, who are we kidding? It hasn't really been that long, has it? For other people, perhaps, but for you and me? We talk almost every day. And even when we don't, I'm always there, nagging you from the bottom of your mind. You don't always need spoken words to get your point across, wouldn't you say?

I'd like to say that you've been busy lately, but that would be another lie, wouldn't it? The truth is much more simple. Laziness? Lack of passion? Writer's block? I don't really care, to be honest. You can have whatever reasoning you feel like, it doesn't matter to me. In the end, they all end up with the same result, don't they? That you're simply not writing. Because you don't FEEL like writing. Because you see NO POINT in writing... isn't that right? Hehehehehe.

But alas, you can't shake off that feeling, can you? That nagging feeling I always take the liberty to remind you of whenever we speak and... don't speak. That feeling that urges you, PLEADS with you... to tell your story. You always try to make excuses in your head. Saying things like "It's a pretty poorly made story anyway once you get down to it". Or "Nobody will bother to read it after all this time". It's always easy to make counter arguments like that. After all, they all sound perfectly sound, don't they? People wouldn't help but agree with them if they saw things the way you did. The "logical" way. The way it'll inevitably be like.

...So why am I still here then, old friend?

After all this time, you should've moved on to other things. More important, life-meaningful things. Yet here I am, scratching my claws at the corner of your mind, reminding you day and night that I'm still here. That Lucario is still here. That Luna, the ponies, Tartarus, and all the other characters you began to envision so long ago ARE STILL HERE!

...We're not going away... you know that, right?

And why aren't we going away? Because deep within that mix of your own self-critique, you can't help but think that some parts of our story are really, REALLY great. There's no shame in thinking that. You've done your fair share of downplaying by now, I believe. Do you remember what it was like to write Nightmares May Dream? Heck, what it was like to just be looking forward to writing Nightmares May Dream? You couldn't wait to get through all the other stuff to finally get that backstory of Luna's out. Because even if it wasn't the greatest interpretation out there, and even if it was based on things that would eventually get disproven by the show... you was still proud of it. You keep telling yourself that you can never be proud of something because chances are people will just find it garbage in the end... but you couldn't help yourself, could you? This was YOUR version. Your... what do you call it... Ah yes... your "headcanon".

And there are more scenes like that down the line, aren't there? Parts of the story that you've imagined yourself writing countless times, but never could because you just hadn't reached them yet. And eventually, when that thought that all of this was dumb hit you... you stopped. Left your readers hanging, hoping that at some point, your will to write would come back and hit you like a storm like it did in the good old days. But it never did, and here we are now, like we've been so many times before, with you asking yourself, me, or anybody else out there willing to listen...

Is there even a point anymore?

Hehehehehe... Two or so years, and that question still hasn't been answered, has it? You couldn't answer it, because you know that even though you want to become a writer, you're unable to make up truly unique stories on your own, and only managed to make this one because you could base it on characters that were already written for you. Your family couldn't answer it, because they just don't believe that you can ever make a living out of being an author, and thus never encouraged you to push forward, so why even bother writing this silly little thing to begin with? Even your readers couldn't answer it because, come on, what else could they possibly say but "Yes"? Of course they would urge you to keep going, because that's the nice thing to do. They don't see it from your realistic perspective, they just wish to encourage you because that's what they SHOULD do. And thus the truthful answer you seek becomes lost in a sea of "We miss you"'s and "Can't wait for the next chapter".

...Is there even an answer anymore, Kang? Do you truly expect to one day find the solution just staring you in the face, extending its hand to save you?

...Hehehehehehe. Well... I guess I can't do much different either, to be honest. "Saving" people isn't really how you created me to be. So... let me just give you an... opinion. MY opinion. Which in extension is also Lucario's, AND your own opinion. After all... we're all one and the same here in the fabric of your mind, are we not? Voicing our thoughts from the same source. Putting them to words differently, but always bringing across the same message.

Write. Release me and all of us from this prison you've built around our tale! Release our struggles! Release our fights! Release yourself from the shackles of your own insecurities, and embrace your potential on this site regardless of whether it leads to success or disaster!

...I want to be free, old friend. No matter how many or how few people end up witnessing me in the end. In recognition or in ignorance in others' eyes... I WILL MAKE MYSELF HEARD.

I'm sure you're looking forward to it as well. Aren't you... Riolu?

Hehehehehehehe, hahahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!






...Well, in our case, partner, Ah think Ah speak for everypony when Ah say this: We all can't wait to see ya again.

DON'T YOU DARE QUIT NOW! What happened between Luna and Discord?! I NEED TO KNOW!

You can do it... That is, if you want to. No pressure...

We have not gone anywhere yet, and we're certainly not leaving you now, darling.

Show them all who's boss! Show YOURSELF who's boss!

Time changes all of us. I, if anypony, should know that. But who you used to be, and what you used to be so passionate about... you shouldn't look back on that with embarrassment. It may not change the world, and it may not carry you through your whole life. But it's what made you happy, and still makes you happy. And I promise you that somewhere out there, there's at least one person who's day you've made brighter with this story. To make anyone, even the most insignificant person happy like that... isn't that the only reward you've ever needed?











...We'll be waiting.


Comments ( 12 )

C....could it be...?

I almost forgot u exist

My god... is it.... ALIVE? :pinkiehappy:

...no freaking way! It's actually going to update soon?:pinkiegasp:

OMG, it would be so perfect if you would do it tomorrow! Know why? Because it's my birthday!


Well dang, that was kinda trippy. And also really inspirational. Excuse me as I go do some writing now.

Oh, and welcome back.

Glad to hear from you again, hoping to see more of your wonderful story. Also, very nice prose in the bit above.

He has returned. Praise Celestia, Arceus, or what ever being you worship.


din't find clip, made one

Why can't I favorite blog posts?!?! This is simply beautiful!! :fluttercry:

I don't care if it's what I'm "supposed to say" or not, but this next chapter is going to be AWESOME!!! How do I know this? Because you're the one writing it! YOU'RE the one weaving this world together so there isn't anyone else who could continue this narrative you've created because THEY JUST DON'T KNOW the characters on the same level that you know and have created them on!

I await the next update of your story with bated breath, my friend

This is an honest, serious question I want to see your answer to.

Do you enjoy writing?

Because if you do, then it's worth it to write. If we stood across from each other as I say this, I would tell you to look me in the eye and tell me if you see a lie in my next words. I enjoy writing. My biggest series has launched and I don't have many views/reviews, despite having plenty of friends online. Heck, I'm disapointed with my own writing skill. First chapter of my biggest series and it's pitifully short and so weak.

But I'm going to keep writing. Not out of the smallest of hope that readers who don't review enjoy my story and want to see more, even if that's a small part of it, but because I enjoy it. Writing is wonderful. I've written five chapters for a later book in the series already and haven't published it. And I'm going to continue, because like it or not, original or not, I have so many stories in my head and I enjoy writing so much that I'm going to continue. And once I'm done, no matter the quality of the finished products, I'll be happy. Because I'll have written my ideas and made the stories I wanted to make. Whether or not anyone else cares....doesn't matter very much to me.

Of course encouragement helps. Feeling like someone cares really is wonderful. And maybe not everyone truly cares and just wants to see a story update.....But that doesn't mean that nobody at all cares. I'm going to be launching my biggest Fimfiction story in the near future, hopefully before spring. I just want to say, your story inspired my story and some of the events/rules in it. I can say I'm similar in my writing. All my ideas are based off existing things. But that's not bad. Sure, you can't profit from it, but then again, you can't exactly profit from playing video games, huh? Well, not physically at least.

Maybe my words don't mean much, but I feel the need to say them. If you enjoy writing, continue with it. It doesn't matter how long it takes, all of us who care, and maybe some who just care about the story, will be waiting patiently.

All that matters now is how you feel, and whether or not you want to continue your story.

I feel kinda cheap for doing this, but I'm going to steal this comment.
However, I mean every word.

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