• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen April 11th

Dagger Tongue

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  • 585 weeks

    7 comments · 485 views
  • 613 weeks
    Ch2 Preview

    Here's a little something something to whet your appetites while we finish off the chapter. If all goes well, it should be up and posted by the 20th.

    On Wings of Change: Hello Tomorrow

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  • 615 weeks
    For lack of a better Title...

    So I find myself in an excess of free time today and decided to myself:
    'Hey, I should post an update for the perpetual emotion engine that is my microscopic fan-base'
    So I proceeded to do so, and this is what I wrought...

    Vocular Diabetus

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  • 623 weeks
    Some interesting news!

    Alright, here's the deal. When I first planned this blog, there were going to be a whole boat-load of funny pictures and witty comments leading up to special early access pass to the new chapter one for the handfull of you that follow me. Unfortunatly, all the writing I've done has left me rather mentaly drained as it was. Nothing much to say really, so here you go:

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  • 632 weeks
    Psst... Guess what?

    I got a surprise for those of you who have decided to follow me (you creepy stalkers you...)

    On Wings of Change; Ch5 is finished being written, and is currently being reviewed by our editor team.

    Just thought I'd give you a little glimmer of hope. If all goes well, you should have a spiffy new chapter to look at by the end of the week.

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For lack of a better Title... · 4:33am Aug 23rd, 2012

So I find myself in an excess of free time today and decided to myself:
'Hey, I should post an update for the perpetual emotion engine that is my microscopic fan-base'
So I proceeded to do so, and this is what I wrought...

Vocular Diabetus

So that voice-blog I promised weeks ago...

I'm working on it.


My main issues lie in the dueletic facts that I'm notoriously lazy, and that I have a crushing phobia of letting anyone in my physical life know of equestrian fixation.

The first can be summed up in that Sloth has been, and always will be, my personal vice. Frequently in life I find myself listlessly drifting from event to event on whatever tides that bear me. To give you a frame of reference, it is quite probable that one day I shall meet my demise alone on a deserted island because I couldn't be bothered to light a signal fire.[1] Not to say I'm dull. Quite the contrary my lobial areas are frequently the caught in the thralls of mythopoeia of the grandest styles. I just find it... difficult... to focus at tasks at hoof unless I'm caught up in one if my manic-obsessive storms.[2]

The other issue is pretty much just me being a social pansy. I am what you may call a "Closet-Brony"[3]. I fear what the common populous would do if they found out I enjoy writing stories about prismatic effeminate pony-like creatures... Well my mental projections usually end up with the town on fire and me either sent to jail, or banished to Southend. Or sometimes banished to a jail in Southend. Needless to say, this entices me to keep the Fim on the down-low.[4] What this also means is I need to wait for my co-inhabitants to leave the area for a sufficient duration to record myself babbling about nothing in particular.

[1] Or maybe I won't, because dying is such a bother.
[2] Some of my more notable fits are as follows:
-The complete rework of OWoC's old plot and stylization to something that now spans roughly 2Mb of txt documents and flow charts, and 150 pages of insane cryptic scribblings. All in the span of about 3 days.
-The complete programming of a C# based physics engine plus demonstrative alpha for a certain some-pony who waited to the last minute to do his final.
-The creation of all of the universe as we know it {and some parts as we don't know them}. This last one is widly debate by sceintists. Something to do with 'Time-travel isn't possible.' or some such non-sense.
[3] Though I largely reject this title due to me not actually liking the show. That and labels are for squares and politicians.
[4] As I once heard on youtube: "Friendship is magic, and a good magician never reveals his secrets."

Happy 23rd Rotation Around the Sun!

That's right! I've official manged to survive 23 years as of... 4 days ago now.

Yeah, this blog was originally going to be posted on the 18th, but again, Sloth.

I did get a few nifty things though. Like a hover-chariot-thingy made after me[1]:

Done by none-other than our faithful editor Beige. Thanks a ton mate. Next one's on me.

I also received this awesome new avatar/self-portrait:

Painstakeingly crafted by the best-wing-pony ever, Koba. He spent hours slaving over this[2], and I can't express how much it means to me. So I won't.
Also, yes. Changeling. Deal with it.

And to all of you out there who have or are going to send me some-sort congratulatory message, cheers. Here's to hoping I'll be able to return the favor someday.

Oh, and the family got me some books about stuff, and some shirts with things on them. A little Isaac Asimov for my spare time will do me good I think.

[1] Have to say this is probably the most surprising thing I've ever received. Even more surprising than that dire-kola I received last year.
[2] That he probably should have spent working on chapter 2. Oops.

Chapter 2, and What It Means for You!

I can sit here all day shotgunning off excuses why chapter 2 isn't out yet. Hell, I could probably make you believe them. But the straight and narrow of it is I've been slacking off and forcing Koba to shoulder too much of the work. Beyond the initial outlying of the major plot-points of the chapter, I've done nothing. Quite literally nothing. A truly peerless performance of professional procrastinating.

That changes now.[1]

I've gotten back into my groove and I'm looking to get the next installment ready for editors by the end of the month. Granted this is largely dependent on the availability of Koba and the twisted societal machination known as work. With the completion of this post I'm going to begin editing the 4K words already existing so we can atleast feed you something to sate your ravenous hunger for all things wingy and changy.

Speaking of teasers, heres a few of the more memorable events you can expect to witness in this upcoming chapter:
-Rainbow Dash plays with quantum singularities!
-Vietnamese Fallen Tree Traps!
-Twilight gets high on life!
Note: Events are not guaranteed to happen in the aforementioned oreder. [2]

Now you may be asking what the hell I mean by those...

Well put Sanji. Well put.

[1] Now being a relative term more of indicating either a point four and a half hours in the past, or sometime in the near future when I finish this post.
[2] Except they totally are.


Read as "Answering Fan-Mail". Or more accurately, fan-mail I wish I received[1]. These are some questions I had my friends come up with so I could have a block of blog dedicated so stroking my own ego. Because narcissism is what all the cool-colts are doing.

Favorite fictional character?
Hum... there's a lot to pick from, but if I had to make a 10 second response, it would be Sherlock Holmes. The classic literature one, not that crappy new one they portray in the movies.

Pick-up Line of choice?
"Hey sweet thing, you know what success taste like? No? Then why don't you kiss me and find out?" [2]

Musical Preference?
My taste in music is broad, and much falls under the category of 'Preference'

Though I must say I enjoy my music like I enjoy my coffee:

Good to the last drop!

What do you aspire to?
What do I want to be...?
~I want to be the very best~
~Like no-pony ever was!~
In all seriousness, I don't aspire to be anything more or less than what I am.

If you could ask anyone a question, what would it be and why?
I would ask "What fic in your favorites list has the least views?"[3]
There are a metric buck-ton of great authors on this site, and a good deal of theme never get the acknowledgement they deserve. Having people periodically posting some of their favorite low-visibility writers would be a great way to find these would-be diamonds and de-rough them.

[1] But seriously, feel free to send me questions in PM's on Fim:Fic. If they're interesting enough I'll answer them next blog I do.
[2] You can blame me for birthing such a horrible line. And to the mares out there, did it work?
[3] For me it's Breaking Twilight. Warning, it's kinda dark. Has the best insane Twi I've ever had the joy of reading about though.

That seems to be all for now. The caffeine has been consumed and the horderves dismantled. I'm really starting to run-out of steam anyways.
Yep. It's about time for me to go-ahead and log-off for the nigh... buck... Never mind. Off to Ch2.

Till next time,

PS: A little sub-thought I had for a story while completely drunk;
A HiE fic that used changlings to talk about the sociology of racesim with the Human being a Klan member from back in the day, now as a changling.

Report Dagger Tongue · 614 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

FIRST POOOoooony related comment! Dag sir, if you wish to be fan-spammed, I can do that; just give the word.


>No homo

THAT'S why you can't give him enough! C'mere Dagg, let me show you a little Tast lovin! (Just typing those words... laughter)

Well, some good news about chapter 2 and congratulations for being yeat another year older.
Also, have some love.:heart:

my birthday was 4 days ago dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Luna_lolface.png

EDIT: whoa whoa whoa do we have the same birthday?

Yes! You are an FZero racer!

(Complete with broken audio! Not sure if you received this Dagg, but if you have, sorry for the repost :twilightblush:)

Kobal's beautiful changeling artwork is on the wing, it's a bit difficult to see :scootangel:

Happy birthday as late as it is.

306605 Certainly am! :moustache: Though it's based on the version you sent me without the shading.



Congratulations are in order sir! For not only also completing a lap on the great 150Km loop, but for also being born on the best day ever.

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