• Member Since 1st Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2017

The Minister of Scones

"You can use that cupboard over there labelled 'Good French Things'. It's empty."

More Blog Posts41

  • 373 weeks
    All About Threats

    I read that scientists, by using magnets, had 'turned off' the threat centres in people's brains, and that this made them 'change their attitudes towards immigrants.' Obviously, the stunning revelation that people don't like immigrants because they feel threatened by them is one that will echo down the ages as a revelation made possible only by scientific brilliance, but given that such

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    2 comments · 534 views
  • 376 weeks
    A Blog Post But as Soon as I Start Getting Grumpy I Stop Typing

    One thing I've noticed a lot of around YouTube recently is videos with 'X but Y' titles. You know, things like 'Dragon Ball Z but every time we see people screaming at each other in a desert the video speeds up', or 'Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart but it's a Pokemon boss-battle theme'. With this in mind, is there any chance of seeing 'Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones but every time Hayden

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    1 comments · 467 views
  • 377 weeks
    An American Fail?

    Apparently the British satirical magazine Private Eye is now listed on numerous 'fake news' sites for having covers like this:

    This, coupled with the existence of the show Friends, leads me to the conclusion that comedy is a largely unpractised art in the USA.

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    13 comments · 557 views
  • 379 weeks

    I've seen the phrase "Don't read it if you don't like it!" written on quite a lot of fanfictions lately. Granted, I've been seeking out the truly awful ones (sorting the chaff from the wheat, as it were) for my personal collection, so that might explain why I've seen so much of it. Read on for my thoughts.

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    6 comments · 601 views
  • 380 weeks
    50(ish) Followers!

    As I've reached 50 followers, here's a thank you video. Well, slideshow with me talking over the top. Don't quibble, Horatio. A lot of this seems to be because Somepony Tries to Sell Twilight Insurance has just been posted on FIMFiction as part of the Royal Canterlot Library collection. I am, understandably, chuffed to bits.

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The Enchanted Crossbow of Ezamandurth · 3:27am Feb 18th, 2016

Ah yes, the enchanted crossbow. One of the most highly-prized items in the entire multiverse. Many men and ponies alike would give anything to possess it, and the list of those who have died in their attempts to secure it is endless. It lies in The Mystic Temple of Ezamandurth, in the Inverted Mountains just beyond the Northern borders of the Crumb Kingdom, and is zealously guarded by over three-hundred fanatical monks, dozens of deadly traps, and no fewer than seven fire-breathing dragoons.* However, no one knows quite why this is, because all the blessed thing ever does is announce "I'm cross," and then refuse to fire, much to the chagrin of all (or most of) those who have ever possessed it.
The precise history behind the crossbow is shrouded in mystery. Some say it was all a dreadful joke by a particularly crass god with a taste for puns. However, most of the people who say that are generally just trying to get themselves noticed in pubs, and should be ignored by anyone who wishes to maintain even the slightest hint of sanity.
The most plausible origin story relates to the famous Wendell the Wily Wizard. The story goes that Wendell, although in most respects quite happy with his life, which allowed him to get on with reading huge dusty books, turning princes into frogs, casting young maidens into thousand-year sleeps, and other such wizardly activities; was possessed of a spectactuarly grumpy, contrary and stubborn servant, one 'Edgar of Othelbury'. Wendell would make a perfectly reasonable request, such as "Fetch a fresh jar of pickled newt's tails," or "Make me another cheese and cucumber sandwich," but Edgar would simply grunt something to the effect that the wizard could jolly well fetch it himself. On one or two occasions he is even reported to have demanded money for his services, although accounts differ, and it is reasonable to assume that not even Edgar could be that vulgar.
Wendell was, of course, having none of this, and so he set a trap for Edgar. He instructed his lackadasical servant to guard a magical tome, but on no account to open it. He knew of course, that Edgar, being the unhelpful and contrary fellow that he was, would be sure to open the book as soon as Wendell was out of earshot, and would then be surprised by the transformation spell that was hidden in its pages, and transformed into a melon, which the wizard intended to feed to his fleas. Wendell retreated to the next room, and awaited the noise of the spell going off in the unfortunate Edgar's face. But to no effect: he waited, nothing happened. Edgar was contrary enough to know instinctively that Wendell wanted him to open the book, and, as such, didn't. Enraged at his servant's inconsistancy, Wendell burst back into the room, and immediately trapped Edgar's sprit in an old crossbow, which happened to be lying around.
The moral of the story is, of course, that wizards are just bad losers, and that if you happen to get in a disagreement with one, it's worth just apologising and admitting that you were in the wrong.
Incidently, because of this spell, Edgar has far outlived the wizard, who was famously killed by an army of vengeful empty whisky bottles whom he had, in his drunken stupor, rather foolishly brought to life - although it is believed that he was probably too drunk to realise it, and insisted he was still alive for several years afterwards, claiming that, being drunk, he had been killed without consent, and that as such it 'didn't count'. Wendell was famous for his sense of fair play, insofar as it applied to him not losing after all.
This story is difficult to substantiate. Wendell the Wizard lived many centuries ago, and most surviving records of that time are extremely whimiscal and largely absolute balderdash, that generations of librarians have preserved as 'a sort of joke'. An obvious solution would be to ask the Crossbow, but, as mentioned, it is famous for its unhelpfulness, and so far all questions have proved unsuccessful.
Tradtionally, The Monks of Ezamandurth are permitted to ask the Crossbow a single question every year, which it is spell-bound to answer truthfully. Once, these questions were deep, probing questions about the nature of time, mortality, etc., but in recent years a new world-view based on realism has become prominent in some religious circles, and the question is these days almost always "What'll win the next Grand National?" The fact the Temple of Ezamandurth is now one of the richest in the Crumb Kingdom is a testament to the Crossbow's accuracy and reliabilty.

* No, not dragons, dragoons. I know what I mean.

Comments ( 4 )

Oh... Kay....

I can see Discord giving this to Pinkie as a gift.

4075401 Pies are extraordinarily difficult to buy for.

Ha! I LOVE this!!!:yay::trollestia::facehoof:

Please...do continue and I will follow.

4078271 You want more? It shall be done. Look here to see why I've not been posting. See you soon.
Ever yours,
-The Minister

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