• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
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Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.

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Absence and General Update · 5:05am Feb 21st, 2016

For those who are wondering where I went to lately, as I haven't exactly been active here for the past few weeks (especially when it comes to leaving comments on stories I have turned into audio productions), the reasons are twofold.

1. My laptop has developed the odd tendency of not letting me post comments or PMs anymore. That means I have to dig out my extremely old Acer laptop from 2010 in order to post comments, and that laptop is the equivalent of trying to make a telephone call on two tin cans and a piece of string. And no, I don't have any kind of smart phone either. Blasted things. [#oldfart]

2. My grandmother died in my arms after I sat vigil at her bedside as she was dying of renal and digestive failure. Not long after that, we discovered my mother's heart operation has not, in fact, cured her atrial fibrillation and she nearly had a stroke from the stress of losing her mum. Since then, I have been helping to deal with the aftermath of both, including the legal side of probate and UK inheritance laws, which are all sorts of complicated and contradictory and other negative words beginning with 'c'.

Thus, if I have not responded to you here on Fimfiction, these are the reasons why. I would ask that people understand and not throw rocks or things at me. Thank you.

Comments ( 27 )

I'm so sorry to hear that all happened. I do hope things improve for you in the future. And I do understand why you haven't been able to respond to comments.

I know what it's like to lose a grand parent. I should know, I've lost 3 of them. :applecry: I'm here 4 u too.

Ouch, i hope you are feeling alright Obab. Take as much time as you need.

again, sorry to hear about that scribbler. I wish your family well and hope your mother can recover

I also know how hard it is to lose a grandparent. Hell, i lost both of mine on my father's side within the last few years, so i understand that you need time.

i for one won't rush you on anything

My condolences. :fluttercry:
I wouldn't dare to think to throw rocks at you. Your readings have helped inspire my own creative writing, and doing such would be a poor way to repay you.

Oh, Babble...I am so sorry for your loss. If it is any condolence, my grandfather passed from similar ailments this November, and my mother suffers from stress-induced heart failure as well. Please know that you all are in my prayers, and if there is anything I can do to help, just say the word...

hopefully things will work out in the end for you and your family. It's times like these that will always test the strength of any individual and push them to their limits. Be strong

Hope things improve soon. And thank you again for that fantastic reading.

I'm sorry to hear things have not been going well, I hope things improve overtime. Until then, take the time you need.

Oh, dear. My condolences, Scribbler.

Holy fuck. Even I'm sorry to hear that. I hope Reverb is keeping you company. I love that guy's music.

*Hugs* I'm very sorry for you r los and I hope that your mom improves. So much to deal with all at once. Take care and be well. We'll be here waiting for you Scribbler.

I'm really sorry to hear about all that. You've certainly had to endure more than your share of hardship, but you always manage to come out the other side upbeat and sunny. That speaks to a great internal strength, and never forget that you've got tons of friends here who will give you whatever support you need.

And please don't feel like you owe anything to anyone here. Whatever time you need to take is yours, not ours.

Damn... My thoughts go to ya, and may your grandmother be at peace. You take your time and do what you need to do.

My deepest condolences Scribbler.

Author Interviewer

All I can really do is second what 3767834 said.

I am sorry.

Take all the time you need to heal. We'll be here, ready to listen should you need an ear. :fluttercry::heart:

Take all and any time needed, Scribbler. We're here for you. Take care of your mum. *Massive hugs*

By all the deities we worship, My condolences to you and your family. Take all the time you'll need, we'll wait and support you in anyway we can.

One thing we all have in common: We lose someone at least once. Text is a poor method for conveying genuine emotion, but you have my sympathies. Stay strong, and remember we've all got your back.

I'm very sorry to hear about your grandmother. :pinkiesad2: Take all the time you need to recover. We're all here for you. *hugs*

3768161 And I third. My deepest condolences, Scribbler.

I can't think of anything to say that hasn't been said already or is trite and overused, so, just consider this a second of everything that everyone else has said *hug*

i'm very sorry for your loss, i pray that things get easier for you soon, take as long as you need

Sorry to hear that scribbler. You take all the time you need for yourself. I'm sure we'll all be here when you get back. :pinkiesmile:

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