• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 24th


More Blog Posts113

  • 28 weeks
    The Massive Ponyville Ciderfest 2023 Wrap-Up Report

    As of this writing it is now Wednesday after Ponyville Ciderfest 2023, and I've had a few days to sort of process my thoughts a little. This weekend was one for the history books, but also one that was intensely personal to myself and even my wife.

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  • 35 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest!

    Oh hey, yes indeed I am going to be at Ponyville Ciderfest in November!

    What's more is that I've got an actual short story in an ACTUAL PHYSICAL BOOK that they're selling at the convention!

    See the link for more information on this.


    This convention is going to be so much fun. COME TO CIDERFEST!

    - Joe

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  • 48 weeks
    The TrotCon 2023 Report

    Man... where do I even begin with this weekend?

    Let's do this one more time.

    My name is Volrathxp, and I was bitten by a... wait wait wait, wrong franchise. Sorry about that folks.

    Let's talk about Trotcon 2023.

    Day 0

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  • 52 weeks

    Definitely not dead here. Just have had a lot to work through with recent projects and work has been intensely busy.

    If you were at Whinny City Pony Con and came to my panel, thanks for stopping by! I brought a physical set of Starlight for the charity auction and it raised $700 for charity!

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  • 82 weeks

    I'm back from vacation, so probably going to try to get back into writing mode. Things should hopefully be a little less erratic.

    Definitely planning on getting things going more for Spark of Life. I've been off the track a bit so should get back on here.

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Coming Soon... · 2:02am Mar 3rd, 2016

That's right folks, got some news for you, along with some updates on where we're at.

My February One Shot is a bit late for February, I know. I'm actually hopefully getting done with it this week. It's going to be a sweet Tales of Chicacolt chapter! That's right, not only that it's going to include Radiant Star from Starlight! Super sweet stuff, I know.

The big news, however is what's happening next month. You see, April is my month. It's the anniversary of Starlight's first posting to this site, and I'm going to do something super special for it. Over on Patreon, I am going to be performing a giveaway of a physical copy of Fallout Equestria: Starlight's Book I: The Ministry Mare! Book I comprises of the Prologue - Chapter 10 of the story, and is 485 pages in length!

I'm even gonna give you guys a sweet sneak peak. This is what the cover's gonna look like for this thing:

I am going to be ordering said book from The Book Patch next month, and start the giveaway on the 2nd of April, but here's the deal. To be a part of this special giveaway, you have to be able to support me on Patreon. I've made no bones about this going into this year. I am ramping up my content production, to make supporting me on Patreon more attractive and more viable. The more support I get over there, the more content I can bring to you. It's a win win scenario, and to be eligible for it, you only have to donate as much as $2 a month. $2 a month, and you could be the proud owner of a physical copy of Starlight's first book. Not only that, you get to take part in my Monthly One Shot prompts and get me to write more stuff!

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's get some updates out of the way!

Mending Hearts - Working on Chapter 7, I haven't been too hard on it yet because I'm working on the one shot.

Truths We Deny - Holy crap it's finished! At some point I will be penning the third story in the series.

Starlight Glimmer's Punishment - I need to sit down and write the next chapter, but it's incoming. Rainbow Dash is next!

Comments ( 15 )

oooooh boy...Fun with Rainbow Dash xD Can 't wait to get to Pinkie...Still say Sunset Shimmer should come into it at some point but thats just me though xD

Umm, is it gonna be possible to actually buy the said book? I would love to have Starlight in a book form.


Unless the Book printing folks decide to do a run, I'm afraid not. This is meant to be a special thing for the anniversary of Starlight, as well as a way to drum up a little support on Patreon. Giveaway copies are unique and will also be signed.

As of right now Book 1 is the only one I have been able to put together. I am working on the rest of them for future giveaways. I also am not totally done with edits on the last chapters so...

My point is, if I just put the PDF out there, it diminishes the reason for having this giveaway in the first place. Patreon is super simple and I don't think a lot of people realize that.

Anyways, thanks again!


Gotcha. But yeah, not gonna go into this personally since I have never in my life won anything and I really do not think I would start to win now. :pinkiecrazy: Would love the book, but till one can actually legit buy it, not much point. But hey, if you ever set something up with that, know that you have at least one random Internet guy willing to throw any amount of money at it needed.

Not to mention my bank hates things like Patreon, so yeah.


You are aware that you can pay for Patreon through PayPal right? I've just often found most people don't know that.

Also in all honesty I'm not really making any money off this contest. I'm paying for the book out of patron funds because that is what they're for. If I get more patrons out of this, I will be able to do more of these giveaways.

I put my funds typically back into my patrons in the long run because I am actually offering tangible rewards.

I fixed the image mirror, so hopefully it shows up now. Also, with /u/KrootLoops's help on reddit (otherwise known as Tofu, author of Outlaw), he helped fix the logo to re-vectorize it better for me.

Looks a lot smoother now!

Mmmmmm, bacon mane sunset shimmer. Stardust Shadow is right. :9


Oh that's a thing that's happening.


Tell Paypal to stop being a butt about needing documents I do not have then. :pinkiecrazy: I know it has something to do with EU being a major butt, but still, wanting so much information about me is a little too shady. And the way they limit me without giving them all that personal information is even shaddier.

And I am sorry if I sounded like an ass there. Just would rather, you know, pay for the books in some normal way than to hope lady luck would smile on me for the first time in my life. :twilightsmile:

Also, since you are in the end giving that money back to patrons, why are you even using the Patreon? :rainbowderp: Kinda kills the point, right?


Fair point on EU with PayPal. It's certainly your prerogative to not use it. My point was that a lot of people just don't know that it's an option for Patreon.

As far as Patreon is concerned, what I meant is that patron funds get turned into things like art commissions, things like this book giveaway, etc. That is the point of Patreon, to give patrons something in exchange for being willing to commit funds per month to me. At some point when I have enough patrons, then sure I'm making money. At two patrons... Not so much. So I need to do what I can to grow and retain.


I see. Never personally got the point of the Patreon. Am way more willing to throw 100 euro at someone as a donation but basically making a subscription when I am not 100% sure I can make the monthly subscription was always kinda weird to me.

You for instance. I would not mind throwing money at you, but throwing money at you every month is a no-go since how am I supposed to know that I would not lose my job like 3 months down the line? Or maybe its just my pessimistic view on life and expecting the worst every time. :moustache:


I mean, I offer several levels of patronage all the way down to $2 a month, and Patreon lets you cancel at any time. I try to offer tangible rewards because it makes sense to offer things as incentives. Believe me, there are a few that I've seen that seem to make an exorbitant amount of money for offering absolutely a zero fucking thing in return.

That being said, I do accept one-time donations for those who just simply want to donate money and don't like the Patreon model. I've said this pretty often in most of my blog posts, because I get it, some folks just don't like the subscription model. Personally, I like it for content creators, and the site really is great in regards to how it all works (I've never had an issue with payment, never had an issue with using the site, it's really that nice), but I know that some people can't do ongoing money like that. I actually have one of my two patrons who on occasion has dipped his patronage level because of financial stuff, but he usually lets me know ahead of time if that's happening.

What I like about it most though is that it really puts me in touch with the people that like my work enough to care to send me money. And I have always been gracious to the people who read my work. Always.


Well, I have only read Starlight so guess I am a very specific fan, hehe. :twilightsheepish: Really need to finally kick myself and try something new from ya.

Wait, you can actually stop the patreon subscription thingie? Hmm, I may look into it anyway after all. Not cause of the fact that I could win something but just to, you know, give something back for the many hours of Wasteland fun you have given me. Or I could do the one-time donation which still looks like a better option for me.

Hey you know where I stand boss. Anyone on the fence about the Patreon stuff? I got two words for ya;

Really, the Patreon stuff is worth it. And come on, two bucks for a month? It shouldn't be that hard to decide...

Read the story a while ago, and it would look good next to my copys of the Original Fallout Equestria and Pink Eyes.

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