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What Will You Do If "_______" Becomes President? · 11:00pm Mar 5th, 2016

I'm currently watching the results of Super Saturday as they call it and seeing how things go. With politics a big talk these days, especially in one of the most interesting elections there is, one begs to question what will we do if "insert person" does become president? Everybody always jokes about it, but why not take the time to answer a serious question? Copy what is blow and write your answers, answer honestly and heartfelt:

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President:

If Ted Cruz Becomes President:

If Donald Trump Becomes President:

If Bernie Sanders Becomes President:

If Marco Rubio Becomes President:

Comments ( 63 )

Clinton: I will sigh of disappointment
Trump: I will sigh of embarrassment
Sanders: I will sigh of relief
Rubio: I will groan of disgust


i have no shame i guess its a mlp fanfic site who cares about my opinion lol

well we know if trump gets elected over there the worlds fucked because of some brainless yanks, bye bye internet and bye bye western world thanks to his antics pissing of every other minority that isn't 'american'


3793023 oops missed one. same as Rubio. Except a little louder groan

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President: Try to tough it out.

If Ted Cruz Becomes President: Celebrate with friends.

If Donald Trump Becomes President: Tough it out.

If Bernie Sanders Becomes President: Leave the country.

If Marco Rubio Becomes President: Throw a huge party.

I will probably just continue living my life and writing horsewords. :scootangel:

3793023 I guess I should explain my reasoning. I think Sanders is the best for one reason: he's not a follower and he was right about the first iraq war. Hillary just follows the polls, but Sanders said that the war of Iraq would be pointless and cost a lot of lives for no reason, even though it was the unpopular opinion. Guess what, it was pointless (IMO) and wasted a lot of lives.

I'm not generally a republican, though I can respect their reasoning on some things. I'm more of a social guy though and I just happen to think most republicans go backwards on a lot of social stuff, which, in theories of sociology, would grind our country to a halt as a society. Nothing against them as people, just don't think like they do most of the time.

Clinton: Groan and bitch about politically families
Trump: Be shocked and question where our country went wrong.
Sanders: Throw a party.
Rubio: Wonder if he;s even old enough to shave.
Cruz: Move.

Nines #10 · Mar 5th, 2016 · · 6 ·

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President: shrug.
If Ted Cruz Becomes President: I might throw something, then stop watching the news for the next year or two.
If Donald Trump Becomes President: lose what little faith I had in American politics, and try to leave the country.
If Bernie Sanders Becomes President: worry. A lot.
If Marco Rubio Becomes President: sigh irritably.

Clinton: Shake my head in disgust at the stupidity of people putting that hungry for power shrew in office. With how she has shown udder disregard for basic computer security being the prime example.

Trump: Ask the heavens "Why universe hate America?"

Sanders: Pratice my goose step because that is what is next.

Rubio: Get drunk for the next four years.

Cruze: Get drunk for the next four years.

I'll give this a shot but with a caveat: I'm Canadian so can't vote, nor does the election affect me as much as an American.

Clinton: Sigh, shrug and accept that everything will likely end up staying status quo (Ridiculous amounts of corruption, not much will be done due to hampering from Congress and not much will change about the ridiculous wealth disparity going on in your country).
Trump: Honestly no idea. His radical ideals won't pass the house or senate (like banning Muslims or the Mexican wall) so they can be safely ignored. The rest of his agenda seems to almost directly mirror Clintons, so in the end likely the same as above.
Cruz and Rubio: No idea why anyone would want to vote for them. Seriously, as a Canadian I just can't wrap my head around it. After 30+ years of arguing about healthcare you guys start making small bits of progress toward universal healthcare (like the majority of the rest of the first world) and they want to scrap it all again. Obamacare isn't perfect by any means, but its a step in the right direction at least. Same feelings about them trying to defund Planned parenthood, increasing military funding (because god knows you guys haven't spent enough on that of late!) etc. I just don't get what their appeal is supposed to be and would consider it just another step backwards. If they became president I would expect world opinion of the US to continue to decrease, and the wealth disparity to continue to increase, and continual shrinking of the middle class.
Sanders: The only one of them I could personally vote for. If he were running in Canada, or the majority of the rest of the first world, he'd be considered a moderate conservative, but in the US he's apparently considered by most to be an extreme leftist. I just don't get it. He seems to want to focus on helping the average American over business or the military, but apparently many there see this as a bad thing. I just don't get it. Admittedly I doubt he'd be able to get much through the house or senate either, but at least it might signal a shift back toward a focus on improving the lives of the average American rather than militarism and extreme patriotism.

These are just my personal thoughts, but I can't vote in your election so feel free to ignore them at your leisure.

3793064 I'm with this guy almost toe the letter, but I'd probably have more drinking.

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President: Be completely pissed off. This bitch should be in jail right now.
If Ted Cruz Becomes President: I guess...best possible outcome? Meh...too conservative for me. Be slightly relieved, I guess, but nowhere near content.
If Donald Trump Becomes President: Well, it's going to be an interesting four years...if we survive that long.
Also, I'll make fun of all the buttmad people. And call for the people threatening to leave the company to ante up.
If Bernie Sanders Becomes President: Enjoy watching the economy tank, you fools. I'll be moving my money and purchases elsewhere.
If Marco Rubio Becomes President: Sigh with disappointment and watch as the Republican establishment continues to languish because they rule once again with another fuckin normie that will, in general, accomplish nothing.

Seriously, all these candidates suck. And we have ourselves to blame for constantly picking these screwheads and playing into the two-party system.

If it's Trump: Stock up on tinned food and bottled water.

If it's either of the other Republican candidates: Oh, well, at least they're not the guy with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. (Maybe.)

If it's Hilary: Eh, could've been a lot worse.

If it's Sanders: Cautious optimism, because Obama talked a good game too.

First time I've heard anything be that negative towards Bernie. I've only really heard good stuff about it.

If Hilary becomes President: Flee to Canada.
Ted: Flee to Canada.
Rubio: Flee to Canada.
Bernie: Flee to Canada.
Trump: Build a wall and make the Mexicans pay for it.

3793127 I would've voted for Ben Carson if I was old enough.

Comment posted by Thunder Lightning deleted Mar 6th, 2016

3793147 I'm sorry, but I don't want my taxes to be 95% of every dollar I have.

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President: Well, at least it's not Trump.

If Ted Cruz Becomes President: Well, at least it's not Trump.

If Bernie Sanders Becomes President: Well, at least it's not Trump.

If Marco Rubio Becomes President: Well, at least it's not Trump.

If Donald Trump Becomes President:


Aaaah. You're That Guy ^^

No offense meant, of course. We all have different opinions, values, and priorities :)

3793208 If Trump, Clinton, or Sanders were president, I'd react like that.

3793214 Eeyup, we've all got our opinions. And no offense taken.:twilightsmile:


Let's make one thing clear: There will never, ever be a "right" candidate elected for this government. And how do I know that? Because the United States of America isn't just one type of people. It's people from all walks of life, with different values, beliefs, and priorities. I'm sure every citizen in this great Union believes that it is among the great nations of history, and will be forever remembered as a country that was founded on the ideals of liberty and justice. The thing is, however, is that that same diversity that makes us strong is also our greatest downfall. We'll never have one-hundred percent concurrence in this country because everyone has their own idea of what would make this nation greater, and what would be great for some people would suck for others. No matter which candidate wins, someone else will win too, while the others lose. At the end of the day, there is rarely an "absolute right" or an "absolute wrong" that doesn't end with a body count. The President of the United States, though, is exactly that, and not just the President of the People Who Agree with Him/Her, for better or for worse.

In my opinion, it does not matter who wins. The state of politics is such that the next president, by design or circumstance, will be worse than the last. No one wins on issues or merit, but on mudslinging and lying. Expect things to keep going down, only the speed will vary, until even the rats don't want to win. After that, it will be a race between a 'strong leader' (Heil Shicklegruber) or another revolutionary government.
As for the people, most are too busy trying to survive or get a piece of the diminishing pie to care.

LONG LIVE CELESTIA!! :trollestia:

The answer to all of your questions is as follows:

Hope this elected official remembers that they work for everyone in this country, not just the ones who voted for them.

Hope that, when making decisions both foreign and domestic, they remember that the aftereffects and consequencea of their decisions don't magically come to end when their term does, just as it didn't for their predecessor.

Hope that, when the previous two hopes are inevitably betrayed, they at least don't fuck things up any worse than the current status quo in attempt to "make their mark on the presidency."

Living the dream.

Go to work tomorrow.
Hope whoever got elected is smart enough to not screw things up and dumb enough to not be able to take full advantage of the position.

3793075 If Trump gets elected, I'm starting a pool on when he gets impeached and/or assassinated.

And....yeah we really love spending on the military. But since universal healthcare is apparently "communist" according to the GOP, then it shouldn't exist in America. I honestly don't think we'll get universal healthcare unless we completely abandon our strategy of being the police of the world.

And here's hoping we'll join the ICC....ah who am I kidding, gonna happen when the above happens. That or the people in Congress use their non-existent brain cells, whichever comes first.

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President: sigh in relief and prepare for a dull but hopefully productive presidency.

If Ted Cruz Becomes President: Get ready for another war in the Middle East(probably Iran) and for the US to move closer to a Christian theocracy.

If Donald Trump Becomes President: Wonder if this is all a dream or if this country is really that stupid. The main reason he is so dangerous is because he making fascism okay. I'm brown. I'm Muslim. If the person at the top spouts what I consider incendiary hate speech then that gives tacit approval for all levels of society to act like assholes to people like me.

If Bernie Sanders Becomes President: Do The Dance Of Joy. Bernie has been right about most things for his entire career. It's ridiculous the wage stagnation we have. We should have universal healthcare as a right. Other countries found a way to do. I moved from the UK. We had it. My parents worked for the NHS. Was it perfect? No, but it was there at least. We should to. I don't expect it to be perfect but we should at least try. My major complaint about the Affordable Care Act was the failure to pass the Single Payer Option. That was bull that the Blue Dog Democrats killed it. Even if Bernie doesn't get the nomination at least he pulled the debate to the left. We've gone to far to the right. It's time for the pendulum to swing the other way.

If Marco Rubio Becomes President: Hunker down for a generic Republican presidency.

3793186 Didn't Carson drop out of the race?

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President:
I will shrug and move on with my daily life.
If Ted Cruz Becomes President:
I will be disappointed for the next 4 years.
If Donald Trump Becomes President:
I'm moving out of the country.
If Bernie Sanders Becomes President:
I will throw a party.
If Marco Rubio Becomes President:
I will be disappointed for the next 4 years.

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President: Brace myself for more endless wars and political corruption. And realize that the economy'll probably tank for the average American. Again.

If Ted Cruz Becomes President: Worst case scenario. Given the indefinite detention clause of the NDAA and most of the Patriot Act is still a thing, it'll be scary times for non-Christians, such as myself. Add the worst of the Republican establishment's terrible, terrible ideas and I say he's actually scarier than Trump.

If Donald Trump Becomes President: Good: Donald Trump has gone on record against the interventionist wars and political corruption. Also, unlike Cruz I don't see him pushing a theocracy. The Bad: Strongly implied White Supremicist sympathies, and a history on con-artistry and bankrupting companies. I'll look a the Right Wing and say "Gg guys. You all got scammed."

If Bernie Sanders Becomes President: I would celebrate, but realize nothing will get done until Congress gets cleaned up.

If Marco Rubio Becomes President: See Hillary Clinton.

3793538 Exactly. He was in it in the beginning, though. He could've been voted for then.

Trump- Move to Canada
Clinton- Move to England
Sanders-Hide my guns and prepare for eventual revolution
Cruz and or Rubio- Be thankful that the least idiotic idiots got elected
Gary Johnson(Libertarian Candidate)- Throw a huge arse party

3793127 I'm hoping for Gary Johnson he's my man

3793207 Well unless you make billions every year it will not even be anywhere near that amount.

Well, I already got the president I wanted so cool.

3793127 Well, I'm glad someone else thinks Clinton should be thrown in jail.

3793064 I'd probably get drunk from partying that Cruz or Rubio were elected.:ajsmug:

If Hillary Clinton Becomes President: meh
If Ted Cruz Becomes President: too conservative
If Donald Trump Becomes President: asshole
If Bernie Sanders Becomes President: I really like him but I doubt he will win, a little too liberal.
If Marco Rubio Becomes President: meh

jz1 #45 · Mar 6th, 2016 · · 1 ·

Hilary - Be generally disappointed, but it would be another Obama presidency, so nothing too unknown to worry about.

Ted - Be mildly concerned about how the liberals will react once they realize that his conservative agenda is worse than Trump's racist agenda; be glad that, as an upper class white male, I probably won't be negatively affected unless the draft is reinstated. (He might do it)

Marco - Be lightly irritated, as I'm not too sure about him. I actually agree with most of his policies, but he's a smarmy asswipe who I have no respect for. Is also the establishment's puppet, which means his programs will progressively less popular the further away from DC you are.

Trump - I'm happy, while I don't agree with all of his social programs and his more exaggerated rhetoric, he does have broad support, an economic policy that benefits me and my family, and will probably shake up the government for the better.

Sanders - Make mostly serious efforts to move my assets and any future business ventures to an offshore tax haven. While I mostly agree with his social programs, his severe economic illiteracy scares the crap out of me, and I don't want my name and money tied to his economic policies. Also, considering what the Republicans are doing to their own front runner, I have no doubt that they can and would whip up a Red Scare that would make McCarthyism look like a lovers spat. (Yes, I know the difference between socialism and communism, but do you think the average Trump voter will?)

If "______" becomes president, I'm gonna sit up here and watch from our icy ivory tower up in the northern wilderness with a jumbo bucket of popcorn. America is a spectator sport, and the rest of us are about to watch the super bowl.

Right now, your options are someone who has not only changed their story a few dozen times as the polls changed but is under thorough investigation & possible indictment by the FBI on corruption & other charges, the old white guy with messy hair they never listen to in the alien invasion movies, Jack Johnson/John Jackson out of Futurama and what's literally a goddamn cartoon supervillain sprung from the pages of a Marvel comic.

Whoever wins, you lose- I'm just gonna sit up here and watch the fireworks.

Nothing, I'm not from USA :yay::rainbowwild:

Donald Trump is an assclown in a business suit, Cruz and Rubio I don't really care for,and if Bernie somehow pulls of a win I would be extremely happy. Now, I know that all of his policies aren't perfect and it would be a bitch getting most of them to pass, but I think it would pull this country in the right direction.

If Trump becomes president I am moving to Calgery, Alberta, Canada.

Comment posted by Thi Fernandes deleted Mar 6th, 2016
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