• Member Since 30th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2021

Captain Wuzz

\m/ I like the devil's music (and his beard). Hide your daughters etc. I mostly write Discord stuff, because nobody parties like a trickster god.

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    Hope you're all doing okay. Just a note to let you all know I've opened for commissions. Examples of my artwork (pony and otherwise) can be found here:


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    So er...I haven't logged into this for like a year?

    So I only just saw all the requests in PM. I haven't deleted my stories entirely just made them private. If you like, I can set up a password so you can all read 'em.

    I'll do that tomorrow though because it's like 4am here and I'm super tired ! <3

    Edit: Also, holy shit.

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    I've basically jumped ship for the Rick and Morty fandom.

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    I don't think writing's an option at the moment.

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No. · 12:46pm Mar 12th, 2016

I do apologize for subjecting people to this, and I'm not going to tell you whose fic it's from because that's not how I roll, but...I cannot let this monstrosity lie.

Your head is greeted by a new and better sensation as it penetrates Sunset's womb

That's...not a good thing. Sunset is going to need a medic. And I said so and figured that was the end of it. But then I got a response.

Well actually that's an awesome experience :raritywink:

Yeah, no. The vagina and the uterus are different parts. If you penetrated someone's womb they'd likely have to call an ambulance.

You do realize that the cervix is at the end of the vagina right? If they weren't women wouldn't be able to conceive. This is also why a lot of guys don't like having sex with pregnant women even though it doesn't harm the baby. However if you are able to penetrate the cervix it acts like a specialized hand massaging your head

Unsurprisingly this comment got loads of downvotes, most likely from women who were all crossing their legs and trying not to think of their last pap smear. (I weep. Speculums are teh evil and look like angry birds.) A guy rubbing his penis against the opening of the cervix is not the same thing as "penetrating the womb."

You do realize that the cervix is at the end of the vagina right?

Oh, gee. I wouldn't know. I only have one.

This is also why a lot of guys don't like having sex with pregnant women even though it doesn't harm the baby.

The reason it doesn't harm the baby is because of the cervix.The cervix is actually a barrier to the uterus to protect it from infection etc. Apart from sperm, stuff's meant to go OUT of it not INTO it. (I know doctors insert IUDs in there but that's a pretty uncomfortable experience in itself.) If you were to actually penetrate the uterus with a developing baby inside it there would be...issues to say the least. Also you really suck at sex if it gets to the point where you're using enough force to tear into the womb.

I know a lot of people on this site are young and probably don't have a good...er...'grasp'..of female parts, but you know, the internet has a lot of information about sexuality on it that isn't about porn and hentai.

Thus endeth Female Anatomy 101. Of course, that's what I get for having trainwreck syndrome and clicking on Sunset Shimmer fic with the "2nd person" tag. I should know better by now.

Comments ( 31 )

Besides, you can't be a mother to a penis, so there's no reason for such a thing to be in there. That's baby territory, stay off their turf.


My mind and I need to have a talk, because now I'm picturing a baby with a shotgun saying "STAY ORF MY LAND"

The male would have to possess a truly strangely shaped penis to do this ... very long and thin. I'm also not sure that ordinary hydrostatic stiffness would be enough to let it penetrate the extremely tight passage past the cervix. If he did have a penis that could do this, I imagine that it would hurt poor Sunset Shimmer.

Hmm, yes, rather like a gynecological probe. And I've never heard of anyone enjoying that.

I'm amazed that people don't want to know it. From my POV as a male, I know that it's possible to cause pain to a woman by pushing one's finger too hard against the tissues back there (fingers have bones and muscles so they can do things penises can't), and view it as something to avoid in making love. Causing pain to my lover, that is.

3804437 :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
If your brain needs a talk, then mine has needed one for YEARS.


I'm amazed that people don't want to know it.

Well who cares about how the wimminz feel when what matters is the guy's pleasure, right? But yeah, there are so many stories on this site that either ignore the basics of female anatomy or are completely ignorant of them, and I'm not even talking about fetish fic which quite often ignores the laws of physics entirely.

I've seen variations of "I rammed against her cervix" on so-called erotic fic a lot. And of course this is enough to bring the woman in the story to orgasm and she never complains or screams "OW YOU ASSHOLE, THAT'S NOT HOW IT GOES!" because you can prove anything with facts.

3804455 Do people ever try to write it without ever having doing such a thing themselves? Sometimes I contemplate writing such things but, um. I wouldn't know. Um.

....I am so sorry. TMI.

But because of that I think I shouldn't write that kind of content, since I've never experienced it myself. Oh sure, I've never been on a date or kissed either, but that's completely different in my opinion.

But maybe that's part of why they're written so inaccurately...I'd hate to make the same mistake.


I'm not saying that at all. You don't have to have experienced sex to write about it. I've never skydived, but if I researched it I think I could write a believable scene about it. However, I think most people, including those who have not experienced sex would try to write from a place where they can at least percieve what would be pleasurable and what wouldn't.

An orgasm would be pleasurable. A foreign object penetrating the womb would not be.

3804466 Oh, okay. Maybe I'll try it one day, then. I'd like to give it a go but I always wimp out. I've researched stuff, but there's a lot to take in.

My sex ed class was horrible. It's all a mystery to me...

Oh, but I never thought that was something you implied. I just wanted to know if it was possible to write it without such, um, experience.


I had terrible sex education too. I grew up in central america and it was a catholic school. I was skipped a grade and bullied mercilessly when I found out how babies were made and actually *cried* but I had no way of knowing. Now there's the internet so the information is all there, thankfully. Plus we had this class called "Christian Marriage" in high school that told us not to use condoms. WHHHYYY

I'd like to give it a go but I always wimp out.

Sex scenes don't have to go into detail about anatomy. Stuff can be implied and it's still erotic.If you ever write anything along those lines I'm happy to check it over without judgement if you like.


You'd think, though, that heterosexual males would regard not hurting their lovers as being fairly important. But then, some men do some fairly stupid things which they think impresses women, or other men.


One of my exes certainly did not regard my comfort as important. It's one of the many reasons he's an ex.

If it hurts, and I'm miserable and you just don't care then you'd better pack your bags.

On a lighter note:


Well, beyond reproduction, the main points of making love are emotional closeness and mutual pleasure. So yeah.


the main points of making love are emotional closeness and mutual pleasure

I don't think people are told this enough.


Too many people think it's a contest, and one against one's lover.

Well that was intresting to say the least.

Being young is no excuse. I knew every detail you've mentioned in this post by the age of 12 simply from paying attention in sex-ed classes. Not to mention, if you're going to write something and go into that kind of detail, you might as well do some research, if not about anatomy then what actually makes erotica appealing.
Then again, I guess you blame their education system instead?

*Searches up trainwreck syndrome*
Wikipedia: Curiosity
TVTropes: Bile fascination
I'm going to assume you meant the former. :rainbowderp:


Some sex ed classes can be awful. I know mine was, but then I didn't have the wealth of information available to me that people have now via the internet. Eventually when I got to high school we went into more detail in Biology class. Worst thing is you only got taught Biology if you chose an "Academic" path. If you chose a "Commercial" path you got taught business and accounting. I'm not making this up.


Curiosity for that which you know you should not look at. "I know this is going to be awful but I'm looking anyway."

3804582 That's... what? Wow. I once had a bad sex-ed class, where the teacher said men have both a urethra and uterus and stuck with the statement the entire time, along with a whole bunch of other stuff. It was during one of the earlier grades that taught sex-ed in our education system, but luckily all my classmates ridiculed her, so it seems no misconceptions were made from her teachings. Also, sex-ed was mandatory in the first year of high school for me, and I live in Canada.

Cheers to the internet.


I once had a bad sex-ed class, where the teacher said men have both a urethra and uterus

Well I suppose that could be true in the case of people who are intersex, but I have the feeling that's not what your teacher meant.


Give me strength.


Oh of course she would have to be a masochist. Heaven forfend that she be someone that doesn't like pain during sex or the equivalent of being jammed with a ski pole.

I mean, I've not got anything against BDSM but I get the feeling that isn't what's happening here. In fact, I'm sure that isn't that's happening here.

3805859 Oh boy, they might as well have defended their fic by saying humans in Equestria Girls have different anatomy.

3804476 Like Woolly said, an intimate scene doesn't have to go deep into anatomy. Instead, describe emotions and sensations the characters feel interacting with each other. Not only is it probably easier to handle, it makes for a better read.

3804480 Thank you, Woolly. I will most definitely do that. I trust you with these things. Thank you so much, you're the best.

And the way some Christian schools go about sex ed is so overwhelming. It's one of the reasons why so girls feel guilty for having urges, why anyone feels guilty for it. It's why virgins are idolized and ridiculed at the same time, why people who have sex a lot are called horrible names.

And by saying that using condoms is wrong, you are basically also saying that it is wrong for a sexually mature female to ever be NOT pregnant. That is a potential life right there! You'd better always be pregnant, all the time. Or you're killing babies.

*sighs and shakes head*

I'm sorry you were bullied for it too. Honestly, I think it would make sense for a girl to cry when finding out the truth. Because it DOES sound scary and uncomfortable. Heck, I know when (if ever) my time comes, I'll be nervous about it! So it makes sense to me. Good for you for rising above it. :)

3806036 To be honest, I'd probably just write the foreplay and then...kinda imply the rest. But yeah, it's good to know this is okay...to write it when I have no real experience. Thank you. :)

I once wrote a story with cervical penetration... between humanoid aliens who were designed for that. (OK, one of them was actually an omnipotent shapeshifter who'd taken the form of a male of the female humanoid alien's species in order to knock her up after she talked him into it, but still.) And then I called attention to the fact that it does not work that way with humans by having him point out that none of her human friends would be able to reach the nerve clusters in her uterus during sex but that her hologram friend could probably reprogram his anatomy to her specifications. I was kind of deliberately going for something that could happen between humanoids but is very, very definitely not something that happens between humans. (They're a species with a heat cycle, and no interest in sex outside it, so the issue of possibly harming a fetus during sex isn't there.)

The one that really bugs me is how in these erotic fics written by men, women come from being raped, all the time, without any depiction of pleasure building up to it. I mean, ok, if you're writing a dark fic, I have no problem with using the fact that people can come while being raped as a means of emotionally tormenting the character. I'd be a hypocrite if I had issues with that, given what happens to Discord during Elements of Opposition. But what I keep seeing is characters who are crying and struggling and all the descriptions we get of their sensations are pain, and then all of a sudden, boom, orgasm. Like, maybe this is a thing that can work for men? Maybe men can come from manual stimulation that is painful (without being masochists) as a mechanical reaction? But it doesn't work that way for women. A sensation can be pleasurable and painful at the same time, or it can be pleasurable but humiliating and upsetting because you don't want it to be, but if all you're feeling is pain, and you're not a masochist, you're not going to come.

Also, in general, the lack of clitoral stimulation in fanfic erotica written by men. I mean, ok, ponies, and real-life horses don't fondle each other's buttons to get off, so maybe ponies don't need that... but 70% of human women do, so if it's anthro or humanized, let's see something that remotely resembles how human women actually get off? You can substitute with horn play or wing play, I'll buy that, but most women cannot get off just from the guy getting in there and jackhammering.

I mean... the range of human sexual variation is vast, and when you add in additional anatomical features and that we're talking about sapient horses here, there are a lot of things that don't work with average humans that you could justify in a fic. Except that a, all the fics have them, and b, nobody justifies them, they just treat them as normal. Like, if Sunset Shimmer really does have a fetish for cervical penetration, if her partner has any experience at all he should know that is weird, and call attention to that.


The one that really bugs me is how in these erotic fics written by men, women come from being raped, all the time, without any depiction of pleasure building up to it. I mean, ok, if you're writing a dark fic, I have no problem with using the fact that people can come while being raped as a means of emotionally tormenting the character. I'd be a hypocrite if I had issues with that, given what happens to Discord during Elements of Opposition. But what I keep seeing is characters who are crying and struggling and all the descriptions we get of their sensations are pain, and then all of a sudden, boom, orgasm. Like, maybe this is a thing that can work for men? Maybe men can come from manual stimulation that is painful (without being masochists) as a mechanical reaction? But it doesn't work that way for women. A sensation can be pleasurable and painful at the same time, or it can be pleasurable but humiliating and upsetting because you don't want it to be, but if all you're feeling is pain, and you're not a masochist, you're not going to come.

I read somewhere that there have been instances of women coming while being raped, but that it's a coping mechanism. That makes sense, if you're experiencing something terrifying and horrible then that would be a way to escape it momentarily. Then said rape victims feel terrible shame for it because they internalize it and think that means they're to blame because they "enjoyed" it. So I don't actually have any issues with the way you write things, because that's pretty realistic, and it's clear in your fic that what's happening to Discord is unnatural and horrific.

And yes, I agree that much of porn fanfic written by guys seems to have no grasp of what women find pleasurable. I'm not a puritan. I have nothing against porn but I think guys really need to get their sex education elsewhere, because like 90% of porn is geared towards men and their pleasure and I know for a fact that women are pressured into doing completely unrealistic things by guys simply because they've seen it in porn. Hentai's worse, because it has the added effect of ACTUALLY portraying unrealistic things and people watch it and think it's feasible. No, you cannot actually penetrate a womb. No, you can't inflate a woman's stomach with cum. No, your penis isn't big enough to displace her organs. And so much of it, as you say, is geared towards women being afraid and being in pain, and then at the very end she gets an orgasm and suddenly becomes a nymphomaniac because all she needed was a good dicking.

Except that a, all the fics have them, and b, nobody justifies them, they just treat them as normal

Bingo. There's so much rape fic on this site under the guise of "fetish" except no where is there talk of safe words or mutual trust between partners. Just rape. And it follows the same formula again and again.

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