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March 15 Primary Results · 12:28pm Mar 16th, 2016

Last night the results:

Trump won Florida, Illinois, and North Carolina.

Kasich won Ohio, but that's not really a surprise.

Rubio is out, not a surprise since he lost his state.

Clinton won Florida, Ohio, Illinois, and North Carolina.

While nothing "official" due to the close numbers, Trump and Clinton seem to have won Missouri, but a recount can be requested by Cruz and Sanders due to a voting law in the state.

I'll give my personal and detailed thoughts about this when Missouri has been settled but what are your thoughts on last night's results?

Comments ( 17 )
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I think Kasich is a shit (speaking as an Ohioan), and I blame him for ABC interrupting Agents of SHIELD with not-even-half-the-state-reporting that he'd "won".

But if he did win, I guess that vindicates them. :(

We're fucked. Enough said.

Why the buck is Trump winning?

We are observing the rise of authoritarian fascism in America. I'd be fascinated if I wasn't so terrified at all the hate and ignorance.

Sometimes I wish I lacked all morals so I too could make a fortune off the rubes.

I admire Sanders' bravery, but losing Ohio and Missouri means his campaign is as good as dead. I think it's obvious from the get go that HIllary wanted the nomination, and she has left no stone unturned in her efforts to kiss as many people's butts as she needs to in order to win. The sad thing, were it not for the super delegates, Sanders would probably still have a chance. Hopefully, Sanders inevitable defeat will put enough pressure on the Democrats to scrap that super delegates nonsense.

As for Trump, it's a shame that he's probably the best the Republicans can do, because I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. He blaims everyone and everything but himself, which is a sign that he's not cut out to be a leader. A leader must be able to admit when they've messed up and made mistakes, instead of blaiming everyone and everything else.


The same also applies to Clinton.

What happened to common sense here? I believe that most people who are voting for her are only seeing her gender and not the fact that no Republican will work with her. If we thought the last 8 years was dead lock in Washington the next four look to be nothing but the same. Seriously I have begun to research the third party candidates because Trup and Clinton will only hurt America.

3810942 Plus, he doesn´t, as far as I know, have any experience with politics. And the whole spying on every Muslim thing. I mean, yes, the NSA is basically doing the same thing for everyone, but I´m doing doing it to only a certain group counts as discrimination.

I mean, Bernie planned to make college tuition cheaper for low income families

3811008 There are better clients for a first female preisde

Alright, I'm about to do the daring.

I support Donald Trump.

Now I can already sense you guys getting ready to spew out how I'm a bible thumping, racists, sexist, homophobic, bigot, savage for supporting Trump, and I'm fine with that.

Because I know Democrats are no better. But that's a story for another time.

The fact Trump is winning shows he has more than enough potential to earn the GOP nomination, hell maybe even become president. He keeps it real, I feel as though he keeps shit real while people like Hillary and Sanders are lying and trying to manipulate the American people.

You got people 90 years and older voting for Trump because they lived to see the days of Reagan, Clinton, Bush, hell, maybe even Kennedy. Point is they're seeing something in Trump that is worthy of a vote. Not because of racism, but patriotism.

I support Donald Trump for president of the USA. I don't care if you suddenly hate my guts or want to lynch me, but if you wish to be a civilized and educated conversation that doesn't spiral into an argument, I'm all ears. Just remember to respect my views, and I'll respect yours.

I used to think you were a talented writer, but now think you are a complete hack with most everything else.

I'll give my personal and detailed thoughts about this when Missouri has been settled but what are your thoughts on last night's results?

Why? So you can can write the most uncontroversial and bland opinion ever so you don't lose followers and follow the status quo? Why not start with your opinion? You clearly have one but maybe you're afraid to lose followers over it? Isn't that what blogging is all about?

You already lost my respect as an author for using this as a soundboard for purposes other than the site's function. Go start a tumblr or something.

3811023 Actually, he proposed making college completely debt free as well as raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Those are two policies I just can't get behind, and they're why I've stopped short of becoming a registered supporter of him. I'm all for wanting to make college more afordable, and making it possible for people to get better paying jobs, but if college becomes completely debt free then what's to stop people from exploiting the system to goof off and stay there for years and years? $15 an hour also sounds way too idealistic. I know it's hard for people to find work these days, but instead of constantly upping the minimum wage, surely we could instead offer incentives to employers to offer promotions and pay raises to employees that have the necessary skills and perform their current jobs well. Reward employees for their hard work by giving them a chance to move up the ladder.

3811008 I think HIllary actually could get some Republicans to work with her, since unlike Obama she has more political experience. But I know she's got a lot of things that she owes to special interests and corporations, and we saw with Obama how that prevented him from being able to bring about the changes he promised. If worse does come to worse, I will reluctantly vote for Hillary, if only because I think at least she's qualified for the job and won't make us look like a bully in the front of the world. But I'm not too confident in her ability to stand up to the corporations for more than a year or two. I really hope that if she wins the nomination this year, Bernie will still be around to challenge her for it in 2020, and he'll have learned from experience how to take her down.

3811176 You managed to completely miss the point of a higher minimum wage. There are good arguments why it at least might be bad but oddly you completely missed the point. This isn't about incentivizing work in any way, it's about minimum wage currently having crap purchasing power and said minimum is below what it takes to actually survive, especially if you have a family. The point is right now everyone needs to go up the later a rung and there just aren't that many positions. Raising the minimum wage isn't the only way to try and fix this issue, but that disparity between a living wage and minimum wage is the problem it's trying to fix, not anything else.

3811008 Because the only other serious candidate is Sanders. Which would be even worse in terms of deadlock I'm sure. As to why they're the best the Democrats could field it's because being President is hard enough job already and the republicans made it even harder on Obama with all the constant attacks not just on policy, but personally. It might be true for the republicans as well to an extent. A lot of senators and representatives said, nah, I have enough money and power already, i don't want to go though that. I don't think the Democrats would be quite as, we're against him on all matters no matter what, but then again at least with Trump I could see that, and sadly it could be that way with every president from now on with a congress/house against him/her.

I can see that, no matter how we look at things here, especially after last night, we're gonna be in for some major crap. Trump and Clinton are about as hot headed as they come in politics.

3811306 It's going to be that way until do something about how our politicans are paid. As it currently stands, they can get unlimited money from anyone because that's "Freedom of Speech", but there are inevitably going to be some people who have more money they can spend on politicans, and those people can effectively control what a politican says and does. This is why we need to reform campaign finance, and put caps on who can spend what on political campaigns. Let's also take away some of the pay benefits, make it more like how it was in the early days, where it was much more of a personal scarifice if you wanted a political career. Maybe even make it so that candidates have to come up with some of the money to run on their own, but it should be a reasonable amount. Too low, and anyone can run even if they're not qualified, too high and you make it so that only the richest have a chance to make and/or change the laws. While we're at it, let's put term limits on Congress, and probably for Supreme Court justices. If we limit the executive branch to two consecutive terms, it should only be reasonable that the other branches have term limits as well to uphold the system of checks and balances.

Truth be told I thought trump would have faded away at this point. But he hasn't and I fear that he will make this election something of an international laughingstock as time goes on. However I can not see him winning the general elections at all. He is too much of a demogogue to win over the national populace. I think come November Clinton will probably win with a large margin of votes and become president and that the gop will probably lose the senate but not the house. At least that's what I think.

I think your Country's fucked anyway, even if best candidate Sanders gets in (I'm pretty sure the old good guy is Sanders) he won't be able to do much because all the bad lobbies he want to change will want to keep their power (cough cough, looking at you gun lobby, learn boundaries and punishment).
If anyone else but Trump get in, nothing will happen, though they'll likely bugger something up and Yaddayadda.
And if Trump gets in, well, there likely won't be another election after his run...

And before you complain that I'm an outsider, what would I know,
Political Analysis is part of my job. So I do know a thing or two.

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