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Hey, guys, got a story you need reviewed? Well, feel free to send me a private message with the story you want reviewed and I will give you a review as soon as I can.

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  • 396 weeks
    Fire Emblem Fates Review

    Hey, guys. Sorry there is not really a Critique Review this week. Real life has been kind of busy with the last few days. Especially this past week. WIth Halloween and the fact that I have a couple members on my team who are just awful to work with. And it’s caused me a lot of stress this week and it’s affected my ability to work on my reviews.

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  • 397 weeks
    This is our story... #5

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    This is our story ... #4

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Critique Review: Nightmare's Parallel · 8:41pm Mar 16th, 2016

Hello, everypony. I am the Critique.

You know, most people say to me ‘Critique, will you stop stalking me?’ My usual reply is a ‘No,’ and then immediately getting thrown in jail. Because apparently I’ve bad mouth Celestia so many times that they can throw me in jail whenever they want. But another thing most people say to me is ‘Don’t you get tired of reading stories about horrible OCs.’

The answer? Yes, I’m very tired of it. But people keep writing them and so I have to keep reviewing them. It’s a curse I have the bare, but I do it for the safety of the world.

Oh, do not be such a drama queen.

Nopony understands what it is like for me. Day in and day out. The struggles I must endure. Picking a fic to read, reading that fic, writing the review, taking a shit, sleeping in til 12:30, watch images of Disney Princesses and jerk off to them. My life is truly hell.


Was that sarcasm?


… Was that sarcasm?


Alright, alright…

The story we’re going to review today is a story called Nightmare’s Parallel by Lord Sparda

And I’m not going to spoil it’s going to be bad, but there are some clear signs that might lead to that conclusion.

A unicorn pony named Brock

Okay, first off, Brock, assuming that is your name, is a stupid name for a pony. Seriously, how is it that so many authors can’t come up with decent names for their OC pony characters?

And you are a good example of this because you are named ‘The Critique’?

I never said I was a good example.

was given a destiny by nightmare moon herself when she was banished and he now has to free her from the moon during the summer sun celebration!

Okay, let’s pick this apart, shall we? First off, Brock was there 1000 years ago during the battle with Nightmare Moon? So, that means he’d have to be 1000 years old or older if he lived back then.

Second, assuming that he wasn’t born by the time Nightmare Moon reappeared and is just a normal pony, Nightmare Moon had enough vision of the future to see that she would be defeated and that a unicorn, just at random, would be the one to free her? Why couldn’t she have just used that foresight to defeat Celestia or not become evil?

Third, a pony was the one who released Nightmare Moon? I don’t remember that being in the original episode. Maybe it was in the extended cut.

and there is something he's been waiting to confess to her for a thousand years.

Wait, so he is 1000 years old? How?! I thought only alicorns like Celestia and Luna could live forever. Do you think that death is just optional in Equestria? That Granny Smith will live on and on and on. Spoilers, she dies in Season 14!

God, we haven’t even opened up the story yet and already I can’t follow it. A description of a story is supposed to sound enticing, not make me want to make for the hills and perform an exorcism on the fucking thing.

It was a usual morning for Brock.

It was a usual bad fan fic for the Critique.

He woke up, brushed his teeth, took a shower and left for work.

Ah, yes, the first images of a story that has so many twists and turns! That show such action and adventure, with many sacrifices and depth is starting off with the character brushing his teeth. Ooo, can’t you just feel how boring this story is already?

My god, not even the first fucking line of this thing is good! A good story would build up something that would give us some kind of idea of how the story is going to go. A line that makes you instantly invested. Why is this a lost art?!

Our story begins with Brock heading his way to work. The Golden Oak Library. Hmm… Where have I heard that name before?

No, that can’t be it. It was destroyed in season 4.

Actually, it is, since this is the beginning of the show as is stated by the movers. The movers are taking all of Brock’s stuff out of the library and moving Twilight’s stuff in. Something that Brock is pretty fucking pissed about.

"Hey! what are you doing with my couch?!" He shouted.

"Movin' it." replied the big guy's.

"But why are you taking my things away?" He asked them more calmly now.

"Princess Celestia's orders. She said she wants this place cleaned out except for the books and desks. And to have a bed moved into the top floor." The smaller of the three replied. Brocks eye's narrowed as he thaught about Celestia. He then returned to the real world and ran towards them.

I thaught I taugh a spwing eworr… I did! I did see a spwing eworr!

But when he hears about Twilight being invited to stay there, he changes his tone… rather drastically…

"Twilight Sparkle is coming to MY town?! This is the greatest day of my life! I must start preparing the ritual at once!" And with that he was off darting in one direction shooting in another gathering materials for a massive spell he was going to work on. "Ok i must hurry and get the spell ready and started by tomorrow morning if i wish to resurrect my master."

Umm… Why is Twilight necessary for Nightmare Moon to be resurrected? I mean, it’s not like she has anything to do with it! I mean, she’s not the conduite that brings Nightmare Moon back to Ponyville. It just happens because the spell is weakened by some dumb prophecy! Not because of anything Twilight did! She just researched the fucking thing!

Brock truly was your everyday normal guy in every way except one. He was the right hand man of Nightmare Moon herself. The night before she was banished to the moon she casted a spell on him and granted him immortality and he had lived in Equestria for the next thousand years.

So, yeah… He’s immortal. Don’t fucking question it! I guess they just hand out immortality cards to whomever they want. If Nightmare Moon can grant immortality to whoever they fuck she wants than why the fuck didn’t she make all of her followers immortal?! Why didn’t he make a cult to worship Nightmare Moon? Slit Celestia’s throat in her sleep? I don’t know! Fucking something better than “Wait 1000 years for the one pony who can defeat her so that she can defeat her.”

Brock: In retrospect, we really suck as villains.

Okay, so Brock goes over the list of all the items he needs to bring Nightmare Moon back to life.

His master had also given him a very deep glimpse of the future showing him her defeat, Twilight's arrival in Ponyville, and everything in between. He had been preparing for this day for a thousand years and it was finally time. He would go out into an open field and paint a circle with a crescent moon in it and he would lace the outside of it with sulfur and start chanting ancient magical incantations. And once the incantations took their effect the sulfur would seep into the paint turning the grass around the moon black and leaving the moon itself white. the effect of this would be so that when Celestia walked into the ring she would be trapped. And then as soon as the stars aligned with the moon Brock would zap the circle with a bolt of arcane lightning and Nightmare moon would be reborn. He just needed a dragon scale, sulfur, white paint, and a lock of Twilight's hair.

Okay… Forgetting for a minute that every single fucking sentence in these two paragraphs have either ‘He’ or ‘And’ to start with, why is he only now performing the ritual?! It doesn’t say he was waiting for a specific time period! He could have summoned Nightmare Moon whenever the fuck he wanted! You mean he had 1000 years of planning to perform the ritual and it never once fucking crossed his mind that the could perform the ritual early?!

Fuck, why the hell did he need to wait for Twilight to come to Ponyville?! He couldn’t steal a lock of Twilight’s hair when she was younger?! Before she met the rest of her friends, so that they couldn’t stop her?! Did Nightmare Moon just give really specific instructions that Brock dared not disobey her?

Nightmare Moon: Okay, I need to you bring me back to life at 11:32 p.m on March 21st, 1001. It’s very important that you don’t bring me back to life a second earlier.

Brock: But, what if I can resurrect you when your sister is weak or something? Should I bring you back to life before then?

Nightmare Moon: NO! No matter what happens, you follow this schedule precisely! I should be finished with Breaking Bad, Daredevil, and Adventure Time by then.

And… just when you thought things couldn’t get even stupider for a first chapter… Just… just look…

"How am i going to get close enough to twilight to get a lock of her hair?!" he shouted at himself. But then an idea hit him. he just remembered how twilight would go through the town and meet the other five elements of harmony.

Okay… wait… So… Nightmare Moon… knows about the other ponies that will inherit the power of the Elements of Harmony that will eventually defeat her… and … what the fuck does she do about it?!

Seriously, we are on chapter fucking 1 people! Chapter FUCKING 1!

How did this story fuck up so badly?! Forget the fact that Brock is going to steal a strand of hair from Twilight and a piece of Spike’s flesh from his body, lest we forget he needs a dragon scale, without either of them noticing! As if that wasn’t stupid enough, now he knows about the Elements of Harmony that will defeat his master.

Here’s a good thought… If you know who is going to foil your plan, why not make sure they can’t foil them? Hmm? Maybe drown them? Shoot them? Cut them up and bake them into fucking cupcakes?! For fuck’s sake, Nightmare Moon is a fucking idiot!

Seriously, how do you fuck up your evil plan this fucking badly?!

"Its just GENIUS! So genius that it has to work. Time to make preperations" And with that he was off again this time to go and find the materials he needed. He had paint and he had sulfur but he still needed three more things. A lock of Twilight's hair, one of Spikes scales, and the stars to align and his master would be reborn.

Okay… so … ‘the stars shall aid in her escape.’ That is a line from the show. So, my question is… if the stars are doing all the work… What is the fucking purpose of Brock? Why is he even here? No reason. There is no reason for this character to exist! The ‘fetch quest’ is only there for Brock, but Brock is there for nothing! There is no reason for Brock to exist in this story.

He’s a waste of our fucking time and thus far, so is this story. And we are not even halfway done. Not even halfway…

I need a drink…

We get to the only good line of dialogue in this story. Mostly because it’s taken straight from the show.

"My dearest Twilight, i am sending you to supervise the celebration preparations in this years location, Ponyville. And i have an even more essential task for you to complete, make some friends!" spike said to Twilight as the flew overhead.

Why do I have a feeling the story just found the script for the episode and just copy and pasted it here?

"But when will you make friends like the princess said?" Spike asked.

"Spike the princess said i need to check on preparations, but the fate of Equestria does not rest on me making friends." Twilight said proudly.

"Oh miss sparkle, you have no idea how wrong you are." Brock whispered and watched as she flew down to land. Then Brock gasped and sprinted into town he stopped as he saw Twilight walk up to Pinkie Pie.

Again, why are you waiting until now to take the lock from hair from Twilight?! Why did you take it from her when she was much younger and more defenseless?! Why didn’t you kill the other users of the Elements of Harmony if you knew they were going to foil your plan to bring back Nightmare Moon. Why the fucking hell do you fucking exists if you aren’t going to fucking do anything?!

Anyway, Brock runs into Rarity and the two of them share a conversation about how he lives below Canterlot in the slums and that he was forced to leave his job by Celestia.

… And that’s another thing I want to comment on. Did Celestia just not notice the pony who worked there has been around for a thousand years? How did Brock explain that one?

:trollestia: It says here you were born more than a 1000 years ago?

Brock: Wh-what?

:trollestia: I’m starting to think that you are some kind of immortal that Nightmare Moon made to bring her back to life through a contrived ritual even though it is the stars that aid in her escape. And you just want to bring her back so you can bang her when she gets here.

Brock: No… Um… That’s my… ancestor… We all look exactly the same.

:trollestia: … Meh, I’ll buy it….

Brock manages to trick Rarity into letting him help with the decorations, instead of sneaking her behind an alleyway and slitting her throat or something. Yes, help your enemies defeat you. You are a such a good villain.

Rarity then returns just in time for Twilight to enter and meet her for the first time.

"Just a moment please im in the zone, as it were." Rarity said happily. "Aah, Glitter always does the trick does it not? Now what can i do-" Rarity screamed when she turned to face twilight.

"What....... What happened to your hair darling?!

You aren’t even trying to copy the show anymore! First, it’s ‘Sparkles always does the trick’! Second, you couldn’t even get her to say her fancy line! What was ‘coiffure’ too hard to spell? … Actually, it kind of is…

He gets the ingredients from Spike and Twilight and goes back to his cave to begin the spell.

"Yes i have all the ingredients i need to finish the spell." After a half an hour more Brock left the town hall and waved goodbye to Rarity. He then sprinted to the crescent moon circle he painted on the grass. "Good its still here." He placed the dragon scale and lock of hair in the center of the circle and encircled the crescent moon with sulfur. the smell burned his nostrils but he quickly casted a spell on the sulfur to eliminate the smell. "Good that was horrid..... And now i wait."

… Wait, so he likes the smell of sulfur? … Okay... whatever floats your boat.

So he begins his ritual and brings Nightmare Moon back to life. Nightmare Moon tells Brock to send a message to Celestia about her return. Um… I think she already knows about it… that’s kind of why she sent Twilight to Ponyville to begin with. Did you even watch the first episode, story? I mean, watch it. Throughout its entirety. Because it feels like you were watching Youtube clips and just threw this together based off that.

So, Brock goes to Canterlot and warns everypony that-


Jesus, fuck! Calm down man!

Upon hearing these words the guards fell over and fainted.

… I didn’t know Rarity was in the military…

Celestia finally arrives and asks what’s going on and Brock rushes up to her and says-


Celestia, of course, believes this random pony that found Nightmare Moon, rather than … Oh… I don’t know… Fucking Twilight with the job that SHE sent her to do! And follows him into Nightmare Moon’s trap.

Nightmare Moon goes off to her famous reveal scene in the first episode and something I’ve noticed here and there… Take a look.

"I saw the signs and i know who you are." twilight said angrily. "Your the woman in the moon, NIGHTMARE MOON!" Twilight shouted and this made even Brock shocked at how much she really knew.

… Is this an anthro-fic? I mean, it still sucks either way, but at least I’d know why it was written then.

We then travel back to Twilight’s Library (Ha, ha, you lost your library! Pick who I insulted there. It works for both.) where she is trying to figure out what the Elements of Harmony are. The scene at least reminds me that the show still exists and that I haven’t seen the second movie or season 5.

Seriously, most of the chapter is just copy and pasted from the official script from the show, I almost forgot that Brock even existed, even when he comes back. It’s like the story knew that Brock was shit, so it just decide, why the fuck should he be here anymore?

When he finally does reappear, he goes back to Nightmare Moon to tell her what he saw. Nightmare Moon then tells Brock to go to the library in the castle where the battle against Nightmare Moon will take place. I’m sure it has an official title, but as with most things concerning Celestia and Luna… I don’t care.

Brock meanders through the library, not sure what the point of all this is, it’s just busy work to keep Brock from the plot.

Wait a second, I finally figure this out. This is actually what happened when Brock said he wanted to be part of the story and Nightmare Moon is playing the part of Lauren Faust, putting him in the story, but far in the background so that he doesn’t bother the other students who are trying to put on a serious play.

Mean? Hell, no. Brock’s got no business being there!

Nightmare Moon vanishes to deal with the ponies and reappears after sending… I’m sorry, what?

"What did you do?" Brock asked.

"I sent an angry hydra after them." She said.

I’m sorry, I was not paying attention. It looked like you said-

"I sent an angry hydra after them." She said.

"I sent an angry hydra after them."

angry hydra after them

A FUCKING HYDRA?! Really?! You sent a hydra at them?! Not sure if you’ve seen the series or not, but a hydra attack doesn’t happen until a few episodes down the road! The controversial faith episode hasn’t aired to piss off half the brony community yet!

Well, at least I can take comfort in a hydra chase scene. Out of place as it is. Let’s see the imagination that this story has to offer me with this scenario.

"Woo, that was a close call." Applejack said.

"Yeah thanks to twilight we were able to take down that hydra." Dash said.

"Yeah great job twilight!" Pinkie said.

"Oh it was nothing, all it took was an uprooted tree to the back of the head and it was over." Twilight said with a chuckle

After defeating the Hydra, the main six continue on towards the bridge, where we most likely learn that Friendship isn’t magic. It’s violence! See, Celestia?! I was right all along!

As reward of Brock’s service, Nightmare Moon gives Brock the Tome of Infinite Knowledge. No, I’m not making that up. I am not genius enough to make this up! I’m sad that I lack the talent to make this stuff up because this is gold, my friends! This is fucking gold!

He unsheathed them and saw a pitch black blade for each and then resheathed them. The second was a deep sea blue colored set of armor with a moon insignia an the chest piece he place the armor over his body and it clicked onto his body like it was made for him exactly. And the third was a black book with a sun AND moon insignia on it with a title that read "Sonsuz elm Tome" which roughly translates to "Tome Of Infinite Knowledge" from an ancient language that is now far beyond comprehensible.

So, after … that… we see Twilight gather up her friends and reveal that the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are inside them. To which Brock is dumbfounded and shocked beyond words. It’s beautiful…

"Oh no.... It cant be... It JUST CANT BE!" He said angrily as he saw the shadows of the other five and a spark of light shoot through twilights eyes. "No they can't be...... Those six PATHETIC GIRLS CANNOT POSSIBLY BE THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!!!" He shouted and then he heard loud words being spoke in the tower.

:twilightoops: Pathetic girls? Who was shouting that?!

Nightmare Moon: Oh, that’s uh… obviously the um… cat! Just ignore it.

So, Twilight and her friends defeat Nightmare Moon and free Luna from her grasp. And as Brock flips through the book, he sees a message from Nightmare Moon.

Brock, if you are reading this it is from Nightmare and i have been defeated by the elements of harmony and luna is free from me. You must go to the eastern tower and retrieve the scraps and pieces of my body and take them into the western watchtower. There will be another note on the throne by the scraps.

Wait a minute! You mean, you know that the Elements of Harmony were going to be a problem and yet you still don’t do anything about it! Why not have the Brock guy scatter them, making it harder to find them?! You know, for possessing a Book of Infinite Knowledge, you seem to, ironically, know very little!

Go back to the western tower and leave the shreds and scraps of me there and go retrieve a blood sample from twilight sparkle, a scale from spike the dragon, the remains of my body and a bowl of black tar and return to your home. There will be another note waiting after you have gathered the supplies.

Brock: Um… Nightmare Moon? What do you want scales from Spike for?

Nightmare Moon: I just like to sniff Spike when nobody's looking… He smells so goooooood.

Brock: Somebody’s been reading ‘Solar Embrace’

Nightmare Moon: That was a great clopfic that was overanalyzed by a no talent hack!

So, after a… fucking confusing as hell walkthrough about how to bring back Nightmare Moon. And I mean, step by step, every single piece of information, build your own translator from Star Wars: Holiday Special kind of walkthrough. It goes on for fucking ever about every single step on how to bring Nightmare Moon back to life!

I don’t give a shit about this! Just bring her back and be done with it already!

Now you have all the ingredients you must place them all in a large bowl EXCEPT the shreds of my remains. That means ONLY the tar, blood, and scale. Once this is done add some sulfur to the mix and use your magic to liquify the scale and sulfur. Now stir the ingredients together. Then electrify the mix of liquids and stir until the electricity has diversed. Once done, flatten the scrapes of my remains and pour the electrified mix onto each piece one by one EXTREMELY slowly. Now go back to the throne room of my castle and there will be a key on top of the throne seat along with another note.

Pick up the key, turn around and take 15 steps forward, then take 10 steps to the left. There will be a wall with a keyhole, place the key in the wall and it will move inward and slide to the side.

Take the book, read it, use the spell inside, and take the mannequin back to your house. Then when there take the shreds and place them over the open spots of the mannequin's body and electrify the mannequin.

Oh, my god! Are you serious with this?! I’ve filed taxes more exciting that this! Please, tell me you’re trying harder than this!

When i am revived i will not be the same Nightmare Moon. i will be....... good. And you WILL OBEY MY EVERY COMMAND. I will still have my memory but i will have no reason to bring about endless night anymore and i will be free from the curses of anger and hatred.

… … … … … I’m done…

No, I’m serious. I’m not finishing this fic. This is so stupid, there is literally no reason to go on. I mean, are you shitting me?! You’ve got to be fucking shitting me! There is no fucking reason why this should be here?!

Really, Nightmare Moon is now good because of a spell that Brock cast?! Are you serious?! Fucking really?!

You know, I’m not against villains reforming their ways, but for the love of God, have it make fucking sense! That’s like Sombra deciding he just doesn't want to be evil anymore! There needs to be a little bit more than that!

You don’t just turn a villain good without some kind of compromise! Even the fucking show knew that with Discord!

Fuck this fic, I don’t even care any more and I invested more time in it than the author did. So, let’s wrap this up as quickly as possible.

Brock enters Ponyville with Nightmare Moon and ponies are, naturally, freaking out considering what just happened. But of course, they all forgive Nightmare Moon, they throw a big fucking party, the entire plot of this story is bullshit, Nightmare Moon falls in love with Brock, they get married and live happily fucking ever after! God, fucking bollocks on a stick with shit on top!

What the hell is this shit?!

The last 5 chapters of the story is seriously Brock’s happily ever after. My god, the Lord of the Rings epilogue scenes didn’t drag on as much. And yet at the same time, they are so fucking rushed that I felt I dedicated more time to describing it two paragraphs ago!

And as if that was not bad enough… The author created the last 5 chapters as a giant wall of text. If that is not the definition of not caring, I don’t know what the fuck is.

This fic is just… sad… It’s just a very, very sad attempt at writing. I have no idea how this fic came into existence. It honestly has no business existing. The plot is atrocious when it isn’t ripping of the plot of the first episode.

It’s over really fucking quick and the rest of the fic is fucking padded with extra scenes like, Nightmare Moon giving birth or what kind of flowers will they have for their wedding. And even the plot of the first episode has big fucking holes in it. Half of them revolve around why the hell does this character of Brock exist?!

Like the story itself, Brock has no point. Brock doesn’t do anything, except turn Nightmare Moon good. Which doesn’t make any kind of sense because why would Nightmare Moon have a spell just lying around that would make her good? Wouldn’t she want another spell so that she can come back just in a different form with the same personality or something?! Or was that the first spell she could find and was too lazy to find another one?!

Brock barely interacts with the events of the first episode, so he’s not even useful to the plot until halfway through the story when the conflict is already resolved. Thus, we have no investment in him because he’s barely involved with what’s going on that’s important!

Not that he’s a great character to begin with. I’ll give the story points for not making him an alicorn, but those points are immediately overshadowed by how bland the character is. He’s not interesting, his 1000 years of life has not done anything except make him more boring instead of conflicted or insane or whatever happens when ponies watch 1000 years of friends and family die in front of them while they forever remain young.

The writing is beyond lazy. At first, I almost felt that the story was trying, but after seeing 5 fucking chapters of just giant walls of text, I realized that the author gave up on this fic long before I did. There is not a single shred of care or investment or interest in this fic and if the author can’t care about his fic, why the hell should the audience?!

I haven’t even mentioned the atrocious grammar, spelling, descriptions, and everything else that goes into a story that makes it flow. Most of these problems I’ve mentions are all story based because the story itself is one giant mess of shit!

This fic is shit. Pure, unadulterated shit!

Next week is my second year anniversary of doing this crap… and I’ve got a couple of surprises in store for you. They could be a bit… horrifying...

Comments ( 11 )

You know your crazy right?

3811515 im crazy and insaine

Yay for your second anniversary; can't wait to see what you have to deal with.

As for the fic, it seems like another crummy "Redeem Nightmare Moon" fic. Nothing new, just another Mary Sue doing what the canon characters can't.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find something good to enjoy

Nyx: Being an reincarnated reformed Nightmare Moon is MY JOB! get your own.

Sad to say this isn't the worst thing I've seen you review. If only because you've reviewed so much dumb, boring ass, crap like this it's hard to keep track.

3811625 Maybe... Or Maybe not. Who knows at this point? But I'm excited about this one. :pinkiehappy:

3812303 I think back and I've really reviewed tons of fics similar to this. I can't believe how many I've found... And I'm sure there are 1000s more still out there. :raritydespair:


The last anniverary you did had you going into madness, I shudder about this one.

3812525 Oh, it will not be like last year. This one... will be... Okay, it will be just like last year, just without the depression... Sort of... I wish I could spoilers! :raritycry:

Oh, do not be such a drama queen.

I instantly got the image of Rarity hitting Pinkie over the head with a paper and saying, "Oh' don't be so ridiculous"
Pinkie replies, "Why not. I'm so good at it," Finishing with a goofy grin. Much like this. :derpytongue2:

A unicorn pony named Brock.

To me, it would have been funny if it was a green unicorn named Broccoli, and has taken up gardening. A unicorn who desired to fit in with the earth ponies. Hay, I think I might have a new story in the making. :rainbowlaugh:

A description of a story is supposed to sound enticing, not make me want to make for the hills and perform an exorcism on the fucking thing.

I guess that is also partly why I happen to like most of the stories I have read, I usually don't read a story that the description makes me wish to run from it. That, and I am not all to picky with what I happen to like. :twilightsheepish:

Why is this a lost art?!

I don't think it is, not for all, but it may be for far too many, and are just too complacent in what they write. I know I am, to a point. So, I like the simple things in life. Simple things amuse simple minds, I guess.

Seriously, how do you fuck up your evil plan this fucking badly?!

I ask this of many villains in stories. It's just what they do! :derpyderp2:

if the stars are doing all the work… What is the fucking purpose of Brock?

That was my question at the start of this, when it was stated he is the one to free her. The stars was in the prophecy, not Brock.
I might have given the writer some credit for trying something different, and was the one who set the stars into action, to free Nightmare Moon, if it was not for all the other things you pointed out.

Setting the stars into action, does not seem part of his plan. I would have to read the story to know for sure, but I am not going to.

If he knew the prophecy so well, then why didn't he stop the mane six years ago when they were little fillies?

Did he need a scale from Spike, or would any dragon scale do? He could have killed Twilight, got a piece of her mane, and got any old dragon scale. All well before Celestia took an interest in Twilight, at the time Twilight hatched Spike.

Hell, if he did need a scale form Spike, and a fresh one from at that time he needed it, Why let the other mane six live? He but only need kill one to kill the prophecy.

Unless, it need not be one of them to be a bearer of the elements. Like one of my stories suggested. :derpytongue2:
OK, so my story is not a good example.

And if the scale he needed not need to be fresh, he might have gone where dragons live, and found one that has fallen off. Like the scale found to make the scale shield, in the movie Dragon Slayer.

Why didn’t you kill the other users of the Elements of Harmony if you knew they were going to foil your plan to bring back Nightmare Moon.

I was asking the same thing.

Wait, so he likes the smell of sulfur?

the smell burned his nostrils but he quickly casted a spell on the sulfur to eliminate the smell. "Good that was horrid

Some how I don't think that was the case. He could just smell it because it was in the air, not because he liked it. But, whatever.

"Your the woman in the moon, NIGHTMARE MOON!" Twilight shouted and this made even Brock shocked at how much she really knew.

I am shocked that Brock is shocked.

And yes, what is up with, "the woman in the moon" ???

"Tome Of Infinite Knowledge" from an ancient language that is now far beyond comprehensible.

I find something funny about that.

I got this book of infinite knowledge. But the knowledge on how to read it is long since lost. It is far beyond comprehensible! How ironic.

It's like when I think about getting one of those memory enhancing pills, but I always forget the name of it.
I am sure they are all snake oil anyway.

I am also willing to bet, he knows this lost language, making it not so incomprehensible.

And I can google "memory pills" making my need to remember the name of any out there, pointless, if I did intend to buy any.

So stating the tome is beyond comprehensible, is just as pointless, if he can read it.

He would have been better off saying- It is written in a old lost language, known to few like him.


OK, so maybe he is trying to make this into a human-pony-fic. Or what some only seem to think "anthro" means. But I am not getting into all of that again, as to what anthro is. It is close enough.

Next week is my second year anniversary of doing this crap… and I’ve got a couple of surprises in store for you. They could be a bit… horrifying...

Horrifiying? You mean more than what you reviewed already? How can that be? :pinkiegasp:
Well, we will find out soon enough.

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