• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 4th


Really, don't have much to say, I'm not a professional far from, I just like writing and the MLP universe is a good place to base stories around

More Blog Posts18

  • 264 weeks

    Ok, so I'm back, sorry needed to figure out a schedule around a new born. His birth was crazy, he's actually a tumor baby, so he gets a removal day cake, and if you get that joke, thank you for being just as fucked up as I am. Anyways, for those who don't know which is all of you I', a junior, my son is a 3rd hopefully he'll want to pass down our name and so forth and so on, until my name is the

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  • 269 weeks
    Hey All, some news

    My baby boy was born on the 4th, he's healthy, I'm tired, he's tired, my fiancee is tired. Honestly I truly have no idea when I'll have time to write again, I'm making this blog on one of the occasions that he's asleep and she's asleep. I'll try and write chapters during times like this but no guarantee, after all he's a newborn so he'll need attention. For a few days I'll be the one who's up

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  • 291 weeks
    I'm not crying, it's liquid pride.

    So writing Chapter 26 currently and I'm such a huge sap. Fucking.... aaahhhhhhh... well you all will see what I mean. Though.... eh nevermind, that won't be for a while, just enjoy the ride. It should be up tomorrow morning.

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  • 293 weeks
    Ok ok so i just noticed something

    If you go back and watch the music video clip for love is in bloom, you can see Luna just standing there GLARING at Celestia, like... is she mad that she wasn't woken up for the wedding or something? Or was she upset she didn't get to kick changeling ass, I'm so confused but I also laughed for a good 5 minutes.


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  • 293 weeks
    Q's for the Q&A Chapter

    Just what the blog title says, this is where you can leave any and all questions you have for the Q&A directed either at myself or any of the characters. I don't really have any stipulations other than take some of the character's ages in mind, i suppose I can list them here just to keep you up to date.

    Chris- 26
    Fluttershy - 30
    Twilight - 27
    Rarity - 28
    Pinkie - 28
    Applejack - 29

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Season 6 Premiere review... opinion · 4:59pm Mar 26th, 2016

I don't write reviews, really this is more of an opinion.

We're doing the good first.

There were no music numbers/this wasn't a musical episode.

Now, Starlight Glimmer freaking out about seeing her old friend who she thinks is a super important wazzard working out of the Crystal Empire. Her apprehension and fear is understandable and relatable, after all she did try to steal the cutie marks of EVERYONE including the 6 main protects of the planet, and we all know how that goes... to shit, it goes to shit. So her not wanting to talk to her friend about this is a given, after all if you fucked up royaly and almost caused the destruction of the world, or your country, or hell even just your house, of course that's not something you'd want to tell someone who you think, and I repeat think is someone majorly important. It's like, let's say... your friend became the president, or Queen/King and you work at McDonalds as the drive through person or somewhere equally as shitty. Of course you're going to feel inadequate next to them so you either try to avoid talking about it, or you lie and make yourself seem more important. Which Starlight and Sunburst did. So that was a good point in the episode, was that entire conflict. They resolve it and long story short, end up saving the Crystal empire through deus ex machina bullshit.

Another, surprisingly, good point for the show was Spike, :moustache: that's right, they actually wrote Spike right for once, more than I can say for myself honestly. I'll admit before i started writing I was upset that they didn't use Spike more and/or better but unless the story or chapter is focused on him he's not really important to ANYTHING so you can't incorperate him well. BUT THEY DID, WHICH WAS AWESOME! Basically, he was the voice of reason, and that's when he's at his best in my opinion. The opposite example of that is Princess Spike where he's mad with power and has no reason... or really ANY spike episode. Anyway, back on track, Spike is the voice of reason, he always has been, because he lived with an obsessive and OCD all powerful magical unicorn who loves micromanaging everything so he had to learn how to be the calm one to, obviously deal with Twilight. And That's what he does with Starlight in the premiere. He keeps her on track, with the help of Twilight's list to an extent, of course since he's in the Crystal Empire he's the big hero and he's big heaed about that so when he is asked to tell the story of how he saved the empire after Starlight sees his statue he falls right into that trap, but he knew it was one as given when he was done, he said he knew Starlight doesn't want to do it but avoiding it is worse. He's growing just as much as everyone else even if it isn't as obvious. And at the end of the episode Twilight is all pouty because she thought she failed Starlight because she wasn't there to give her advice. To which Spike poitned out, that's exactky what Celestia did to her, push he rin the right direction but let her live her own life from there. And twilight goes, "Well I never thought about it, but yeah, she did." Good on you purple smart, as dense as usual. Insert starlight clapping

That's it for the good. Now for the bad.

There were no music numbers, and the opening still sucks.

PRINCESS MOTHER FUCKING FLURRY HEART! GOOD LORD WHERE TO BEGIN? (Warning this is massively biased since I don't actually like babies as is.) She is the most annoying thing this side of a poorly written Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash in general. I don't know something about baies just annoy me, again biased but she's so much plot cancer it's ridiculous. OH SHE WAS BORN AN ALICORN, THAT'S NEVER HAPPENED (I'll delve more into that later). OH SHE SHATTERED THE CRYTSAL HEART WITH HER MAGIC SCREAM, BECAUSE WE NEEDED AN ACTUAL PLOT TO MAKE THIS RELEVANT, even though... you easily could have made a good premiere revolving around Starlight and Sunburt, seriously, I have so many ideas. AND THEN BAM THE ONE THING THAT CAN FIX THE CRYSTAL HEART SHE BLASTS A BEAM OF MAGIC CUZ SHE SNEEZED RIGHT THROUGH THE BOOK THAT CONTAINED THE SPELL, even though in the end it wouldn't have worked anyway. But guess what the thing that can fix the Crystal Heart, the fucking 1 thing is the spell mixed together with the crystalling, whcih is a play on christening, OF THE FUCKING BABY, like.... wow.... ok. Plot convienent baby. but honestly I could forgive all of that, literally of of that, if they didn't make her so sickeningly cute and play the whole "oh she's only a baby so she's innocent" card. Like yes she's a baby but a baby that's THAT fucking powerful? REALLY?! :flutterrage:

I'm ok, breathe... :pinkiecrazy:

Outside of that, the pacing as usual was pretty shit, everything was resolved in the last 10 minutes of part 2, which isn't really surprising since they have a track record of doing that. Overall I give it a 6/10 solely for Spike and Starlight alone.

What they could've done to make it better and still have kept something of this assemblance of a plot was bring back ol' Doctor Sombrero himself, make the baby ACTUALLY useful, instead of bullshit useful, I mean either way it still would've been bullshit but at least it would have been warrented bullshit. And hey we could get Sombra back, give him more lines than just crystals. More development, anything cuz when a knock off silly putty commercial has more air time than you, that's just sad :applecry:. Anyway I'm done ranting so I'll just leave it off on this.

Apparently the baby was the first ever BORN Alicorn, so that can mean 2 things for Celestia and Luna.

1: They were made Alicorns like Cadence and Twilight, but that leads into who made THEM Alicorns.

2: They just popped into existence one day.

Personally I prefer the first one cuz it leaves more room for story. Anyway, leave what you all thought of the premiere in the comments.

Comments ( 2 )

I agree with you i mean come on i thought the mlp staff have already comfirmed that luna and celestia was NATURAL BORN FUCKING ALICORNS FOR FUCK SAKE ........ COME ON

But the only bright side that i can think of in this episode is that they FINALLY AFTER ALL THIS TIME gives both twilight and shining parents voices

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