• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
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More Blog Posts113

  • 28 weeks
    The Massive Ponyville Ciderfest 2023 Wrap-Up Report

    As of this writing it is now Wednesday after Ponyville Ciderfest 2023, and I've had a few days to sort of process my thoughts a little. This weekend was one for the history books, but also one that was intensely personal to myself and even my wife.

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  • 35 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest!

    Oh hey, yes indeed I am going to be at Ponyville Ciderfest in November!

    What's more is that I've got an actual short story in an ACTUAL PHYSICAL BOOK that they're selling at the convention!

    See the link for more information on this.


    This convention is going to be so much fun. COME TO CIDERFEST!

    - Joe

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  • 48 weeks
    The TrotCon 2023 Report

    Man... where do I even begin with this weekend?

    Let's do this one more time.

    My name is Volrathxp, and I was bitten by a... wait wait wait, wrong franchise. Sorry about that folks.

    Let's talk about Trotcon 2023.

    Day 0

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  • 52 weeks

    Definitely not dead here. Just have had a lot to work through with recent projects and work has been intensely busy.

    If you were at Whinny City Pony Con and came to my panel, thanks for stopping by! I brought a physical set of Starlight for the charity auction and it raised $700 for charity!

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  • 82 weeks

    I'm back from vacation, so probably going to try to get back into writing mode. Things should hopefully be a little less erratic.

    Definitely planning on getting things going more for Spark of Life. I've been off the track a bit so should get back on here.

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Happy Fourth Anniversary! · 1:15am Apr 4th, 2016

Four years. Four years ago, I embarked on an ambitious project. A project of proportions greater than anything that I had ever done before.

And now it's four years old. Fallout Equestria: Starlight.

It's odd for me to look back at it and think "Man... I really sat down and wrote over 600,000 words of ponyfic" but I don't regret it at all. Starlight was a labor of love, one that I greatly enjoyed.

And now, it's done for good. The final formatting edits have been completed, and Starlight itself has been finally fully completed. I'm never going to touch it ever again for edits. It's so done that I am in fact, giving away a physical copy of Book I (Prologue - Chapter 11) over on Patreon this month. The details of this giveaway, and some changes to my Patreon are as follows:

- Supporters have until April 15th to sign up for Patreon and support me. All levels of donations, all the way down to $2 donations, are eligible to win, but you must be an active patron before the 15th. I will be randomly picking the winner and announcing them on April 15th.

- After the giveaway is completed, I am going to be changing up some of my higher level patron rewards. allowing those of you who donate more to be eligible to privately purchase copies of Starlight at wholesale printing cost + shipping on an as-desired basis. Private donations will also receive this reward (so if you don't want to make a subscription donation, but want to make a one-time).

- The winner of the giveaway will also be given the opportunity to purchase further copies of Books II, III, and IV on an as-desired basis as well, that way the winner does not need to win future giveaways to complete the set. Of course, they will be allowed to enter as well if they desire.

This is not the last giveaway I'm going to be doing. I am planning on doing more of these soon. The more patrons I get, the more that I will be able to do these kinds of things and with higher regularity.

In addition to the Book giveaway, I've also updated the e-reader versions of Starlight! Check the story description for links to download them! They are super sweet.

And finally, to you guys. The readers. You guys are the best. I do what I do, for you. And I greatly love and appreciate all of you. Whether you're following me for my FoE content, or whether you like my non-FoE work, I appreciate you taking the time to give me a bit of your time. You're all awesome.

Thanks so much for four years of awesomeness. I'm out.

- V

Comments ( 26 )

Same here, a physical copy is key.


I mean, obviously a one-time private donation is one of those kind of special things. I'm not expecting anyone who will be willing to do this to throw down $2 and expect something like this. This is one of those "PM me and tell me how much you want to donate" deals.

So basically if you are interested, do just that. PM me, and we can hash it out.

happy anniversary

I'm sorry, but... Patches always looks like a bad OC, to me. Love the character, but her model just makes me cringe and hate the pony creator more.

~ Neon Lights


Erm... her name is "Patch", not "Patches". :raritywink:

I haven't used pony creator in a long-long-long time, so I'm not sure what you're referring to here. Patch actually was one of the more interesting characters, I felt.

3847153 It's the color scheme. I, by no means, degrigate the character. It's more of a... well, she just reminds me of a pony creator created OC, as far as apearence. I'm not saying this is what you did—just the impression I got. You, or no one else, may share my feeling, but it's still the impression I always get, so sorry.

Love the story, love the characters, just... eh, it's a feeling.

~ Neob Lights

Just so you know, Patreon doesn't allow raffles.

They don't allow reward tiers that involve raffles. But this isn't specific reward tier. Every patron, no matter what tier they chose, is eligible to win. But I never could get a straight answer. Since lots of creators choose the raffle giveaway, I'd not make a big deal out of it.

I'm using paypal for this one. But paypal cuts $0.42 to itself... In a month I'm gonna get a new card from my bank, so I'll change the subscription to the card.

I still can't decide some details, but the UWQHD wallpaper should be finished in three months. Just wanted to ask you, do you prefer Radiant Star as TS or herself?

I admittedly didnt even know about this till today (the Printed Fiction Hardcopies group has been keeping tabs) but I am curious now about your story.

Would you know roughly how much the donation would cost for a physical copy? I would love to do a recurring donation, but I just can't afford it. (Well, depending on how much it would cost.) but I'm looking to do a one time donation. And I'm guessing you'll start taking the donations and preparing the books after the giveaway? Also, happy (kind late) anniversery, Starlight! :)


What Rainwell said. Specifically, Patreon's rule is no raffles in reward tiers. See here.

This isn't what i'm doing. I'm doing a general giveaway. So again, let's not make a big deal about it.


Star as her purple form is fine, and just FYI, I've already dealt with AFimFictionUser. PERMANENTLY. MUAHAHAHA. (J/k he pm'ed me)


PM me concerning a one-time donation, and we'll talk.


That's kind of cool. I didn't know this group existed.

3850618 My mistake. When my friend showed me that a while ago, I must have glazed over the "reward tier" part. :twilightblush:


No worries! It's easy to get confused sometimes. I get confused all the time! :rainbowlaugh:


Right, that being said, how does the whole patreon thing work?


Patreon is actually pretty simple and easy. It's kind of like a kickstarter-ish type of thing where people pledge money to content creators (such as writers, artists, etc) in exchange for a reward system. In my case, most of my Patreon rewards function off of me writing more content specifically for higher rewards (in some cases cameos, in others me writing actual content, at the highest allowing for actual story collaboration in writing their own chapter of something like Tales of Chicacolt, etc).

Basically, it's a way for readers to support content creators. For the most part, most content creators operate on a per month pledge basis, providing ongoing support.

I've really found that not only has it really spurred my writing (as you can see by recent postings that I've been working on things prompted by my patrons), but it has helped me really connect with some of the folks that really like my work, and I love that.

Really though just check the site. www.patreon.com it explains it all.

This group is unfortunately dedicated to hardcover books. Let's hope the admins don't mind the post there.


I think its more or less printed fiction, though I could be wrong, but its helped me keep track of projects that i honestly thought originally were few and far in-between.

3850900 Ok, so if I read this right, I get to poke your Patreon, help you out some financially and get a opportunity to buy a set or two of your story, ok lets do it!

Edit: I think I did it right

3862615 Yay, I forgot to update that. Yeah, hardcopies as all physical / printed books. I wasn't sure because all the listed fictions there were all hardcovers and no paperback at all.
We talked with Cucharrador, gave him some ideas. He was nice enough to even promote our list in pinned comment in the forum.


I've got that one open in a tab right now actually. quite nice

Is it too late to get a printed copy? I just found out about this.


I am always accepting private donations for sets. This is still currently the only way to acquire a set. I am planning on another small giveaway on Patreon this next month.

If you are interested in a private donation, PM me.

4053802 Ah okay. How much is it to get a physical copy? I saw there was a reward for both a physical copy but also to write an addition to one of your other stories. Considering that I'm really bad as an author, I'd rather not pay for a spot in your story that I'm not going to use. Is there an option for just the physical copy?


As stated before, I do accept private one time donations outside of the Patreon system.

The primary reason I am doing it this way is I don't have the resources or the demand for a full scale print run, so I offer them through Patreon and private donations as ways to thank people who support me and my work.

That being said, all Patreon reward tiers starting at $15 offer being able to purchase physical books on a piece meal basis as desired by the patron.

Again if you are interested in relevant details please feel free to private message me. We can discuss in greater detail there.

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