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Kamen Rider Amazons Live Reaction Episode 2 · 1:43am Apr 13th, 2016

Kamen Rider Amazons Episode 2


The episode begins where the last one left off, with Haruka transforming into Omega's incomplete form and entering the fray. An interesting thing now that we get a look at his transformed state, while he doesn't look as much like him as Alpha, Omega DOES resemble the original Amazon a good bit.

He's also completely feral and animalistic in his fighting style, especially compared to Alpha. While he clearly also isn't as good a fighter, he's enough to overwhelm Bat. One thing I'm curious is what 'rank' the Amazon duo are, since we know the individual Amazonz have ranks.

The group aren't stupid and decide to NOT jump into the battle when they have zero idea what's going on. Though we then learn something strange: one of the other members grabs Ryuusuke's pad and learns something: the Amazon Duo aren't in the data base. That IS strange, especially since Alpha has some equipment he clearly didn't make himself Haruka is being monitored by their direct superior. Clearly these two are known. Suspicious!

Also, Amazon Omega shows that yes, he can bite like the original can, by pretty much mauling Bat. Unfortunately, we don't get a cool mechanical jaw like Kamen Rider Gills though.

I should note that Alpha's basically just letting Omega handle this one, just standing there watching.

Nozomi makes an observation however: the Amazon duo don't have armlets like the others. Which just confuses Shido more. He asks Jun (last name Maebara), the one who snatched the tablet, to check Ryusuke's stats and finds he a Rank B.

Shido tries to talk to Ryuusuke, but he just reacts with snarls and growls. That's not good...

Meanwhile, Omega has gained the upper claw on Bat and begins pounding on him. I can say him because we saw his human form before.

Though one thing I do wonder is if Bat was genuinely turned back to his human form or can just assume human form but not mind to lure in victims. He didn't speak and clearly helped munch on that woman, so I'm leaning towards the latter and saying he was just mimicking his human form to better get his prey.

Doesn't do him much good here as Omega proceeds to step on his wings and throw the rest of him, tearing them clean off. Once more, this IS Amazon we're talking about, so that doesn't surprise me. While Bat is obviously stunned by pain, Omega leaps into the air and brings a flying stomp down on his head, crushing it. Nothing TOO graphic, but black blood IS spilled and Bat dissolves into goo, definitely dead from that.

Most brutal Rider Kick ever...does that count as a Rider Kick? I'm not sure.

With Bat dead, Omega decides to turn his attention to Alpha and goes after him. However, given Alpha is in full control of himself and seems much more experienced, and fends him off. Omega then collapses and Alpha says it's because he hasn't eaten and thus won't last very long. So apparently the Amazon transformation requires more food to maintain. Logical. He proceeds to knock Omega out, but is interrupted by Shido before he can do anything more, who is logically asking questions.

I like these guys, they're actually COMPETENT. Kinda refreshing from a military force in Toku.

That said, Nozoma questioning if they should kill him...uh, lady, he just slaughtered the monster that was giving you trouble and DIDN'T attack you, you're kinda jumping the gun a bit.

The group doesn't know what to do and questions what they need to do. Mamoru chooses to go check on Ryusuuke...and reveals he DIDN'T know he was another Amazon, which reveals that Amazonz can't sense each other, at least if they haven't came out. However, Ryuusuke ISN'T in control of himself, and chooses to attack Mamoru instead. He DOESN'T recognize them.

This is interesting. Alpha has his belt, which I'm assuming is letting him control himself, but what about Mamoru? Why is he unique and in complete control of himself? I'm curious about what's going on here.

Regardless, the acting IS good and manages to make it sad even though we haven't known these characters long.

Fukuda, still wounded from the Spider Amazon, manages to crawl over. Good, he's not dead. I thought he was.

However, a woman (I think the one who Alpha was with, suddenly arrives in a jeep and helps Alpha get himself and Omega to out of the situation.

Between their wounded allies and Ryuusuke being completely berserk, they have no choice but to leave them to pursue him as he runs...and they manage to make it heartbreaking. Mamoru especially.

Also, Fukuda is kinda awesome given he's tough enough to keep going despite his stomach wound.

However, they lose him and all they can find is what's left of his outfit...and his Armlet. Which is ALSO how they were tracking him. They've lost him.

Then they come to a painful reality: Ryuusuke is going to begin feeding. And the group are now decidedly unnerved by now knowing. They're contractually obligated not to ask...but that changes when their friend suddenly transforms into a berserk monster and goes on the warpath. Shido agrees, and is clearly ticked off (and rightly so). With no way of tracking any of the Amazonz they ran into, their only option is falling back.

However...Ryuusuke was able to revert back to human form and is out in the woods...and his inner monolog is horrific: he doesn't know WHY he lost control. He was hoping he'd be like Mamoru...he just wanted to live as a human, not as a monster.

Meanwhile, Shido is FURIOUS with his superior and demanding answers...and their only reply is that they 'couldn't' have known that Ryuusuke was an Amazon because the Armlet doesn't begin transmitting unless it's owner transforms...Sorry, weird corporate guy, I don't buy that for a second. How could you NOT know one of your hired guns was an Amazon? No blood tests? Nothing?

The group continues to demand answers...and finds the man is in the same room as them...and admits that they deserve some answers. Well that's refreshing.

They still don't like him because of how snobbish he is. Don't blame them.

We then cut away to Mizuki, who's trying to get to get a hold of Haruka or her mother...and we find out she's being bullies at school.

Reika explains that 'an employee found him' and he's 'hospitalized'...while watching video of Omega fighting Bat.

Reika states that there's still time before he 'fully awakens' but there's no way to return him to 'dormancy'. So I'm guessing that's what the medication was doing? Keeping this transformation in check?

Back with the Pest Exterminators, the man explains that the Amazonz are created from Amazon Cells, artificial, virus-sized artificial life-forms the Nozama Pharmacy created. They're not very advanced, composed mostly of proteins...and has human cells as it's favorite food. They're human-eating cells...okay, question: why do scientists always create things with a taste for humans? How many OTHER ways could that turn out?!

The ones that were grown into a humanoid form are the Amazonz. Two years ago, an accident happened, releasing the Amazons onto the world.

Seriously, what idiot decided 'hmm, these cells have a big hunger for human cells, let's make an entire life form out of them'? HOW ELSE DID THEY EXPECT THAT TO GO?

Not complaining, it works as an origin, just wondering what idiot in that lab thought that could end well.

Back with Alpha, he puts an Armlet on Haruka (who's reverted back to human form. Also, the inside of the Armlet is filled with spikes...ow...Haruka has reverted to human form, but naturally didn't appreciate that being slapped on his arm.

Alpha asks him if he remembers what happened...and he does. And is HORRIFIED at what happened.

Alpha explains that it's because he's an Amazon...something Haruka is completely in the dark about and having a reasonable breakdown about. Alpha just finds it funny and laments he doesn't have any info to give them.

We find out that Alpha's real name is Jin, and the woman is either his girlfriend or wife and named Nanaha.

He brings Haruka food and explains they NEED protein to survive...and asks if he ever wanted to eat someone.

Haruka is naturally horrified and replies no...which Jin replies means someone must have helped him since he 'didn't have an Armlet'.

So yeah, the shots and meds Reika gave him were keeping his Amazon Cells in check. The Armlets work exactly the same way. If the meds run out...the Amazon transforms and gains a hunger for human flesh.

So yeah, stopping his meds? NOT a good idea.

Jin explains that once you transform, the drugs no longer work to suppress the transformation and they lose control, but they 'caught him in time'.

Kudos to Haruka's actor, he looks suitably terrified and scared, and makes me genuinely feel sorry for him.

He follows Jin up to the roof and assumes the chickens are his pets...which they're not, they're food. He explains that even before he transformed, he only ate what he killed himself. But reassures Haruka that no, he hasn't eaten any humans. This whole mess finally gets to be too much and the poor guy throws up.

Seriously, I LOVE this whole scene. It shows both Jin's smug confidence, and Haruka's lived the last two years as an normal, sheltered person only to suddenly be thrown into a mess that WOULD horrify any normal person.

Back with the Pest Exterminators, the man explains the Armlets only have enough medication in them to last for two years, then they run out. The Amazonz have run out of the meds suppressing their Amazon Cells and are beginning to transform into out of control monsters.

I give this show this: I feel for the Amazonz. The Pest Exterminators HAVE to do what they're doing to save people, yes, but the Amazonz didn't WANT this. They didn't ASK for this. They were made this way and once they transform, they go completely berserk and can no longer help but consume people and it seems it's simply not possible to actually revert them to sanity again.

They naturally question how the man can be so cold about this whole thing and logically point out that they're just helping cover this up. The man replies it's to avoid panic. Dude, if it's to avoid panic TELL THE FREAKING MILITARY. I don't buy it and neither do they.

And then Nozomi asks the big question: how many are there.



The group are horrified...and so am I. That line is terrifying and gets the right amount of weight.

The man explains that thankfully the Amazonz won't all transform all at the same time, and Ryuusuke's time was today.

However, they suddenly get a call from Ryuusuke...who explains he's sorry...the real him is an Amazon.

I'm reminded of one of the Persona games where someone you befriended reveals they're not human and their true form, trying to convince the player to kill them saying 'See? I'm not human, you don't have to worry about killing me.'

The group hopes he can be like Mamoru, but the man reveals it's impossible: once an Amazon has fully awakened, they become impossible to control. Mamoru's haven't awakened so the Armlet is enabling him to control his transformations.

Guess that's what Jin meant when he told Haruka they 'caught him in time'.

They manage to track his signal and head out to find him...and the man explains that they still no nothing about Alpha and Omega and to let them go for now...

Jin intercepts their message and Jin invites Haruka to come along. Jin explains his goal: to exterminate the other Amazonz...and that it includes him, but actually has a reason for it: they can only DELAY his situation with the Armlet, not cure him. So to kill him before he loses himself would be to let him die without being compelled to take a human life. He also points out that to kill him now would be for him to die without a purpose...which implies Jin sees this as HIS purpose.

The irony is...Jin isn't necessarily wrong to do this. The Amazonz who he's being lead to have ALREADY lost control, so killing them is mercy. Killing Haruka...I can at least UNDERSTAND his reasoning if nothing else. It's a decent moral dilemma.

He grabs his belt and heads out, leaving Haruka reasonably upset. Nanaha tells him that Jin WILL keep his word, but Haruka is naturally not in a good mood.

He admits that if he has to eat someone some day, being exterminated before that can happen is a tempting proposition.

Nanaha explains that he's the same type of Amazon as Jin, but different. If Jinn is wild, then he's 'domesticated'. Interesting choice of words.

Nanaha explains she lives with Jin because his way of life suits her, but she respects him wanting to live gentle...but also if he doesn't do SOMETHING he'll die soon and offers him a second belt they have, saying it will make him stronger.

Where did these belts even COME FORM? I'm curious.

However, seeing the belt seems to cause his Amazon to begin trying to break out of it's cage again...

Meanwhile the Pest Exterminators are on their way...and question whether or not they're going to kill Ryuusuke...and it's clear none of them wanted to...and Fukuda admits that it was easy when the monsters weren't someone they knew...but a friend they've known for two years is another story.

We cut away to Ryuusuke...who's STRUGGLING hard to hold back his transformation and can't do it much longer...and admits he's suffering serious Horror Hunger.

Jin arrives and finds him first...right as he can't control himself anymore and transforms.

I wonder if Ryuusuke was hoping the others could save him...or would arrive to kill him before he lost control.

Jin transforms and engages him in battle.

The Exterminators finally move out...but none of them WANT to.

Shido asks why they joined...for the world? For mankind?...And admits they were all in it for the money...and seems disgusted with himself for that. He tries to rationalize killing Ryuusuke...but it's clear even he doesn't believe that.

This is sad, but that means it's well written. I was honestly worried that I wouldn't care about this situation since we've only known them for an episode.

Nanaha tells Haruka that even if he get his own food like Jin, he needs to resist and try and control himself. To try and LIVE.

Back with Ryuusuke, Jin has gained the upper hand as the exterminators...and Shido advises them to not attack him unless he does first...

Back with Haruka, he is still thinking about this...does he die without harming anyone, but with no purpose? Or does he actually do something with his life?

He realizes that the Amazon, which he's seen in his nightmares and mind, is HIM. Just a different part of him.

Back with the Amazonz, the group moves in...and Ryuusuke seems to recognize Jun (I think)...who can't bring himself to open fire on his friend...sadly, his friend isn't in there anymore...and mauls him...who just sadly accepts it because he can't bring himself to hurt his friend...

I don't know if he's going to survive this...he's not moving.

The group opens fire on Ryuusuke to try and save Jun and Mamoru transforms and attacks him to try and save his friend.

Meanwhile, Haruka's Amazon begins to break free and he finally uses the Driver to transform. Omega proceeds to leap like the Hulk across the entire city, now in his complete form.

Seriously, am I the only one who this show reminds of the Hulk?

Ryuusuke manages to overpower and badly wound Mamoru, proceeding to turn his attention towards the rest of the group as they fire on him. There's nothing of Ryuusuke left in there.

However, Omega makes his arrival, but jumping a VERY long way and landing right on top of him.

Omega's complete form is cool, streamlined and very Rider-like...but I honestly like Alpha better. It looks a bit too different from Amazon's original design for my tastes.

Alpha notes that Omega's belt has red eyes instead of blue, wonder what that means?

Regardless, Omega begins fighting Ryuusuke...and is still a bit of a berserker as opposed to Alpha and I'm not sure how much in control he's in, but he at least seems to be able to control himself to a degree.

He activates his finisher: Violent Punish as the belt calls it. It causes the blades on his forearms to extend and he charges Ryuusuke, the two jumping past each other...and Ryuusuke topples over, half of him staying on the cliff, the other half falling to the ground below. No entrails or anything, but blood to be expected. We don't get a close up.

Rest in piece Ryuusuke. Glad you're out of your misery.

Nice to see they remembered Amazon's classic finisher was a slashing attack, not a kick though.

Alpha confronts him...and seems game for a fight as the episode ends.

Over all, this was a good episode. It explains what the heck the Amazonz actually are, and to a degree why Mamoru is different than the rest, as well as some details about them.

And it did one thing REALLY well: made me feel bad for the monster. Ryuusuke was only around for one episode, but dang was I sad about everything in this episode. It takes genuine talent to make a character who's only been around for one episode's death feel sad.

Liking this so far, but dang did this tug the heartstrings.

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