• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
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A good story isn't measured by how long it is, but by how long it stays with you.

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Reading Rainbow's "One Full Day" Hardcopy Edition! · 7:02pm Apr 22nd, 2016

Hey, guys!

Do you all remember my story Reading Rainbow? Do you remember the story within the story that Rainbow Dash read to Twilight while laid up in the hospital? Did you ever want to hold and read that poem in your very own hands with your very own eyes?

Well, now you can!

I have fleshed out plans for a fully illustrated hardcopy version of Reading Rainbow’s “One Full Day” poem. It will feature approximately seventy-six—yes, seventy-six—pages of illustrations by the amazingly talented Ruirik[1,2]. They will accompany a fully updated, better-flowing rework of the poem’s phrasing and meter.

How much is it? Well, isn’t that the ever-burning question! Prices will depend on how many people are interested, but guidelines are as follows (before shipping costs):

0-59 books ordered: Project cancelled [3] :fluttercry:
60-99 books ordered: $30/book
100-199 books ordered: $25/book
200-299 books ordered: $20/book [4]
300+ books ordered (stretch goal!): $15/book

Yes, you read those prices right. Only $15-$30 for seventy-six pages worth of pony. That’s your standard price range for one standard picture by your standard pony artist. I am also considering allowing a few slots for OC background features for those who want to put in a little extra. Current sizing is planned to be 7"x9".

But now that we’ve gotten prices out of the way, let me talk about why.

I am not doing this for monetary gain. I have never accepted money for ponies, and I don’t see myself doing so any time soon. Ponies are a labor of love; they always have been.

So what do I get out of this? I get a piece of my work—a part of who I am—on your shelf. Not just a digital bookshelf on the internet, on a real shelf or even a coffee table in your home. To be able to say that I have made a story not just a reality but a physical reality is more than I had ever believed when I first started writing pony words so long ago. That’s something special I can carry with me all my life.

This is a wonderful community that I have loved being part of for the last holy-crap-it’s-really-been!? five years. I have learned much about life, who I am, and what it means to be a human being in this strange thing we call our world, and I will never be the same—in what is very much a good way. I have only you all to thank for that.

I originally started writing at the tail-end of Summer 2011 (way back in the days of Transcendence) because I wanted to give back to a community that had gotten me through a long summer of utter boredom [5]. And now that I have acquired a new mindset, perspective, and set of skills, I can continue the cycle of friendship and togetherness this community has fostered from day one [6].

I have a few charities in mind. Every penny over cost of production will go to one or more of the following, or, if you like, feel free to suggest a few others where you’d like to see your money go.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Ronald McDonald House
Doctors Without Borders

Comment below or send a PM/telegram/instagram/carrier pigeon/smoke signal my way if you are interested in a copy. Now, I ask of you: go spread the word, and let’s make this a thing!

Onward and Upward!

[1] God, I hate using footnotes, but parenthesis in this blog will only clutter to hell and back.
[2] For reference, Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss has forty-four pages.
[3] 60 orders at $30/book will be the approximate cost to break even
[4] Project upgraded from ‘flat color’ to ‘cell-shaded’
[5] Like seriously, oh my God was I bored. But then I found ponies, and that changed. I read ponyfiction at least 8-12 hours a day, and I was still insatiable.
[6] Except for, you know, all that extremist and counter-intuitive ‘love and tolerance’ stuff way back when. Ahh, the memories...

Comments ( 43 )

Fuckin' sold.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Okay, I'm interested.

Sounds cool.

But I'm afraid the project won't get over a hundred orders.

I desire this.

I am interest! Sign me up please!

I'm interested.

MY problem will be the price and the time that it'll be out (more the time-frame than the price, though, really), as I've got my eye on another fan-produced book atm.

Site Blogger

I want one.

*screeching sounds with clawed hands*

I'd buy one, definitely.

Comment posted by JustSomeRandomUsername deleted Apr 27th, 2017

Please add me to the list :twilightsmile:

I am interested in a copy

I'm interested

Interested in one for myself.

Y'know what? I'm interested. Loved this story.

My carrier pigeon appears to have flown off with the telegram cabling so I'll have to resort to old fashioned comments.

This has been one of those rare pieces of fan fiction that has left a lasting impression on me ever since I've read it. I'd be most happy for the opportunity to add it to my bookcase and reread it in physical form. To top it all off the author and artist of Fire and Rain, a story I've recently had the chance to enjoy, will be illustrating it.

Unfortunately I lack a very large network of friends who might be equally interested in acquiring this book, but I do hope you'll be able to realize it.

Sure I can add another physical book to my physical shelf.

Would you have a kickstarter or something? Or just try to organize it through these comments? I'd probably be interested.

Wow, another printing? What's going on theses days with people getting there work printed?

Not that I'm complaining. I love getting me some good pony stories in physical form. Where do I sign up?

You just did. :twilightsmile:

If it gets down to 20 I'll definitely get one, but over that I can't say yet

Comment posted by Xam deleted May 13th, 2016

Pony poetry and Ruirik art? Hell yes I'm in. I'm firmly committing to buy a book, and I'd also like to express interest in the OC thing (at least as far as finding out what the added cost would be).

In interested in this, just remember to send and collect from a PayPal invoice before ordering any of the books.

Interested, i'll be keeping an eye on this one too

Also if you want to drum up more business, there's a facebook group dedicated to both MLP fanfiction print projects, and looking out for new ones


Might be worth checking out, though only admins can post new topics. Gotta send them a note about this project.


Sure sign me up! I really hope we manage to make it to the cell-shaded art stretch goal.

I'm totally in

The Printed Fictions Hardcover group found this out and I have come looking. Lets do it.


Give me a shout if you need some help there

I'd be interested in a copy.

I would like one.

Sign me the hell up if this is still going

Is this still a thing? I'm interested but, like always, might be too late. :applecry:

No, you're not too late, but I actually have to make an important blog post regarding this soon. Consider yourself added to the list.

Any news on this? Were there enough people who signed up? It seemed like quite a few were.

Yes, it will happen. I'll be making a blog post within a few days detailing updates.

Thanks! I can't wait. :D

I love your poem. Thanks.

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